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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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"Destruction magic's okay, just don't set the inn on fire."


The reactivity is kind of neat.


Anyone found anything to do with Nirnroot? I ended up eating the first one I found, figuring it was just a regular ingredient this time around. But then the second time I found one, I realize it has its own environmental sound cue.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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It's good. Why didn't they make weapon sets though. I need 4 keys just to swap between sword and shield and dual spells. I imagine it's going to get to be quite a hassle once I build up a repertoire of spells.


Yeah the interface on PC is quite sinful, I really hope it's moddable and not something tied to the executable.




Just noticed that kinda rhymes...I've information vegetable, animal and mineral? :fdevil:


I did a bit of digging and it turns out the interface is flash based, that's a good sign.

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As per tradition, it seems the main quest is the worst part of the game. Not only does it unlock the Oblivion Ga-, uh, I mean, Dragons appearing and being annoying after a certain point... Some parts of it are just boring. I suppose someone thought the climb to the Throat of the World would be all kinds of epic but really, it was just boring as hell. And learning how to Shout was just time consuming and again, boring. The Shouts are sort of interesting lore-wise but it all seems to come down to "you are teh chosen one with awesum powahs, and omg you can learn all this stuff so quickly that us mere mortals takes YEARS to learn." It's not surprising, it's just... not interesting.


Also, while some quests have multiple solutions, can't help but miss the faction intricacies and freedom of choice of New Vegas.


Still, I'm quite enjoying myself. The world is a *huge* improvement over Oblivion, so much more fun to explore. The voiceacting is OK, the writing for NPCs is better than Oblivion but still kinda bad in many places. But you can tell that they focused on the lore of the place this time around which makes one care a bit more about everything.


Also, fun times when a giant one-shotted me so hard I flew up through the stratosphere. :fdevil:

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Those who went to High Hrothgar, anyone else encounter a Frost Troll?


Took me about 10 minutes and 20 potions to take him down.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Still, I'm quite enjoying myself. The world is a *huge* improvement over Oblivion, so much more fun to explore. The voiceacting is OK, the writing for NPCs is better than Oblivion but still kinda bad in many places. But you can tell that they focused on the lore of the place this time around which makes one care a bit more about everything.


Also, fun times when a giant one-shotted me so hard I flew up through the stratosphere. :)


The Dark Elf voices annoy me but only because it seems the old gravel voiced Dunmer from the previews turned out to be a placeholder, Dunmer are all from the East End of London now apparently :fdevil:


All the children having American accents is also slightly distracting.


I've seen that giant glitch on youtube :o

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Those who went to High Hrothgar, anyone else encounter a Frost Troll?


Took me about 10 minutes and 20 potions to take him down.


I'm looking forward to visiting it soon, I was a bit surprised to see how close it is to the starting area but your experience with the Troll gives me hope that it might be at least a little bit of an epic.


Just started playing, however, for one, the sound is hard to hear, have to turn it up pretty load, but the big issue is sometimes the dialogue will go fuzzy for a quick second, skipping the voice over, but then go back to normal. Does anyone have same issue, or know what may be my problem?


Sounds like the bug people are talking about on the Bethsoft forums, apparently if you're using Windows 7 the fix for this is to select 24bit 44khz output in the Advanced section of the soundcard properties.

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Hungry and on the run, I made the mistake of murdering a chicken in the first village, whereupon some angry Viking chick disemboweled me with a kitchen knife.


OTOH on the advice of the folks here I went and bought myself an XBox controller: this game now makes complete sense to me. Also, it's not too shabby in third person perspective compared to other ES titles.


Scenery is nice, think I might go hunting wildlife to get my bow skills up to scratch.


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The Dark Elf voices annoy me but only because it seems the old gravel voiced Dunmer from the previews turned out to be a placeholder, Dunmer are all from the East End of London now apparently :fdevil:

:o I know, isn't great?

I was on the fence about Dunmer but that one bit sold me, now I can conquer enemies while sounding politely "snideful".

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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The Dark Elf voices annoy me but only because it seems the old gravel voiced Dunmer from the previews turned out to be a placeholder, Dunmer are all from the East End of London now apparently :fdevil:


I was in Bow last week and I didn't see any.


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Anyone know how to add subtitles to the PC-version?


Edit: Nevermind, silly me, figured how to do it 1 minute after asking. : ]


Game seems promising so far! Skyrim is a lot more interesting than Cyrodiil for sure!

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Currently checking out the "X marks the spot" around Riverwood.


Melee combat is crappy, stealth is okay, but holy damn if the magic isn't incredibly fun. Those lumbering Nord bandits have no chance while I palpatine them into Oblivion. Enemy mages, though, is another matter.


The game also runs much better with Vsync disabled.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Enemy mages, though, is another matter.

One word: fury.


I had a problem encounter earlier. Room was being watched over by a mage. If I engaged, the mage would run, grab a higher level enemy, and I'd have a bad fight on my hand. If I furied the mage, it would run and fight the higher level enemy, and I'd never be bothered by either of them.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I had one crash yesterday. That's the worst I can say after 7.7 hours of play.



"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Melee combat is crappy

I agree. Usable, but crappy. :fdevil:


While sightseeing and following the roads, I had this urge to shout "I just like RUNNING." (Gumpisms)

Outside, topside, is a bit too non-populated for my liking. I mean, almost empty. But it's a big world and maybe I just haven't hit the right spots yet. Or maybe there's clvl or story points where it increases a bit?


No crashes for me yet. No trouble at all, really, yet. I did force vsync off via GPU drivers (I typically do by default, only turn it on if a lot of tearing). Whether that really did disable it in this game I'm not entirely sure, but performance has been fine anyway.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I started a new character - Nord - and played some more, deliberately avoiding Riverwood. Hint: it's a lot more fun if you go LEFT after you leave the tutorial cave. I got distracted and started getting into random mishaps, and was level 5 before stumbling back into Riverwood. :fdevil:


Levelling is definitely too fast and it feels like you're not even trying, so I really want to slow down skill gain by 15% or so as soon as possible. But yeah, having a blast. I enjoy magic and archery and sneaking, unfortunately melee seems pretty stupid - all they needed to do was copy Gothic/Risen a bit. you just swing swing swing, block seems to do little at least with low skill and there's really no variation. You definitely feel it when your enemies have a 2h weapon though.


Monty: With Skyrim really the only decision you're making actively is whether to up Magicka/Health/Stamina and what perks to get. There are some obviously synergistic skills - sneak/archery, two handed/heavy armour, etc. As for magic I tend to go towards illusion (invisibility, make people berserk, etc) and conjuration (reanimate zombies, later some cool creatures if Skyrim continues the tradition) but destruction/restoration are obviously useful and mystical (?) is OK.

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Since today's release day and everyone here seems to be playing it; what're your opinions?


Buy it now?




Wait a bit?


Hmmm. It's a giant fantasy sand-box which is pretty enough, appears stable so far (no CTD, runs smoothly) and lets you do anything you freaking well like. As I've said my main issue is with the PC controls but am getting used to my new XBox controller which makes it that much easier to play.


I say get it, it's a blast and will keep you going for months then no doubt there will be groovy DLC and mods incoming. I've never really got into an ES game before but I'm liking this and yes it really does feel like Fallout 3's sword-wielding cousin.


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I must say that I'm not a fan of being offered the fed-ex/kill this dude quests at every turn. I suppose this is where the Radiant story stuff will provide some randomization if I understand things right but it still really feels like filler. I suppose it's my own fault for expecting but my journal is now chock-full of "fetch me 10 of these/kill that person/retrieve this item" quests.


But if you're looking for a good sandbox experience, I'd say that it's hard to go wrong with the game. It really feels a lot more... crafted than Oblivion ever was. If you're looking for a sandbox game, I think it'd have to be a pretty special case for someone to find the game so bad as to not be worth the money.


There are still a lot of annoyances for me in the game, and lots of things I miss coming off from New Vegas, but ultimately Bethesda really stepped up their game from Oblivion (and Fallout 3 as well I'd say). Though again, the test of longevity will be seen a few weeks from now I suppose. But yeah, hard to imagine a scenario where I wouldn't feel this isn't worht the money at the moment.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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