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Ready for Xmas?


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How about something new to decorate your tree with this year, in the form of reindeer dung tree ornaments??


The Christmas ornaments for sale at the Miller Park Zoo's gift shop are partly manufactured by reindeer. Honest!


Staffers make decorations out of droppings from the zoo's two reindeer, Ealu and Rika. The droppings are dried, then clear-coated and either painted or rolled in glitter.

Zoo marketing director Susie Ohley has named the products "magical reindeer gem ornaments," and each comes with a label of authenticity. They cost $5 at the zoo gift shop.


The idea for the ornaments came indirectly from a story zoo director John Tobias heard about his Irish grandmother.

It seems that back in the early 1900s, his grandmother would take chocolate drops and sprinkle them around so the children in the family would think that reindeer had really visited.


That memory, and talk about stringing cranberries and popcorn, led Ohley to think of using the innocuous dry pellets in Christmas ornaments for a fundraiser.

Katie Buydos of the zoo support staff, who makes jewelry as a hobby, donated wire and beads for the project, saying, "Susie asked me to bring some creativity to the table."

"Each one is unique; they are each a work of art," said Ohley.


People appear surprised by the size of the droppings.

"Reindeer are so big," said zoo maintenance worker Sheldon Williams, but their droppings are "just a big pile of small." ------


Honestly... :ermm:


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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I guess it is better than being killed at Wal-Mart by being trampled to death.

Being trampled to death wouldn't be on my list of "favorite things," no. :ermm:


We're probably not doing much for Xmas, per usual, but all the shopping bargains may be taken advantage of.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I guess it is better than being killed at Wal-Mart by being trampled to death.

You make on-line shopping sound like a viable alternative :thumbsup:


Edit: Being ready for Christmas? Not at the moment. Crossing fingers and hoping that those silly buggers in Bangkok vacates the airpoirt before that, or I'll be stuck with a worthless flight ticket to Europe (since it has Bangkok as a stopover on the trip).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Sure. Only because I get two weeks off because that is my jobs downtime.

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I'm excited, my daughter is old enough to really understand some of the stuff. We'll get our tree this weekend. Things are tight economically, so I won't get too many presents. Most of my money is going towards our RV trip to San Diego from the 27th to the 1st. We plan on seeing the Zoo and Sea World, as well as some relatives up from Mexico.


I did buy a new gas grill for the occasion. It's nice.

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We're going to be out of town for Christmas this year. The shopping is pretty much done and now for the wrapping. The wife is getting an engraved purple ipod. We might get an HDTV for each other for Christmas, but we always dither about such things. I've been thinking about getting an xbox 360 and HD television for a while now. Basically as soon as they came out.


As far as other gifts go, it's just a matter of making sure everything reaches the intended person.


Christmas is always fun and I'm looking forward to it.

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Bought the gifts, wrapped them and they should all be sent by the end of this week.




Otherwise I'm ready for the two week break...

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Bought the gifts, wrapped them and they should all be sent by the end of this week.


Same here. But then I started thinking "man, the shipping costs aren't worth it". So I just put them under the tree, and on Christmas Day, I'll just look at them with surprise. As if the gifts I bought weren't all for me in the first place.

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How about something new to decorate your tree with this year, in the form of reindeer dung tree ornaments??


The Christmas ornaments for sale at the Miller Park Zoo's gift shop are partly manufactured by reindeer. Honest!


Staffers make decorations out of droppings from the zoo's two reindeer, Ealu and Rika. The droppings are dried, then clear-coated and either painted or rolled in glitter.

Zoo marketing director Susie Ohley has named the products "magical reindeer gem ornaments," and each comes with a label of authenticity. They cost $5 at the zoo gift shop.

People appear surprised by the size of the droppings.

"Reindeer are so big," said zoo maintenance worker Sheldon Williams, but their droppings are "just a big pile of small." ------


Honestly... :ermm:


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:lol: I've been threatening to give the 'kids' reindeer s**t for years now. Looks like I can now make good on my threat!

*checks site for maximum size of turd*

I wonder if these come in the 'scratch and sniff' variety? Bettin they do. :wink:

I guess it is better than being killed at Wal-Mart by being trampled to death.

You make on-line shopping sound like a viable alternative :)


Edit: Being ready for Christmas? Not at the moment. Crossing fingers and hoping that those silly buggers in Bangkok vacates the airpoirt before that, or I'll be stuck with a worthless flight ticket to Europe (since it has Bangkok as a stopover on the trip).

Good luck on the flight.

I have done very little shopping in stores for the last few years. I don't like people and I *really* don't like crowds of animals like those that seem to present themselves for the holiday events.


Don't care. I'm not into christian holidays.

I hear you. Yule ( Dec 21 ) it is. It's always funny to be done with the holidays and the expectations and still see people working scrounging for those last minute gifts. I usually work Christmas since I don't care about it and the pay is good. The poor slobs on call are usually gratefull to pass on the duty anyway. @$70/hr to work on a 'holiday' that I don't care about is alright! :thumbsup:


As an aside...it has become a tradition that I serve my wife dinner on Christmas eve. This started several years ago as I stopped by McDonalds ( not just your average 'squat and gobble' but the nutritional(sp?) excellence offered by the culinary masterwork that is served up by Creepy Clown! ) on the way home from work. Me, being a smart-ass, served up this bit of gastric excellence to my wife with a white towel across my arm on the fine china. Although she called me an pompous-ass for my arrogance ( among other things ), we have celebrated Christmas eve with the fine dining of McFood ever since. :lol:


*Do you want fries with that Babe?* :thumbsup: *Rolaids yep* :x



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Don't care. I'm not into christian holidays.


Hey, that's my line.


In any case I am spending the holidays with *gasp* family.



"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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  • 2 weeks later...
We might get an HDTV for each other for Christmas, but we always dither about such things.

i did the hdtv thing last year. need to figure something out for myself for this year, however. we still need to do cards since we have about 30 people that send them to us from all over the country now. most of my stuff is either inbound, or already in hand. my wife's first gift arrived today (shipped to the office). i have one more gift to buy her, and maybe something toyish for the boy. we have movies and video games already, plus some discovery store stuff on the way (arrives tomorrow i think), but he needs a TOY, not educational stuff. :thumbsup:



comrade taks... just because.

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Don't care. I'm not into christian holidays.


Hey, that's my line.


In any case I am spending the holidays with *gasp* family.




You have a family? Sweet Jebus, I always assumed you were an agglomeration of leftover putty from the Sistene chapel.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Don't care. I'm not into christian holidays.


Hey, that's my line.


In any case I am spending the holidays with *gasp* family.




You have a family? Sweet Jebus, I always assumed you were an agglomeration of leftover putty from the Sistene chapel.


Maybe it's a family of Gelatinous Cubes. I can only imagine how they will get through the door...

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Don't care. I'm not into christian holidays.


Hey, that's my line.


In any case I am spending the holidays with *gasp* family.




You have a family? Sweet Jebus, I always assumed you were an agglomeration of leftover putty from the Sistene chapel.


Maybe it's a family of Gelatinous Cubes. I can only imagine how they will get through the door...


Like Modrons?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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