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Alpha Centauri leaves all Civ games in the dust. Everything that came after it is inadequate, just a paint job on a rusty, rickety truck. Morgan industries demands innovation!

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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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I tried Alpha Centauri recently, and it left me cold. Just seemed to play exactly like Civ, except a lot less intuitive due to the sci-fi-ness, some cool flavour text, a few cool minor features. Will have another go at some point though, great games have proven my first impressions wrong before.

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Still have never seen the one popup where your aide gets torched by the enemy as she was a mind worm handler.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I tried Alpha Centauri recently, and it left me cold. Just seemed to play exactly like Civ, except a lot less intuitive due to the sci-fi-ness, some cool flavour text, a few cool minor features. Will have another go at some point though, great games have proven my first impressions wrong before.


I only play it for the flavour text. Unless you play tiny globes the bloody Hive just spam cities. Wars drag on forever.


The mindworm thing is easy. Just lose your first mindworm in combat.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I tried Alpha Centauri recently, and it left me cold. Just seemed to play exactly like Civ, except a lot less intuitive due to the sci-fi-ness, some cool flavour text, a few cool minor features. Will have another go at some point though, great games have proven my first impressions wrong before.


The entire conception of the game goes far beyond "some cool flavor text". Basically every idea that sci fi put forth is there in some way or another and it works as a cohesive whole. The factions are more or less accurate portrayals of major 20th century ideologies and have wildly different strategies. The ability to cutomize your own units is beyond cool - no more of that my zulu against your tank crap. The secret projects are great and the actual story has a nice satisfying conclusion.


The best of all is social engineering, where you get to really flesh out your society.

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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I only play it for the flavour text. Unless you play tiny globes the bloody Hive just spam cities. Wars drag on forever.


The mindworm thing is easy. Just lose your first mindworm in combat.


Hm, don't think that's it. The script for it is


#caption Interlude: Despair

^ If you live for a thousand years you will never forget the day

they brought you $VOKI8's body, shrouded in planetcloth, burnt almost

beyond recognition.

^ "How did this happen?" Gruffly, not allowing the distress to creep

into your voice.

^ "Cooked by a flame gun. $ENEMYNAME6's men. Tried to surrender

but they flamed her anyway. Don't like those worms, the $ENEMYFACT7."

^ "I see." Your most loyal servant, butchered by $ENEMYFACT7. And

only now do you realize that, subconsciously, you'd been grooming $VOKI8

as your heir apparent, the student who would one day replace you as


^ For all the gene splicing and longevity treatments, all the manmade

miracles of M.Y. $NUM0, death remains as final, as capricious, and

as desolate as it has ever been. No matter what happens now, no matter

what journey of wonder humankind now embarks upon, $VOKI8 will never see

it, never know the end of it. And no matter how many centuries you

continue to cheat eternity, you will never again have the company of

your student and friend. And you cannot cheat eternity forever.

^ Despair grips you, and you shudder. But life is seductive in its

rhythms and rituals. Our bodies do not like to be reminded of their

own impending deaths, and will not allow us to dwell on the subject.

Soon enough the heat and the cold, the hard and the soft, the taste

of the wine, the press of a lover's arms, all will come flooding back

to soothe us, to fill us again with a sense of purpose. And in the

meantime there are a number of, ah, items to be attended to:

^ "Bring me Major Joaquim! I want $BASENAME5 disassembled piece

by piece. And have this body removed to the tanks--it is nothing to

me now."


I guess I have to lose it assaulting a base, though. Well might as well try that today.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Remember what happend when BF redid Bards Tale ?

Yes. And I happened to like that game. It was funny, although one might have been misled to think that it had anything to do with the games of yesteryear because of the name. It didn't.


But the point is moot anyhow, because Bard's Tale was made according to what was possible to get funding for from publishers. With this Kickstarter project, he can make the game he wants.. or the fans want. This is the whole point.

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Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The next games will be releasing simultaneously on both platforms, and at least one is being created by a new team.

One of the games sounds like it will be Witcher 3, though the developer is playing a bit coy at this point. The other will be an all new IP. Nothing is really known about the new IP, but Badowski did say, "We are staying in the RPG."


Will be interested to see what CD Projekt can do with their own IP.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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A bit early announcement, imo. Even the earlier title still being 2-3 years away.

Edited by Undecaf

Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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I think I can muster mild curiosity at best. The Witcher 2 was my biggest disappointment since Tombraider: Anniversary, joining the tiny category of games labelled "wasted investment".

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I bet the new IP is a sci-fi/cyberpunk action-RPG with stealth mechanics

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I think I can muster mild curiosity at best. The Witcher 2 was my biggest disappointment since Tombraider: Anniversary, joining the tiny category of games labelled "wasted investment".


You never tried Tomb Raider Legend? Because Anniversary is about ten times better than that. I was really disappointed in Legend, but I found Anniversary quite good. Not good as the original TR but good anyway.

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The next games will be releasing simultaneously on both platforms, and at least one is being created by a new team.

One of the games sounds like it will be Witcher 3, though the developer is playing a bit coy at this point. The other will be an all new IP. Nothing is really known about the new IP, but Badowski did say, "We are staying in the RPG."


Will be interested to see what CD Projekt can do with their own IP.


They also have 2 "A" games and one "AA" game coming.




CD Projekt Red revealed three other games at the November conference: two "A" games for 2012, and one "AA" game for 2013.


Lots of things going on for CDPR.

Edited by Undecaf

Perkele, tiädäksää tuanoini!

"It's easier to tolerate idiots if you do not consider them as stupid people, but exceptionally gifted monkeys."

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I think I can muster mild curiosity at best. The Witcher 2 was my biggest disappointment since Tombraider: Anniversary, joining the tiny category of games labelled "wasted investment".


You never tried Tomb Raider Legend? Because Anniversary is about ten times better than that. I was really disappointed in Legend, but I found Anniversary quite good. Not good as the original TR but good anyway.

I've completed both Legend and Underworld twice. Never could stomach Anniversary (made it a bit more than halfway through). Probably because I can't help comparing it to the original, which blows anything CD has ever made out of the water.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I've completed both Legend and Underworld twice. Never could stomach Anniversary (made it a bit more than halfway through). Probably because I can't help comparing it to the original, which blows anything CD has ever made out of the water.

edit: Which CD are you talking about? :D

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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I've completed both Legend and Underworld twice. Never could stomach Anniversary (made it a bit more than halfway through). Probably because I can't help comparing it to the original, which blows anything CD has ever made out of the water.

edit: Which CD are you talking about? :D

Crystal Dynamics ;)


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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