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Whenever Blizzard worked with another company and delivered something unwanted and not up to Blizzard standards, like WarCraft Adventures or StarCraft Ghost, Blizzard has had the integrity to cancel it. Here's the test for them - if this makes it live, we'll know once and for all it's no longer Blizzard calling the shots but ActiVision.

You do realize they've been the same company for a decade right? There's a reason the only good product they developed since 2008 happens to be the reason every other company wants to shove loot boxes down our throats.

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Tsk tsk... Millennials lmao Those videos are a great testament and showcase to everything wrong with the gaming community. And the logic thereof lacking, you don't even know if the game will be good or even worth porting onto pc yet you're chastising them for saying they aren't.


These are the types of people that give "fanbase" a sour mouth in developer's nightmares. Of course they are going to whine about stuff they're not getting, even moreso when the developer doesn't go their way. Was the project fan-funded? Exactly. At this point, I'm not surprised by their response to the fans, and it's strange that people are derranged enough to expect otherwise given the sarcasm from the fans in the first place.

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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Whenever Blizzard worked with another company and delivered something unwanted and not up to Blizzard standards, like WarCraft Adventures or StarCraft Ghost, Blizzard has had the integrity to cancel it. Here's the test for them - if this makes it live, we'll know once and for all it's no longer Blizzard calling the shots but ActiVision.

You do realize they've been the same company for a decade right? There's a reason the only good product they developed since 2008 happens to be the reason every other company wants to shove loot boxes down our throats.

Really? Wrath, of all things, is the cutoff point for you? :lol:

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Tsk tsk... Millennials lmao Those videos are a great testament and showcase to everything wrong with the gaming community. And the logic thereof lacking, you don't even know if the game will be good or even worth porting onto pc yet you're chastising them for saying they aren't.


These are the types of people that give "fanbase" a sour mouth in developer's nightmares. Of course they are going to whine about stuff they're not getting, even moreso when the developer doesn't go their way. Was the project fan-funded? Exactly. At this point, I'm not surprised by their response to the fans, and it's strange that people are derranged enough to expect otherwise given the sarcasm from the fans in the first place.


Are you game dev to speak for them?

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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Tsk tsk... Millennials lmao Those videos are a great testament and showcase to everything wrong with the gaming community. And the logic thereof lacking, you don't even know if the game will be good or even worth porting onto pc yet you're chastising them for saying they aren't.


These are the types of people that give "fanbase" a sour mouth in developer's nightmares. Of course they are going to whine about stuff they're not getting, even moreso when the developer doesn't go their way. Was the project fan-funded? Exactly. At this point, I'm not surprised by their response to the fans, and it's strange that people are derranged enough to expect otherwise given the sarcasm from the fans in the first place.

Are you game dev to speak for them?

Wait, what?


When did I speak for them? I'm talking about their sarcastic response to the sarcastic audience....

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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Tsk tsk... Millennials lmao Those videos are a great testament and showcase to everything wrong with the gaming community. And the logic thereof lacking, you don't even know if the game will be good or even worth porting onto pc yet you're chastising them for saying they aren't.


These are the types of people that give "fanbase" a sour mouth in developer's nightmares. Of course they are going to whine about stuff they're not getting, even moreso when the developer doesn't go their way. Was the project fan-funded? Exactly. At this point, I'm not surprised by their response to the fans, and it's strange that people are derranged enough to expect otherwise given the sarcasm from the fans in the first place.

Are you game dev to speak for them?

Wait, what?


When did I speak for them? I'm talking about their sarcastic response to the sarcastic audience....



''These are the types of people that give "fanbase" a sour mouth in developer's nightmares''


I assure you, that poor sob who got to get on stage have to get the shortest stick when they were deciding who is going to tell the crowd

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I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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I'd say Wrath/Cat were probably the last great works from the WoW team. SC2 while having some impressive game design, was a rather hobbled game on multiplayer/competitive grounds despite that aspect being the major selling of the game. Valve really demonstrated how a competitive game should be supported technologically wise, and quite embarrassed Blizzard further by their lack of acknowledgement of the DOTA phenomenon. Then obviously the cancelling, well into development, of Diablo 3 and further killing of Blizzard North. Only to struggle with a new Diablo 3's design for years just to find a "second WoW" via the Auction House, only to have to remove the entire AH. Hearthstone gets some credit for succeeding in the card game space, though Magic gets the real credit for leading. Overwatch is just a TF2 clone spurred by the realization TF2 was in it's waning phase and that Valve was busy encroaching on the Dota market which was eating away at SC2. So they decided to move into the void left in the team shooter genre, with a marketing push targeted at a new generation of gamers.


So really their last decade has been mostly remixes and follow trends. While polished technically (mostly thanks to the infrastructure WoW built) the actual games have taken on a rather over-engineered skinner box design to trap players within a facade.


I enjoyed Overwatch just as a way to scratch the TF2 itch in a different way, but it's staying power was a few months for me. While TF2 appealed to me for years on end. Overwatch really is more of a Dota style game anyways, which also points to Blizzards desperation to appeal to a market bubble in game tastes.


edit: grammar

Edited by injurai
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Whenever Blizzard worked with another company and delivered something unwanted and not up to Blizzard standards, like WarCraft Adventures or StarCraft Ghost, Blizzard has had the integrity to cancel it. Here's the test for them - if this makes it live, we'll know once and for all it's no longer Blizzard calling the shots but ActiVision.

You do realize they've been the same company for a decade right? There's a reason the only good product they developed since 2008 happens to be the reason every other company wants to shove loot boxes down our throats.
Really? Wrath, of all things, is the cutoff point for you? :lol:

TBC was the high water mark :p

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It's a company that hasn't made a truly groundbreaking product in years and years. They're not relevant to me. If they think this new thing will sell like hotcakes, fair enough, it's not any of my business.


Apparently folks are very upset about it, but I wouldn't know - I think going around checking out other people's angry videos then pontificating about how silly they are to be angry is just as pathetic.

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Apparently folks are very upset about it, but I wouldn't know - I think going around checking out other people's angry videos then pontificating about how silly they are to be angry is just as pathetic.

So agreeing with them is okay but stating that Blizzard wasn't out of place to respond in the way that they did isn't? The fanbase was trolling Blizzard because they weren't happy with it, not sure how stating the obvious is a bad thing lol I like this mature way of thinking.


I mean, I understand the present community was angry, and I agree with them not liking it but the game is obviously going to be casualised. There were better ways for them to handle it instead of making the Blizzard fanbase look even worse. They weren't silly to be angry, they were silly in how they handled that anger, even the questions asked are very middle school-ish at best "Is this an out of season April fool's joke?" There is some irony there, kinda like reading complaints of complainers of complainers...


#ForumLogic and #RockKicks

Edited by SonicMage117

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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500 angry nerds on the internet vs 500 million Chinese

I don't know why I think the nerds will win. I don't think western companies understand the Chinese market, they just follow whatever trend they believe it will work.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Apparently folks are very upset about it, but I wouldn't know - I think going around checking out other people's angry videos then pontificating about how silly they are to be angry is just as pathetic.

So agreeing with them is okay but stating that Blizzard wasn't out of place to respond in the way that they did isn't? The fanbase was trolling Blizzard because they weren't happy with it, not sure how stating the obvious is a bad thing lol I like this mature way of thinking.


I mean, I understand the present community was angry, and I agree with them not liking it but the game is obviously going to be casualised. There were better ways for them to handle it instead of making the Blizzard fanbase look even worse. They weren't silly to be angry, they were silly in how they handled that anger, even the questions asked are very middle school-ish at best "Is this an out of season April fool's joke?" There is some irony there, kinda like reading complaints of complainers of complainers...


#ForumLogic and #RockKicks



I told you that raising pitchforks and crying rivers about Blizzard seems a bit pathetic. Do you understand?

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I told you that raising pitchforks and crying rivers about Blizzard seems a bit pathetic. Do you understand?

Forgive me old man, English isn't my primaral language, I'm American in the most southern sense :p


To apologize sufficiently, I shall deem you "Daddy" for a month... Hopefully this is enough <3

Edited by SonicMage117

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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Will Blizzard be able to milk fans they acquired from the last 10 years like they did from the previous 10? They created genre defining titles, beloved franchises, games people still want to play. I don't think they necessarily have the talent to make great games now. Everything is in decline, relying on past successes.

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Destiny 2 (base game) is free for a limited time. Was able to claim it by launching the Blizzard launcher.

If any of you are interested, it's in the Gift section of your account in Blizzard Launcher. Gift expires on November 18.

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

My youtube channel: MamoulianFH
Latest Let's Play Tales of Arise (completed)
Latest Bossfight Compilation Dark Souls Remastered - New Game (completed)

Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 1: Austria Grand Campaign (completed)
Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 2: Xhosa Grand Campaign (completed)
My PS Platinums and 100% - 29 games so far (my PSN profile)



1) God of War III - PS3 - 24+ hours

2) Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 130+ hours

3) White Knight Chronicles International Edition - PS3 - 525+ hours

4) Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3 - 80+ hours

5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - 200+ hours

6) Tales of Xillia - PS3 - 135+ hours

7) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - PS3 - 152+ hours

8.) Grand Turismo 6 - PS3 - 81+ hours (including Senna Master DLC)

9) Demon's Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

10) Tales of Graces f - PS3 - 337+ hours

11) Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - PS3 - 750+ hours

12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

19) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - PS3 - 238+ hours

20) Final Fantasy Type-0 - PS4 - 58+ hours

21) Journey - PS4 - 9+ hours

22) Dark Souls II - PS3 - 210+ hours

23) Fairy Fencer F - PS3 - 215+ hours

24) Megadimension Neptunia VII - PS4 - 160 hours

25) Super Neptunia RPG - PS4 - 44+ hours

26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

27) Final Fantasy XV - PS4 - 263+ hours (including all DLCs)

28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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I still can't wrap my head around why they decided to push two Diablo games for mobile devices at the same time at Blizzcon, where fans (like myself, I do admit that I like Blizzard, but perhaps not this newer Activision-assimilated version), certainly tend to be PC or console gamers, and this without even dropping some crumbs, hinting at D2 remastered, D4 or even some new content for D3. That's why I was both surprised and disappointed.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Anyone knows how big is PC download of Destiny 2?

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

My youtube channel: MamoulianFH
Latest Let's Play Tales of Arise (completed)
Latest Bossfight Compilation Dark Souls Remastered - New Game (completed)

Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 1: Austria Grand Campaign (completed)
Let's Play/AAR Europa Universalis 2: Xhosa Grand Campaign (completed)
My PS Platinums and 100% - 29 games so far (my PSN profile)



1) God of War III - PS3 - 24+ hours

2) Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 130+ hours

3) White Knight Chronicles International Edition - PS3 - 525+ hours

4) Hyperdimension Neptunia - PS3 - 80+ hours

5) Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3 - 200+ hours

6) Tales of Xillia - PS3 - 135+ hours

7) Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 - PS3 - 152+ hours

8.) Grand Turismo 6 - PS3 - 81+ hours (including Senna Master DLC)

9) Demon's Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

10) Tales of Graces f - PS3 - 337+ hours

11) Star Ocean: The Last Hope International - PS3 - 750+ hours

12) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - PS3 - 127+ hours

13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

17) Project CARS Game of the Year Edition - PS4 - 120+ hours

18) Dark Souls - PS3 - 197+ hours

19) Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory - PS3 - 238+ hours

20) Final Fantasy Type-0 - PS4 - 58+ hours

21) Journey - PS4 - 9+ hours

22) Dark Souls II - PS3 - 210+ hours

23) Fairy Fencer F - PS3 - 215+ hours

24) Megadimension Neptunia VII - PS4 - 160 hours

25) Super Neptunia RPG - PS4 - 44+ hours

26) Journey - PS3 - 22+ hours

27) Final Fantasy XV - PS4 - 263+ hours (including all DLCs)

28) Tales of Arise - PS4 - 111+ hours

29) Dark Souls: Remastered - PS4 - 121+ hours

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While I agree that Blizz makes very polished games I didn't find interesting or enjoyable game from them since first WoW. Last interesting was probably SC2 but I am not that big RTS fan to bother

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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I still can't wrap my head around why they decided to push two Diablo games for mobile devices at the same time at Blizzcon, where fans (like myself, I do admit that I like Blizzard, but perhaps not this newer Activision-assimilated version), certainly tend to be PC or console gamers, and this without even dropping some crumbs, hinting at D2 remastered, D4 or even some new content for D3. That's why I was both surprised and disappointed.

They became Activision in 2007, this is not new. That's the reason "Blizzard" games have dropped in quality and seem to be more focused on mircotransactions than before.

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I still don't get why they had to merge, something about having a stronger stock presence or something to amortize out risk and ride out opposing fluctuations in consumer demands, while maintaining to diametric branding labels or something? I don't know maybe... but the whole merger just seems odd to me. Maybe it had to do with cooperation in competition against the larger EA/Ubisoft.


But right after the merger they weren't exactly the same organization just yet, it was only that they combined their stocks under a holding company.

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While Overwatch was quite successful, I couldn't help but think that, that was Blizzards doorway to relying on marketing vs quality, strictly giving into the fanbases' shallow wet dreams of casualizing and sjw'ing the industry.


Problem is, that it changed Blizzard into "Not Blizzard". Now they just do not care, perhaps WoW was a good example of this too, I'm not sure. As petty as that community acts though, the disposition may just lean the responsibility on the fans rather than the devs - if the devs allow themselves to be pushovers, some devs/pubs just want to please fans which has never been known to work out well.

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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There isn't much SJW about Overwatch, it's a rather hollow game narrative wise and the represented identities are more about covering marketing demographics than pushing an agenda. It seems a lot of the identitarian dens aren't exactly happy with the games cast anyways. It's clear with the new Diablo that much of what the company does circles around marketing prospects, if half your content is emergent based on the social behaviors that your play-base contributes then you only have to create just enough content that you can market and net people.

Edited by injurai
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