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Mass Effect 3


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Well.. It feels like cheating (Boooo) and I think it should have been covered by the Genesis DLC anyway.


It can literally let you create a first level character.. and .. more importantly, skip the whole introcution sequence of ME2, so you actually just load it up and its the start point of Lazarus Station. :thumbsup:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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On the ME3 matter, I just played the demo.

I was so disappointed I didn't even reach the second half.

Maybe it's just me but I felt like the drama was forced (what the hell were they thinking with this kid?), the dialogues came straight out from a B-movie ("This is not about tactics nor strategy", urgh, you sure are a real officer Shepard) and the cutscenes were stupid. When the Mecha Spider is hovering just behind those shuttles, were they really thinking they could just fly away. They didn't even look scared or on the run. Besides, why didn't it target the Normandy?

Also, I don't want to talk about the (almost) complete lack of choices. NO.


Concerning the graphics and gameplay, they're good. But for someone like me who prefers a good story above anything else, it got the taste of a huge failure. I hope it gets better later in the game but those character design decisions (Why babe up Ashley?) don't raise my hopes.


I call it the Anti-Alpha Protocol. Good gameplay, good graphics, everything is glittering but there is nothing under it.


That makes me sad because I thoroughly enjoyed the previous games.

Edited by Auxilius
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As I see it, DAO was the death knell for party based tactical RPGs. Lame combat made worse by an extremely lacking roster of enemies, and crap encounter design.


That's only because you don't play PS3 games. There are a couple party/team tactical RPGs, a new one is even coming out this summer (Agarest 2).


On the whole ME3 thing and multiplayer, after playing the demo it has nothing on Battlefield...or Modern Warfare for that matter. If someone buys it for MP, I don't think they played the other two. It's only a demo...but the MP get's old quick in ME3's demo, and it doesn't seem to have the same amount of fun as those built strictly for MP.


If Bio is thinking MP is going to be a major selling point they must know something I don't. IF that's what they planned this game about...it's going to be a terrible game.


I'm still thinking it was a pin on at the last moment after EA announced that all their games would basically be MP from then on out...so the SP portion should still (hopefully) be outstanding.


I certainly wouldn't buy ME3 for the MP...ever...after playing the Demo. There are so many games out there that are shooters and have so much better MP it's just a waste of money to buy ME3 for MP.

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Maybe it's just me but I felt like the drama was forced...

That makes me sad because I thoroughly enjoyed the previous games.


No, I am afraid that it isn't just you.



It's me too...


next spoiler is much worse.




The drama is progressing completely linear and the demo is scripted and timed beyond recognition.. If you stop and wonder about the world, which actually breaks the illusion, nothing makes sense. Things doesn't happen, because it's a world teaming with life. Things happen because you move and when you stop the world stops.. Actually it just loops the same scene over and over, but since it doesn't move forward I consider it a 'stop'. There are two ways to get to the next part at the end of part 1: 1. Camp it out for ten minutes, or 2. Waste all your ammo - and the faster you do it the sooner it happens, which is just stupid. Worse, if you run for the radio (biotic charge followed by storm) you can skip killing any of the Cannibals at all, because as soon you activate the radio the cutscene will wipe the map clean, before the next 'challenge'.. That form of script-exploitation was also possible in ME2. LAME.



It's a sad prog.. regr.. degeneration. Bioware games used to be about Story and Choice, but now it's apparently down to just Cutscenes and Action.

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I'm still thinking it was a pin on at the last moment after EA announced that all their games would basically be MP from then on out...so the SP portion should still (hopefully) be outstanding.

Considering the multiplayer portion of the game had been rumoured to be in development since 2010 I really don't think that this is a last minute addition to the game. It's been in the works for awhile and last I heard the team responsible for the multi was actually based out of Bioware Montreal rather than Bioware Edmonton which has always been responsible for the single player portion of the game.


It's a sad prog.. regr.. degeneration. Bioware games used to be about Story and Choice, but now it's apparently down to just Cutscenes and Action.

I'm curious since I've seen this comment thrown out a lot lately. What Bioware games would you say were about choice? Yeah, many of their games have a couple big choices you can make at the conclusion of major quest lines, but I don't think a couple "do I kill you, or let you go" choices are enough to make the game about choice.

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I'm curious since I've seen this comment thrown out a lot lately. What Bioware games would you say were about choice? Yeah, many of their games have a couple big choices you can make at the conclusion of major quest lines, but I don't think a couple "do I kill you, or let you go" choices are enough to make the game about choice.


Yeah me too and I think it's because Bioware titles were very very good at giving you the illusion of choice.


I guess it's kinda like the uncanny valley - as Bioware titles has evolved we've started to notice all the small, but essentially immersion breaking mistakes - mistakes we would've missed/not cared about 10 years ago.

Fortune favors the bald.

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They never did that intro sequence 10 years before. It is the worst one they've ever done.


I won't take it as a condemnation against the entire game Mass Effect 3, but it's nonetheless troubling.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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That "trial" is like an inverse "Rocks fall, everyone dies".


Well, everyone except for Commander Awesome and his sidekick.


Good to know I nuked a Batarian star system for nothing.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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It's a sad prog.. regr.. degeneration. Bioware games used to be about Story and Choice, but now it's apparently down to just Cutscenes and Action.

I'm curious since I've seen this comment thrown out a lot lately. What Bioware games would you say were about choice? Yeah, many of their games have a couple big choices you can make at the conclusion of major quest lines, but I don't think a couple "do I kill you, or let you go" choices are enough to make the game about choice.


Bioware haven't made any games that were about choice, as far as I know, but choice has been part of many of their games to a lesser and lesser extent especially degenerating in relation to ME - or maybe it's just now that I see it. Deciding whether someone should live or die is always a big thing, especially when it change the course of the game or the thought revolts you. BG and KotOR being the most obvious choices. Jade Empire and Dragon Age probably less if the decline has been consistent, but I can't say, because I haven't played either one of those two. Judging by various reviews they do seem to be in line with Bioware's own impression as well.

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There are tons of time in the ME games where you decide if someone lives or dies.

And on the occasion that you get to pull the trigger it's really good.


My problem really is with the pacing of the games, when you are going to offer only 2 choices it would make sense that you wouldn't saturate the game with quest that end in Paragon or Chaotic Stupid. It would really add to it if I didn't have to think that for the 20th time I have to push one of 2 buttons to save one archetypal element that will help define my character's outlook on the world.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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The worst thing about DA2 was retroactively turning DA into a great game.


DA2 was bad, but I honestly don't think it'd be possible to make a sequel bad enough to turn DA:O into an enjoyable experience.


I have attemped to play through DA:O three times now - my first attempt got me up to the final battle in Denerim, at which point I quit out of boredom. I've gotten successively less far along with each subsequent attempt. It's just not a fun game - the combat is clunky, the plot is absent from most of the game, and the encounter design is just about the worst I've seen in an RPG.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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A lot of the demo flaws are in the full game.


Frame issues on PS3 really bad at the start, talk about not making a good first impression.


Lip syncing that would put a Chienese MA movie to shame.


Low texture quality and overall lacking in that final coat of shiny polish.


Reaper mini game is kind of silly like Shepard is playing an 8 bit in his spare time.

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yeah. Don't know what to say yet.

Seriously, playing with the trash compactor and ejecting rubbish into space was more fun than the planet scan mini game :banghead:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Don't know what to make of that, on the one hand I hated the mini game to the point of cheating to avoid it, on the other that sort of reminds me of what my dream ST game would have, exploring unknown worlds/system recovering technologies/ getting attacked be enemies etc.


I'll put it this way, having the scanning of planets just for retrieving minerals bad, having it involve random encounters, lore finds, armor/weapons/items and missions good. Having said all that, it doesn't make sense to have either of them in ME3 given the plot. Why would Shep go around scanning system while Earth has the reapers over for dinner?

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Don't know what to make of that, on the one hand I hated the mini game to the point of cheating to avoid it, on the other that sort of reminds me of what my dream ST game would have, exploring unknown worlds/system recovering technologies/ getting attacked be enemies etc.


I'll put it this way, having the scanning of planets just for retrieving minerals bad, having it involve random encounters, lore finds, armor/weapons/items and missions good. Having said all that, it doesn't make sense to have either of them in ME3 given the plot. Why would Shep go around scanning system while Earth has the reapers over for dinner?

... I think they explain that in the video, important hidden military assets? You're gonna see a recurring theme from ME2 (hopefully done a bit better), where you have to strike a balance between the need to hurry up and save earth and taking your time and preparing for being actually able to do it.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Don't know what to make of that, on the one hand I hated the mini game to the point of cheating to avoid it, on the other that sort of reminds me of what my dream ST game would have, exploring unknown worlds/system recovering technologies/ getting attacked be enemies etc.


I'll put it this way, having the scanning of planets just for retrieving minerals bad, having it involve random encounters, lore finds, armor/weapons/items and missions good. Having said all that, it doesn't make sense to have either of them in ME3 given the plot. Why would Shep go around scanning system while Earth has the reapers over for dinner?


Because that is the ME plot. I'll be general.


It's a big galactic bust up the Reapers vs Everyone else.


You collect war assets, depending on how you accomplish core missions/side quests you get 1 of 6 endings.

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Anyway, at least the score is going to be better than ME2: http://soundcloud.co...t-3-mars-combat

I actually liked the soundtrack in ME2. Better than 1's, too. Is that bad? :ermm:

No, it just means that you like generic Movie Soundtrack scores over unique and brilliant 80s synth/orchestral fusion ones. ;)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Guess that means I can no longer pull the "refined tastes" card next time the dumbing down pissing contest comes around. :(


Did they get a new composer or...?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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