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  1. I play on multiplayer on Xbox 1 and have found a couple of bugs, however, I also have some suggestions as well. Bugs/glitches (not including ones that have been posted by other players): • Map Bug: Upon logging in, I fall through the map. This isn’t a serious bug, but is still annoying nonetheless. • Hot Pouch Reset: This may not be considered a bug and more of just a save issue, but when first logging in, the order of my items in my hot pouch reset and scatter themselves. I tend to like the items in my hot pouch to be organized so that when I need them, I know exactly where they are. It’d be great if they stayed where they are placed after saving the game once they’re organized. • Dew Spawning Underwater: This also may not really be considered a bug, but I’ve found that dew drops have been spawning in large puddles and underwater areas (aside from the pond). • Bugs Glitching in Terrain: Even after the patch, I have noticed that bugs (especially spiders and bombardier beetles) are glitching and getting stuck inside of the terrain. • Floating Bugs: After the patch, I’ve also noticed that some bugs are still floating in the air. On my multiplayer server we have found floating diving bell spiders and aphids. • Eyeball Glitch: When playing as Hoops, I had a very weird glitch where I could see the inside of her head (like her eyes, mouth, and her hair). I couldn’t see anything else around me which almost caused me to die. Suggestions: • Weapon Rack: There are 2 slots in the weapon rack, but I am only able to use 1. Not sure if this is a glitch/bug, if it’s just part of the game, or if I am using it incorrectly, but I am unable to use both slots on the rack. • Spinning Wheel: I’ve been having trouble getting items off the spinning wheel. I have to stand at specific angles in order to retrieve the items. • Backpack+: The ability to upgrade your backpack would be awesome. That way you can carry all necessary tools and have plenty of inventory space as well. Also customizable backpacks/backpacks with different designs and colors would be really cool! •Multi-directional Ziplines: What I mean by this is to be able to use one zip line both to and from a location. I feel like having a zip line is useless if I can’t return to the place I was originally at (without having to make a whole separate zip line). • Separate Multiplayer Saves: It’d be awesome if I also had the ability to join the game even when the person I play with isn’t online, as well as be able to have my own separate save for the server in my saves list (hopefully this makes sense). • Furniture: Currently, players are unable to actually sit on furniture. It’d be awesome to actually have the ability to sit on and “interact” (maybe even bounce on) chairs and other types of furnishings. • Basketball: The basketball hoop is a really cool addition to the game, however it does not come with any basketballs to play with. It’s only use at the moment seems to be for decoration. • Flowers: More flower types would be really nice such as daffodils, tulips, daisies, etc. • Koi Fish Armor: Koi fish armor has less defense than lady bug armor. This kind of confused me since the koi fish armor is made of bones. I think it’d be cool if they had more defense than the ladybug armor. • Bird Bath Bluff: Me and my brother (who I play with on our multiplayer server) have found Bird Bath Bluff to be a bit confusing. There aren’t really any “directions” or hints on how to get up on the bird bath. We finally found that you have to jump on the leaves to get up there. I feel like getting to Bird Bath Bluff could be a bit easier, less confusing, and more rewarding for all of the jumping and difficult “parkour” to get there. • Bird Bath Bluff Door: When playing in my multiplayer server, my brother and I finally got the door unlocked that’s next to Bird Bath Bluff. We found out that this door only leads to another door which is underneath the hedge lab and under the treetops. It seems to have no use except to get from one place to the other, which isn’t very far away. I think it’d be interesting to actually have a separate lab there, or maybe have some hidden items (like rotten weapons or armor), or somehow add to the storyline itself. • Bird Feeder: I feel like a bird feeder would be an interesting addition to the game (like hanging from a tree branch) along with different types of birds (with bird eggs as well). This would be a place where there are more crow (and other bird) feathers and some bird feed which can be eaten by players. It would be nice to have more uses for bird feathers (and acorns) in the game as well. • New Fish: Another idea I had was to add new fish to the pond such as bluegill, sunfish, and cichlids (along with corresponding fish eggs). • New Trees: I thought it’d be interesting to add some additional trees and new tree types such as birch trees, fruit trees (apples and oranges), etc. Each with their own unique resources. • New Grass: New types of grasses would be a cool add to the game as well, each having their own specific color of grass planks (and maybe other possible resources). For example, bluegrass, zoysia grass, & centipede grass. • Parachutes: I saw where somebody else mentioned in the forums that they thought parachutes would be a cool idea. My brother and I agreed and thought that maybe there could be leaf parachutes or maple leaf helicopters. • Insect Suggestions: Lastly, I have some thoughts on some insects or small animals that would be interesting to add to the game. —> Frogs (as well as frog eggs; and maybe when you kill the frogs you can get edible frog legs), lightening bugs (aka fireflies), scorpions, lizards, butterflies, crickets, earthworms, crawdad’s, grasshoppers, slugs, and maybe even some dung beetles, leeches, and snakes. I want to say that the graphics in this game, along with the character development and the storyline itself are incredible. This game is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. It is so beautifully designed and one of my favorite games of all time. The developers have done an incredible job.
  2. It would be great to have a fly option on creative mode. It's very tedious to create complex structures without it.
  3. Hey, this is BedsideRobin66 and I came across something while playing this game. You know that you can make armor and equipment, but when its equipped it doesn't move from the bag or when something's moved from your backpack to your hot pouch it wouldn't remover it from the backpack. Well my suggestion is to move the item from to backpack to the desired spot if possible. Sorry, just I found this to be a big pain to me. Especially when I'm going out to gather material to build with.
  4. I've really been enjoying Pillars of Eternity. But one thing that's a little strange is the various ways the game insensitivizes you to run back to the inn/stronghold to rest. As far as I can tell, there's no downside, and it allows upgrades at the stronghold to be built. In addition, camping supplies cost a suprisingly high amount at the beginning, further insentivizing you to run back to town for the free rest instead of wasting 80 copper. Insentivizing players to waste real-life time to avoid in-game expenditures doesn't really make sense. I would suggest that camping supplies just be made free and automatically refill whenever at town. I've only played on hard where you only get 2 supplies at a time, so I don't know how well this would work on other difficulties.
  5. i think you should make a new mode that is survival like, every 10th ingame day there will come waves of ants to attack you and your house. and every 10th day it will be harder so for example day 20 it will come ants and and larvas and so on. almost like ''7 days to die'' becous i like that game but their motor is too bad and your game would make it really good
  6. We should be able to make arrows that explode on impact. We have splatburst and bratburst we should be able to combine anyone of those with arrows.
  7. I mean sooner or later we need to move that up the tier ... cant be stuck at tier 3 forever right ??? So we have acorns by the tree what loves acorns ... squirrels I mean since acorns are used for low tier tech ... the squirrel cant be hostile ... Make it passive until of course you attack it ... Bribe it or Defeat it in battle to tame it for fast travel ... It will bring acorns to your base ... it will help you fight Use it to scale the house and the shed ehrm .... a bid morbid but ... kill it for food and squirrel leather ... full set of squirrel leather armor induce fear amount lower tier creatures but gain aggro with the tier 7 puppy
  8. I would like to suggest an improvement for container storages in the game Grounded. I recently happened to have a group of Larvas show up at my base, who destroyed all of my buildings, including chests. When destroyed, the chests items popped out, and where everywhere. My suggestion would be, that upon destruction of a chest, a small bag will spawn, with your items in them, which will despawn after a set amount of time (so people will actually need to get their items out of there). The small bag can only be looted, and not used to store items.
  9. This game does not have fast travel so it's really boring when you want to switch a party member that you have to go the ship or find a tavern. I find it an unnecessary overhead and sometime I just stick with a combination that I don't really like just because I don't want to spend time traveling 2-3 screens JUST to swap party members. It's really annoying and I really think we should have an easier way to swap party members. Sometime you just want to do it because you are doing a quest were you need a high streetwise char or a char with a specific bg for that storyline or maybe just to crack a lock that requires that char that has higher mechanics but it's currently on your party. There are a lot of examples.. Also when you swap party member they automatically take their equip in their limbo, which is really insanely annoying as you have to strip them every time which adds more overhead to the already boring swapping experience. I think characters inventory should _always_ be available regardless of whether they are in your party or not so you can easily swap their gear. This was brought up many times in PoE 1 and I'm frankly surprised we see these very same problems here.. Would that be that hard to implement or do you just like the fact that players should not be allowed more freedom?
  10. Crafted using the proboscis of a mosquito. Mosquito Arrows cause bleeding damage over time until it is removed. Creates drops of blood that can be slurped. Drinking enough drops of blood gives the Feral mutation and appropriate perks.
  11. Can you please add a small timer like a bar that ticks down to tell us when a smoothie/power up is about to end?
  12. Can you please make the descriptions more direct? For example, instead of a vague description of each mutation, make the last sentence highlight what the mutation does? Thanks!
  13. I would like to see a way to break down grass planks into grass fiber. Maybe introduce a grass mill. Right now, there really is not a huge benefit of having grass pallets because when ur building its faster just to use grass planks right and when im not building and farming for grass fiber im not taking the time to save all the grass planks. Right now I need 2144 fibers for all of my fences for my sky catwalks so im not spending the time to take the planks to the pallets. If there was a conveyer system that would auto sort to a group of pallets that would be a huge benefit and make grass pallets useful. This doesn't need to be turned into a factory game of mining and farming. Honestly I think grass planks is the only thing thats needs this benefit. I have about 50 to 60 sap collectors around the oak tres and I think that's fine as well. Im sure there's arguements for more ways to make farming stuff faster, but i do think in this situation and game, less is more for conveyer systems. It would be nice to be able to carry more though both inventory and planks. Maybe chances to find different size backpacks or the possibility to make bigger backpacks with loomed fibers called grasscloth or ramie(both are a real thing).
  14. SUGGESTIONS: *NOTE* I'm on Xbox so its preview game. So some of these may be on the full release? 1) ability to show friends distance from you just like the GPS markers 2) dandelion flooring 3) colored carpet (different colored flower petal and gnat fuzz for example) 4) acorn fence gate 5) half walls 6) dandelion stairs 7) colored stair runners (same idea as carpet) hammock (portable but breaks after so many uses) need two grass to connect it to or build hammock posts? 9) ability to dual wield daggers (maybe a new armor perk) 10) tubular building structures (hamster maze) 11) Rock climbing spikes make it so you have to jump from spike to spike? 11) new resource gold, flakes of gold used for crafting new tools for faster collection but quicker break? Can be farmed from a bracelet or novelty gold flake jar thrown in the yard 12) ability to change difficulty on multi-player server (i would be okay with only being able to increase but not decrease!) For me when I click on the difficulty of the server it shows the options but won't let me change it from medium. 13) new outfits, obviously there's been other people shrunk or else there wouldn't be so many tiny skeletons and sca.bs laying around they wore clothes too 14) dragonflies, ability to craft saddles to let us fly! (Day dreaming on that one) 15) abilty to build inside caves and stuff
  15. Playing Grounded today with a friend, we both agree that the sound that the Grubs make when they are moving underground around you is way too loud. It overpowers the sound of the Wolf Spiders in the tree, even when they are chasing and attacking you. I feel that it should be slightly audible with controller vibration on console (like the ground moving beneath your feet, a tremor.) SUGGESTION: - Decrease the volume of the Grub as it moves under the ground. - Make controller vibrate when near a moving Grub, based on proximity.
  16. It would be super helpful if you could flag an item/tool/ETC to alert you when you have gathered all the parts to craft it. That way you wouldn't have to repeatedly check your inventory to see if you've got enough of something to craft it. I imagine you could either have all the needed parts on screen, or a less intrusive system where it just pops up when all the parts have been gathered. Loving the game! Keep up the awesome work! Thank you!
  17. Two things I have noticed we need on the main game screen/interface (NOT menus). We need the in-game time displayed as we are moving around, and a compass. I know what is to the north, what is to the south, etc. But I don't know which way I'm traveling unless I open the map. And every piece of grass looks similar, so it's hard to use the terrain to tell which way I'm going as I am actually moving. If I make a wrong turn because of terrain or something in the way, I have to open the map to look up my position and direction again. But if I know that I'm supposed to be heading straight north, I can adjust myself in the game after avoiding the obstacle, and then head north again. This would be especially important when I realize there's a spider nearby (which I can not kill) and I start running away from it. I'd like to be running in the direction I'm trying to go, instead of the opposite, or far off to the side! The in-game time display would help me figure out how far away "sleep time" is, how far into sleep time I have stayed awake, etc. I know certain things from the SCA.B turn green when it's sleep time, but I just traveled all the way to the eastern edge of the map, only to realize it was sleep time when I got there. My shelter was on the far WEST side! So instead, I chose to work through sleep time and finish my task (gathering LOTS of clay for a new and upgraded shelter). Then I was wanting to know how far in to the "sleep time" I had gone, and whether or not it was worthwhile to travel back across the map to sleep, or just keep going in to the next day. A clock that is always visible would have helped me figure that out before I did all of that running. I feel like both of these things are necessary to keep from getting purely frustrated over tiny things in the game.
  18. I'd love to build a web app for this game to help players find resources on the map, but 2 things make this difficult. First, there isn't a displayable map coordinate system. Adding an accurate lat/lon or similar coordinate or grid system would help users find specific items. Second, it would be great if you made available some of the game assets, like item icons, that could be used in fan-made web apps. Great job so far! Loving the game and all the recent improvements!
  19. Implement something that can filter the puddles into drinking water. Maybe something like the canteen to scoop up the water then go back to your base and filter it into drinking water.
  20. I have ran into a problem in which I have accidentally placed a blueprint in a space in which I could not reach it to delete it manually and now it shows up in my construction "chopping list" UI that I still have left over materials to gather. I know it's a minor issue that wouldn't be a top priority but it would be nice that somewhere either in the actual menu or UI wheel to have an option to cancel all placed blueprints, or a hold button (x) to clear all chopping list items, for getting rid of randomly placed blueprints that a character has forgot where they placed it or is unable to reach manually. Thank you guys for all your hard work and wonderful game so far!
  21. Hello, not sure if this has already been talked about but I had an idea when it comes to building. I was getting my base ready for the upcoming update and wanted to replace my normal grass walls with sturdy walls. The process of replacing each wall with the risk of destroying a build and loosing materials is getting old. I was just thinking that a feature could be added or looked into where for example if you have a regular grass wall, instead of destroying the wall completely, you could just add a wood stem to it making it a sturdy wall, saving a lot of time. Obviously this wouldn't work with some things but I thought it would make peoples lives a lot easier. Again, not sure if its been talked about but just and idea.
  22. Many of us have lost mint due to various reasons. Sometimes a friend logs off with it and doesn't come back. Some of us had our death bags dissappear. Sometimes our friends have had their inventory wiped when they rejoined our worlds. The community appreciates how fast the development team is fixing issues, but I have a simple suggestion for those of us that have lost precious mint. If mint could respawn over time (at least for a little while). It would greatly help those of us that lost this precious resource.
  23. please get split screen for this game, iknow its a big requests but id love to play this game with my siblings and friends localy.
  24. I dont know how often if at all this is suggested but Im too lazy to search. Have you guys ever considered adding a local / splitscreen mode of multiplayer? I just thought it would be cool to be able to play with friends on the same couch kind of like minecraft.
  25. So I've read just A few entries here (not all) and I didn't see an idea for a shield nor a vehicle. For the shield, maybe rubber and an acorn shell could be used to make it. It could be used in combo with the single handed weapons. I can't begin to tell u how many times I wished I had a shield while fighting spiders. Now for the vehicle, the acorn tops could be wheels, grass blades and weed stems for the body, sap for lights, and maybe a basket for storage made from woven fibers and clovers. A little golf cart type vehicle would be helpful with transporting things and in multiplayer it would be fun to have races. As little people, we work so hard building and trying to survive. Why not have a little fun and race eachother on little or big tracks we make. Imagine having a long distance race around the backyard. How much fun would it be to make a track around the acorn tree and race while spiders are going nuts trying to figure out how to get u as u wiz by? Lol, I would love that!!!!
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