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honestly? I loved mirrors edge, short and a few moments where you asked the devs "Really? you thought that that would be possible on the first try?" But the games mechanics once you get used to them put you in an incredible groove, and often I could find jumps and other things like that without having the red highlights.


Probably the worst moment in that game is attempting to escape the Mall, you get to the top and have to break glass, wallrun and jump to a bar then move from bar to a glass walkway zip along that and jump one final time into a maintence cubby hole. All the while a guy with the 1 hit kill gun is blazing away from below.


I've been watching speed runs when not playing the game and some of the moves that those guys pull off are just incredible. I've managed to pick up a few things that allowed me to get through one of the chase sequences without having to beat the crap out of your pursuers beforehand. There were very few areas that I had the questioning the devs in a "you thought that was possibly on the first try" way. Most of the time when I died it was because I did something incredibly stupid, or the game glitched and Faith wouldn't grab on to something, like that damn third post in the last section of heat. She wouldn't grab that stupid thing unless I climbed all the way to the top of the second post and then sort of fell right on the third one.


I didn't have too much trouble with that part of the mall actually. I had a worse time in the section just before that. Right after you get to the second floor and into the other section of the mall where Merc tells you to go up, on the top floor in the one corner there is a couple boxes that you are supposed to use to fling yourself up onto the plant box before turning and jumping through the window. I kept screwing up on that jump for some reason. When you do it right, you just fly off that pile of boxes, but for some reason I kept vaulting them instead of jumping up off them. Took me half a dozen tries to get it right, but I haven't missed that jump since then.


Escaping from the SWAT guy with the SAW was actually pretty easy in my game. I don't think he hit me once. I let him shoot out the windows, wall ran over to the bar and then had to wait for Faith to stop swinging before I could inch my way over to the centre of the bar so that I could swing over onto the hanging platform. He kept spraying bullets all around me, but I don't recall being hit. The staircase in chapter 8 gave me some trouble with the two SAW SWAT guys standing at the bottom. It was so satisfying performing the flying drop kicks that downed both of them on the run where I finally succeeded though.

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I did like the "It'sa ME!" achievement :p


I'm playing on PC so I don't get achievements. -_-

basically it's for jumping strait down onto a cop.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Played the Death toll one as Zoey. We all died on that one, just 'cause the first tank we fought threw a car that smashed two of use down right away and the others couldn't take him out. Dumb luck. The next time, there was a witch. Now, I saw some writing on the wall somewhere that you could sneak up on a witch and smite them. So, I did that on the previous map. I snuck up and we killed her in good order. On the map with the tank, the last one in that campaign, I wanted a little payback for the full party wipe. With that in mind, I snuck up on the witch and this time she took me down. Great, fpw followed by a takedown. Didn't die again, though, and we made it out without much incident, although there were many waves in the last bit before the boat arrived. Also, Death Toll was the first map where someone died. It was weird, too. Francis was at full health one minute and dead the next. Hell, this is great fun.


Also played WotLK. This person I've helped in the past wanted to team, which we did. Unfortunately, she took great umbrage when I said that we were going to put some zombies back in the fiery bowels of hell where they belonged. She said she had some pg children in the house, so I tried to be careful, but I always thought that "hell" and "damn" were perfectly acceptable in PG films. -_- Oh well, finished the missions at least.

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If the original game has achievements, the PC version ought to have them as well.


Finished TQ on normal and then farmed Hades a few times. Did not get the key. -_-


Played Left4Dead more on Normal and was able to finish mercy hospital. I was doing very well until a smoker grabbed me and then while I couldn

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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If the original game has achievements, the PC version ought to have them as well.


Finished TQ on normal and then farmed Hades a few times. Did not get the key. -_-


Played Left4Dead more on Normal and was able to finish mercy hospital. I was doing very well until a smoker grabbed me and then while I couldn’t move a boomer vomited on me. The AI did something interesting I hadn’t seen before. I was ‘lost’ on a level and kept on doing back and forth – instead of sending unholy hell my way via zombies, one of the companions wandered off to the exit and called for me to follow.


I’m not sure where you guys are getting info on the AI companions. While it’s true they never hit you, their accuracy hovers around 27-29% (on normal).


I’m getting my new video card next Wednesday (8800 GTX). Time to crack open the library of titles I’ve played on the lowest setting and see what they’re like at a decent resolution and FPS.

Basically the AI will keep itself accuracy wise in the range you stated, however they have Xray vision so they tend to put out alot more lead in places a normal player wouldn't even be able to see (on blood harvest I can't count the times where i've been zipping along and all of a sudden my 3 ai teammates turn 90 degrees and pump a full clip into a tree only to have a boomer or smoker kill noise when they turn back to follow me.

Also they never put any shots into an ally.


Edit: I being the WoW tankhead that I am, have been caught up in a thread about the "bar" for different tanking classes. Arguments about, but the general consensus is that Death Knights and Druid tanks will generally outperform warriors and paladins when you're dealing with a MASSIVE amount of damage in one blow, beyond that they seem to have some of the best mitigation mixed with ok dps for off tanking.


The main arguement is between paladins and warriors, Warriors want a buff to make us actually the best at somthing, paladins say we're fine.

Interesting stuff IMHO, it also gave me a direction to spec myself (my spec is mostly me saying "This might be good!")

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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basically it's for jumping strait down onto a cop.


I figured that's what it was. I managed to do that once totally by accident. I was trying to jump from one roof to the next and kick a cop in the head, but I misjudged my momentum so instead of dropping down to his height I ended up landing on top of him instead of kicking him.

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Uplink, by Introversion. Quite amazing - particularly the amount of terror and tension they can elicit with so few features and gizmos in the game. The level of addiction for something with no characters or dialogue (so far, at any rate), either, is also amazing. I love these guys.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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Uplink, by Introversion. Quite amazing - particularly the amount of terror and tension they can elicit with so few features and gizmos in the game. The level of addiction for something with no characters or dialogue (so far, at any rate), either, is also amazing. I love these guys.


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep**Beep**Beep**BeepBeepBeep*


*Connection Terminated* :ermm:

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I finished all four L4D campaigns on normal. Now on to advanced. My hope is that there are more of these short campaigns. I guess I might enjoy a longer campaign with more of a story, I really enjoy the short frantic scramble for safety. I guess each campaign has four maps? I've played as all four toons and tried all the weapons. My friendly fire has gone down but my accuracy still sucks. I've been as low as 25 and as high as 37. I'm not exactly great at headshots, either. I think my high is 11 and my low is 8. At least I'm usually up high in headshots when compared to the sucky AI characters.


The AI is pretty lackluster except for two things. As Calax says, they have friendly fire incidents. Also, they have uncanny luck against specials.


Now, those two things really do make the AI toons awesome in a lot of ways.


On the other hand, the AI have some real disadvantages. First of all, if I'm on voice with other players, I can yell something like, "Hey, please don't loiter on the pipe bomb!" In fact, the human players might step away from explosions and fires and not blame when they had precious seconds to move back from my grenade instead of simply standing there. The other thing is, humans can coordinate better. If there are four or five possible avenues of approach, maybe we don't ALL have to look down the same hallway.


L4D is a great idea. Short campaigns comprised of four brief maps. Enough enemy and location variety to keeps things interesting. Just enough weapon variety to serve for four short campaigns. A real team based shooter with AI companions who actually help the player.


Great job, Valve.

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I think that Valve is going to be adding more campaigns down the road and eventually open it up to fans to build their own levels.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I thought it was way too short, each scenario only takes about an hour to play so you pay full price for a 4h game.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Played Force Unleashed over the weekend. Enjoying my PS3 very much.


Things I liked about it:


- When it works it works. Picking up objects/stormtroopers zapping them with force lightning and then throwing them into more enemies is awesome. Overall force powers are well depicted and easy to use.


- Graphics are great and voice acting is pretty good.


- Story is good, though it seems a bit too short. It does shed some new light in the events between ep. 3 and 4. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is up for debate.


Things that are annoying:


- Camera: The game works well when there is a long stretch of corridor before you with plenty of things to throw. Then gripping things with the force and using force powers is a joy. But if you are surrounded enemies or in a large area, they can attack you off camera and that gets annoying fast since you have no chance to evade or block. Also there isn't a good indicator from what direction that attack is coming from so it takes some time to locate and counter-attack. The wouldn't be so bad were it not for


- No recovery time. When you get hit sometimes you get knocked down. Then you proceed to lie on the ground for what seems like an eternity. You can get hit while you are lying down. Also enemy attacks seem to hit you right when you standing up (from off camera) making you fall down again. This is a pain and annoying. There should be a recovery animation, or a quick roll out of the way move, or stand up really fast move.


- Close combat feels like a joke. Why does it take multiple hits with a lightsaber to kill a lowly stormtrooper? I want it done in one quick slash. Blocking and counter-attacking feel slow and unresponsive. Lightsaber combat is not what it could have been. I don't think I've seen anything better than Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy so far. Why is it near impossible to grip a enemy if he is standing right in front of you?


- Because the targeting is fickle. Sometimes what you want to grip and what you actually grip is totally different. Not good when enemies are attacking relentlessly. Plus the gripping controls seem unresponsive. Ok, I gripped something I didn't want. Why is there a pause before I can regrip something else? (Maybe that's just me.)


- What's with the loading screens that I have to jump through just to upgrade my powers? This wasn't even an issue it previous gen. This is annoying and feels sloppy.


- Level design was pretty bland. Don't get me wrong, the levels look nice. Its mostly just point A to point B though. And did you have to make us go to the same planets more than once? More variety would be welcome.


- Why is everyone so clumsy? Enemies trip and fall over small boxes, limbs flailing all over the place. Its funny just to watch sometimes. They come running then proceed to trip over stuff. Ok, it doesn't happen often, but it is noticeable. Also why does my character get stuck on little roots and stuff and can't move? Collision detection is wonky.


- Much too short.


It is a enjoyable game despite my quibbles. But definitely not worth retail price. Good for a rental though, which I did.

Edited by Azure79
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...jus' took a break from me ol' favorites an' ran through Crysis (not a bad shooter) an' Left 4 Dead on the Xbox 360 (not quite the original Resident Evil, but a fun zombie blaster)...gotta grab Storm o' Zehir one o' these days...still want a PS:T remake... :thumbsup:




A long, long time ago, but I can still remember,
How the Trolling used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance",
And maybe we'd be happy for a while.
But then Krackhead left and so did Klown;
Volo and Turnip were banned, Mystake got run out o' town.
Bad news on the Front Page,
BIOweenia said goodbye in a heated rage.
I can't remember if I cried
When I heard that TORN was recently fried,
But sadness touched me deep inside,
The day...Black Isle died.

For tarna, Visc, an' the rest o' the ol' Islanders that fell along the way

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Overlord on PC with a Xbox S pad via XBCD. Much fun, little depth, brilliant puzzle design at parts.


The Witcher Enhanced Ed. with Polish voice overs. It was a pain to install, but has tons of depth and quite a bit of replayability outside of the repetition of the hunts. Unless you do a really improvised build, like Axii and bombs.


Onimusha 3:Demon Siege is a decent romp all in all, kinda simple compared to 2:Samurai's Destiny. Don't play without a gamepad, the port control scheme is horrible.


And finally, Stalker:Clear Sky. Works pretty decent on an average laptop(my pretty new Amilo!).

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Mass Effect. This time in German.


Sorry man - but the thought of that made me laugh out loud.. :sorcerer:

Lol. It's really hilarious on it's own. Some stuff is very good translated, other stuff is B-movie corniness pure. I especially liked when Benezia died, she literally said "Ughh". ;)

I think that could potentially be more hilarious than the French version.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I've done two of the four L4D campaigns on advanced. My stats are higher on advanced, which is probably because I'm forced to play better. One thing though, everyone died except for me on the extraction for Death Toll. :( The AI companions are generally great except in those last battles where you need to coordinate. We were fine until the last tank and even then would probably have lost only Zoey except for Francis and Louis running around like idiots.


The good news is my stats were better in virtually every way. better headshots. Better accuracy. Better kill counts. What went wrong is the fact that one normal I could pretty much go through the campaigns without any restarts. On advanced, I've had fpws a few times and had to restart. Some of it's just stupidity and some of it's just dumb luck. And I could always play better. Great game, though, so I like to think I'll keep improving.


One thing I hate is that I'll get docked for waking the witch when she was in a spot we were forced to traverse and I had no choice but to get to as good of a position as possible and acitvate her on purpose. Nothing like being forced to pick a fight and then getting a demerit on top of it.

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