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My girlfriend bought a Nintendo DS Lite in Hong Kong. Unfortunately for her, I'm feverishly playing Puzzle Quest on it..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heart

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Try Battle Realms


Doubled, I had great fun with this game. The only problems with it were that the lotus clan was overpowered and there was no way to produce more horses (despite being able to capture them and keep them at your stables).


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Yeah, but c'mon, zombies puking into ricefields? That was awesome.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Yeah, all the units were pretty awsome in their own right. Even humble things like the Dragon spearman for his stun ability (though selecting abilities in the heat of combat was a tad microy).


My personal favorate was the Kabuki warrior though, just for being so goddamn pimp (though his special ability was freaking useful against lotus wizards, no more magic balls of doom for you BITCH).


Yin/Yang points were a very very nice dynamic too, and coupled with the very limited harvesting, made for an RTS very focused on early combat, much like Dawn of War.

Edited by Nick_i_am


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Yeah, I agree on all points. It's a damn shame the game didn't get popular. We had to wait for Dawn of War before getting rts games with such a dynamic gameplay. Though Homeworld could call a shot here.


It's a total diamond-hard underdog no one remembers, just like godly Sacrifice.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I'm playing KOTOR1 still. At Manaan the last planet. I can never seem to get everybodies story in one game. Isn't Dustil in this game at Korriban? And also there are suppose to be Mandelorians in Tantooine in the desert but THey haven't popped up.... Weird. :dancing:


Im a scout/Consular. My powers are force choke, Electrocute, Heal, Saber throw, Rest of my team mates have passive force powers so i can do the hacking and slashing. When I kill someone do the EXP POINTS get divided up or to that person?

Always outnumbered, never out gunned!

Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

Myspace Website!

My rig

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It's a total diamond-hard underdog no one remembers, just like godly Sacrifice.


Godly Sacrifice indeed. Respect is deserved by any game with a spell called 'Bovine Intervention'.


Needs a replay.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Ninja Gaiden Sigma.


I just finished the first level and was awarded as 'Master Ninja'. I am death incarnate :dancing:

Edited by Meshugger

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Isn't Dustil in this game at Korriban?


My understanding is that Carth has to be in your landing party on Korriban the first time you land there, in order to get Dustil to appear. If Carth was in your group and Dustil still didn't show up then I dunno.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Isn't Dustil in this game at Korriban?


My understanding is that Carth has to be in your landing party on Korriban the first time you land there, in order to get Dustil to appear. If Carth was in your group and Dustil still didn't show up then I dunno.


You need to max out Carth's influence as well in order to trigger the event. A man should approach you with Carth in your party near any spaceport. Make sure that Carth has spoken in beforehand about his son, or the event will not trigger.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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My game playing cycle has reached K1. What should I be, a darksider or lightsider?


If I play darkside, I will have to role play it and have that stupid wookie kill Mission at the end. That makes me feel guilty.


Or you could play a new game instead of the same stuff over and over.

Why? There's nothing out I want to play. NWN2 was the last new game I bought.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Speaking of NWN2, me and my brother's playing the NWN 2 campaign over LAN. I'm actually playing a Cleric for the first time. I haven't felt that useful yet (as a divine caster), except for that first cemetary. Man, I stole the show (Sun domain and all). It'll probably be a while before we play again though, since I'm getting a new job this Wednesday.

I also picked up Dark Messiah. It's both fun and not fun... not sure how I feel about it.

Edited by Noceur
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I was playing NWN2. Was. Left Highcliff all geared up for Neverwinter but ended up in the little room just outside Zeaire's portal, where the exit usually is after rescuing Shandra. Oops. That's what I get for installing patch 1.06. The dialog transition to Neverwinter worked just fine in 1.05.


At least WoW is on the way to my mailbox. I'm a late-comer, but it'll keep me occupied for awhile.

Edited by Wistrik
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I'm playing KOTOR2, and got to Atris' fortress, but when I was told to lay down my weapons by the Handmaiden something broke in the game. Kreia and Atton remained where they were at the entrance but left my party, and the Atris cutscenes were all out of joint (Atris wasn't pictured, the camera angles were all wrong, etc.) and when I went to leave, Kreia and Atton couldn't talk, and thus couldn't be in my party, and thus I couldn't leave, thus the game was stuck. In place of dialogue, Atton's choices were "Cheat Node: Move to Atris Confrontation" or somesuch, in which the jilted Atris cutscenes and dialogue play but I'm restricted solely to dark side dialogue choices (and yet am given light side points for threatening Atris' life), and "Cheat Node: Continue Kreia dialogue", which does nothing..


Good thing I have multiple saves. Hopefully the last one isn't too far from the beginning of the compound.

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Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword


There's so many fracking options in this game I don't know what to do. The mods and scenarios are aplenty and like the main game can take forever.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Diablo 2: LoD.


*sigh* Yep.. I caved. Got me a hankerin' for something new, but with that 'old-skool' flavour to it, so I picked it up.


Still... not a bad game. Movies are absolutely brilliant. Save game/respawn system blows chunks: obviously designed with multiplayer foremost in mind. Quite a few more character development opportunities than the first one, too. Haven't tried battle.net yet, though; not sure if I will. Maybe some day, if I'm feeling masochistic.


Duriel ate my level 52 Necromancer on Nightmare. Bugger. Bastard even went so far as to corrupt my save game and I had to load a backup that put me back an Act and a half. S'pose the really nasty demons have to have some sort of uber power, though. Gems seem to be doled out on the principle of "if I've got 2 of one type in my stash, don't hand out a third." Just one more gem of any type, and I'll be able to Cube up a Perfect gem of that type, but no such luck so far.


Aside from those irritations, though... not bad.

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I figured out what the problem was. It didn't install the game into the right directory. Some time after I installed Civ4 I ended up creating a "Turn-Based Strategy" folder and moved it there. When Beyond the Sword was installed it was installed outside of the "Turn-Based Strategy" folder. I copied everything into the right directory and now it works. :grin:


Just tried an Afterworld campaign. My big tank got his ass kicked by a Feral. He killed 1 on his first turn, two on the second turn and then died on the third turn. Those things are strong. Two attacks too him from full health to dead. :sad:

Edited by Deraldin
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I just installed planescape:torment. It seems to work better on vista than xp (at least till now)...


It's my fourth attempt to finish the game, not because I don't like it but because I had problems with the visual effects of spells and (mainly) because after fighting Ravel the game was just crashing at my attempt to leave the maze.


I hope vista will do the trick or something...

Edited by Istima Loke

I think therefore I am?

Could be!

Or is it really someone else

Who only thinks he's me?

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