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I'm not sure how legitimate this was, but I remember some fans were mad that it was supposed to be a wookie planet, instead of ewoks. That made some sense. But I always loved the ewoks myself.

Yeah, it was supposed to be Kysshyk or whatever, but they changed it because finding a bunch of kids and little people is a HECK of a lot easier than finding 600 giants.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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ROTJ needed an Ewok massacre scene, would have showed how evil the Empire was and such.


Ewoks are a symptom of everything that was wrong with ROTJ (and every successor SW movie after that). An Ewok Pest Control campaign wouldn't have shown the Empire as evil, since there is nothing likeable about Ewoks.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Guest The Architect

George Lucas said there's a section of the fanbase - usually the whiny nerds, that get upset with any aspect of Star Wars that is childlike. They want Star Wars to be tough like the Terminator 1 & 2 and forget that the films are aimed at children, too. What put me off the prequels was the corny romantic dialogue and Gayden Christensen, who somehow managed to make the corny romantic dialogue even cornier, not Jar Jar Binks.

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George Lucas said there's a section of the fanbase - usually the whiny nerds, that get upset with any aspect of Star Wars that is childlike. They want Star Wars to be tough like the Terminator 1 & 2 and forget that the films are aimed at children, too. What put me off the prequels was the corny romantic dialogue and Gayden Christensen, who somehow managed to make the corny romantic dialogue even cornier, not Jar Jar Binks.

I think we all agree that Hayden Christensen is the Jar Jar Binks of episode 2 and 3.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Ewoks are a symptom of everything that was wrong with ROTJ (and every successor SW movie after that). An Ewok Pest Control campaign wouldn't have shown the Empire as evil, since there is nothing likeable about Ewoks.


Well in a story sense, Ewoks are innocent thingies. Sadly all we got was one of them dying.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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usually the whiny nerds


Stopped reading there.

Cowboys.com is now a gay dating site…GreenBayPackers.com is something we shall never discuss again…EVER.

Shakespeare said: Play to those who get it. Don’t dumb it down “to split the ears of the groundlings.”

Groundlings: The lowest common denominator.

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George Lucas said there's a section of the fanbase - usually the whiny nerds, that get upset with any aspect of Star Wars that is childlike. They want Star Wars to be tough like the Terminator 1 & 2 and forget that the films are aimed at children, too. What put me off the prequels was the corny romantic dialogue and Gayden Christensen, who somehow managed to make the corny romantic dialogue even cornier, not Jar Jar Binks.


IV and V are watchable by children, his logic is faulty. VI was supposed to have taken place in Wookie planet, **** him.



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Guest The Architect

All the Star Wars films are watchable by children because they're part of the target audience. Jar Jar was meant for children (that sounded wrong) and like the ewoks, the character backfired with many adults. Some people get on their high horse and act as if he somehow ruined the film. No, I think midichlorians and the line "Are you an angel?" had a lot more to do with Episode I being underwhelming than Jar Jar.

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George Lucas said there's a section of the fanbase - usually the whiny nerds, that get upset with any aspect of Star Wars that is childlike. They want Star Wars to be tough like the Terminator 1 & 2 and forget that the films are aimed at children, too. What put me off the prequels was the corny romantic dialogue and Gayden Christensen, who somehow managed to make the corny romantic dialogue even cornier, not Jar Jar Binks.

I think we all agree that Hayden Christensen is the Jar Jar Binks of episode 2 and 3.

While I'm hardly a fan, Sir Laurence Olivier could not have done anything with the lines and directing supplied by GL.

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No matter what, Christensen was a level above the Manequin Skywalker from the Phantom Menace.


Of all the kids they looked at, the "perfect" young anakin was the one who was incredibly obnoxious and atrociously wooden? What were they smoking??

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I always presumed they were looking for a Macauley Culkin type actor, but he was too old. In fairness to all the actors though, McGregor was... decent and Portman was almost passable and they're both generally well regarded otherwise, so there was clearly something else going wrong quite apart from the quality of acting. "Yippee!!!" and "Are you my mummy an angel?" simply could not have been delivered well because they're fundamentally terribly written lines. Just about everyone involved was one of stilted or bland, except for Palpatine who was a (pretty good) pantomime villain/ scenery chewer, depending on the film.


Ultimately the blame for the shortcomings of the SW prequels has to go back to GL who was the one in charge and was primarily responsible for picking the actors, writing the lines and directing the thing ("Faster! More intense!") even if McCullum is actually listed as director. If they'd worked well the plaudits would have been his, as it is you get the distinct impression of someone with good basic ideas but who has literally no-one willing to give him decent Criticism and tell him when stuff doesn't work- or that he simply ignored any criticism given.

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"VI was supposed to have taken place in Wookie planet, **** him. "


'Supposed' to? He's the damn creator of the work... it's supposed to eb wherever he damn welll decides it to be.



P.S. They should have gotten the actor named Jonathon Jackson to play Anakin Skywalker. He was up for the role, and it would been interesting tos ee what he could do.


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i actually like that little brat as darth vader


darth vader was a bully. in the original star wars he is more or less a schoolyard bully shoving people around and being a jerk. (oh you think my religion is funny? well how funny is it when i use it to choke you? not laughing now are you!)


that little brat kid from phantom menace looked like the kind of kid who would grow up to be a bully (ie very self centered and ****y)


edit: can't say cochy (replace h with a k)? why censor why??

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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All the Star Wars films are watchable by children because they're part of the target audience. Jar Jar was meant for children (that sounded wrong) and like the ewoks, the character backfired with many adults. Some people get on their high horse and act as if he somehow ruined the film. No, I think midichlorians and the line "Are you an angel?" had a lot more to do with Episode I being underwhelming than Jar Jar.


The Ewoks were just overutilized. As was Jar Jar. They were both blatant pandering for the sake of future spin-offs, but the Ewoks succeeded where Jar Jar was just insufferable and maligned by nearly everyone. Of course, Phantom Menace was basically a space-Nascar movie that happened to have some Jedi and Natalie Portman tacked on.


Also, Mass Effect.

Edited by AGX-17
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I actually liked the Phantom Menace, other than the podracing bits.


And you know it's bad writing when even Natalie Portman, who is generally a good actress, comes across as cringe-worthy on the screen.


I just noticed it now. Jake Lloyd reminds me of the Starchild. No wonder I find the Starchild especially annoying.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The Ewoks were just overutilized. As was Jar Jar. They were both blatant pandering for the sake of future spin-offs, but the Ewoks succeeded where Jar Jar was just insufferable and maligned by nearly everyone. Of course, Phantom Menace was basically a space-Nascar movie that happened to have some Jedi and Natalie Portman tacked on.


Also, Mass Effect.

I don't think of them so much as overtly utilize as just wrongly placed. Jar Jar only had one role in the film which was to be an anchor for the final battle against the droids, even so he is there from the beginning without actually fulfilling a role. The only moment he could have had was helping with the alliance between Naboo and the Gungar, which was largely done thanks to Padme. So the writers basically had to insert this buzzard into their story because he gave them an excuse to show the final battle.


And the Ewoks were just useless, unless everyone in the Rebel Alliance decided to boycott the revolution until they got medical. In which case they were midget scabs.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I don't know what has annoyed me more about the Mass Effect series: the ME3 endings or the suggestions on the BSN about what the next ME game should be. Probably the former since it affects me directly, but the latter still make me fume that "shooter" fans seem to be taking over everywhere.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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An on-topic post! Burn it!




Couldn't say anything about the last few days of posts because Star Wars is not something I know - I've still yet to watch any of the movies in full - so therefore something I can't whinge about. ME on the other hand.... well if I had to pick "what has annoyed me the most" it'd be the ME3 opening, *not* the ending, because from a personal perspective, that's where any interest remaining in the property finally keeled over and sank into the icy depths.


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