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Found 14 results

  1. been playing the new release and was having a great time, we all got off very late eager to play again the next day. Come day time our best gear despawned at launch such as bee gear as well as the pinch whacker. im not upset about most of the gear however the pinch whacker was a one of a kind weapon to my knowledge and was wondering if its can respawn again or if it will be gone for the entirety of this playthrough.
  2. I'm planning my next run on PotD Upscaled and I'd love to play a ranged guy who dual wields scepters. As it was already pointed out, scepters have one of the best modal in game: + 2 PEN and + 20% Damage with no substantial drawbacks. But... how would you build a ranged character who dual wields scepters to maximize his DPS output? Has anyone tried such a character? I've seen the "Eccentric Scepter-trick Shadowdancer" build by Silvaren, but I'm not convinced about going Helwalker/Assassin (I've just played an Assassin and the assassinate bonus doesn't apply to the attack made with the off-hand weapon, so the ability seems kind of wasted). How about a Devoted/Helwalker? Would it be better to go Devoted/Ranger instead? Could a wizard+something multiclass build work with dual scepters? Any kind of advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hey everybody been having fun playing various melee caster builds I decided on trying a potd solo run with a liberator, and I'm stuck on which version I should go with (kind wayfarer/fury or shifter), or (steel garrote/fury or shifter) and whether or not to use magran favor+sun &moon or darryns voulge as 2h for this run, would really appreciate the advice and help thx
  4. My steam account cannot get access for your game's forum so I come here to offer my advise for your masterpiece, hopefully it will be of some help. 1. Mite's action: they can sometimes bypass objects like grass and attack players, which seems unreasonable for me. 2. Spiders' action: I was spawn camped by a wolf spider for many times when I first try this game, could u plz add a safe zone for players, or limit these noob players' super predator's playground. It feels terrible for me to be spawn killed by a GIANT SPIDER times after times. 3. Add camera lock for controller users: noobs like me can hardly hit a fly with controller (and with out a camera lock) 4. More guide, or split game mode into "free discover" and "story mode": currently when I get into games, it asks me to "find more evidence" then I wander around -> see a spider and run off -> see many mites -> see many Larvae -> I dead. I wonder if it is a good idea to shrink players' exploring range before they reach a certain equipment or story level ? Or would you add more way point for "story mode" players or new players to help them avoid facing with too powerful enemy? P.S. about insects' name: what is larva and what is gnat? If you wanna make it more educative, you can give them a more specific name, otherwise don't mind this P.S. P.P.S. I recommend myself to help you with Chinese localization work - if you don't have a team to do this job. If you need a team, plz count me in! OMGGGGGG I never expect Obsidian can make such a different game, is so cooooooool! looking forward to see its success, then you can buy Fallout back and teach Bethesda how to make fallout more fallout-like Your sincerely, Jack Lyu
  5. Hello everyone! i just started playing POE 2 and man, what a blast! in PoE1 i played Boeroer's paladin with a lot of item options and it was really fun! Now im playing a blood mage/Fury shaper fun but i want to make a second build,one with a lot of use of items like scrolls and bombs and stuff like Myrtillo's intelligent captains build. i would like to craft a lot! so, do you know what kind of class could i play to have a lot of fun with that? thanks by the way.
  6. Just questions or thoughts that crop up from time to time that you want to share Should we worry about doing the right thing, or doing things right?
  7. Has anyone run a multiclass modwyr berserker? If so, what was your second class? What did you think of it? What would you do differently? Even if you haven't run one, what doth your theorycrafting unveil to thou? I'm curious to hear folks' thoughts on the matter.
  8. First time posting, love reading all the theorycrafting that people do here. I love the added AI scripts PoE II and I had experience with a similar system in FF12's gambit system. However, I'm not that smart when it comes to setting up some great AI scripts as I often get confused by the differences between some conditionals. I'd love to hear some good set-ups or tips that people use for their custom AI scripts. I know it's difference for every class and purpose so feel free to share anything for any kind of character. I just started the game with Shattered Pillar Monk as MC. At level 4 my simple setup is. Self: Health Under 50% -> Second Wind (Might change this to lower with a priest in my team) Self: Has Affliction -> Clarity of Agony - Cooldown 20 seconds Self: Engaged By Anyone (NOT) -> Dance of Death Self: Engaged By Multiple Enemies -> Force of Anguish (Lowest Fortitude priority) Visage of Death's Herald (Lowest Will priority) Always True: Swift Strikes -> Cooldown 11 seconds How about you guys?
  9. Hiho! I'm Jahz and I'm new to this forum and PoE. I have to start with - "Sorry for my english", couse it can suck at times. Okay, now before I post my question I need to give you guys some background: I haven't played a lot of old-style cRPG games. Only a few quite a long time ago already and tbh I never was a smart man, more of a straighforward one so I need some help from you guys. By not being smart I mean - I suck at micromanagement of my characters and figuring out good tacticks to use, so I'm probably going for normal difficulty and I'm not realy looking for MIN/MAXing my character, I prefer a little more balanced one. Mainly I have problem with deciding which class to start playing with, which race would be best for it and some build examples or tips for building my beloved avatar. Let's start with my playstyle: I love playing a melee characters, with some mix of magic added to them and optional ranged in some situations. As for weapons I go mostly for 2handed swords and scythes (which are not included in this game if I'm right ). I also have an affinity for animals and nature. As for the last part I prefer being a DPS class with some light/medium armor options. Mostly light one probably. So now we can easily limit our class choices to: - cipher - becouse it would be best fit for melee/magic style I think - ranger - has a combat pet, duuuh~ xD - druid - with this one I would be leaning more towards some kind of shapeshifter focused build. - if there is a class I missed out by accident then please add it in your post too! And now - could you guys tell me, which one would be best for a beginner and my playstyle? How to build my character up? Which skills to take, talents, attributes etc? Should I micromanage my NPC companions too? Or is their auto level system pretty good? Which race would be a best pick for those classes (I was mostly looking at the Orlan, Godlike or Elf race)? I hope you all can push me in the right direction to make that first run of mine a great experience!
  10. Hi all! Really liking PoE so far. Only 20-something hours in, about half way through Act 2 & I've got a question regarding my party's damage output, specifically why it seems so low. Whole party is level 6. Eder (Heaviest armor i can find, shield, fine sabre) Aloth (leather armor, fine wand) Durance (fine robe, fine wand) Kana (heaviest armor available, shield, fine hatchet) Pelligrina (Heaviest armor available, shield, fine pike / spear thing) Cipher [me] (fine leather armor, fine war bow / lead spitter, key spells used are Mental Binding & Mind Blades) recently been doing some quests around Defiance Bay, and I've noticed that my damage output seems really low. like, each party member is only doing 2-5 damage per hit. without spoilers, the enemies i've been facing recently all have a DR of about 10-15 & I'm hitting for the MIN damage value more often than not. Have I done something wrong gear or skill-wise? should I be hitting harder at this level? most fights at the moment are drawn-out wars of attrition. my casters drop before too long coz I cant defeat anything quick enough & my front line just sit there slowly hacking away. most of the time, they get the job done, but it takes ages & I cant help but feel I'm doing something wrong. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Hello community, I am a long time RPG player, including both computer and PnP RPGs. Thus I have experience with these types of games. However... I do feel a bit overwhelmed, mainly by the lack of proper descriptions in this game. I decided to start with a ranged Cipher character. I read a few threads around this forum and have an idea what talents/spells are good picks. Skills, however, are a mystery to me. I want to ask - how many points does a character get? Because I want to put a few points in Athletics, Mechanics, Stealth, Lore... you get the idea. Now, I understand it might be better to focus and use NPCs to fill the holes, but I have no knowledge of what NPCs there are. My question is - between how many skills can I split my points and still function late game? I was thinking of getting Mechanics max, Lore up to 10 and some points in Stealth and Athletics. Is it doable? Also how's that for an attribute spread for my Wood Elf (i really really like the female elf model) Cipher: Might 16 Constitution 5 Dexterity 15 Perception 8 Intelligence 17(+1) Resolve 16
  12. Making a melee Wizard for hard + expert. I could really need some help not to make any terrible mistakes. The following post is my logical train of thought for making it maximum viable. Could you give me any advice or tell me if some of my decision making here is off? Race It seems that fire godlike and moon godlike are the only good choices here. Which one would you consider better? With moon godlike, you heal endurance 3 times per encounter at 75/50/25% hp. Seems to favor: Might (+Damage and benefit from the +Healing) With fire godlike, 4DR at 50% health and below. However: With low base health, might not actually be that good? Seems to favor: Con ... Endurance and constitution The difference between 3 - 10 - 20 constitution is for a lvl7 Wizard (choosing mid-range level here): -21% - 0% - +30% @30+10 endurance per level: 79HP or 100hp or 130hp. With vital essence our endurance will be (at its peak): 179 - 200 - 230 ... Spell durations for a Melee wizard Parasitic staff: 30 seconds Eldritch Aim (+15 ACC): 10 seconds Spirit shield: 60 seconds Bulwark against elements (elemental DT): 60 seconds Infuse with vital essence (100end bonus): 15 seconds Alacrity of motion (1.5 attack speed, minor endurance drain): 15 seconds Displaced image (+20 deflection +20 reflex): 15 seconds Iron skin (+8DT): Duration is 10 received attacks Martial power (+20 con, dex, deflection, +20 to hit roll): 20 seconds As we can see, the absolute highest peak we can reach in one fight is: +20 to hit +20 deflection +20 dex +20 con +20 reflex, will, fortitude +8DT 100 end bonus 1.5 attack speed In conclusion, int should definitely be your main boosted stat to improved durations, due to limited rest. Do you agree? ... Weapon of choice Spears for +acc /w light shield for deflection bonus. Light shield has no +acc penalty. Estoc for DR bypass, will be good /w the 1.5 attack speed buff. Quarterstaff for extended reach and parasitic staff spell. Hatchet for deflection bonus. These seems to be the best options, thoughts? ... Talents + chance to hit is VITAL for a melee wiz due to low starting value. Weapon focus: Peasant grants +6acc to hatchet, spear and quarterstaff. This would definitely be the best choice unless you go Estoc? Cautious attack: 0.8 speed modifier for +10 deflection. With alacrity (1.5 bonus) this becomes 1.3 bonus with +10 deflection. A good choice no? Lesser and greater spell heuristics: Increases the casting time for all our buff spells. Can't go wrong with these I think? Superior deflection: +5 deflection ... ATTRIBUTES Constitution: Leave at 10 imo, because Wizards get the LEAST from boosting health. A melee wizard should focus on DR and deflection. Alternatively - If you go fire godlike, max Con. Might: If moon godlike, max. If not, 10-14 Dexterity: 10-12 Perception: 10-12 Intelligence: 18+ Resolve: 10-12 ...
  13. My wife is 35, has Graves disease (no thyroid and needs medication and blood tests to regulate what's missing,) is six feet tall, overweight (from the Graves disease. She doesn't eat a damn thing,) can't speak Spanish, hasn't worked in damn near a decade (it took her doctor awhile to figure out what she had,) and didn't graduate college. How in god's name can she compete in the Northern California job market? She wants to get on at a bookstore because she's really passionate about books but she keeps having these mini-meltdowns about how she's too old and the longer she keeps looking and not finding, the less likely she'll be to find a job. I'm WAY too disabled to work (according to the Dept. of Rehab. AND Pride Industries) so... this is what I thought of to do that is productive to the situation. Any ideas?
  14. Hey guys! I've been DMing 3.5 Edition D&D, Eberron Campaign Setting, for the last couple of years. I have recently acquired the Traveller (Mongoose Edition) Rulebook, but am having trouble coming up with many adventures for it. Does anyone have any adventure creation advice?
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