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Steam won't let me purchase Awakenings because I have a disc version of Origins?


"Your transaction failed because you are trying to buy a game that requires ownership of another game you do not currently own. Please correct the error and try again."


Really EA/Bio/Valve???


Oh crap. I was plannin to buy this from Steam holiday sales but I also have boxed version of the DA. Have to skip it complitely then, based on anrgy posts on various boards and rather average (at least for Bioware) scores on metacritic, it's not a huge loss. I still think this would have been worth 5-10 euros from Steam but I'm certainly not going to buy another DA just for the expansion.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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Does the D2D version suffer from the same issue as Steam?

D2D Awakening Page


This product is an expansion to Dragon Age: Origins and requires either the retail copy or digital version to play.


I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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So after 4 aborted runs I'm not sure whether to try for another or just skip the original campaign and try the expansion as a standalone game. Does purchasing the expansion add any functionality/gameplay to the old campaign or are all its additions completely contained in the new story?



My biggest whinge is still having to repeat the whole Ostagar+Tower schtick every time which is discouraging me from restarting. I see there's a skip the Fade mod but nothing else so far. That said I might use the skip Fade mod anyway just because the powergamer in me would get massively irritated if I missed a single one of the stat buffs.


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It's strange... the compulsive gamer in me who, normally, would be heading for the games shop ASAP is... not interested. It's not that I'm not going to get this, I will get round to it for sure, it's just that I can't get really excited about it. I'll wait for a month or two.


As good as it is, and DA is a solid CRPG with flashes of greatness, it isn't quite scratching the CRPG itch I have.





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MOTB is my definition of RPG awesome, thankyouverymuch.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Guest Slinky

Awakening is out and nobody here is commenting on it? Even Monte "The Tunnel Fighter" Carlo doesn't seem to be interested.


What's going on? Did the magic of clearing endless mobs suddenly wear out?

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Maybe the standalone storyline sort of dampened interest in general? Got the same vibe for expansions/semi-expansions like Colonization for Civ4, Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics or HoMM3: Shadow of Death, just sort of ....disconnected. Or maybe the public just have no interest in playing a Frenchie. :rolleyes:




Incidentally are there new PC voice sets to reflect the new background or does the Orlesian warden sound still sound like a British coalminer?


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Guest Slinky

*Protection from madness*


There seems to be unusual amounts of hate in Bioboards. Usually they just ignore faults in Bio's games but now they are screaming about bugs. Did bio rush the expansion? Then again, Origins has still lots of bugs, mostly in items. And the newest patch broke pickpocketing.

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I have found DA for 30 euros at my local shop.

Is it worth buying it now or should I wait for a gold edition with the expansion and all the add-ons?

"Ooo, squirrels, Boo! I know I saw them! Quick, throw nuts!" -Minsc

"I am a well-known racist in the Realms! Elves? Dwarves? Ha! Kill'em all! Humans rule! -Me


Volourn will never grow up, he's like the Black Peter Pan, here to tell you that it might be great to always be a child, but everybody around is gonna hate it. :p
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It should arrive in the mail any day now. But like Monte Carlo, i do not have the interest to play it at the moment.


*Damn impulse-pre-order after finishing the main campaign*

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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After trying to work through a new campaign, I've decided I am going to just rewind my original game to the Landsmeet, save Loghain, and then let him kill the dragon. Bit shorter than replaying, and it will let me use my warden for the expansion.

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After trying to work through a new campaign, I've decided I am going to just rewind my original game to the Landsmeet, save Loghain, and then let him kill the dragon. Bit shorter than replaying, and it will let me use my warden for the expansion.

And, as a bonus, you get to watch the "Alistair becomes a drunken loser" epilogue!

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Awakening is out and nobody here is commenting on it? Even Monte "The Tunnel Fighter" Carlo doesn't seem to be interested.


What's going on? Did the magic of clearing endless mobs suddenly wear out?


Maybe people are too busy playing it? o:)


Honestly, if you didn't like DA you won't like Awakening.


If they hate it I might like it.


No chance.


Then again it might be the lack of romances inducing tantrums.


No, that just generated more rage. That and Oghren.

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I have it pre-ordered and got my shipping confirmed e-mail today. So I'll be getting it sometime next week I hope. It takes about a week since I ordered it from the UK. I am very excited to play it. I loved the first one so much I even bought Return to Ostagar. So I'm expect some long game sessions in the near future.

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The biggest reason for the whining on the BIO baords is BIO had the GALL to kill a hyped character. A bunch of butthurt crybabies is what theym are.


Anyways, I'm still early into the expansion, but while I like it, it's not perfect (no game is).


Better than MOTB? Why do people try tom post moronic stuff that's their opinion and try to pass it of as mine. Anyone should know I quite like MOTB so don't be a douche and spread lies. Thanks very much, trolls.


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Oghren... he's easily one of the least favoured NPCs in the games. This isn't me, this is the Bio shill fanbots I'm talking about. You could drop any other NPC from the original in and get a better response.


:: shakes head :: honestly, I don't understand developers. They're gamers too, right?


I'm playing a new game of DA to try to get back into the groove. I think the problem is the four-character party... to play the play I want to I need five. And the lockpicking thing is driving me freaking nuts. I have to take Imoen-chick everywhere to satisfy my worrying must-open-every-container disorder. Even if it only contains a returning frost dart.


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Sten, Lel, Zev, Wynne, and Dog can be killed by the PC, or by PC inaction; Shale is DLC that not everyone has; Al and Loghain can be sacraficed; and Morrigan always ends the game by getting the hell out of Ferelden. Thus, Oghren is the only character who always finishes DA:O alive, aware, and not off on some voluntary exile. With fewer companion options in the expansion, they wanted to make sure that people who made the 'wrong' decisions in DA:O don't get shafted out of one of their options in DA:O:A.

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^ I don't buy that, Bio can cook up a reason for any character to return via the WoNDeRs of MaGIc...


Oghren isn't even so-annoying-he's-funny (qv. Minsc), he's just annoying. In fact, apart from dead paladin guy, all the Awakenings NPCs are knocking of the doors of the Castle of Meh.


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Guest Slinky
Awakening is out and nobody here is commenting on it? Even Monte "The Tunnel Fighter" Carlo doesn't seem to be interested.


What's going on? Did the magic of clearing endless mobs suddenly wear out?


Maybe people are too busy playing it? :ermm:


Honestly, if you didn't like DA you won't like Awakening.

Not-so-hidden message detected:


Stop whining about Dragon Age!


Never! :p


Besides, I started to appreciate the game much more when I stopped treating it as a RPG and started treating it as a party based meat grinder. And if the expansion sounds more fun, I might pick it up when the price drops.

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I've lost all interest in the series, and if the next few Bioware games are to be set in either the ME or DA universes I've lost interest in Bioware itself. The star wars MMO doesn't count since I don't play MMO's anyway.


Time to move on and play something else.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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