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Hi all! Several days before I've encountered a new problem in PoE 2: I can't save the game anymore via Main menu -> Save game. The menu is displayed, I have a Save button, but when I pressing it nothing happens. I have searched this forum a bit, and did not found the issue like that. All my prevoius save games are present in the list, and I'm still ableto save game via hot keys for Quick Save - this is how I'm continuing to play. But today I decided that the issue is really annoying, so here I am. I have the last Steam version with pre-order bonus and gaun's pledge additional content, no mods, most of the steam cloud space for this game is free, the space on HDD-s is also OK.
My autosaves and quicksaves are missing. I have tried the solutions posted in the general troubleshooting sticky, namely deleting the %APPDATA% local and locallow obsidian folders, going into PoE and save/loading new games, deleting the TempSaveData/ , no luck with anything. I have visited my Saved Games/Pillars folder and confirmed that I have a quicksave, and 2 autosaves that are not appearing when I look at my save games in PoE. Is there anything else I can do? The quicksave is my most recent save that I wish to access. Please help.
Não consigo realizar um salvamento manual no meu jogo que está no NG4, aparece um erro dizendo que não tem espaço no armazenamento ( mesmo tendo espaço de sobra ) ... Criei um jogo do 0 e os salvamentos funcionam normalmente. Inclusive só meu mundo que está com problema o salve aparece como Desconhecido (onde seria o local que eu estou no mapa ex: matagal aparece desconhecido) . Não sei o que fazer pois o erro aparece como se não tivesse espaço mas relembrando tenho muito espaço livre de armazenamento!!
I was playing with friends when Game Pass ran out. When I renewed the subscription, I went back to the game and tried to enter the campaign again, the save selection screen was in an infinite loop, it just says "processing...". I can't load, delete, rename, duplicate (etc) any save. I just can't play the game anymore... Has anyone experienced this or know how to resolve it?
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- loop
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Loading save file opens the game at the right time(chests, base and completion) But the caracter/bagpack/milkmolars/mutations are from the earliest save. (Missing all bagpack items) Tried to load all save file from that game but it still opens at that same point. Any ideas why his happened? Thank you!
Hi, so last night I finished playing and logged off. This morning I went to hop back on and continue my exploration. Well when I went to load my game the save was gone. It still has a world my friend shared with me and a save from early access but my current one is gone. I had an immense amount of time into this save and was at the last mission for the story, so this really really is a drag. Any help would be amazing.
I started my PC win10 version of the Epic-Storefront-activated copy of the Outer Worlds and got a "Cloud Sync Error" message followed by a prompt of a choice of loading an either/or local or cloud save. I didn't know what to press but I must have chosen "cloud", because now all my saves locally (user>saves>outerworlds>numbersalad).were overwritten at the same timestamp with saves from a previous play session, about 6 game hours and half an explored station later (I lost the last 25% of Emerald Vale and the first 25% or so of the ship-station storyline. I have combed through my C drive but the only manual saves I could find all now have a date-stamp of the identical time this evening when I picked the wrong save selection. Is there any retrieving this data or is it just gone? Also, WHAT KIND OF A STUPID **&^%ING error prompt let's you DO THAT! Ok. I'm cool now, rant off, but I have a kid so stringing together a couple late-night sessions is hard for me, won't get back to the same storyline point until next weekend, which
Not sure if this has been covered. I've been playing fine today, but tonight the game kept crashing to desktop upon autosave, normal saving and trying to load a save. I can start a new game but when I try to save it crashes again. I'm playing through Microsoft store with gamepass. UPDATE #1: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. This seems to have fixed the issue for now and my save files were kept. I'll update further if it happens again.
I hope this is not just more of the same. I’ve seen lots of posts about crashes on Tartarus, however I think that either my issue is more specific (and different), or maybe I can provide more information that might help sort it out. As far as I can tell, this is not related to the “Chairman room” crashes, as I cannot get to that point in the game. First of all, I’m playing on an X Box One X (OS version 10.0.19041.2493) and I have The Outer Worlds version I don’t know if it matters, but I am playing with an Elite controller. I have played through the game several times and had no issues before. This is the first time I’ve tried an “evil” play through. I won’t run though every choice I’ve made up until the point where it crashes, but I have killed every human I have encountered in the game. The only companion I have with me is SAM. However, it doesn’t seem to matter whether I take him with me or not, the game crashes either way. Upon exiting my ship on Tartarus, the game will play until I either manually save or I reach an auto save (either due to time passed or exiting the docks). That save file is then corrupt. I have reloaded a previous save several times, attempting to change elements that might be affecting it (bring SAM or not, changing my armor/weapons, etc.), but have yet to find a method that works. I don’t know what is causing the crash, but it is directly related to saving. I have sent this issue to Private Division. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Has anyone been able to find a work around for this?
Outer Worlds crashes on any save in The Pit, last level. My first play through on normal was fine, I got all the way to the end of the game. Then I tried on hard setting, snd this time also wiped out each town. Now I’m in Tartarus and just entered the pit. If i save or the game autosaves in the pit the game crashes, making it impossible for me to complete the game. After all the time I invested, this is really upsetting. Can we please get this bug fixed!
Hello, everybody. After, over than year break I've decided to finish my solo trial of iron run. After loading save discovered that all my story progress is lost. Last time I stopped at Kolsc slain and loaded in his house. And I have log entry about it. I still have my lvl 16 character, all stats, obtained perks like gift from machine, flick of wrist etc., all my Items in inventory and on the ragdoll, BUT no quests, no other opened, but few starting locations. Caed Nua colored gray on the map, like i've never been there. All monsters and quest and npc characters I've killed before, hidden loot all on their places. Ingame timer were reset like I just started new game. Does anybody know what's going on? Is there any way to fix saves? I'm very frustrated, hundred of hours gameplay down the drain.
I'm loving outer worlds.. Brilliant. Only two things I'd change at this point of my discovery... Multi quest tracking (already been suggested on forum) & Quicksave(ps4) , which could be placed just below 'resume' on the current options screen. Of course, the same save restrictions would apply
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Hi, I have seen this question all over the forums but no answer. I am no longer able to load any recent saves from the main menu on PS4. I have one manual save for the mission ”At Central” and one autosave for “Cupid of that Laboratory” but (Ver 1.00) just froze the main menu with the music still playing. The only save I could open and play is called “[System Save - Leaving Emerald Valley] at level 8, 20 hours prior to my most recent save. After updating to version 1.01 attempts to load the aforementioned saves would result in the following error E-B51D0002. Now after uninstalling the game and reinstalling leaving it at version 1.00 the saves will just be ignored and return to the main menu as if selecting them did nothing at all and when selecting the system save crashes the application. Updating to version 1.01 once again just gave me to same error. I’ve updated the PS4 software, shut down/ restarted the PS4 Several times and have deleted and installed the game three times. But the saves will still not load. Any help will be appreciated that you very much.
So i was a lvl 27 character and i just finished the sewer rat mission. I went out the wrong side and into a restricted zone and died. When i click on continue it loaded a lvl 25 save from like 2 hours before. WHERE DID ALL MY auto saves go? Like this made me quit playing the game today, there no reason at all that i should have to do all these side quest again because auto saves didnt work when they are enabled and should have saved plenty of times. From traveling to different planets or leaving and enter buildings to even leveling up my characters. Xbox one X Digital Copy Of game Latest xbox update.
I can see where my save files that I was literally playing last night are (C:\Users\username\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\__LOCAL__), but the game won't acknowledge them at all any more. I'm guessing this because I signed in to my Xbox Live account and didn't originally start the game with that account or something? But that doesn't make sense because I only have one Game Pass, on that account. I say this because I noticed my gamertag in the bottom right corner, which I don't remember being there. Is there a way to bring these saves back? Am I just screwed and have to start all over again, even though they're right there where they should be?
Just bought game two days ago, and the 3 DLC's for $30 more. 5 hours into a session the game crashes. No big deal..... the game doesn't F$%#@ng autosave for ironman mode. Would have to replay 5 hours I just did. I see online this has been a problem since launch and developers never addressed it. Tried to get a refund on steam but because I'm over 2 hours, no dice. Out $80. I'm not going to replay those 5 hours again when a crash can happen anytime and there is no way to save progress without occasionally save-exiting the game. Is there anyway to go back to just before the crash in the game files? If not is there anyway to get my god damn money back. It's not like i was googling looking for this specific issue when I bought the game. For the developers: Crash happened in the middle of talking to the 5 gods for the first time. When it keeps alternating which one is colored in when they speak. Spent a long time trying to find the crash file, and it appears it wasn't created?
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- bug
- trials of iron
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Hi everyone, My game is unable to load any savegames and I also can't play the game via the continue function. The effect once i try to continue the game is a never ending loading screen (Black window with only the cursor being visible) or when i load a savegame the game blends out all the front windows and stays in that mode for the rest of eternity. I do think that it's a common issue with the new Patch 4.0.1 being up. I really would appreciate any help in that regard.
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Hello been trying to play this game for ever now it seems but have been plagued by the same issue every time. I start a game, save, and then exit and when I come back into the game only new game is available to click. I've done research and have found out that there is a permission issue in C:\Users\antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity II\ The output file (which is TO BIG TO ATTACH......) says this about it: UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "C:/Users/antho/AppData/Local/Temp/Obsidian Entertainment/Pillars of Eternity II/" is denied. at System.IO.File.Delete (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Game.LegacySaveGameImporter.GetGameCompleteLegacySaveGameInfos (SizeStyle sizeStyle, System.Boolean& abort) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Game.LegacySaveGameImporter:GetGameCompleteLegacySaveGameInfos(SizeStyle, Boolean&) SaveGameInfo:CacheSaveGameInfoThreadFunc() I have full control over the files and directory. Heard this was an issue with POE 1 as well..... not sure why the devs haven't fixed this stupid issue that is preventing me from playing the game for months now..... Appreciate help.
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- persmissions
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Hello all, I completed PoE one and sided with Hylea when it came to receiving a gods bounty, I also returned the souls to the hollowborn children in order to get Hylea's Bounty ending cards. However after importing my save into Deadfire and meeting Hylea, I have now had my boat covered in poo Despite me completing the previous quests in PoE and importing my save, Hylea seems to think I betrayed her at somepoint. Im not sure if this is something specific I did wrong (I did get the ending cards that would be in line with pleasing Hylea) or if something went wrong in the save import. Any help anyone can give would be appreciated as it sucks to put all that effort in only for it not to be carried over. If needed I can attach any save file.
hi just left the engwith digsite and whakura pass has reaparied on the world map blocking my way to port maje, I cant enter whakura pass from this side so I need a way to enter this location again or to just bypass it all together, I would play through again but dont want to run into this problem again with out a viable work around in place.
The inventory was open, I shift+tab to chat with a friend on Steam, come back to the game and the inventory is cycling through all the characters very quickly. I close the inventory and open it. Still happening. I save and reload. Still happening. I quit the game by exiting to desktop. The game immediately begins downloading/syncing. I open the game after and "continue" and "load" are greyed out in the menu. I'm not sure where or if I can find my saved game files, but it seems that all of my saves were deleted. I ran "verify integrity of game files" to "all files successfully validated." I wanted to report this because it is a really bad bug. I'm also wondering if there's a way to access my save files. Edit: I then restarted Steam and everything works again. I have no idea why.
Back in PoE1 I ended up naming my character Alon, not knowing about Aloth. It was confusing enough that I accidentally renamed it to Aloth in PoE2, since the save import does not carry your name over. About 6 hrs in when I met the real guy I realized my mistake. I'm pretty sure I found exactly where that data is saved, but any attempt to edit it will be reverted next time I launch/load the game. Any help? I'm not above using a save editor or console commands, just really do not want to restart, especially with that slow intro. Edit: at this point I bit the bullet and restarted. Also, it appears that's not the proper location, as that's just the most recent save file, meaning all of them are stored elsewhere.
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- save
- save editing
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The save button became unresponsive and grayed out in the world map, in a area where it was functional few minutes before. The auto-save was still working. This happened after few ship transitions, party swap, alt-tabbing. I couldn't reproduce the issue. Restarting the game restored the save button. I don't have a savegame, only the output_log. output_log - save locked.txt
So, I'm in the middle of Blow the Man Down quest and when I opened a cell with Lamon'd crew right after sneaking there among half dozen of guards with my main character only, the game teleported my animal companion to me. Great, I love my beast, I really do! But just imagine problems I will have to sneak with it too. It's even better, now I see. When you load a savegame from the "arrest", guards are in the position from before loading the game - not from the time I did save the game.. Blowing up barrels or saving the game with animal companion detected blows up all my sneaking efforts... Great. Amazing! <3
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- Blow the man down
- quest
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