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Aesthetically pleasing female character designs.

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Edit2: Personally, DSIII is way worse in that regard. I defend Katarina at this time but depending on her personality and/or how certain things are refrenced in the game it could still happen that I'm going to rage about the charachter.


I wonder if Katarina will make the same comment than Anjali in the old NYCC video about Lucas' 'metal monstrosity' and how long it takes him to put it on each morning :) .


I actually missed that :o


Is also a nice conicidene for one of my arguments in this thread. XD


So maybe we'll get Lucas commenting on Katarinas clothing.


And thats actually one point for DSIII in my book.

Edited by C2B
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Both women from Uncharted 2 should be mentioned as well here.


No, only the attractive one (which was ruined anyway since claudia black has more of a mom-voice than a hawt voice)




Why must you always be wrong about everything Kaftan *sigh*.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Both women from Uncharted 2 should be mentioned as well here.


No, only the attractive one (which was ruined anyway since claudia black has more of a mom-voice than a hawt voice)


Why must you always be wrong about everything Kaftan *sigh*.


Claudia black is just an old aussie with a HUGE honker. And she sounds the way she looks




Ive seen almost every episode of Farscape and I still dont find her attractive

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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No, I meant ALL females. No women (with your typical one in a thousand exception) is going to dress scantily because of a figure as far removed from reality as WOW. You cosplay because you decided on it with friends, like the character or/and like the game. What I meant is it doesn't translate to being scantily dressed in normal social situations or adapt a body image because of it.

I could tell you that [all - (typical one in a thousand)] = most, but I think you know that as well as I do.

That said, I'll agree that most females, I think I'll even go so far as to say most people, aren't going to emulate cartoonish fantasy characters under normal circumstances due to the utter impracticality of such outfits.


And have a rather more archetypical fantasy render:




At what point, by Thor's Beard, did elves develop horizontal ears?


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She's 38.


Ive seen almost every episode of Farscape and I still dont find her attractive


That's okay, she doesn't find you attractive either.




Yeah... I agree ;)

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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^ K, thx.


What happened, did the national elf design council announce it. I can't remember what was happening in 2003, but surely I'd have noticed.


Anyhow, it's silly. Bring back normal old fashioned pointy-but-flushed to the side of the head elf ears FFS.


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^ K, thx.


What happened, did the national elf design council announce it. I can't remember what was happening in 2003, but surely I'd have noticed.

Lineage 2 happened.

(Which was made by a korean company.)

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I always thought the Elven-ear look was attributable to the RECORD OF LODOSS WAR tv series that came out in the 1990s and its subsequent popularity...

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I always thought the Elven-ear look was attributable to the RECORD OF LODOSS WAR tv series that came out in the 1990s and its subsequent popularity...

May also be from FFXI's Elvaans (not kidding)



Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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RECORD OF LODOSS WAR tv series (with primary elves Deedlit and Pirotess) still predates FFXI by a decade...

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I always thought the Elven-ear look was attributable to the RECORD OF LODOSS WAR tv series that came out in the 1990s and its subsequent popularity...


That's what I said : D&D-inspired japanese animation :) . Also home to the Louie the Rune Soldier series. Only one elf in that one though.

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At what point, by Thor's Beard, did elves develop horizontal ears?

They are in the middle of an evolutionary shift. In a few thousand generatiosn they'll have developed fully fledged wings on the side of their heads :sorcerer:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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^ K, thx.


What happened, did the national elf design council announce it. I can't remember what was happening in 2003, but surely I'd have noticed.


Anyhow, it's silly. Bring back normal old fashioned pointy-but-flushed to the side of the head elf ears FFS.


as a dyed-in-wool curmudgeon, Gromnir longs for the days when elves didn't even have pointy ears. is seemingly a single obscure and posthumously published tolkien reference sends us down the slippery slope.


oh, and while we is on the subject o' perverted elves, we insist that dark elves=dwarves. am blaming d&d for the ebony or purple skinned freak-show fey with the s&m inclinations.




HA! Good Fun!


ps we recognize that the popularization o' the pointy-ear thing may actual be walt disney's fault more than tolkien, but why blame an American when there is an englishman available?

Edited by Gromnir

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"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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