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  1. I have finished the PoE, and at the first game my toughts about druid was "meh". What about the PoED? I'm planning to go druid, but I cant decide which form I should pick up. What are your suggestions? Please write down every pros, cons for each form
  2. During character creation the character is a black silhouette, changing graphics settings has no effect. System: AMD Ryzen 2700x - latest chipset drivers and bios AMD 5700 XT - latest drivers (10/24) Windows 10 - latest update
  3. During character creation (on pc) most of the sliders do not change anything. Gender does not work, in hairstyles only 2 hair styles appear, no bears, only 1 face besides the default face. Not sure what is causing this or what to do about it. Tried both controller and just using mouse and keyboard.
  4. Hello folks, I’d like to ask you some clarification on the multiclassing, I am a newbie and I feel quite confused. I am mostly attracted by the monk and the Paladin, so the idea of making a Votary seems quite appealing. If I understood correctly, with a multi class character you can only employ abilities up to level VII, right? The problem is, there are some level IX abilities of the monk that I would really like to use. So my questions are: 1) is it absolutely impossible to have a multi class character with level 8 or 9 abilities (even in one of the two classes) ? 2) Assuming i’ll Make a votary, which sub-class would you suggest?consider that i’d Like to use a pale elf or a moon godlike Thank you for your help, cheers
  5. I would really like to have some of the unique Godlikes we encounter throughout the course of the game become available during character creation via a Berath's Blessing. Something like an "Additional Godlikes" Blessing. Thoughts?
  6. When trying to create a new character, I get stuck at the "Sex & Race" screen. I can click on either male or female, however when I click "next", the camera zooms in, but does not advance to the next part of character creation. I have no mods installed, and this replicates every time I go into character creation. Changing my POE1 background doesn't have any effect. I have the game downloaded on Steam. System details: Windows 10 Intel Core i5-6300HQ. CPU @ 2.3 GHz (4 CPUs) 16384MB RAM 13238MB available DirectX Version 12 output_log.txt
  7. I'm stuck at the select gender stage of character creation on a new game. When I click the next button after a gender is selected, the button depresses and then the view zooms in but doesn't progress to the next stage. Output log below, I clicked the next button 6 times then exited the game. There looks to be a null reference exception triggered each time in the output. I've tried full re-install, and verified the files with steam. Steam overlay, and Geforce experience overlay disabled/enabled. Windowed/full-screen mode, different resolutions, no fix in any case. Nvidia GTX 970 driver 398.36, windows/steam version I played the game on launch patch with no issues. I tried again after the latest patch ahead of the the new content and the issue above rose up. My previous saves are also buggy (merchant buy/sell windows are not launching from dialogue) and character stats are odd (though the latter is probably from playing with the console to reset characters when the stat re-roll bug was around in an earlier patch) - not too worried about this bit though as looking to re-roll a new game anyways. Cheers Output log (failed character creation on new game - next button after gender hit 6 times) https://www.dropbox.com/s/hgj2lu3izik7h1u/output_log.txt?dl=0
  8. Would be really cool if we could adjust the amount of skill points you get each level in the same way we can for Super Charges Weapon Proficiency inter alia. I was hoping for something like this: "SuperChargeCountByCharacterLevel": ["0", "3", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"], "WeaponProficiencyPointsByCharacterLevel": ["2", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "0", "0", "1"], But for Skills instead of Super Charges Weapon Proficiency. Edit: Changed Super Chargers to Weapon Proficiency to avoid any confusion.
  9. When creating a new character, choosing Wild Orlans as a race results in no head/hair customization tab appearing. I can select Portrait, Voice, etc. but the Head button is just missing. This happens regardless of whether I went back and forth in the creation menus; others reported a similar bug when they went back and chose a different race, but I'm getting this even if I immediately go with Wild Orlans. I'm playing the (1153) beta version on GOG right now.
  10. Gods know I spent several hours being intimidated by Character Generation screen. I'm writing for you guys / gals who stare at screen and can't for the love of it find anything reliable to help you decide where to commit those sweet points and what perks to take. I will stay away from spoilers. Only spoil a few minor things like some items. I've almost completed my first PotD run with Spellblade (Streetfighter / Wizard). I stayed away from most broken/OP things for challenge's sake, and I feel I was powerful, but not outright broken. I value RP options pretty highly. That's my point of view, and I'm going to give tips with that in mind. First thing first I'd recommend you to figure out which playstyle/flavor you want to go for your main character. This will dictate a number of later choices. NOTA BENE: Respec exists in the game, but is bugged and broken and unusable. Unfortunately, you have to get you build right, reroll basically means starting the game over. I would group combat roles as Support, Melee/Offtank, Tank, Artillery Nuker and Artillery Crowd Controller. Your Watcher's combat role is the core thing you should decide and build from there. Most classes are capable of performing in at least a couple of these roles, and sometimes hybrid a bit. Tanks need to be sturdy and sticky. Stickiness is achieved via being able to hit like a truck with Disengagement attacks. Tanks have to be able to deal good damage in this game to function. They also need at least 3 Engagements. There are items and buffs that improve this, you don't have to exclusively rely on innate character abilities. Melee/Offtank characters need to be as sturdy as tanks, but with those guys you sacrifice some stickiness for more mobility/damage or a bit of direct crowd control. It's a real thing to build a dual-wielding shotgun "melee" killing machine. Supports need to be FAST and reasonably sturdy. They often have to react very quickly to someone suffering a crit, or to dispel a debuff, or to save someone under fire with armor buff. Artillery Nuker needs to be able to hit things accurately and painfully in expedient manner. You may sacrifice sturdiness a bit with this flavor of character, but I'd advise against it - there are a lot of rogue-type enemies in the game who enjoy teleporting in your backline and oneshot KO your glass cannons. Nothing brings me joy more than witnessing those assassins fail because my "glass" cannons are made of rock. And poisoned spikes. Artillery Crowd Controllers need to make their debuffs land and for those debuffs to stick. Otherwise they are the same as Nukers. There are a total of 7 full-fledged Companions in the game. You may want to bear in mind their combat roles before deciding which Watcher style to go for. There are 2 Tanky/Offtanky companions, 2 Supports, 2 Artillery Nukers and one dude who can be anything but Support basically. Some of them might leave your party pending your story choices, but you will always have access to 1 Tank, 1 Support and that hybrid fellow. Companions are... So, to Class/Race selection. Race does not matter in most of cases. Period. Choose on aesthetics. There are some synergies here and there, but they are usually obvious enough. I would advise to NOT pick a Godlike. There are some really dope helmets in the game, and Godlikes look ugly. Exception being Spellcaster or Support Watcher. I did not find any worthwhile helmets for those archetypes, so Nature Godlike is fine in this case. Classes and perks. Frontliners (no spoilers!). Supports (still no spoilers!) Artilleries (almost no spoilers here as well!) Attributes. Might: 10 for weapon-users, around 14 for healers, and 16+ for damage-dealing spellcasters. Constitution: 15+ for armor-tanking frontline, 12-14 for Supports, 10 for everyone else. Dexterity: 10+ for tanks, 18+ for Supports, 14+ for everyone else. Perception: 18+ for Spellcasters, 15+ for frontline, 10+ for Supports. Intellect: 18+ for Crowd Control, 16+ for Supports and AoE Artillery, 14+ for self-buffing frontline, 8+ everyone else. Resolve: 14+ for frontline, 10+ for Supports, 8+ everyone else. Weapon Proficiencies. Don't take the bait and take Proficiency for weapons just because you intend to use it a lot. Proficiencies offer situational abilities for specific encounters. Absolutely take Rending Smash Mace proficiency early on at least one of your melee characters. There are numerous enemies with SCREW YOU IM CAPTAIN AMERICA amounts of armor. Maces have very high penetration themselves and -1 Armor debuff they apply really helps. After that you can acquire Flail, Club and Morningstar proficiencies to help setup your spellcasters. You don't need to go redundant on this - just one frontline character/companion with it will suffice. For your ranged ladies pick Medium Shield / Dagger proficiencies and keep Dagger + Medium in a spare weapon set. This combo makes even a squishy character somewhat tanky and helps survive enemy dives. Quarterstaff proficiency is a reasonable alternative. Pistol proficiency is very strong, especially on One-Handed Style caballeros. I enjoyed kitting my offtanks with dual Blunderbusses and going ham with Powder Burns and Full Attack abilities. Transforms those single-target dds into aoe gib machines. Very low accuracy though, try to assist with Crowd Control or buffs. Arbalest proficiency was okay. Spear proficiency was useful on monks and paladins who struggled with +engagement bonuses. Scepters are extremely strong, and their Proficiency is also good. The dirty secret here is Scepter damage type. They are the only ranged weapon offering Crush/Slash combo, which the only out for your Sniperinos facing off hordes of Skeletons and stupid Constructs. Wands are trash. Rods I found unimpressive - too slow / low damage. Most proficiencies that provide straight up +damage, or +penetration or some such are traps. Unless you're playing Devoted Fighter, but then you know what you are doing. Skills. Passive skills are used in dialogues and special events. There are also some items that scale with your passive skills. Notably, Metaphysics spellcaster Quarterstaff and History defensive Cloak. There are also Metaphysics scaling Large Shield, Intimidate-scaling medium armor, and a bunch of others I don't remember immediately. There was something scaling off Stealth. I don't recall any items scaling off Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, Streetwise and Survival. Insight is checked very often, and Metaphysics was checked... Almost never. Once or twice. Survival is often checked outdoors, but you can use a companion for most of these. Same story with Streetwise, but in cities. Active Skills are to be applied in gameplay in one way or another. Explosives and Sleight of Hand are useless. Very rarely checked. Sleight of Hand at 2 was enough to pickpocket all valuables everywhere I bothered to. Mechanics is good. Lots of traps, lots of locks. My Watcher was Mechanics specialist, I never looked back. Probably can be circumvented by a companion specialist. Stealth was surprisingly good. Obsidian bothered to design many otherwise hostile places in a way that a stealthy character can solve those efficiently. Certain NPCs outright asked me to do things discreetly, without alarming anyone and were pleased when I managed to. Not to mention plenty of booty just lying around waiting to be stolen. Multiple outdoor interactions, too. I noticed that these often make stealth check for the most clumsy character in the group, so it may be worthwile to invest at least a point for everyone. Athletics provides you with 1/encounter quick selfhealing ability called Second Wind. It is extremely useful. Invest at least a few points on every character. Multiple party-wide Athletics check in dialogues/events as well. Arcana is necessary to peruse high level Scrolls. Scrolls crafting is expensive, but there are plenty around the world. Honestly, even on PotD game was simple enough to not use any scrolls. I did use some traps and potions though, which brings us to... Alchemy. Improves efficiency of potions and drugs. That is, BOTH duration AND effect. You can have +7 Might/Const/Dex for 400 seconds from a drug if you invested in Alchemy. Potions may heal for twice as much, or provide buffs for twice as long. I found Alchemy fun and strong. Phew, that post got out of hand. And I also wanted to talk about companion builds. Some other time, I guess.
  11. I was a little disappointed that importing the savefile doesn't bring along your character's history (drifter, hunter, etc.), place of origin, race, sex, or stats. So you could end up with a completely different person that merely shares your decisions from PoE. I actually went back to load my PoE games to write down the missing data... i figure if i'm gonna bring my characters back, i want *everything* about them. Am i the only one?
  12. One random question I was thinking about when considering which Pillars I character I want to play through: Is there any customization that can take place for Pillars 1 characters imported to Pillars of Eternity 2? Specifically, my Paladin was a Shieldbearer of St Elcga who used two handed weapons (in particular, Abydon's hammer). Obviously, he won't benefit from the passive for that order in Pillars of Eternity 2.
  13. I would just like some advice on the monk play through. Whether it be stating stats or race selection, that best suits monk. Thanks for your help.
  14. I strongly believe Pillars' character creation system s the best and most fun in any crpg thus far. I found myself starting over just to make a character I had in mind and just play with him or her for a while. Today I was in a mood to make a fantasy all star party so I rolled a character and played till reached Black Hound inn to make the rest of the party. Then I wanted to make the party I play with some friend on a tabletop game etc. You get the idea. I was thinking: What if the character creator existed also as a standalone feature at the game's main menu. You can go there and make any level 1 character as save them. Then, when you start a game, or you want to recruit a hireling, you can pick any of those pre-made ones. Maybe you can also export characters and send them to friends etc. I'd fancy this feature
  15. New to PoE and I'm having a hard time figuring out which attributes are important for a barbarian. It seems like there is a lot of conflicting information about stats on the forums because they all support different builds and play-styles. Back in the day I would have just restarted a thousand times to try out all kinds of creations but I don't have the time or patience for that anymore. So if you don't mind, a little help to get me started would be much appreciated. This looks like a great game and I can't wait to dive in. So far I think I'm set on a pale-elf two-handed offtank barbarian on hard difficulty. Good damage but not as squishy as a rogue or cipher and his AoE will help with the extra number of enemies. I get that INT is important, but how much is too much? I mean, I don't think putting another 1 or 2 points into INT is worth it just to catch that one extra enemy in carnage, right? But where is the cut-off point? What is better for survivability, CON or RES? I've seen builds that dump CON in favor of RES but that just doesn't make sense. Why go through all that trouble to negate the barbarian's weak deflection when you can just play to their strength and go more CON for a larger health and endurance pool? But maybe I'm wrong. MIG, DEX, or PER? I've seen builds that will dump two and max one of these but they never say what play-style they are going for to support their logic. Seems like MIG is the obvious answer but maybe landing hits with PER or hitting more with DEX is more advantageous. I'm not really one for min/maxing, but which attribute can safely be lowered a bit?
  16. There is an issue at the character creation. If you follow these steps, the abilities disappear und won't come back until you go entirely back to the main menu. 1. Choose one or more abilities 2. Press next or previous 3. Go back to the ability menu 4. Deselect one or more former selected abilities and press previous 5. Go back to the ability menu and the deselected ability/abilities is/are disappeared
  17. Straightforward question--in Hard/PoTD, which Spiritshift provides more early-game survibability (I know they're no good mid-late game)?
  18. Hi folks, I have found a minor reproduceable bug in the character creation. If you choose for example a human und then the subrace Ocean Folk and go back to the race menu and click on human again, a default Meadow Folk Human will appear. If you click next the subrace won't change to default but the appearance is still the default Meadow Folk Human. In the appearance menu you won't be able to choose the preset skin and hair color because it is of course not available for this subrace. This works with all races and is tested on Windows 7.
  19. So the game reads my Intellect as 9 when it's clearly at 10. What gives?
  20. Hi, I was just wondering - and my question is aimed at those of you who have already played PoE (backer beta or press release) - about good/bad choices of Attributes for making survivable characters. Let's discuss two characters - firstly a close combat character, then a character who is mostly out of CC but close enough to the fray to be hit by enemy AoEs and similar. How important is CON (with bonuses to health and Endurance) for you survival in both cases? Is it a small factor or a big factor? The attributes can be divided into three groups depending on what they give defense bonuses for: MIG and CON gives more Fortitude, DEX and PER gives more Reflexes, and INT and RES gives more Will. How important is it to balance these three groups? Are different defenses more important for different characters (close combat, support, ...)? PER and RES gives boni to Deflection. How important is this for defense?
  21. Description: As stated in the title, I believe when creating a playable character (or an NPC you can hire in an inn) choosing a Culture does not give you +1 to any stat. The first choice (Aedyr) is already highlighted and the game recognizes this as you having entered that portion of character creation with one less point in Resolve than you actually chose, and when you choose another culture than Aedyr it will deduct the point in Resolve it believes it gave to you and place it elsewhere, leaving you 1 Resolve point short. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: 1. Choose Hard difficulty & enter character creation. 2. Create any combination of gender/race/subrace/class. 3. Choose attributes as you'd like them and enter the Culture menu. 4. Note that Aedyr is selected and your Resolve did not increase from the previous screen. 4. Choose an option other than Aedyr and watch your Resolve drop by one. Important Files: I created a 1 min video of what I described above in case you cannot create a character immediately after having read this post but you don't need any of my save game files. Just start up the game and begin a brand new one.
  22. I just noticed this and tested new characters. Humans and Orlans do not get their racial bonus to the Resolve stat. The bonus is present when distributing stats, but after character creation your character will have one less than shown on the stat distribution screen. The background bonus works, however. Anyone have a workaround?
  23. Are well-rounded stats rewarded in and out of combat? Or are the DCs too high for that? Do gender/race/subrace really matter when relating to NPCs? I'm trying to minimize the number of times I will reroll until I get it just right. ;-) Thank you.
  24. just got the game and need hep picking good characters. Not in terms of actual in combat effectiveness, as I know that I would do strikers with might and dexterity as high as possible, tanks with whatever is best for them, etc. what I want to know is which classes fight best for each of the races: Humans are tanks? Dwarfs seem like fighters and barbarians maybe? Aumaua seem to best fight the barbarian Elves uh magic? rogues and rangers? Orlan seem like less melee types Godlike are unknown right now.
  25. Hi, there have been a hundred topics about that, but I want to ask a more specific question. I played all the IE games and I'm a long time RPG fan. Sadly, I start every new game five times due to fact that I never can decide whom should I play with. I usually go with glass cannon or stealth and with Eternity I widen my choice to those: Rogue, Druid, Wizard, Cipher What I want: - I'll be definitely playing with pre-build characters, not creating my own, because I value their stories - my character needs to be the strongest - and that's not munchkinism! I just need to control the strongest figure if the game to have good reasons for others to follow me. As simple as that. If other guys in my party are more powerful than me than I'm a ****ty leader. - Rogue feels like a way to go, but can it match in power with spellcasting classes? - Is it true that Wizard is in general the weakest of spellcasters? - Is Druid really that powerful and if yes - why? What makes Druid better than Wiz or Cipher. - Cipher seems really fun as kinda darkish magical presence. Does mechanics of Cipher live up to this expectations? - All in all I want a FUN class to play, which for me means lot of micro in game mechanics and character that is bad ass enough to look boldly in the face of death. Advise please.
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