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Have you tested yourself? What makes you think I didn't test?


Of course I test everything I post here. That's why I know you didn't test it. If you want proof, here u go :)


I use two set here, scepter in main/pistol in offhand. And pistol in main/scepter in offhand.




Ha, nice find :)

Have just tested it, and can confirm)

You need a ranged_weapon_with_recovery in mainhand, and ranged_weapon_with_reload in offhand. 


Must be a new bug? I've tried this before and i wouldn't get zero recovery unless I canceled the full attack before the pistol shot.

It's definitely a new bug.

I remember I was checking this after release or during v1.1, and behaviour was different.


I presume that this change is the one that indirectly led to the bug discovered by dunehunter.


Nope, scepter+pistol is bugged since launch as far as i know. I made a reddit post about it few weeks ago

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I don't know if it was mentioned, but there's rather interesting interaction going on when you equip ranged weapon with reload in main hand and ranged weapon with recovery in off-hand - for example pistol MH and scepter OH.

Full attacks with such setup don't have reload nor recovery, and can be spammed back-to-back until you run out of resources.


Im not sure if it is bug or feature, but it's extremely powerful as it allows you to dump DEX and still have monstrous damage (esp. if you are multiclassing any 2 of rogue/ranger/fighter/pally)

I don't know how you tested it but it's not true at all. You have recovery with the scepter in the OH or reload if the pistol is in the OH.

Don’t make assumptions, TEST it. He means scepter in mainhand and pistol in offhand. In this way since full attack abilities use offhand recovery time and firearm has no recovery only reload. You actually CAN spam full attacks without recover. Imo it is a bug and should be fixed.


Have you tested yourself? What makes you think I didn't test?



Of course I test everything I post here. That's why I know you didn't test it. If you want proof, here u go :)


I use two set here, scepter in main/pistol in offhand. And pistol in main/scepter in offhand.



Here we go:

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I remember I was checking this after release or during v1.1, and behaviour was different.

Nope, scepter+pistol is bugged since launch as far as i know. I made a reddit post about it few weeks ago


Hmm, that means I couldn't replicate it back then just like Kaylon.


So, "the bug is there and not an imagination or a lie as shown in a vid - but it can't be reliably reproduced by everyone which is also no lie which is shown in a vid" is the quintessence of this whole stuff, right? :)



Edit: after various tests, I managed to replicate both dunehunter's and Kaylon's experience.

v1. If I disable AI: I can attack without recovery/reload just like dunehunter. Easy, reliable, and without any timing.

v2. if I enable AI: I get the same results as Kaylon. I.e. the weapon usually goes in reload before the next Full Attack. But... I can still skip that reload with perfect timing, e.g: if I issue next FA right after the pistol shot and bullet is on the fly, but before recovery/reload start.


I suppose the explanation is: with AI off, character stays idle after FA. And with AI on, after FA, he tries to auto-attack which triggers recovery or reload start; and even if you issue a new Full Attack you can't skip them now.

Edited by MaxQuest
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^ The work of the gods, I tell you.

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I don't know if it was mentioned, but there's rather interesting interaction going on when you equip ranged weapon with reload in main hand and ranged weapon with recovery in off-hand - for example pistol MH and scepter OH.

Full attacks with such setup don't have reload nor recovery, and can be spammed back-to-back until you run out of resources.


Im not sure if it is bug or feature, but it's extremely powerful as it allows you to dump DEX and still have monstrous damage (esp. if you are multiclassing any 2 of rogue/ranger/fighter/pally)

I don't know how you tested it but it's not true at all. You have recovery with the scepter in the OH or reload if the pistol is in the OH.

Don’t make assumptions, TEST it. He means scepter in mainhand and pistol in offhand. In this way since full attack abilities use offhand recovery time and firearm has no recovery only reload. You actually CAN spam full attacks without recover. Imo it is a bug and should be fixed.



Wait, is this still not fixed?

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