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A Special Announcement From Obsidian

Mikey Dowling

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Are people still just arguing about stores? Lets focus on the important news people (Obsidian being bought)! Monopolies is bad I think we can all agree, Microsoft using it's position as the OS developer to lock itself into the only store to buy from a la Apple's Appstore is bad, Steam being the only digital distributor is bad, neither of those scenarios work in the best interests of the consumer. Though at least we can say that Valve is the most neutral since it doesn't develop games that it restricts to only its platform... hang on didn't they use to make games...? ;)

"That rabbit's dynamite!" - King Arthur, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

"Space is big, really big." - Douglas Adams

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 Steam does take their cut from Paradox even if the purchase is done through Paradox's own store. The service isn't exactly free for Paradox even though they sell the key through their own store. 


Steamworks integration is actually free when sold on other stores. That's one of the big features of Steam. Valve only takes a cut from sales through Steam.


The limitation is you can't give Steam customers a worse deal.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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For what it's worth, a couple of MS high-ups have been commenting in various interviews (i recall one guy named Matt Booty) that the whole reason they bought these two studios is because they want them to be MS's RPG-focused studios and it is for their RPG expertise that they were targeted. So i for one don't see any reason to be concerned that OE is going to stop making RPGs. If anything, they will no longer have to take on projects like Armored Warfare and Pathfinder Adventures to help pay the bills and instead can (and will) focus exclusively on RPGs. MS has 11 other studios to make those other types of games so why would they force OE and inXile to deviate from what they do best?


The question is what kind of RPGs will they make? And what store options will customers have for buying those games?

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Was just looking through this message board. There lots of people here for 10+ years. Obsidian community is EXTREMELY loyal (we all know that message boards from early 2000s are dead!).
New Alpha Protocol will be nice but we love Obsidian for all these old school games not those for Xbox.

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 Steam does take their cut from Paradox even if the purchase is done through Paradox's own store. The service isn't exactly free for Paradox even though they sell the key through their own store. 


Steamworks integration is actually free when sold on other stores. That's one of the big features of Steam. Valve only takes a cut from sales through Steam.


The limitation is you can't give Steam customers a worse deal.



That's not the only limitation. You also have to sell via Steam, use their client, not offer exclusive dlc on your own store etc. Allowing people to sell steam keys via their own store is classic loss leader behaviour- it costs a minimal amount but ties that company's customers and thus that company to Steam which is worth a lot more. Look at the reaction over this sale for evidence, a lot of people seem to be far more Steam's customers than they are OEI's. Steamworks is classic Facebook Piggies eating food in their trough thinking how wonderful it is that it's all free; it's not free it's just monetised in a non direct way.


And, since we've talked consoles as well, steam's 30% cut on sales at their store is far larger than console licensing fee for selling on console. Pretty inarguable that Steam does more to deserve that extra, indeed Steam Machines shows how much effort they put into the thing that costs a console money- designing said own console- but selling overpriced peripherals is fine.


I'd also point out that Steam is not an 'open' platform in contrast to Google Play or Apple Store- Steam is about exactly as open/ closed as those stores are. Windows is the open platform as compared to iOS (pretty much entirely) and Android (mostly, I do have an Android phone but no Google Account). And I'd also feel compelled to point out again that 'xbox exclusive' frequently means 'xbox exclusive on consoles but coming to PC as well' to MS


I'd be extremely reticent about using Windows Store though. I have no problem using uPlay or Origin, but Ubi and EA are not also running the operating system.

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So what do people reckon will happen with Fig now then considering that those who were owning and running it are now working for MS? Doubt people will view positively a big publisher trying to get them to back their games... :p

"That rabbit's dynamite!" - King Arthur, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

"Space is big, really big." - Douglas Adams

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It's the reason Netflix is a massive hit; centralised entertainment.


And now everyone and their mother start their own streaming service instead, removing that one pro the service offered.


Streaming services require subscriptions. Making an account on a different digital platform doesn't cost anything. I have a steam, gog, origin, humble bundle, uplay, and windows store account and none of those requires that I pay a monthly subscription.


True. The worry really is biggest for Netflix rather than gaming since it's centralised position was what it had going over it, now people make it so you need to sub to 10 different services. In the end it will only result to people returning what they did pre-Netflix for easy access; Pirating. Same reason Steam combated piracy, due to easy access (and in the past, sharp pricing. RIP Steam sales).


And while I too have all those accounts honestly I'm just using Steam and GOG occassionally. Origin/Uplay and whatever solely excist to grab free games off them, I'm never going to ever buy there. Ever.


I also hate Valve for their monopoly and wish it was a different company but have to face the facts, having one central platform for movies/series/gaming is definitely preferable to a consumer over having to go about 30 different services, even if that would prevent a monopoly.

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I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Crpg's like Pillar and Divinity: Original Sin are on consoles too. There is and should be no worry or fear for Obsidian's Crpg's as we know them. All will work out well because Obsidian is strong and Microsoft will do well with them. I understand that's it's easy to be negative and paranoid but there's no logic to comparing the newfound relationship to EA and Bioware since both those companies are structured very differently than Microsoft and Obsidian.

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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For what it's worth, a couple of MS high-ups have been commenting in various interviews (i recall one guy named Matt Booty) that the whole reason they bought these two studios is because they want them to be MS's RPG-focused studios and it is for their RPG expertise that they were targeted. So i for one don't see any reason to be concerned that OE is going to stop making RPGs. If anything, they will no longer have to take on projects like Armored Warfare and Pathfinder Adventures to help pay the bills and instead can (and will) focus exclusively on RPGs. MS has 11 other studios to make those other types of games so why would they force OE and inXile to deviate from what they do best?


The question is what kind of RPGs will they make? And what store options will customers have for buying those games?


Would you kindly stop making sense Sir?... it's unbecoming, unusual and it baffles people :grin:

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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For what it's worth, a couple of MS high-ups have been commenting in various interviews (i recall one guy named Matt Booty) that the whole reason they bought these two studios is because they want them to be MS's RPG-focused studios and it is for their RPG expertise that they were targeted. So i for one don't see any reason to be concerned that OE is going to stop making RPGs. If anything, they will no longer have to take on projects like Armored Warfare and Pathfinder Adventures to help pay the bills and instead can (and will) focus exclusively on RPGs. MS has 11 other studios to make those other types of games so why would they force OE and inXile to deviate from what they do best?


The question is what kind of RPGs will they make? And what store options will customers have for buying those games?


Would you kindly stop making sense Sir?... it's unbecoming, unusual and it baffles people :grin:

HAAAAA! Thanks. I needed that. :thumbsup:

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The question is what kind of RPGs will they make? And what store options will customers have for buying those games?


Exactly. What I'm trying to imagine now is how would (will?) PoE3 look like. Would it still be isometric? Will they reinvent the rules? Will they go for a traditional setting (e.g. Aedyr)?

For me, I can take third person, open world, and co-op/multiplayer if alongside single player. But it would be a resolute NO if first person, not party based, co-op/multiplayer only, console only, or Windows Store only.

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No, just you. This is in poor taste, try to show them a bit of respect. After all, We don't want to look pathetic and whiney like the Blizzard community.Nobody is whiny and pathetic in the Blizzard community bar Blizzard. Luring PC-fans in with $100 tickets for news about their newest game for it to be a mobile port literally is the scam of the century. Not only did they **** over their fans TREMENDOUSLY... THEY ASKED MONEY FOR IT.Scumminess to the next level.

Well I wasn't referring to after the announcement, I was referring to the event specifically in which the live Q&A was held and the same joke was told just because a fan hated what they were hearing. If members here whining out of selfish pity and snide remarks because Obsidian did something better for them as a company isn't in poor taste, I don't know is. Not sure why you're mentioning all the other stuff lol

While that's probably true, what's best for Obsidian doesn't automatically mean the best for it's fans. Or we'd all be cheering on lootboxes since they make companies so much money over our backs.

They will get new fans though, that's the whole point. This partnership is clearly a symbiotic relationship, without it Obsidian would die by why people are expecting that Microsoft can't please the old fans with just silly assumptions is beyond me.

Somewhat doubt many would, and it does sound like a pretty risky proposition on paper. As publisher I would shoot that idea right down. The lack of likes on your post doesn't help selling it eitehr.

Tbh, I'm in the minority [on the forums, but in the real world outside of the forums, to the people who enjoy all genres of quality games, it's obvious I'm speaking for the majority. You are forgetting that the majority of the Obsidian forums are Crpg fans over anything else but the Crpg genre's fanbase as a whole is very niche at best. Just look at the sales at full price vs a deep sale and compare ot to a hardcore third person action rpg at full price vs a deep sale. Some people here actually even believe that Crpg's are the highest quality of storywriting in games just because they grew up with it, nostalgia tells them "They don't make em how they used to" and some other looney-bin myths. I mention this because it's hard for such a deal to make sense but luckily, Obsidian is experienced and smarter than the fans who possess this way if thinking. Obsidian thrives while the community cries, nothing more, nothing less.


I won't get many likes, that's true but look at the audience here lol There arent many active on this forum unless a new game us releasing, otherwise it's really not even worth considering that people's like mentality here is example of a post being logical/illogical.

Cause we're all cheering about the tank game. What do you mean, literally nobody of this fanbase remembered till I just pointed it out? It was suuuuuuch a fan-favorite (not).

It's a low budget f2p mmo, strange you use that as an example to debunk me just because it's the only mp game by Obsidian? We wouldn't really know what Obsidian could do with Microsoft's money and resources though.

We ARE. What do you think leads to this "doomthinking". When indie's is all that's good in gaming nowadays, and all AAA goes down the ****ter, why should we not be concerned for an indie being beung swallowed by one.

Yeah and That's the issue, I mean, there's tons of great indie dev titles that Microsoft has published, the best ones being this gen. Members here are neglecting to acknowledge that fact or those titles because it's not what they WANT to play or see from Obsidian. Doesn't somehow make Microsoft a bad publisher though.


Loyalty is hard to come by, and by no means guaranteed. They may indeed gain a lot of new customers, but whether or not there will be a remotely comparable loyalty... again, such is hard to come by.

Not sure I can agree with you on that.


But if I understand correctly, are you saying that Obsidian has more loyal fans? When a good number of them have demonstrated how angry they are by them taking this deal that they're no longer a Obsidian fan and will no longer buy their games? It's easy to gain the ultimate form of loyalty when it comes to consoles, far easier than a niche genre. The more following you have, the more of a hardcore following you have. I'm sure members here would like to think that their loyalty is somehow some of the more elite loyalty in the communities because Crpg is such a niche genre but that's just not how it works.


People are still buying Xbox consoles when Xbox doesn't have any exclusives they don't already have on pc, due to loyalty, same with Playstation. There is no greater loyalty in the games industry that can be demonstrated over consoles, truly I tell you. You will never see thousands of people parked outside a store and camping in tents for a Crpg but you will for a new Halo or a new console release night.


If anything, they will no longer have to take on projects like Armored Warfare and Pathfinder Adventures to help pay the bills and instead can (and will) focus exclusively on RPGs. MS has 11 other studios to make those other types of games so why would they force OE and inXile to deviate from what they do best?

Would you kindly stop making sense Sir?... it's unbecoming, unusual and it baffles people :grin:


The forums are a strange place where people like to assume things without any proof and define their common thought process as proof. "If everyone is saying the same thing as I am, I must be right."


Kanisatha's comment is the type of comment that barely anyone here will agree with amd yet everyone knows is one of the more logical ones. People feed on negativity, as has been proven by any media teehee

Edited by SonicMage117

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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Unfortunately, even though what you said is very true, problem with that is that most members here own (or game on) just their pc, they're going to read your comment and their closed-minds will automatically go to the extreme of "Why do we have to buy a new console to play these games?" Doesn't mane sense, does it?

And they shouldn't. They should be a bit more adult than this and say "I'm excited for Obsidian, if they continue to make great games that only release on Xbox, I'll just need to save my money and go out and buy the new Xbox. I can't wait to see what they do with all of MS's funding!"


Unfortunately, forums tend to use reverse logic, that's typically why the most logical comments aren't favorited among members. Gotta love the irony on the Obsidian forums though "We are Obsidian fans" and then when their greatest fear comes to pass, they say "We won't play anything by Obsidian other than Crpg's, and they have to be on PC and not on Windows Store". They should just be happy if that Obsidian's doors are open at all and if the game comes to PC and it's through Windows store, that would be a bonus. Not sure where all the false sense of entitlement came from, perhaps when people funded Pillars 1 and 2 they thought they now own a part of Obsidian, then again it wouldn't be a toxic fanbase without some entitlement floating around.


You are correct, it is very unfortunate.

let's hope obsidian survive this

I hope you're not being serious right now, everyone here (and outside the forum) pretty much knows they wouldn't have survived if Microsoft didn't bail them out of the tough spot. Obsidian will only thrive due to the deal, thanks to Microsoft, if you are being serious, what makes you think they would be at any risk, is it just the usual paranoia because MS owns something? Edited by SonicMage117

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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For what it's worth, a couple of MS high-ups have been commenting in various interviews (i recall one guy named Matt Booty) that the whole reason they bought these two studios is because they want them to be MS's RPG-focused studios and it is for their RPG expertise that they were targeted. So i for one don't see any reason to be concerned that OE is going to stop making RPGs.


This is true, but the drawback of being part of such a large corporation is that you're at the mercy of some rather fickle forces to which you just aren't that important. Microsoft has a few products at the heart of its business (Windows, Office, Azure and to some extent hardware such as XBox and Surface) and the total revenue of stuff like RPGs is basically a rounding error compared to those. Today's executives may have a plan for Obsidian and inXile, but a couple of years from now, there might be a new set that wants to focus on something else and sees cutting RPGs as an easy way to get money for whatever it is they're interested in.

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Kanisatha's comment is the type of comment that barely anyone here will agree with amd yet everyone knows is one of the more logical ones. People feed on negativity, as has been proven by any media teehee



It has more likes than any other comment in the thread.  :wowey:


How does the pay scale work? Do you only get paid when people quote your posts, or is it based on every post you make? Did the Bruce account stop producing enough reactions to be profitable? Blink once for no and twice for yes. 

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Kanisatha's comment is the type of comment that barely anyone here will agree with amd yet everyone knows is one of the more logical ones. People feed on negativity, as has been proven by any media teehee


It has more likes than any other comment in the thread. :wowey:


How does the pay scale work? Do you only get paid when people quote your posts, or is it based on every post you make? Did the Bruce account stop producing enough reactions to be profitable? Blink once for no and twice for yes.

7 likes isn't alot though, but I guess it is in terms density of density and traffic on this particular thread.


I don't know did the mods ban your alternate Oby account so now you just use this one to make people here look like shills? This is the second comment you write saying nearly the same thing, do you get paid double for it? Will you get paid triple for writing a third one sayomg the same thing? Hmmm... How I get paid, I suppose it's the same way you get paid for waiting to respond to me and waiting for my response to respond to me again ;)


^I winked (in case you couldn't tell), does it count?


Look at my signature. No, not the Waltermann part.

I'm happy to see I'm still on your signature! Nobody was ever able to prove me wrong, just throw around snide comments because they didn't agree or I remained when they didn't want me around. The usual forum, nobody likes realists.




I really can't wait for Obsidian to start doing some Xbox One exclusives, they're going to be great!


*Gets burnt to a stake for saying that because members here like Hurlshot will think it's in spite but it's actually because Xbox has no exclusives so this is nice to have*


The forums are an interesting place where if you say something posotove but people don't agree with, you're get made out to be a crazy, Imma continue to be here and lovin every second of it though lol Now quick, give me more reasons to validate my purchase of the Xbox One, Obsidian can help Microsoft right their wrongs and this community of fans is worth sacrificing to achieve this, more than worth. This coming from a pc gamer who funded Deadfire just like you guys, God forbid we all could have a slight of difference in opinion.




Woot! Goin against the grain!!

Edited by SonicMage117

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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True. The worry really is biggest for Netflix rather than gaming since it's centralised position was what it had going over it, now people make it so you need to sub to 10 different services. In the end it will only result to people returning what they did pre-Netflix for easy access; Pirating. Same reason Steam combated piracy, due to easy access (and in the past, sharp pricing. RIP Steam sales).


And while I too have all those accounts honestly I'm just using Steam and GOG occassionally. Origin/Uplay and whatever solely excist to grab free games off them, I'm never going to ever buy there. Ever.


I also hate Valve for their monopoly and wish it was a different company but have to face the facts, having one central platform for movies/series/gaming is definitely preferable to a consumer over having to go about 30 different services, even if that would prevent a monopoly.



I absolutely hate the idea of subscriping to more than two streaming services. I have HBO Nordic and NetFlix and that's it. Some day I will have to get Amazon and Disney with how things are going. Add Spotify and ice-hockey and I've got 6 subsciptions. Maybe even 7 to 9 if I give Origin and/or Gamepass a go. I'm already using HumbleMonthly some months.

That's a damn lot of money leaving my bank account automatically each month.


Easy access is definately going away when it comes to movies and tv series. You can already see the results, piracy is climbing again and it's only going to get worse when everyone and their grandmother is opening their own service.


I don't think it matters which company has the monopoly. When you are given such position, it is not the best outcome for the customers. Healthy environment would have about 2-3 platforms on PC where you can play games from, but purchasing could be done via different stores. Don't want to install Windows Store? Fine, log into the website, buy your game from there and redeem a key for Steam and play it on Steam. Valve doesn't get their 30% cut, but you are still able to play the game on Steam.

But somehow I don't see these big companies thinking about what the customers want, they will do what they need to do the increase their income and our reliance on their ecosystems so they can promote their products.

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Hate the living, love the dead.

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So I'll have to get used to the Windows Store after all. But anything's better than losing Obsidian. Congratulations on the deal. I Hope it's good. Whatever will happen now, I'm glad we can be looking forward to more games from you guys.


Maybe that works for you - for me it doesn't. I won't compromise my ideals and views for a piece of Software. If they will be releasing great PC games for Linux, I will buy them. If it will be Windows 10 only, I won't. I will never become a user of Windows 10.

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Unfortunately, even though what you said is very true, problem with that is that most members here own (or game on) just their pc, they're going to read your comment and their closed-minds will automatically go to the extreme of "Why do we have to buy a new console to play these games?" Doesn't mane sense, does it?

And they shouldn't. They should be a bit more adult than this and say "I'm excited for Obsidian, if they continue to make great games that only release on Xbox, I'll just need to save my money and go out and buy the new Xbox. I can't wait to see what they do with all of MS's funding!"


Unfortunately, forums tend to use reverse logic, that's typically why the most logical comments aren't favorited among members. Gotta love the irony on the Obsidian forums though "We are Obsidian fans" and then when their greatest fear comes to pass, they say "We won't play anything by Obsidian other than Crpg's, and they have to be on PC and not on Windows Store". They should just be happy if that Obsidian's doors are open at all and if the game comes to PC and it's through Windows store, that would be a bonus. Not sure where all the false sense of entitlement came from, perhaps when people funded Pillars 1 and 2 they thought they now own a part of Obsidian, then again it wouldn't be a toxic fanbase without some entitlement floating around.



In all seriousness though, at this point, Obsidian is probably happy about working on consoles. Look at the Retrospect video where Josh Sawyer said Pillars would never be on console because they couldn't stand consoles, now we all know they're gonna love Xbox because the fixed hardware is always better for developers. Add to that, the fact that the Xbox One X has a bit of power to it so it's not like it's a loss of tech going from pc to it. As we approach the new gen of consoles, it's looking even bleaker for pc users, this year's goty awards (from well, everyone) is more console exclusives and console oriented games than anything because this year cobsole gaming proved that hype and broad audience/sales doesn't make the game have high ratings but the love put into it, the content and story-writing determines the quality. I believe that if Obsidian puts out games like this but with better story-writing than Pillars and Tyranny - more depth, than they can be on the same level of today's top games.

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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