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Care to explain what exactly happens and why? :)

1. Sungrazer has 10% chance to trigger a meteor attack on any hit roll u made, which includes spell and phrase.


2. Sun and Moon has 33% chance to trigger another fire attack, this also include spell and phrase.


So your dragon thrashed has 33% chance to proc itself, 10% chance to proc meteor, meteor also inherently this feature, which results in a cascading effect. I just add returning storm to get more hits.

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wow do you have a build for this? let's hope obsidian focus on improving the game rather than wasting time go on a nerfing spree.


Same as Boeroer, I didn't bother to make builds right now... Maybe when the game is fixed.


I'm in the same boat...

:skull: SHARKNADO :skull:

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@Boeroer, so you remember we had that Rogue Abilities causing AOE affliction with rod thing in beta right? I'm surprised that they didn't fix it by removing AOE proc from rod blast but by making all rogue abilities single target only... So you can still proc AOE stun with Monk stunning strike, or use FoD with rod, while all Rogue abilities are nerfed to single target only. 


I don't understand the reason behind this solution honestly. So rogue CC multiple target is considered OP, while Monk stun mutiliple target is not?

Edited by dunehunter
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I’m surprised they prevented Carnage from triggering on-hit and on-Crit abilities, but let all other AoE abilities do exactly that.


Carnage was over-fixed by not only removing the proccing (which I agree with) but also nerfing its damage into uselessness. Now Carnage is inconsequential as a result of applying multiple fixes simultaneously to the same problem—something Obsidian is sadly fond of, as experience suggests.


I hope patch 1.1 will bring sensible balance changes and not multiple fixes to the same problems.

Edited by AndreaColombo
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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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Builds? What builds. Skill tiers have so obviously "good" and "bad" abilities that making build guides serves no purpose unless maybe self serving or for some pure pure newbs. It's no longer like poe 1 where it actually mattered to have a proper or else "efficient" ordering of learning skills. Even if they improve difficulty a bit, guides will boil down to - "build tanky by picking weapon and shield spec up to level X or unless you can obtain item X,Y,Z then respec into dual wield/2h". We can no longer experiment with ordering, we can't respec stats etc. I don't think you guys will be renowned by your famous builds in poe 2 as much as u were in poe 1. Sad panda. 

Edited by Phyriel
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wow do you have a build for this? let's hope obsidian focus on improving the game rather than wasting time go on a nerfing spree.


Same as Boeroer, I didn't bother to make builds right now... Maybe when the game is fixed.



Well, there are still builds that do not include any of such things (like procing of procing of proc), which my next one is about where I tried to focus on not using any proc of procing effects.


However I agree that currently there is simply to many "proc proc" mechanics around that just doesn't make sense.


I see you actually couldn't resist testing Sungrazer after you have seen my nuking build :D Sungrazer itself is great. The problem is why the hell it does proc out of everything :/

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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds. 

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds.

I remeber that jolting touch with carnage is post by me :p

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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds. 


Before they 100% fix the balance I will sadly probably move to different game. Maybe test one or two builds more. 


Sadly Obsidian is really slow with balance, as many of those things require just editing numbers/prefixes in gamedata files to fix/balance (which is what I did with couple, took me 15-20 min of Notepad +++ work....).

Edited by Voltron
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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds. 


aren't all these build interesting? instead of nerfing maybe focus on improving the game and making the game harder? well unless if it's overly broken.

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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds.

aren't all these build interesting? instead of nerfing maybe focus on improving the game and making the game harder? well unless if it's overly broken.

Not sure how u define overly broken. With this combo u can kill everybody without even attack. You are a moving meteor making machine.

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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds.

aren't all these build interesting? instead of nerfing maybe focus on improving the game and making the game harder? well unless if it's overly broken.

That's not for me to decide. I personally think that too much game breaking stuff makes the game boring - especially inventing builds is boring then.


But since nerfs are going to happen anyway: why would I put my precious free time into a build that will not work after the next patch?

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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This will all get nerfed once OBS sees it. It has been like that in PoE 1 (Jolting Touch working with Carnage - being totally bonkers - and such) and it will happen here. Hence I will wait a bit until I put efford in thinking about, testing, playing and writing down any builds. 


aren't all these build interesting? instead of nerfing maybe focus on improving the game and making the game harder? well unless if it's overly broken.




How is something that turns the game into an even bigger snoozefest interesting?  Even if the mobs were hard enough to compensate it would still be stupid because it trivializes all your skills.

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A great find but also shows how broken the game is.


I did a single full playthrough on POTD and now I am just waiting for fixes + DLCs before returning.


Terrible translation errors (in Polish) but also many errors in English don't help.

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