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Dragon Age 2


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I took Grey Wardens to be more Black Watch. Hell, just look at the names. And being conscripts.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I took Grey Wardens to be more Black Watch. Hell, just look at the names. And being conscripts.

Them too, and I just like the Legion better. Specially since saying that the Wardens are a bad copy of the Watch would actually be paying them a compliment.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I took Grey Wardens to be more Black Watch. Hell, just look at the names. And being conscripts.


The Black Watch was proud Scottish infantry regiment and there are no kilts in DA2.

Probably just as well...




Might grab this one day when at half price and all significant DLC's included. The combat in the demo really was a major turnoff :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Been waiting long to use that pic?

Google images is your friend :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Black watch/Legion of Dead - check

Legion: Their patrols are in enemy territory with no home base. Fight spawn all day e'rryday. Originally composed of outcasts and exiles.

Night's watch: They guard a huge wall. Fight wildlings more than they do others. Originally seen as a prestigious choice.

Dragons/Dragons and Archdemons - check

Dragon Age: Dragons everywhere. Heavy sexual dimorphism. Cannot be tamed.

A Song of Ice and Fire: Three live dragons total. No sexual dimorphism. Can be tamed.

Dothraki/Qunari - check

Dothraki: Desert warriors with a penchant for horse cavalry and nomadic living. Have a great fear of water. Primary weapons are bows and scimitars.

Qunari: Islamic militant borg. Have invented gunpowder. Heavy use of spears and javelins. Have a very powerful fleet.

Dead king, usurper on the throne, political conflict over the succession/ditto - check

Dragon age: Throne never leaves the Theirrins. Conflict between two camps.

A Song of Ice and Fire: First the Baratheons, then the Lannisters. Five way war for kingship.

Robert Baratheon is king because of a rebellion/ Maric was king because of a rebellion - check

Robert: King due to rebellion against house Targaryen. Usurper of the throne.

Maric: King due to overthrowing French Orlesian rule. Descended from a lineage of kings.

Whitewalkers/ Darkspawn - check

Others: Aliens. Capable of high levels of intelligence. Work for a god. Things they kill become wights. Hitherto unknown biology. Only appear at night.

Darkspawn: Corrupted humans. Mostly brutes. Work to find a number of gods. Things they kill stay dead. Asexual reproduction. Humanitarians. Time independent activity.

Please let me know if you need more, I can do this the whole day


For bonus points find analogues for the Free Cities, the mercenary companies, House Greyjoy and the Seven in Dragon Age.

Alternately, find analogues for magic and the warp fade, Orlais, the Tevinter Imperium and the Church of Andraste in A Song of Ice and Fire.

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Dragon Age: Dragons everywhere.

Weren't dragons on the endangered species list in DA:O, having been hunted to extinction by Navarran dragon hunters or something to similar effect?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Challenge accepted my friend :)

Legion: Their patrols are in enemy territory with no home base. Fight spawn all day e'rryday. Originally composed of outcasts and exiles.

Night's watch: They guard a huge wall. Fight wildlings more than they do others. Originally seen as a prestigious choice.

Legion/Wardens: Fight the clear infestation of the darkspawn. Made from conscripts and volunteers, some with a criminal record.

Night's watch: Defend the kingdom against the Whitewalkers. Made from conscripts and volunteers, some with explicit criminal records.


Dragon Age: Dragons everywhere. Heavy sexual dimorphism. Cannot be tamed.

A Song of Ice and Fire: Three live dragons total. No sexual dimorphism. Can be tamed.

Dragon Age: dragons thought extinct until the beginning of the Age (ergo the name), 3 dragons total, so far. Oh, yeah you can shapeshift into one.

Song of Ice and Fire: nobody bothered to check their pants to see if they were boys or girls. Or maybe they realized that dragons went on a rampage every time they tried to.


Dothraki: Desert warriors with a penchant for horse cavalry and nomadic living. Have a great fear of water. Primary weapons are bows and scimitars.

Qunari: Islamic militant borg. Have invented gunpowder. Heavy use of spears and javelins. Have a very powerful fleet.

Granted, still obvious inspiration it's obvious.

Dragon age: Throne never leaves the Theirrins. Conflict between two camps.

A Song of Ice and Fire: First the Baratheons, then the Lannisters. Five way war for kingship.

Now we are arguing semantics


I did say that DA was a bad copy, who the hell has just two groups vying for the throne? 5 much better.

Robert: King due to rebellion against house Targaryen. Usurper of the throne.

Maric: King due to overthrowing French Orlesian rule. Descended from a lineage of kings.

A rose by any other name :sorcerer:

Others: Aliens. Capable of high levels of intelligence. Work for a god. Things they kill become wights. Hitherto unknown biology. Only appear at night.

Darkspawn: Corrupted humans. Mostly brutes. Work to find a number of gods. Things they kill stay dead. Asexual reproduction. Humanitarians. Time independent activity.

ehhh, what the hell are the Ghouls then? fellows who just decided they liked the Deep Roads better? :huh:


Darkpsawn: Capable of high levels of intelligence (I know the Architect wasn't all that smart but it still counts, don't you think?) Corrupted humans?Asexual reproductions? HUMANITARIANS?( I don't know what you are on but I want some) I doubt that the process of becoming a Broodmother is asexual.




For bonus points find analogues for the Free Cities, the mercenary companies, House Greyjoy and the Seven in Dragon Age.

Alternately, find analogues for magic and the warp fade, Orlais, the Tevinter Imperium and the Church of Andraste in A Song of Ice and Fire.

It's late can I sleep on it and get it back to you in the morning?

...Faith of the Seven = the Seven

...Old Gods = Old gods

mercenary companies: the Brave Companions, the Second Sons, the Stormcrows, and the Golden Company.

no magic in Fire and Ice, probably why Gaider had to go and equate to the middle ages church. Albeit one of the most interesting points in the game, and the most underdeveloped.


I don't even know why you argue this, Gaider himself it's a professed fan of the series and used it as an inspiration for dragon age.

Also SoF&I>DA


PS: Simpsons did it.

Edited by Orogun01
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Dragon Age: Dragons everywhere.

Weren't dragons on the endangered species list in DA:O, having been hunted to extinction by Navarran dragon hunters or something to similar effect?


Yes, that

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Dragon Age: Dragons everywhere.

Weren't dragons on the endangered species list in DA:O, having been hunted to extinction by Navarran dragon hunters or something to similar effect?

Dragons were hunted to near-extinction hundreds of years before the current age. The current age is called Dragon Age, because they (more or less) suddenly reappeared at its beginning. So, dragons have been believed extinct for a while, but they are now coming back, and in possibly increasing numbers.


Re Maric. He wasn't actually just from the line of kings, he was the only son (or grandson, a bit fuzzy here) of the monarch deposed by the Frogs. Ergo, rightful king, back on throne.


But yes, there are enough similarities between the two to not have to resort to reductio ad absurdum in an attempt to find them.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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the only book about fighting in tunnels exclusively I know of is that trash by Salvatore about how Drizt Duorden or w/e escaped from eth Underdark

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Is it geek to read fantasy books ?

Monte is in denial about so many things, I often think that he's actually some undercover psychiatrist/anthropologist conducting experiments on these boards. :ermm:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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There are no dangerous levels of geekage.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Is it geek to read fantasy books ?

Somewhat. But it is far more geek to have in-depth internet arguments about which elements of a fantasy book were borrowed by a particular fantasy vidyagame.

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Is it geek to read fantasy books ?

Somewhat. But it is far more geek to have in-depth internet arguments about which elements of a fantasy book were borrowed by a particular fantasy vidyagame.


What he said.


And denial ain't a river in Egypt.


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