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Who Do You Think Should Make KOTOR III?

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Bioware have better things to do that go around making sequels to other people games, the only one they did was MDK2 for Interplay.


Their current stategy appears to be setting up their own IP and make a place in Xbox as a RPG house.


I serious doubt many companies want to do SW:KotOR III since first sequels are always tricky and second it seens OE decided how SW:KotORIII is going to be anyway so they dont even have the freedom to make their own storyline (unless they are very brave and brush aside TSL storyline).


So whats left ... LucasArts itself or OE again.

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Bioware could develop new exploding engine that will make KOTOR III as groundbreaking graphically as KOTOR I. This has nothing common with storyline.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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BioWare makes engines for their games, looking at the comments about KotOR engine it looks it was meant for that game only, that is why performance is bad (OE lacked the time to optimize it).


BioWare is not Valve or id, they dont build engines for licensing then.

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BioWare makes engines for their games, looking at the comments about KotOR engine it looks it was meant for that game only, that is why performance is bad (OE lacked the time to optimize it).


BioWare is not Valve or id, they dont build engines for licensing then.


From what I understand, I believe Bioware now has a team dedicated for building next generation engines for that very purpose.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Too bad id and other companies have done it for years and right make engines istead of games.


Yes, they can have a team making engines for their games (they have several projects running around at the same time) but as RPG are right now they dont have much of a chance to make money in license such engines. RPG companies tend to build their own engines since they tend to create their own systems.


Besides what is all this?


Why giving BioWare money for then to make just a engine when the developer company can do it, is BioWare such a "giant" of software development we need to see their logo to know the game is not going to crash every 5 minutes?


Give me a god damn break ...

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I don't have an opinion yet, since I haven't played TSL. However, if the ending is as many say it is, then I'd hope that Obsidian does KOTOR3 for the mere fact they would know where they want to go with the story.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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No it's call why fix it now when we can sell it now and patch it later.  See PC version of SWBattlefront.

Yeah, but that is not the developer's choice. They are just the ones who make the game. The publisher is in charge of QA and release deadlines. That has nothing to do with the developer.

Not really. Most companies have total say on final release. Not all of course, but most. The developemnt time is costing them in most cases. In the case of Obsidian and Pendamic(or however it is spelled) it is possible LA pushed, but since both actually had adquite developement time that really isn't an excuse. In Obisidian's case they had half of the game handed to them. Most of KoToR,though it uses a different engine, is built like NWN. That doesn't mean it was for sure totally plug and go, but a lot is very modular allowing for a lot of changes with only resource creation. BF's problem...

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Most companies have total say on final release.  Not all of course, but most.

Says who ?


but since both actually had adquite developement time that really isn't an excuse.

Define "adequate development time" please ?


In Obisidian's case they had half of the game handed to them.  Most of KoToR,though it uses a different engine, is built like NWN.  That doesn't mean it was for sure totally plug and go, but a lot is very modular allowing for a lot of changes with only resource creation.  BF's problem...

This was the funny part. Yes, Kotor's engine was a modified Aurora engine. No, an engine that you have to modify to remedy some of the shortcomings that caused complaints from the first game, doesn't necessarily constitute half of the game. A nice starting point to begin development on, yes.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'd like to see both do the story. But I'm worried about the next game regardless who does it. The story has grown complicated now, with this NEW THREAT. I see the KOTOR series as a possible Thrilogy but can all this stuff that has been told in both games be rapped up in the next? I mean this new threat(which i believe is True Sith or something) will only be the main enemy for ONE game.


I just hope the next game is as Epic as Epic can be.


I totally disagree that this hasn't left it open-ended at all. It's far more open-ended, actually - who is the new threat? What is their true nature? There are no pre-sets, except that they're dangerous.

While we're at it, it leaves it open for the next game to not even have the current state of the Republic as much of an issue, and opens up for any character we'd like to have in the next sequel.


after the starforge was destroyed, and Malak defeated, how much room was there for THAT same threat to continue being a threat?


technically, this final threat has been the True Threat all along, has been the reason the Sith of the first two games were a problem at all.




Fan expectations ruined them, I think, and made them stray from focusing on the things that would actually make people like the game. Still, it wouldn't have been bad if LA had given them more time - and it really is an excuse, if they could've done better with more time and LA would absolutely not allow it. However, Obsidian did make the game... if that's what you're trying to argue about accountibility, then fine, but I haven't seen a single person say anything in disagreement with that.

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No, originally, both PC and X-box versions were planned for releases on February.  So, X-box version was released earlier than the original plan becuase of the request from the publisher.

It's been awhile so I can't remember where I read it, but there was a quote from either obsidian or LA in an interview saying that both would be out by Christmas. Just shortly later there was the official announcement that the Xbox version would be out in December and the PC version would hit some time in Feb. It's possible someone said something they shouldn't, but I trust the sorces I would have gotten it from as they could get suede for things like that. :p


I did nothing but a simple search on the net to support my post.





Could you point out your source?

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I think holding the game back for month to finish the dead lines and fix the dam swoop racing would have been better.

Games get pushed back all the time Halo2 Jade.

I found the story really open with a whole unknown sith empire to find. A new jedi order starting.

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First off Bioware is doing there own freaking IPs. If you actually read their forums you would already know this. Also iin case you haven't noticed that KotOR 2 is a bug fiasco. Let them fixed KotoR2 fully before demanding KotOR 3. Lastly KotOR 3 was canned, scrapped, killed, and made non-existant in pre-production. This has already been reported and known.


Before making threads like this I have a tiny suggestion: KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE POSTING CRAP LIKE THIS.


I know I sound harsh and you probably think that I am such a big meany, but I tell it how it is and this is how it is. Deal with it.

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First off Bioware is doing there own freaking IPs.  If you actually read their forums you would already know this.  Also iin case you haven't noticed that KotOR 2 is a bug fiasco.  Let them fixed KotoR2 fully before demanding KotOR 3.  Lastly KotOR 3 was canned, scrapped, killed, and made non-existant in pre-production.  This has already been reported and known.


Before making threads like this I have a tiny suggestion:  KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE POSTING CRAP LIKE THIS.


I know I sound harsh and you probably think that I am such a big meany, but I tell it how it is and this is how it is.  Deal with it.



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Visceris begins to sing a tune close to AC DC tune "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap."


Dirty deeds done with Sheep!

Dirty deeds done with Sheep!



Velcro Gloves!



(tee hee)

(w00t) (w00t)

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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did anyone at bioware bother to do the research chris "the man" Avellone did, anyone willing to brave the nonsensical EU to find the good deserves a gold medal and the offer of a sequel


Yeah of course people at Bioware did research with the EU. You have to, if you're using someone else's universe to create a game. Its one of the most basic rules for any development team.


- dr cloak

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First off Bioware is doing there own freaking IPs.  If you actually read their forums you would already know this.  Also iin case you haven't noticed that KotOR 2 is a bug fiasco.  Let them fixed KotoR2 fully before demanding KotOR 3.  Lastly KotOR 3 was canned, scrapped, killed, and made non-existant in pre-production.  This has already been reported and known.


Before making threads like this I have a tiny suggestion:  KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE POSTING CRAP LIKE THIS.


I know I sound harsh and you probably think that I am such a big meany, but I tell it how it is and this is how it is.  Deal with it.

Prove it supply the link that states there will be no KotOR III

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