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Anti-Dragon Age 2?


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Lety's rate BIO gaems sicne people are rating themw rongly.


NWN - best overall game ever


BG2 - top epic game


DA/DA2/ME/ME2/JE - very good games that are underrated


ME3 - okay game that not as good as its predcessors


BG1 - really fun atb reklerase but does not hold up over time... this game would be trashed if it was released in 2012 and not b/c of 'dated graphics'


KOTOR1 - extremely overrated. Average game, and basically a wannabe rip off of NWN OC

This is pretty much correct.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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NO. Underrated. People clima it's worse than DA1 and it isn't. And, peopel pretend that BG or KOTOR is betetr which is just laughable. LAUGHABLE. DA2 > KOTOR + BG1 combined.


No contest.




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I always thought Dragon Age 2 was rated as a terrible game and that people were pretty accurate with that. The attempt at exploring a different story telling approach by looking at a location through time is what is not given enough credit perhaps, but otherwise it is Bioware's worst game.


Kotor I feel is their best game. The story worked well. The humour was neither overdone nor did it break immersion. Companions and romances did no turn the ship into a soap opera.


ME may have been a good game on consoles, but the PC port was not as good as it could have been. I personally have objections with the writing and story and feel those are highly overrated. I felt ME improvd gameplay wise over the next titles in the series but deteriorated even more in writing.


DA was a good game as long as you did not think about the story. Looking at the story just a bit more could easily break the spell. The DLC, other than Stone Prisoner was terrible. But I deffinitly got my money's woth and long hours of enjoyment out of the game.

I made the mistake of reading the novels ...

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"Kotor I feel is their best game. The story worked well. "


Then you must have the NWN OC since KOTOR is nothing but a cheap knock off rip off rehash theft of NWN OC.




Then again, any BIO game > KOTOR


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Lety's rate BIO gaems sicne people are rating themw rongly.


Ok, here's my opinion on the matter:


NWN OC was crap. SoU was average and HotU was good. Overall, the premium modules were only average too, with the the possible exception of Witch's Wake and Pirates of the Sword Coast. What lifted NWN above just being a very boring, average CRPG with one good expansion was the toolset and that's what it will be remembered for. Unlike NWN2, which will be remembered for Mask of the Betrayer, and you can count on that being the longer lasting legacy.


I don't know what "top epic game" means, but agree that BG2 is great.


I think that DA is a good game that, today, can be modded into a great game. The expansion was good too but the DLC's varied wildly in quality. I don't think it's underrated -- it pretty much receives the credit it's due. DA2 is not underrated. It's crap. BioWare's worst game by far and it showed us what happens when they're not given their usual development timeframe (ie. "it will be released when it's done").


ME and ME2 are not underrated either -- I really don't understand where you're getting this -- they're good for what they are and stayed true to their genre (unlike the DA franchise) and are given their due credit. Also, Lair of the Shadow Broker is probably BioWare's best DLC to date. It's up there with Obsidian's FO:NV DLC's.


BG is a very solid game with an average story. Its strengths are in its combat system, colorful characters, its environments and its freedom of exploration. Tales of the Sword Coast was good and Durlag's Tower was amazing.


I tend to agree that KotOR is overrated but I don't think its worse than NWN OC. It made an impact at the time because there had never been a Star Wars game like it but it hasn't aged well.


I haven't played Jade Empire or ME3 so I can't comment on them.

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Personally I feel games like DA are everything that are wrong with RPGS in this day and age:


1. The story is seemingly in-depth cause u have so many "choices". However most of them are pretty lame and cliche.

2. The gameplay is more akin to God of war but with customizable skills...while God of War isn't a bad game I prefer RPGs to be more tactical than a fast paced hack & slash

3. Voice Actors are often annoying. I believe that most voice actors for these games are people who dislike video games...and hence their horrible voice acting.


A lot of people complain about RPGs having good linear of a story or slow paced combat.....it is all about balance really.


Baulders gate struck a nice balance with story and non linear game play


Whereas many RPGS like the earlier Final Fantasy series & Lunar are linear stories but ones that are interesting all while allowing for gameplay that is challenging and fun.




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If someone wants to imply that DA2 is "objectively" anything other than bad, they're going to have to qualify that statement with examples from the game that demonstrates its worth. Because more than enough people have laid out long-winded arguments about how it's a piece of **** and why even if your standards are below average, it doesn't change the fact it is a horrible game that should be taken has a hard lesson about designing such games in the future.


KOTOR1 is a fun romp, but yes, it's not very "original". But despite that, I could actually load it up and play this very minute and still find tons of fun going through it a fifth (sixth?) time. I never even finished NWN's original campaign and you couldn't make me play through DA2 if you paid me 10 bux.

I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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DA2 is a very average game. The reviews back that up. It has decent graphics, music, voicework, etc. I didn't enjoy it all, but that doesn't mean I put it in the same class as a broken or poorly produced game.


I think arguing it is a poor RPG is a more successful track. It smacks me as closer to an action game than many that wear the RPG genre moniker. That being said, Diablo 3 is called an RPG too.

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DA2 is a very average game. The reviews back that up. It has decent graphics, music, voicework, etc. I didn't enjoy it all, but that doesn't mean I put it in the same class as a broken or poorly produced game.


I think arguing it is a poor RPG is a more successful track. It smacks me as closer to an action game than many that wear the RPG genre moniker. That being said, Diablo 3 is called an RPG too.


This summarizes my view on the game.


I also want to add that I enjoyed the narrative, seeing what happens to Hawke and exploring your party members histories and respective quests. It definitely was a playable game, but not worth bragging about.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

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I enjoyed all the Bioware games. With NWN and DA2 being on the bottom of my favorites. I'm still hoping for a Jade Empire 2.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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ME3 is good for what it is, if you can get past the endings and the weapon switching cut scenes.


Eh, I was also disappointed in how linear ME3 was, and how you finally got to visit various homeworlds and they didn't have any real quests other than whatever main mission you were currently on. I know the whole game was supposed to be a "race against time", but I still felt they underused the various homeworlds, most notably the Asari homeworld.


Ironically, ME3's combat was its saving grace for me. Since the game is obviously meant to be more of an action/shooter, I think the faster pace shooter elements worked well for it. But I thought a lot of the other aspects fell short, not just the ending fiasco (though that was kind of the giant turd on top).


I still maintain that if you could combine ME1's main quest, ME2's party sidequests and depth, and ME3's combat, you'd have a pretty stellar ME game.

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"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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"I think arguing it is a poor RPG is a more successful track. It smacks me as closer to an action game than many that wear the RPG genre moniker. "


DA2 has way more role-playing in it than the the majority of so called RPGs included that oevrrated piece of crap BG1.


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NWN point blank was Bio's greatest game ever. It wasn't great because of the OC though. That was crud. I don't see that it's the same story as KoToR...but even if one does, you can have the same story with one written well and the other terribly. For example...taking two movies which are as similar as the OC and KoTor...we'll say ET and the Phantom Menace. ET has pretty good writing, maybe not stellar, but fun and enjoyable. The Phantom Menace on the other hand....


NWN was brilliant because of the ease it allowed one to make their own modules, run their own adventures, and giving the players the power to make the game their own.


I actually pretty much love the ME series.


DA origins was pretty good. It was very different then the BG series, despite that they said it was a spiritual successor. As a game it was better than just about anything else released at the same time.


DA2 had some interesting dynamics. I actually liked the dialogue and ideas in that reign. The story was not bad, but terrible in execution. They had interesting character ideas, but also, terrible execution. They made great characters hated, not because it was intended, but because of how terribly they thought about how to write the characters and the story. They made certain things so obviously out of place, you were left wondering what they were thinking. The further you went in the game, the worst it gets (culminating in one part where you are defending the mages, you defeat everything coming at you, maybe not even really hurt, and the head mage STILL turns into an abomination and ATTACKS YOU!! For NO REASON AT ALL). Sloppy.


DA2 did have some really good things with it, but the execution was pretty darn bad.


ME3 was actually pretty good overall...but you could tell much of it was rushed. They cut corners. That's why I think they had fewer dialogue choices and less true side quests (fetch quests of scanning a planet does NOT count as a side quest).


The timelines they were given to finish games is what I think has cost them some trouble with their latest games of DA2 and ME3. That said, given their constraints I still think they did a good job on ME3.


Jade Empire I felt was just the opposite of DA2 in some ways. Brilliant story, well written characters and story...but I didn't really care for the combat system and much of the gameplay. Some of the ideas were pretty cliche and sometimes I think may have been insulting if I were oriental. But they managed to do a good enough job with the writing to make it a great game.


BG on the otherhand...classics. The entire series. To this day...the one of the ultimate D&D experiences.

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It has decent graphics, music, voicework, etc. I didn't enjoy it all, but that doesn't mean I put it in the same class as a broken or poorly produced game.


You're going to make me, aren't you? You guys really ****ing are.




The first zone of the game is the most ugliest **** I have ever seen in a recent 3d video game. It's N64 era quality black **** you're walking on. Go replay the tutorial zone for all of five minutes and wonder how the **** something like this went through a professional studio.


There's where you're wrong, number one, on graphics.


Number two, voice work is a major detriment to the game, because the main character is voiced, you have a severe limitation of dialogue options. This game has some of the worst script writing I've ever seen. Please, someone post the picture of the "I wish to be a dragon" / "I'm hungry" lines in action. They're sufficiently stupid enough to summarize what is otherwise a short awfully constructed narrative.


The reviews are gross. Go to metacritic. So many high scores for this piece of ****.


And yes, it is a bad RPG, but if this is you definition of an "average" game - like we should accept an "average" game getting a review score of 80-90 - then this certainly doesn't belong in that category of 'average'. If by average you mean it is so bland and mediocre that it is a 'passable example of the medium' then you would probably not disagree with the following statement, "Jack and Jill, a film by Adam Sandler, is an "average" film in the media of film-making. It is a passable, acceptable, 'normal', even deemable 'okay' example of a motion picture."


In which case, I would vomit, because that's the level of DA2 - a recent Adam Sandler flick. Are we going to accept such insipid, shallow, empty, souless, trivial, childish, inane **** as "average"? Are we? Do you find things so bad they're not even mediocre "okay"? It's "okay" to give such a game a >75 rating on a website?


I'm tired of this. I asked for in-game examples. Don't provide 2 sentence rebuttals and be like, "Oh but it's not /that/ bad! I played it not expecting it to be that horrible and I finished playing it! So it can't be that bad! Even though people have demonstrated arguments and reasons for why it's bad, I'll just say that they're a little mistake or overzealous about it! *cute face*"


Don't make me go through my BioWare-hate ammunition because I have a plethora of pictures - oh wait, here's on on ME3. You say ME3 wasn't "that" bad too? I guess I can't blame you, considering how it's the shortest game in the series, with all of its quest content replaced with WOW-inspired fetch quests.




But I guess it wasn't that bad, since it had at least a few more unique places to visit, compared to DA2, which had you returning to the same 3 locations over and over. I guess, if we say that DA2 is an average game, then ME3 is "above average" and we should be thanking BioWare for including 1/3 less content in their games as they did in 2007, just filling it with filler to make it seem long - we shoud be praising them for releasing such tripe in 2012, because it's "less tripe-y than Call of Duty or Angry Birds, which probably make up the "average" of games purchased per year per capita".


I am not willing to accept this level of trash as "average" - when BioWare set the standards in November of 1998 with Baldur's Gate. I know that was a long time ago, but if they can't live up to the standards they created back then, we shouldn't suddenly lower the standards because we're desperate. If BioWare doesn't want to create products that are good, if other companies in their wake don't want to, we shouldn't support them. Or does it sound appealing to you, to spend a premium on expensive entertainment products (video games require an expensive computer, maintenance and skill to run said computer, as well as a high purchase cost of $50 or more USD plus DLC plus nickle and diming), and get a ****ty product in return?


If you want to defend BioWare, take it to their forums. I've heard enough of their apologetic fans and I've heard enough of BioWare's excuses from its own mis-guided staff. Dragon Age 2 is a bad game and Project Eternity better be nothing like it. There is nothing remotely good or acceptable about the game in its current form. It may have had "potential" in the pre-natal stages of development but what you can play today is what we're talking about and it's a piece of bloody ****.

Edited by anubite
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I made a 2 hour rant video about dragon age 2. It's not the greatest... but if you want to watch it, here ya go:

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It has decent graphics, music, voicework, etc. I didn't enjoy it all, but that doesn't mean I put it in the same class as a broken or poorly produced game.


You're going to make me, aren't you? You guys really ****ing are.


Haha, I love posts like this, +1 for you!

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