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Found 9 results

  1. I was thinking about how the pets are somewhat lacking at the moment, yes they are cute and give buffs, but what if there was a way to have better control of how they follow you or if you could hold them to get them out of dangerous situations quicker. Another idea was to be able to have a torso armor or accessory that you would have to sacrifice to carry your pet, therefore if you still want the buff to balance the risk of protecting them you wear this item to hold them, like a pet basket or harness, which not only would it make it easier to bring your pets along but you'd also be able to use the Zipline long distances without having to worry about waiting on your pet or rust them dying on the way to you.
  2. 02/18/2021 Hello here is a list of improvements that can be made to the game following the Into the Woods update, including creature suggestions. Ive played nothing but this game since the new update, originally playing the first version for a couple of days. Quality of life: 1. building complex bases for a solo player takes weeks, i would ask that grass/weed regrowth should be increased in order to assist those who make bases in areas of dry grass/few weeds & grass. 2. Ability to upgrade armor and tools, the milk molar upgrade for torches helps but slime lanterns in water should be upgraded as well to that upgrade 3. Cactus needes should be able to be used as a thistle alternative. 4. Mega Milk molar to upgrade inventory space 5. Item hold amounts for milk molars increased per level. 6. Vertical climbing for aracnids. 7. Webs a 4 chop instead of 3. 8. All insects effected by cordyceps 9. Spiderling damage increase 10. Reduce hostility on ladybird larvae 11. Once teir 3 is unlocked, increase health of all insects to keep them balanced in relative to new ones termite compared to red ants. 12. Mite damage increase, dust mite dust attack dmg increase. 13. More acorn spawns. 14. Increase food bit given on harvest, or concurrent mutation. Suggestions (creatures): 1.praying mantis 2.spider ants 3. butterfly 4. Moth 5. Dragonfly 6. Water strider 7. Frog/toad(boss) 8. hummingbird(boss) 9. Silverfish 10. DADDY LONG LEGS(harvestmen) 11. Grasshoppers/crickets 12. kadydids 13. ****roaches 14. Flea 15. Flies/horseflies 16. Scorpion 17.lice 18. Walking sticks 19. Centipede 20. Venus fly trap/carniverous plants Suggestions (tools/crafting): 1.Boyant base foundation 2. Small one person raft(navigate water faster) 3. Grapple Rod(fishing rod reel that can added to a crossbow to pull yourself to places or high areas without having to parkour or climb[ravine]) cna use thistle or bug leg as grapple and durability measures by incentory weight. 4. Flash bang- stun insects with bioluminessant powder, pebbets, ect. 5. Unarmed attacks, claws ect 6. Climbing tools with use of bug legs 7. Dodge (mutation) 8. Tame pets capable of combat and faster travel.(ants, ladybug, bees larvae) 9. CAGES 10. Parry mechanic 11. Pail to carry cosmetic water and sand. 12. A way to color walls, floors and lamps. 13. Traps with explosive, posion or gas effects 14. Stack cooked food items 15. Balista for home defense.
  3. Here are a couple suggestions I was thinking. 1. Some sort of cart to carry items around the yard. Rather than just moving stem pallets around it would be nice to have a small wheel barrel or garden cart that you could take around with you to gather items. Perhaps it has a set amount of slots in it. 2. Would love to see some sort of creature that was specifically tamable to be used as a transport mount. My suggestion would be a Walking Stick. It can climb certain objects, but doesn’t move the fastest. It’s main attraction would be to take on journeys to use as a carrying mount. Perhaps it can hold up to 12 slots. 3.Other types of creatures in the game such as beetles, moths, butterfly’s, grasshoppers, crickets. I’d also love to see a 2 person flying mount such as a dragonfly. But have it be low on stamina so it can cross the map in a single flight or perhaps it has lower defense. 4. I would also love to see weather effects. Perhaps a sprinkler system installed in the yard. Every so many days it rains. This would open new opportunities for new items like a rain collector. I would even love to see hazards like maybe a garden snake or even a weed eater that targets set locations. Maybe you have to build a metal fence section around your base to “deflect” the weed eater from destroying any property. 5. Would love to see more furniture and base décor to make your backyard abode feel all the more cozy. 6. I get the idea that this backyard experience has just happened to 4 individuals. So, the idea of custom characters are out the the picture but it would be nice to be able to edit them with new outfits, hairstyles, etc to make them more unique to us or add a few more characters to be able to pick from.
  4. Dear Obsidian In response to your fantastic game, please consider my priority list for The Outer World 2. Please please include; Customisation of the SHIP! or possibly the ability to build a ship from scratch!? A Player Home: How about we can terraform a moon and build a settlement/moon base? Implement some of the 'build' software from Grounded? More of ADA! And generally more of everything! More planets, moons, stations - a new star system maybe? Awesome work! Love this game! Everyone boycott Bethesda and all hail Obsidian!! P.S. - Please join forces with CD Project Red and make an epic open-world high fantasy game to rival the burnt out franchise that is The Elder Scrolls? Further suggestions encouraged in the comments..
  5. List of Bugs identified (following recent patch) Dew Collector - Spawns water once but then never again. Insect Spawning inside Solid Objects - The longer I play, the more bugs I notice are 'stuck' inside objects, such as rocks, or tree branches, it's starting to become an issue.. A bug respawn upon sleeping would be good to resolve this? Insects Teleporting through Walls (Note: I have not noticed this since the Larvae spawning on base fix, but I suspect it is still an issue just now less frequent) Spiders and the Lab - Frequent for spiders to get stuck in the entrance to the lab, or just sit and wait outside the lab, making it impossible for newer players to get out. Think this should be made a safe zone somehow. Plant Fibre is Obtrusive - When I've been cutting grass, and there's a lot of plant fibre rolls on the floor, my character struggles to walk because they block your path and you find yourself fighting against them all. Plank Huck sometimes hurts the thrower - Not sure why this happens, but when you huck you sometimes take a lot of damage from it. (Base Building) Walls are... Unpredictable - I can spend almost an hour setting down blueprints, to then find where I wanted to put a wall is impossible, ruining my entire plan. Sometimes the walls can be 50% under the ground, which is good, other times, they can't be 1% under the ground - this is particularly noticeable on rocks. (Base Building) Wall Height - Sometimes my walls will look fine, then I'll come back to my base, and the wall behind my stair case has the jagged top, meaning it comes through the floor, blocking the path to get up. UI Improvement Suggestions (Xbox Controller) 'Back' (change view) button does WAY too much - It takes way too long to scroll through all the menus just to get to my inventory, to then have to move through my items, and then enter the RT menu to do something with an item. Allow option for left and right on d-pad to scroll through select items, rather than just being able to assign each button to 1 item. Add a quick button for 'drop', for example Press X, inside the inventory screen, especially useful for multiplayer when sharing items quickly with friends. Add a "hold button", for example Hold X, for destroy item inside the inventory screen (then a pop up asking to how many to destroy in the stack, or all). Make it so that we need to Hold 'Back' button (change view button) to access the crafting screens, and just Tap 'Back' button (change view button) to open the inventory which is by far the most used. Save Menu Layout - Separate screen for auto saves, and ability to name manual saves. Equipped Gear - Please please please, make it so that equipped gear does not stay in inventory, and introduce the normal RPG gear screen! Balance Improvements Multiplayer Balancing - On 4 player multiplayer, water is extremely difficult to manage - spawn rates should be balanced depending on number of players. Dehydration and Starvation isn't punishing enough - As a survival game, and these being the only 2 resources that need managing, I'd expect the game to punish you more for not maintaining them properly. A good example is Fallout 4 Survival mode, whereby, the more dehydrated or hungry you get, the more punishing the effects become. (I understand this would be bad to introduce as of now due to balancing issues and water spawning issues, but something for the future?) Sleeping (Hunger and Thirst Bars) - Hunger and Thirst when sleeping makes no sense, they always go to a fixed value and can even increase over night? The fall should be dependant on number of hours and starting levels of the hunger and thirst metres before bed. As of now, I find myself letting my characters bar just drop to zero because eating or drinking before bed is completely pointless. Sleeping Need - This should be introduced imo. As well as more sleeping furniture which reap better results, i.e. well rested. Additional Content Suggestions A Weather System Rain Water easier to find on grass Water collector fills up if unsheltered Different insects appear (e.g. worms as they do irl) Potential movement penalty inside puddles? A clover leaf 'floating boat' to compensate for the increase height of water in areas of the garden? (and to avoid water insects from below). Raindrops can hurt if gets very heavy - clover umbrella for protection? Sun Water need falls quicker Water more scarce (Evaporation) Different insects appear (or more frequently, i.e. bees, wasps, mosquitoes) Damp areas of the map start to dry out somewhat Map Expansions More dungeons to explore (like the hedge branch system and also underground), with puzzles and unique rewards at the centre (Not just raw science, it's a great idea and all, but it's not that exciting after a while). Hidden entrances around the map with mysteries/clues inside (and more unique enemies). Quests Not just 'collect this' or 'kill that', but something meaningful... e.g. we need to build this device, collect these parts so we can construct this or further out research etc. similar tasks but with more purpose and have it lead somewhere. BURGL Rewards Selection is currently limited, feel like this could be fleshed out a lot more. As of now, Raw Science feels extremely pointless and I have very little motivation to try and find more. Backpack Upgrades - A rare upgrade, potentially obtained via BURGL after a series of quests? (following research mentioned in my 'quests' section?) - Adding additional inventory slots. Level Up! Some form of levelling system, even if just for combat... Rewards for higher levels such as for Archery, increased bow draw speed, or arrow recovery chance. And for Melee, less weapon degrading, critical hit chance, stun change, evasion chance or damage reduction chance. etc. Would make it more worthwhile taking on more bugs in combat rather than purely for gathering purposes. (Base Building) Wall Height Options - Options to remove the jagged top from walls would be nice, it causes big problems as they tops come through floors a lot of the time when the bottom floor of a structure doesn't have the same skeleton as the floor above. The same can also be said for doors - the top of which peeks through the floor above. (Base Building) Use Furniture - The ability to use chairs etc. in the future would be nice. (Base Building) Colour Options - The ability to use items from around the garden to dye walls etc. or add painted décor to them. New Insects (I know, obviously! - But here's my ideas) Ant Queen (ant nest boss) Flying Ants *Shudders* Wasps Worms Water Skeeters Diving Beetles
  6. While playing with my cousins (mind you we’ve taken into the account that there were going to be bugs [pun maybe intended] since it’s only in Alfa right now) we found the game to be really fun and well thought out mechanic wise for the most part. However there are some slight issues that I came across: Environment- While walking through the terrain I found it buggy quite often while trying to sprint. Also this would happen while trying to shift from the dirt to a clay foundation (meaning it isn’t a smooth change in altitude like going up a staircase. Generally just bugs out so I have to jump instead of just running over it.) Walking on any items on the ground such as clover leaves and plant fibers (from chopping grass) bug out the characters quite a bit too; along with trying to run through/by clover stems. We also wish there was a way to stop clovers from respawning as it makes it super in convenient while we ar building our base. Tools- I found that there’s a bug with tool and armor usage. Mainly the durability meters would stay full, never revealing how much was actually left. Another interesting bug was that after using an axe or anything else it would unequip after one use making it tedious to do things (probably a bug with the durability as the tool or weapon is trying to break but isn’t as when I craft a new one and scrap the old one it works just fine until I use it a lot) Building-The only thing I noticed so far is that those who don’t host the game can’t see the purple arrow on the blue printed walls and windows that help show you which way it’s facing. Along with while inside a closed area sometimes you can’t see the blueprinted item at all, making you have to step outside to get it then go back in. Combat- I find the combat simple and easy to get the hang of for the most part. I just run in circles and stay out of view of the insects mandibles so I can’t take damage and attack it from behind. However my cousin pointed out the arrows do hardly anything even if they are venomous or poisoned. Logins- This one was interesting, after completing a lot of things on my cousin’s world (including managing to kill a wolf spider) we decided to take a break for a bit and come back. Though when I logged back in to his world a few hours later my character’s stats were completely wiped and I had to restart at the beginning with nothing. I lost everything with no way to get it back. (Made things worse that I had the spider parts in my inventory too before it was wiped. Overall- Grounded is a unique take on the PVE survival genre. While having bugs that need to be worked on, the game’s overall tone and feel is enticing and super fun to play with see what is there to offer. The dev’s have shown their homework through some of the smallest features such as distance measured by centimeters or different armor giving you different abilities based on what armor it is from (like ant armor making you be able to haul more grass and stems at a time). I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future and I hope these bugs will be resolved soon
  7. Okay, so far I am "only" lvl 12 and in my first playthru. But I have a few issues: Same problem as in Mass Effect 1: The weird combination of Guns as Vendor Trash and illogial tiers (Suddenly I find a light assault rifle that is better than anything I have just because I'm lvl 12). Reminds me very much about ME 1 but at least there I could reuse my mods. 90% of the writing goes for one companion. I love her, like almost everyone else. But it is clear Parvati got almost all the writing. The other characters I have so far (3 of six excluding Parvati) are all ranging from "cool, but nothing special" to "yawn, I guess I will never be using you, you are just pointless"). Doesn't help that the 5th companion, that I just came across, has an introduction that makes me want to NOT pick him up at all. I don't know why causes it, but something makes the combat much more disorienting than in say Mass Effect. Voiced protagonist. That's a very divisive opinion, but I definitely enjoy Fallout 4 more than 3 or NV because of this. Length... I am maybe a tad greedy, but this is the most expensive game I have ever bought. Not hyperbole, but normally PC games in this country are between (approx) $45 to $55 including 25% VAT. This game was $65 PLUS 25% VAT. That is Console game prices. Combine this with a "15 to 25 hour game" according to Obsidian themselves and well... very little bang for the buck.
  8. - Character selection circles colored by the character color from inventory screen, would make it easier to just glance at see who's who in tight situations - Confused characters should act as neutral (yellow?) in combat. I hate when the party attacks their confused allies or can't attack (unless forced with A) enemies. - Action queue shows up top of the toolbar when selecting a character, and in the screen (dotted line for move orders). Chaincasting / using skills is quite tedious right now. There's a small window when the spell starts to go off to when it's cast while assigning new orders is confusing. - Pathfinding needs some work, with more than 2 melee characters (even if the other guy has reach) you need to micromanage every attack order. - Color-code items more, plain fine,exceptional etc. items should stay blueish, if the item has other magic properties make it green and if it's an artifact make it yellow/goldish/bronze tint. (Sell all plain items button anyone?) PS. The auto-pause options are amazing!
  9. I'm neutral because I adapted fine to all the magic mechanics I've come across. Instead of bemoaning Obsidian's basic decision on spell/ability cooldowns, let's have some constructive discussion on what can be done right with them. From Kickstarter comments Q&A (linked from Known Information sticky): Josh comments: (Geez, it's a fair bit of work to quote things when a thread is locked. )
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