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What You've Done Today - We do not remember days, we remember moments


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1 hour ago, Azdeus said:

Almost all my drinking glasses are old mustard containers. 😄

Heh, yeah, I used to buy this jam, and have a shelf full of the jars. The work great, although they are a bit ... dribbly. :shifty:

With the hand arthritis stuff really large fridge-storage I've capitulated and have a few of those hard clear plastic type wares, because of weight. >.>

I figure I probably still have all kinds of trace residue from later banned chemicals, those ones that linger for decades. Haha. It might be interesting to have one of those types of blood analysis' done to find out. Maybe I don't wanna really know, tho - too late now. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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33 minutes ago, LadyCrimson said:

Heh, yeah, I used to buy this jam, and have a shelf full of the jars. The work great, although they are a bit ... dribbly. :shifty:

With the hand arthritis stuff really large fridge-storage I've capitulated and have a few of those hard clear plastic type wares, because of weight. >.>

I figure I probably still have all kinds of trace residue from later banned chemicals, those ones that linger for decades. Haha. It might be interesting to have one of those types of blood analysis' done to find out. Maybe I don't wanna really know, tho - too late now. :lol:

I remember the house I grew up in had asbestos tiles on the exterior and such lovely things. I dare not even begin to ponder what lovely residues hide in the walls of the house I live in now. The past 200 years have had alot of interesting ideas about what makes good bases for wallpaper and paint 😄


Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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Finally finished painting another squad for my Horus Heresy tabletop wargaming army (a unit of Lernaean Termintors for the Alpha Legion). I guess finishing up my Contemptor Dreadnaught is next...


For the Emperor!!!





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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Trying to fix a client's error and they refuse to tell me what error they get. 

Completely unrelated to this, came across a great quote belatedly - "To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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One of our colleagues died of a coronary. People used to call him 'roidsmurf (or alternatively cokesmurf) because he was a little on the short side and constantly zipping about, stressed out and fidgety. High levels of stress and substance abuse is an unhealthy combination. Guy was just a bit over 50. :(

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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9 hours ago, Malcador said:

Trying to fix a client's error and they refuse to tell me what error they get. 

Completely unrelated to this, came across a great quote belatedly - "To live is to suffer; to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”

"File smurfporn.avi cannot be deleted".

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"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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Work is kicking my butt. Our scheduling coordinator person is out and the bosses are just throwing projects around without vetting them or doing any of the stuff that the other person does so it's making everything harder and take longer. They don't realize I've been putting up record numbers because of the other person doing the dirty work and it's not doable if I have to herd all these cats myself.

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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55 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

Work is kicking my butt. Our scheduling coordinator person is out and the bosses are just throwing projects around without vetting them or doing any of the stuff that the other person does so it's making everything harder and take longer. They don't realize I've been putting up record numbers because of the other person doing the dirty work and it's not doable if I have to herd all these cats myself.

Similar situation for me... My PM went on vacation and left me to take over, trial by fire I guess. It's just that this is one of those weeks/sprints where need 10 different things and we need them done now. If nothing else it showed me how much actual work and stress the PM has... This leaves me in the position to think over if the pay raise (my assumption here there will be one) and a change of scenery is worth it. Then again this company is on the extreme end of the scale as far as work intensity is concerned. There is also the fact that I am new at this and that with more experience things will get easier. I'll see, but at the end of the day this opportunity is not likely to come along again.

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"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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Hubby's gone for 3-4 days and thus I will be extra extra bored. Hardeharhar.

Think I'm going to take advantage of is absence to deep clean and declutter and debox all the boxes that are still boxed. Always feel rude doing it when he works from home now, the noise and other factors. Plus I find it more motivating to do such chores with loud music playing which isn't possible when he's here. Pfft.  I have tossed tons of things the past few years, not minimalism but I'd like to be closer to that - at this point any just in case thingamajig I can buy a new one if I need one years later - but there's still always way too many things I keep because they're not easily replaceable (or not at all). And memories ofc. I have to get over that and just toss 'em anyway. 😛

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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Spent most of Saturday in Australia Zoo (more specifically a place called Beerwah, the zoo being founded by Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin. Nice place. Lots of animals. Lots of space for the animals... and 33C and close to 100% humidity :sweat:

(that's 91.4F for the colonials)

Sneaky alligator wearing a Ghillie suit...



African long-necked predator hiding behind a tree, waiting for unsuspecting prey to stray too close...



I mentioned it was a warm day... the meerkats agreed



as did the rhinos...



and the dingos...



A crane species iirc...



A cassowary taken from a safe (I hope) distance, using quite a bit of zoom



Poison dart frogs...



Cheetas (probably heading for the shade)



Not all animals are behind barriers 🦎



Not all animals are behind barriers 😱



Even without the animals, the landscaping done to the area is gorgeous



...and I got my 22000 steps for the day 😫


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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Meerkat. 🥰
We used to go to the SF Zoo (late 80's/mid 90's) once or twice a year. Not the best maybe but decent enough for an outing. Felt like it went downhill over time however, with areas closed off a lot no matter when you went. Looking at some recent visitor reviews, it seems that hasn't changed much.

I didn't get quite as much done re: the house/clutter as I wanted but did make decent progress. Couple large bags of stuff tossed, boxes emptied etc. I'll have the place all organized and minimal ... just in time for us to move again. Haha.


“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I think I went to a zoo when I was 10, but I was so frigging ill that I can't remember. I know me and my mother went somewhere on leave from the hospital.

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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Trying to recenter my mood a touch at the moment.

The weather is being grim and grey, my father's condition is sliding down a few steps, the work politics is ongoing, the house has sprung a few leaks. I might be dancing on the edge of depression again ; my exercise habits have fallen out the last month or so, and I've realised I've been doing more comfort snacking since the New Year - which is a new expression of it, and I haven't done any serious crafting of stuff since before Christmas.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Been waking up oddly early all this year, like 0500 or so. Sort of annoying but not a huge problem. At least it means I can goof off before work.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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^Thats been happening to me for years. Ill just wake up between 4:30-5:00am for no reason even without an alarm.

Ive been lightly exercising every day so far this year (except for that hella snow day when I had to shovel). I do one set per day of: 15 pushups, 60 crunches (15 each of top, bottom, side, side), 20 bench press and 20 butterfly (using some 10Lb dumbbells I found in my wifes closet). Its sadly not an exaggeration when I say Ive done more pushups so far this year than Ive done in the last 25 years combined. Hopefully I can increase the sets and reps in the near future. Im definitely not going to join a gym, just trying to stave off the dad bod and firm up a little bit.

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I've started doing it since the work from home thing happened during the pandemic. I knew that since going to work was out as far as physical activity I needed something to stop me from turning in to a plant. I'm just missing a bar to do pull ups, but as soon as I move to my own place I will get a standalone bar. But as far as increasing reps, I just stopped at one point where it was good enough for me. Never really desired a large physique, or anything like that.

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"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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Today, my mother struggled a bit to get her groceries inside her apartment. My wife said that we should go help her, and I put on a really serious expression and said:

"Be careful of charity and kindness, lest you do more harm with open hands then a clenched fist."

Then I burst out laughing, but in this instance, Kreia was pretty much right: to take the struggle from her is to weaken her.


She needs to keep using all of her motor skills properly as a means to slow the progress of her Parkinson's disease, even if it is hard to watch at times.


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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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I'm also doing a bunch of pushups. Currently at 50 a day working up to 100.

I can't run or even walk much but with decent eating habits and all my bodyweight exercises, not to mention that I was sick during the gorging period from Festivus to New Year's Day, I'm in pretty good shape for this part of the year.

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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Wrong thread. 😛

Edited by LadyCrimson
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I always remember Kreia's quote, that apathy is death. Then I go to work each day and remember Peter saying he's not lazy, just he doesn't care.


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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Went mattress shopping. Oh boy... I know they get expensive, but still... The nicest one (Tempur) is almost 4500 euro, some memory foam they put in space shuttle seats, according to the salesmen at least... 😂 The one that is a class below that I also liked is like 1500 euro and is a mix of springs and foam, still good but not on the level of expensive one. The closest feeling I could describe it as is like lying in dough. Idk, you only buy it once in who knows how long, but then again it seems like way too much money.

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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It may be worth looking into a mattress topper. They are basically a thin mattress you put on top of the existing one. They are a lot cheaper but can make a huge difference.

Got those for the hotel when older guests needed it a bit more comfortable. ended up just leaving them on. Guests who tried both without and then with the topper said they are amazing.


Mind you, I didn't get the cheap ones for 27 euros. More like 250. But if you put those on a 1500 mattress and turn it into the feeling of a 2500 mattress, then it is still a good alternative to a 4500 one.

Of course nothing will make you feel like sleeping in dough other than that 4500 one or sleeping in actual dough.

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Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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