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Dead Island: is there a quick weapon-swap ability on the PC controls? I know of the weapon swap radial menu, that's not what I mean. Hubby's sitting on the couch with his Xbox controller, able to hit a button and instantly swap between a couple weapons whenever he wants, no radial menu pop-up ... it's not fair. :p


This game has enemy level scaling. Boo. The driving is utterly horrible (on KB/mouse). Other than that ... I guess it's fun. Nowhere near as good as Borderlands tho. Nowhere near.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Finished The Whispered World. Thought that to be pretty darn good. Ending was kind of a copout.


Started up Borderlands 2. A melee build zero isn't that interesting at these low levels. But the higher level talents look like tons of fun.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Dead Island: is there a quick weapon-swap ability on the PC controls? I know of the weapon swap radial menu, that's not what I mean. Hubby's sitting on the couch with his Xbox controller, able to hit a button and instantly swap between a couple weapons whenever he wants, no radial menu pop-up ... it's not fair. :p


This game has enemy level scaling. Boo. The driving is utterly horrible (on KB/mouse). Other than that ... I guess it's fun. Nowhere near as good as Borderlands tho. Nowhere near.

Lol.. I thought you would like Dead Island. I ended up not buying it because I read too many reviews that stated it was somewhat like Borderlands but with LESS exploration and smaller maps. :facepalm:

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M4-78EP... a final testrun before it's release 0_o




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Have anyone played the pyongyang racer? A great game... :w00t: (I mean seriously,really seriously :shifty:... )

I have struggle to understand a Universe that allows the destruction of an entire planet. Which will win this endless conflict - destruction or creation? The only thing I know for certain is never to place your faith entirely on one side. Play the middle if you want to survive.


Everyone else is a fanatic. I am Gauldoth Half-Dead. Your savior.

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Dead Island: is there a quick weapon-swap ability on the PC controls? I know of the weapon swap radial menu, that's not what I mean. Hubby's sitting on the couch with his Xbox controller, able to hit a button and instantly swap between a couple weapons whenever he wants, no radial menu pop-up ... it's not fair. :p


This game has enemy level scaling. Boo. The driving is utterly horrible (on KB/mouse). Other than that ... I guess it's fun. Nowhere near as good as Borderlands tho. Nowhere near.


There is a way but I'm struggling to remember. I think maybe hold down the mouse wheel button when you're in your inventory and it comes up with a radial menu you can assign things to. Then I think you can use the number keys, the up/down mouse wheel function or the mouse button for the radial menu again.


If that is wrong though then keep trying keys and buttons, there definately is a quick select method for mouse and keyboard.

Edited by Serrano
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Finished Caesar IV, barely. Kind of still want to play city building games so might go back to Caesar 3 or Pharaoh

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Halfway through KOTOR2 - completed Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine, just landed on Onderon. Never used the restoration mod and I've forgotten enough of the game to not notice much, but am looking forward to the HK Factory.


I'll get back on the LP presently, but I really didn't expect K2 to be this fun after all those years - back when it first came out and I played the whole thing at 7fps.

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Lol.. I thought you would like Dead Island. I ended up not buying it because I read too many reviews that stated it was somewhat like Borderlands but with LESS exploration and smaller maps. :facepalm:

I'm not sure about the smaller maps part. The island feels kinda big initially and it's "seamless" so far, with no loading screens, so hard to tell. There's some sense of exploration early on, not sure about later. My main issues with the game seem to be mechanics and controls rather than gameplay. Plus...nothing but zombies gets kind of old. At least BL has somewhat more varied enemies.


But it is some fun, don't get me wrong. I don't dislike/hate Dead Island. Just feels like a game that could have been a lot better with some changes/tweaks. :)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Spend about 7 hours doing the third stage of the Eden event in Anno 2070 and realized that while I could probably build a fleet to wipe out the npc factions, there is not enough copper on the map to let me finish the main objective even if I do start a war to get at the copper on other islands.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Unsurprisingly I did end up reinstalling BG2 for the first time since 2005, even more unsurprisingly I have both lost my original BG1 CDs except TotSC and managed to stuff up the mod installs for BG2 resulting in no item descriptions but everything else working OK. Nevertheless, I will be playing through the BG series as soon as I can overcome the PEBKAM errors.


And despite saying that their D&D games would not go on special GOG is selling them for ~$20 as part of a bundle today only, for anyone feeling inspired by Tigranes' LP, though the Gamersgate D&D Master Collection at $10 (all IE games + TOEE, redistributed GOG versions; main difference to the GOG version is that it is a unified download and has fewer games) is a far better deal IMO. GG is also selling the individual games at a discount, which GOG ain't doing, and has the NWN bundle which I think is the only current way to get hold of NWN2 +xps as a DD.

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Anyone knows why Steam is downloading a good 7.9gig for Fallout: New Vegas for me?


Random Steam stupidity? Or do other people also have this hefty download?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Dead Island: My save game disappeared. Vanished. Poof. Gone. Not in the menu loading options. Read about the save game corruption issue (auto-save would stop working) that's supposedly fixed, but mine's just gone. Nothing to load. Frak it, it wasn't much, I'll start over. If it happens again tho, I'll be mad. Games should ALWAYS have a MANUAL SAVE option. :banghead:


Anyone knows why Steam is downloading a good 7.9gig for Fallout: New Vegas for me?


Random Steam stupidity? Or do other people also have this hefty download?

It's not downloading the full GB. At least, it wasn't for me or many others. When it starts, the "progress" bar is actually almost full and it goes from there. It seems to just be redownloading most of the DLC sounds.bsa files and one of the DLC's Main.bsa files. Why, I don't know. Steam burp or possible fix with sound files.


These are the only files I found that were redownloaded:

DeadMoney sounds bsa

GunRunnersArsenal, both Main & Sounds bsa

HonestHearts sounds bsa

LonesomeRoad sounds.bsa

Oldworld blues sounds.bsa

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Ahh, so I wasn't alone in noticing a New Vegas "update."


Still on Borderlands 2. Can't break myself from it.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Working on a Cultural/Diplomatic type game for Civilization 5. Playing on an Archipelago map as England. I have 4 cities. I really should have stuck with 3 but I really, really needed that 4th city for the oil/aluminium it had. It's probably killed me chances of a Cultural win, but it's allowed me to survive having Rome declare war on me.


Rome is currently sitting pretty at the top of the ladder with America in second and myself in third. A few dozen turns back Rome decided that he'd had enough of my **** now that Persia, Egypt and the Celts were each down to just their capitals leaving me as the next weakest empire. Of course, playing as England on a water based map does have it's advantages. While I don't have a huge army by any means, a good half of it is made up of triple promoted battleships that are specced for naval warfare and can move 9 hexes per turn. When the war started Rome was listed as having the largest army at 520k soldiers while I was in third place with 130k. I think it's been around 30-35 turns now and while my army has grown to 170k soldiers, Rome has had his beaten down to 420k. No one has taken any cities from the other side, although Rome did manage to take 2 city states on the other side of the world that were allied with me and has amusingly gotten his butt kicked by Brussels who is sitting on a 1 hex island with no other land in it's radius. Rome keeps offering peace, but he's asking for all my gold and cities so he gets laughed at.


This will be my 4th game in a row of small empires. The next one is definitely going to be a domination victory. Being pushed around by everyone is no fun.

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Yeah it's good. One big question though. Why is there no PVP arena.


Other than that I'm finding it too easy both in coop mode and soloing. The arenas were the most fun I've had. I think there's just too many levels, it makes getting the difficulty right too hard. They should have 5 or 10 gun tiers instead of 60. You find one you like and 5 minuites later it's obsolete.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Playing.. More accurately; Trying to play Alpha Protocol. I am not sure whether it's bugs, flaws or design blunders that complicates the game, but I am pretty sure that it could all have been avoided, but then it would probably be a much shorter game. I think I would like that game more. I find the game to be strangely intriguing, baffling and disappointing.

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They should have 5 or 10 gun tiers instead of 60. You find one you like and 5 minuites later it's obsolete.

Just because it's a little better numbers wise doesn't make it the better gun.


I spent a lot of both BL's using the same darn weapon for 10+ levels simply because nothing else I found was truly better. Especially in BL2, where dmg might be higher but accuracy sucked or it was a gun that has really wobbly sights or weird bullet trajectory or some other very annoying to your personal playstyle thing. :lol:


...altho, in BL1, it was a bit different because you'd find a Pestilent Defiler or Hellfire and suddenly nothing else was any good for 15+ clvls. Heh.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Still on Borderlands 2. Can't break myself from it.


It's still fun. I've only got one lv 50 character so far, and I fully intend to have everyone hit the eventual (increased) level cap. Also it's fun to make a new variant of a high level character just to show off to new players with your super rare skins/heads.


....Wow, I play too much TF2.


They should have 5 or 10 gun tiers instead of 60. You find one you like and 5 minuites later it's obsolete.

Just because it's a little better numbers wise doesn't make it the better gun.


I spent a lot of both BL's using the same darn weapon for 10+ levels simply because nothing else I found was truly better. Especially in BL2, where dmg might be higher but accuracy sucked or it was a gun that has really wobbly sights or weird bullet trajectory or some other very annoying to your personal playstyle thing. :lol:


...altho, in BL1, it was a bit different because you'd find a Pestilent Defiler or Hellfire and suddenly nothing else was any good for 15+ clvls. Heh.


It doesn't help that the majority late-game enemies and raid bosses are typically shielded and armored so fire elemental weapons are useless against them. Coupled with the resistance applied to all enemies in TVH mode it's pretty troublesome (it seems as though it rolls for each hit to determine whether or not the enemy will resist the damage.)

Edited by AGX-17
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