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What? Good endings? I agree that MotB was good but I never found the ending up to par with the rest. To me it mostly fizzled out.


Really? I really loved some of the touches.

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What did you think was fizzling out?


I'm probably going to start Icewind Dale II, to prepare me for SOZ.

  Dark_Raven said:
Deus Ex bored me. Moved on to Oblivion.


moved onto oblivion? :)

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

  Dark_Raven said:
Fallout with Swords.


But Fallout D.C. Wasteland 3 already has swords... >_<

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




  Maria Caliban said:
Played Left4Dead on Normal. Got my ass kicked.


You need to practice more often or get a better team. >_<

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




  Deadly_Nightshade said:
  Maria Caliban said:
Played Left4Dead on Normal. Got my ass kicked.


You need to practice more often or get a better team. >_<


It was a single player game. I don't think I'm quite ready for MP.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.


Starting off in singleplayer probably makes it easier. AI is smarter than the average gamer. Which isn't saying much or anything, really.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)


My boss gave me a copy of Warhammer Online. Up to level 4. Probably won't play past the 30 days.


Beat Kane's Wrath.

Playing, in no particular order:

Tomb Raider Anniversary (should beat this first since I'm borrowing it).

Neverwinter Nights: Storm of Zehir (am feeling a little directionless in the game, but I'm sure that'll clear up)


Red Alert 3 (Okay, so I haven't installed it, but will give it a shot soon)

X3: Terran Conflict (same as RA 3)

Persona 4 (love the game, but am taking a break from it)

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
Posted (edited)
  Llyranor said:
Starting off in singleplayer probably makes it easier. AI is smarter than the average gamer. Which isn't saying much or anything, really.


Crit: +200% dmg to Ego. >_<


I might pick up the new World of Warcraft expansion and start playing on the Knight's Legion server again. Then again, last time I checked, there were only two people on the server and it still crashed every hour.

Edited by Maria Caliban

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.


Left 4 dead requires you to pay attention to your surroundings, alot of information is conveyed in the audio (the special zombies can all be heard before they are seen, and hordes/tanks all have a special music that plays to signify their appearance), also you need to keep in mind you have to stay with your team, this is actually harder to do in Singleplayer because no matter what you have to lead, in Multiplayer competant players will generally outshine any ai in terms of reaction and general intelligence. Also learn the weapons, the Tier one weapons generally you can pick either but it's often better to pick a shotgun when in an urban environment because the enemies are closer, in rural/open environs use an SMG for the range. Tier 2 it's really up to you, both the shotgun and assault rifle are effective at mowing down hordes, the Rifle on the other hand is for those who can aim fast, it's usually a one hit kill and it goes through zombies. I use the rifle when I'm outdoors or crossing a street. I stand in the doorway to the outside and pick off every zombie I see. If you don't do this, the moment you get boomered or have a horde arrive, all the zombies you passed will rush at you. Also conserve medkits as best you can, Take pills until either you run out or all you have left is a little bit of temp health, then pop the medkit. HOWEVER if you get incapacatated twice, you will need to use a kit because all the color will dissapear, if you get incapped again you instantly die.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


Played Left 4 Dead with Tale, Bok and a friend (darkshape) on advanced. I don't think we restarted once, the ai director must have been nice to us (well we had two tanks in one level, and then 2 witches, I guess we were just THAT GOOD!)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


Going to try Ultima 7 for the first time. Also, a free game called Gamebiz II, which is a video game company simulator - absolutely brilliant. Being free, the graphics look absolute crap, but hey, it's a sim. Can't wait to try it.


Left4dead is an excellent game. It's so simple, but the game invests me in my companions in ways that I have never been invested in a shooter before. ...And that's the AI companions. They don't even complain much when I shoot them in the back, which happens fairly frequently. I have gone through the first four scenarios of No Mercy, and I'm loving it. I'm 40 now, which I guess means that my reflexes aren't quite up to speed. Against the AI, I have always had more infected kills than any two companions combined. On the other hand, I have far more incidents of shooting my friends. I also tend to get targetted. The first witch we encountered, I activated her, but not by light. I dutifully turned off the flashlight and then then tried to sneak by her. Apparently, with or without light, you can't walk within 5 feet of them without drawing attention. Makes sense, I just thought they were entirely light acitvated. After that, I just made sure I kept way the hell away. I can tell the differences between boomers, smokers, hunters, and, of course, witches based on sound now. I would say tank, but who needs to identify them by sound when you can tell it's a tank because he's beating on your arse with your arm?


Something I thought I wouldn't like is the fact that they've given you four survivors from which to choose. That's great, man! I mean, at first it was like, 'you can't choose your own look?" ...But the cutscene at the beginning and the voice over work made a believer out of me. If anyone wants to play with an ol' shooter like me, I'll hook up with them and we'll unleash a can of whoop-*** the likes these deaders have never seen. Yeah, I'll accidently unleash some of it on you, but you can just pistol whip me from time to time for revenge.


Prince of Persia.



That's it, the combat is balls. Every few seconds you'll get a quick time event, usually followed by two or three other quick time events and you can never actually have fun with the combos. This game seriously needed a better combat mechanic.


"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"


Diablo 2. I am now in the LoD part.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
Baldur's Gate modder/community leader
Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition beta tester
Baldur's Gate 2 - Enhanced Edition beta tester

Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition beta tester

  Aristes said:
Left4dead is an excellent game. It's so simple, but the game invests me in my companions in ways that I have never been invested in a shooter before. ...And that's the AI companions. They don't even complain much when I shoot them in the back, which happens fairly frequently. I have gone through the first four scenarios of No Mercy, and I'm loving it. I'm 40 now, which I guess means that my reflexes aren't quite up to speed. Against the AI, I have always had more infected kills than any two companions combined. On the other hand, I have far more incidents of shooting my friends. I also tend to get targetted. The first witch we encountered, I activated her, but not by light. I dutifully turned off the flashlight and then then tried to sneak by her. Apparently, with or without light, you can't walk within 5 feet of them without drawing attention. Makes sense, I just thought they were entirely light acitvated. After that, I just made sure I kept way the hell away. I can tell the differences between boomers, smokers, hunters, and, of course, witches based on sound now. I would say tank, but who needs to identify them by sound when you can tell it's a tank because he's beating on your arse with your arm?


Something I thought I wouldn't like is the fact that they've given you four survivors from which to choose. That's great, man! I mean, at first it was like, 'you can't choose your own look?" ...But the cutscene at the beginning and the voice over work made a believer out of me. If anyone wants to play with an ol' shooter like me, I'll hook up with them and we'll unleash a can of whoop-*** the likes these deaders have never seen. Yeah, I'll accidently unleash some of it on you, but you can just pistol whip me from time to time for revenge.

we do have a group of people on the PC side that play together alot, I'm Calax, Tale's Tale and the others have different names.


Also once you start playing with other people your kill count drops like a rock.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


Just finished MotB for the first time.


The last few areas on the Fugue Plane were kind of a letdown. Just a bunch of tiny battles that were won in a matter of seconds. Could've used some more content there. Also, having picked None as my deity, I really wanted to bring down that stupid wall! Why didn't I get to bring down that wall?!


Anyway, great game.


Played, finished, reviewed and am replaying Crayon Physics Deluxe. Too short, some flaws, but overall very good.


After about an hour of patching, 30 minutes fumbling through graphical options, and another 15 lost in character creation, I've *finally* begun playing NWN2. But... Why the flying **** does it feel like Chrono Trigger? o_O


I expect that my scores will plummet when compared with you guys. No biggie. I don't have the reflexes of a siberian tiger, but I'm just there to have fun and make it to the 'copter. I made it out alive and managed to get the no-one left behind thing. Of course, that was on normal, so I'm sure harder settings will be brutal. Still, on the first run I only needed to be revived 3 times altogether. ...And I never got taken out completely, although I did finish one level with 1 health. It sucked, because I was on point all the time. I ended up taking the brunt of most hunters and tanks. Oddly, the smokers only went after me about as much as everyone else. The only time I didn't jump in and shoulder a tank was after the first tank took me down and I couldn't aford a second take down on that level. I let the others get him on them and then I emptied a couple clips into him. I chose to take a random toon, and ended up with Luis, which I thought was cool. I actually like all the characters, so I'm happy to play any of them.


I guess, from the name on the screen when I received acheivements, my name is Cratereus, but I don't know how to join one of your games. How do we meet and smite?


Basically you go to our steam page and friend us. Then we'll be able to see you through the steam system in the friends listing. Once there steam has a built in IM system to talk to people.


As to it getting harder, Advanced is a cakewalk compared to expert with humans. The great thing about bots is that they have perfect accuracy, while Humans usually have some Friendly Fire happening. On Expert Friendly Fire does full damage which means you pop somebody with a shotgun and they loose half their life, also Zombies will hit you for 20 per poke, tanks and witches are one hit incaps (well Witches might be one hit kills). Advanced gives you much more room for error with the zombies doing 4 damage per whack and friendly fire doing at MOST 10 hp.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.


I've been playing through Mirror's Edge all day. The length of the game is kinda disappointing (I've beaten it twice today), but I've been having a lot of fun trying to improve my times. When things don't go well it seems like a pretty mediocre game, but when things are going right, taking down the cops, bouncing off the wall... Things just click and it's a total blast.


Damn I hate those freakin' pursuit cops though. :rolleyes: It's so very satisfying to shoot them in the face.


honestly? I loved mirrors edge, short and a few moments where you asked the devs "Really? you thought that that would be possible on the first try?" But the games mechanics once you get used to them put you in an incredible groove, and often I could find jumps and other things like that without having the red highlights.


Probably the worst moment in that game is attempting to escape the Mall, you get to the top and have to break glass, wallrun and jump to a bar then move from bar to a glass walkway zip along that and jump one final time into a maintence cubby hole. All the while a guy with the 1 hit kill gun is blazing away from below.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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