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Stronghold/PC base


140 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see Strongholds/player bases

    • Yes, something upgradeable/customizable.
    • Yes, but only as a stretch goal.
    • Yes, but something minor.
    • Don't care.
    • No.

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A PC home, as long as it's strictly that (both the PC part and the home part), makes sense in that it gives the player a sense of belonging in the world. But as discussed in the NPC thread, it shouldn't really be a base of operations where your unused NPCs hang out and that, making them into subservient lackeys without lives or agendas of their own. It's just your home, the place you've lived prior to the events of the game.


Of course, this assumes the player character isn't some outsider/outworlder shipwrecked/teleported into the setting. But I'd rather not see that.

Edited by Humanoid


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A PC home, as long as it's strictly that (both the PC part and the home part), makes sense in that it gives the player a sense of belonging in the world. But as discussed in the NPC thread, it shouldn't really be a base of operations where your unused NPCs hang out and that, making them into subservient lackeys without lives or agendas of their own. It's just your home, the place you've lived prior to the events of the game.


Depends on how big said stronghold is and if the NPC's would live in it. Also there's no reason why NPC's couldn't have lives on their own, is there? Maybe following a proffession or similiar. Maybe certain NPC's are traders and are unavailable for a certain time, but come back helping the homegrown economy.


Ah, that brings up a question.

Edited by C2B
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This is something that I like in every RPG its in. Even if its as simple as it was in the Suikoden games where it just upgrades depending on who is recruited. Something akin to Crossroads Keep would be ideal, but with even more depth.

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I too like this kind of thing in even the most basic way, but what I love is when there are upgrades and I really, really love when those upgrades are actually based on tough decisions between for the most part equally valid, but different options, not just two or three levels of effectiveness v. cost.

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I loved the keep and the little events around managing it in NWN2. Voted stretch goal.

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I like the stronghold and think it should be up gradable/customizable. It should be earned via a quest. I voted #1 but maybe a stretch goal would be better.

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I really really enjoy the idea of being a bunch of homeless wanderers going from town to town, raiding people's shelves, and picking up the odd parcel delivery. The entire group is a bunch of people with no place in this world, just passing through.


That said, that's a personal preference. If the game functions fine without forcing either way, that'd be perfect.

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I can take it or leave it. I enjoyed it in BG2 and NWN2, but to be honest none of those places ever felt like home. Other than Big MT in OWB, I can't remember a protagonist ever being linked to their stronghold in an ending either. They tend to feel like a disconnected part of my character's past once their relevance to the story is over.

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I liked how having a stronghold in Baldur's Gate 2 also came with its own quests in terms of administrating and managing it. Being able to use your own gold to help the people of the De'Arnise lands was a high point for my game, and I haven't really seen anything similar in any other game I've played.

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I loved the keep and the little events around managing it in NWN2. Voted stretch goal.

Getting something like the Keep later in the game with an even intensified degree of responsiveniss compared to NWN2 would be awesome. Managing the keep, ordering the little side mission and meeting that other adventurer group were some of the highlights of that game. If it's possible to include something similar in principle I'm all for it.
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I loved crossroads Keep, I like the idea of customizing/upgrading my home. I also like ego draconis 2 with your tower, having a lab to build your monsters, smith..etc. That is what I would like, choose the direction from going a nice good keep, to creating a lair of evil. Some things if I was evil, necromancy lab to build monsters/reanimated undead soldiers, torture/prison chamber to feed if I am a monster like a vampire, to break spirits to turn into servants/thralls, etc Other things like hiring servants or soldiers, upgrading defense/buildings...etc. Would like to actually have a personal town/keep like area to run. What can I say, I love a little city building stuff like this. I said I hope its in, but it will be cool if its also a stretch goal.

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