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  1. So uh, I play a lot of build them up games and stuff. I only recently just picked up Grounded, but I haven't been able to stop playing and have been convincing friends to buy it too. Anyways! I play a lot of games like Ark, The Forest, House Flipper, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, Subnautica- obvious Sandbox and Survival games that are replayable. I love this game a lot, because there is so much to do, even if you get a lot of the stuff done in the game itself. On that note I just have mild suggestions in terms of gameplay: Balancing Thoughts: - Poison/Gas Arrows: I uh, don't see this working on anything I fight, it'd be nice to have like a status symbol under the health bar or something just to see that it's working? I don't tend to see the health go down, but the venom/gas arrows feel a little pointless if you don't see them actually working? - Crow Feathers: I saw you fixed the issue where they stay forever as well as the free respawns, I just think it might be a good idea to up the amount of fragments you get- not by a lot. Maybe 2-3 per a drop rather than 1? Since you only award 2 Raven Arrows per a fragment it'd be nicer to not have to wait days to farm the feathers. Either that or increase how many arrows you get per? Make gameplay a little more balanced when you do get what you need. - Spike Traps: I hate saying it, but you should pull the damage down on them, I killed a wolf spider on accident because it went for a lure trap surrounded by spikes. It only took a minute for it to die. Those may be just a tad over powered. I did do this on patch 8.2 though, so maybe they will break before they kill the wolf spider this time, but even then; just might be a good idea. - Weapons: So far the best weapons ( which I think was your intention ) for dealing heavy damage are the maces/clubs. Which is nice, they are well balanced ( Stamina Cost, Speed and Stun Rate ) and honestly satisfying as all hell. Same with the spear ( Good Damage, Mid-Speed, Long Range and Good Stamina Consumption ), but uh, I wish the daggers or the Mosquito Sword thing were a bit more rewarding? Maybe dual wield daggers or something so the low damage and high speed mean a little more. Or just make successive hits more damaging? Make a perk with it? I'm unsure on what would be good in that regard, but everything else feels pretty good. Just thought I'd offer some input. I haven't tried the trident yet, but if it's like the spear I'm sure it'll be amazing. - Raw Science: Alright, so this one I'm on the fence about, I've explored the majority of the map- including the U/C areas. Raw Science is pretty abundant, but finding it is a literal bitch sometimes. I have a lot on this one so uh, sorry if it's a long read? XD But for the most part, purchases are too expensive at the rate we accumulate RS or find it. It may be different on other difficulties, but I'm unsure as I haven't tried them yet. These are all just personal opinions as someone who plays games too much XD For upgrades such as the Eyepatch (2k), Fiber Bandage (2k), Torch (1.25k), Canteen (5k) and the Acorn Shovel (2.5k). The amount of Raw Science is so expensive that I honestly just thought "Is this even worth it?" and after using them. No. No they aren't. I can say the only decently balanced RS cost out of this, is the Torch Upgrade. Everything else? It's so expensive for how little it is used. Personally I cut the majority in half or down to 75%. In terms of use, the torch is one of the bigger ones so it's cost is actually pretty good for the amount of use it'll get. I would still lower it to 1k, but that's just me. However. The Eyepatch, Fiber Bandage and Acorn Shovel. For the amount that you have to spend on all these and the lack of effectiveness they have is...so underwhelming for the cost. I personally would cut these costs down- Eyepatch at 500 since a lot of people only use it for early game, Fiber Bandage 750-1k, since I'm unsure of other people's playstyle it may be a good work around as purchasable if you use them a lot. Acorn Shovel, honestly unless you are digging a bunch of clay ( I dunno about the Pond Items since I had the Shovel+ prior to exploring there ) it's so inefficient. Personally if you keep it the same price, make it break Clay in 2 hits instead of 4 cause it's painful to have this expensive RS shovel but it not do more than dig 1 step faster. Otherwise I'd lower it to 500. As for the overly expensive Canteen....honestly I'd make this something you could just make after finding a blueprint, but that's me. Otherwise, cut the cost in half for it. 5k for 4 drops of water? Even when you finish the map and all, you'd really only need the base canteen. To make it a more viable option just cut the cost in half. The 2 Koi Pond items, are actually well priced- personally I'd shove the Light Source down to 1.5k just because the normal ones really don't last long enough, but that's my opinion. Those two are pretty well balanced that I don't have much to say on them. Build Upgrades- oh man. So, I think the Multi-Story and such are extremely well balanced and perfect for the cost of what you are getting. However. I think Fortified Bases should be cut down- not a lot, just a drop to 3k instead so you don't have to cut off a literal arm and that extra foot. The Buoyant Foundation is also well priced for those that want that cool on top of the water base, decently priced- even if you only get one item. Due to the fact it's not necessity and it's more of a 'must really want' I think it's well placed. Now comes the excess- As for the Pebblet Foundation, I'm not sure which is better between it or the solid Clay, but if Pebblet is stronger, the price is right and I will STFU, but if it's not. I'd cut cost down to 500. Or leave it alone completely if you plan on adding more stuff- like walls, sconces and roofs, things of that kind. Right now though? Honestly way too expensive. Ziplines, honestly I can understand why they are so expensive. Personally I didn't really take heavy interest in them, because I had less use for them, but others probably have cool ideas and uses for it. At the moment ( until there are more ways to get large amounts of RS besides saving that 300 day per Quest ) I'd cut it down to 5k- still expensive and robust, but allows for a little more freedom and option- as well as some more flexibility in getting other stuff you may need if you speed the chipsleuth. That's just my opinion though, others may say its worth, or not at all. Splatburst isn't.....strong enough for it to cost 3k. I've played with it a lot cause I love explosions. I'd honestly cut it down to 2k with it's current damage and range- it works well for it's effectiveness or when you uh, wanna genocide the ants. XD But since its something that takes a bit to unlock ( with the right Burg L chip and all ) I'd say it'd be better at 2k. Its already expensive to make ( the ingredients are a bit painful to get after all ) so not eating my RS wallet would be kinda nice. Daredevil, alright. I have an issue with this perk specifically. I haven't tried it, but unless I take next to no damage when falling, it's not worth 5k. If it just softens a blow at 25% or so, cheapen it. I can't offer as much input since I was just dead staring at the price in exchange for it's effect. I'd honestly price it similar to it's effectiveness, if it cuts fall damage by 25% make it 1k, 50% 2k, 75% 3k. That 100% is worth the 5k for those of us who suck at looking where we leap. Signage: 1k is too expensive for these. Pulling it down for those who really like cosmetics may be a better choice- or making them unlockables in the varying bases. At best I'd throw these at a 500 cost rather than 1k. Just some feedback on that regard and suggestions- since I know if you play the game a lot with really good equipment, farming 300 RS a day is excessively easy, but you heavily rely on the RS you find at the beginning so much that some costs really should be cut down a little for flexibility. It'd be a more streamlined progression if some of the early starter things you get ( since there is no step by step unlocking the chips ) were a bit cheaper to get. Some of the harder unlocks that are hidden behind puzzles should be a bit more expensive and offer a bit more progression in the game. No qualms on that. I think it's kinda strange to grind out quests daily on the game to get some of these unlocks- it may promote some explorations, but people can generally be lazy. They will more than likely return to the same spots to farm, which...kinda makes it grindy? Which in this game I don't think grinding should be a go-to kinda deal. If that is what you're going for then disregard me. Otherwise the RS placements and the amounts you get from Burg L I think are really decent and well spaced out thus far. Personally I wish the TAZY. T's respawned ( After like weeks ) or gave a little more for a single encounter deal, but that might make things a little too easy. As more stuff becomes available though I'm sure RS will be easier to get, but as an early access it shouldn't be a grind is all. - Perks: I don't have much on this- I actually like the perks and all as well as their progressions. Personally I wish we could have more active- like make an upgrade that cost RS or an unlock- something to allow the use of 1-2 more mutations at once ( with a total of 4 or 5 ), but otherwise I think the system is quite brilliant. Since it's so interchangeable with all the combos, its very nice. I only have one small suggestion and its just after you unlock them- I couldn't find a progress bar ( maybe I'm blind ) to see what I need to get it to the next phase, its honestly not necessity or anything. Just a Quality of Life type improvement. - Armor: I actually really love your armor system- it feels really good to be able to have different effects on everything. Personally my favorite set is the Worker Ants cause of the haul capacity xD Ehem, but overall I think the armor system is well balanced- requires you to take chances to get better stuff and it deteriorates at a decent rate to boot. The set effects and the many quirks they give are unique and fun to mix and match. I truly do love them a lot and I'm so god damn excited for what other's you guys come up and out with. ( I'd love to see more Marksman stuff xP ) - Gliders: Oh man, I want more gliders....like we get crow feather fragments and iridescent wings, it'd be cool to have some really awesome craftable gliders with those ingredients. That's just my opinion XD - Traps: I really want more traps and lures....they are so cool and it makes me feel like a badass when I set up something really good XD Be awesome to make a spike pit or use the spiders webbing again to make something similar to the dew drop catcher. But it catches bugs instead. A predator deterrent wouldn't be a bad idea either.... - Mob Stuff: Another long section, I'm so sorry. Weevils: Love them, good source of meat and all, but uh. I did the dumb and dropped a mushroom on the ground early on. There were so many weevils and the ants trying to kill said weevil that I was terrified I'd crash the game. It'd be cool if they could eat the mushrooms on the run or the mushrooms despawned ( cause they get kicked around and become hard to find after a bit ) after a bit. So that it's less painful- it also might help with being less taxing on computers. Plus I've had them glitched in a lot of random places ( I think I still have some glitched in a cave??? I can hear them but can't see them ) as well as spawning like....in the ground. Where you can see the top and kill it, but the poor things can't move. It's like they are half-buried XD Aphids: These things are fine- I think there is an issue with the AI though. If they get scared, sometimes they just hop in place over and over and over again. Sometimes they explode randomly too, but uh yeah, besides the fact they are super annoying when they get stuck in that loop. I have no issues. Spawn rate is really good and overall decent. Grubs: Need to spawn a little more frequently- like if I leave corpses it'd be nice if they were more likely to spawn close by? I dunno, I rarely get the dig areas so I often have to go hunting for them in the first place. Be nice if they dropped more hide instead of goop though. Other then that, they are fine. OH and they spawn on top of leaves and that one wooden board sticking out of the ground- which is really weird. Larva: These things are so damn fast- which is good. I find these guys to be a challenge. Personally I have no issue with them at all. Just wish they had more drops- maybe an armor since they look kinda cool. Lawnmites: Oh my god. I hate these things. Which makes them good. I just wish they took longer to respawn- so they aren't a daily issue. Infected Mites are fine with how many are around in that one area, but the amount of regular bastards is ridiculous. Preferably, just don't make them come back daily- even just one day after killing them all kinda respawn would be better. That's just an extremely personal opinion though, because I freaking hate the battle music starting with an enemy that can't even get to me. Water Fleas: No issue- maybe a little too dumb? Other then that, think they are fine, could probably be a little faster in water to make them a bit more challenging of an enemy. Tadpoles: They are fine too. Just wish they gave a bit more meat since they are kinda beefy looking. Maybe drop tails to make better fins too? Gnats: Same as Water Fleas, may want to raise the visibility on their corpses though- their body physics are a little wonky at times too. I killed one under a tree root and found it further up next to the oak tree itself for some reason. Water Boatman: It'd be a bit more appealing if they would fightback....otherwise I honestly think they are cute and want them as pets XD Spiderlings: Perfectly balanced. Fast, annoying, hard to hit. Orb Weavers: No issue with them combat wise, AI wise or anything like that. Since they are so abundant currently, I think personally, the amount of spider parts they drop can be lowered a bit. Since on average you get 5 per a kill? Something of that sort. It'd also be nice to have a rare drop of Spider Mandibles from them as well so you don't have to hunt the wolf spiders constantly. Wolf Spiders: These guys are messed up? Like not in the combat sense- when I don't do sneaky BS they are a really tough fight that I like. However, they glitch. Often. I have one spawned in the actual Oak Lab where Burg L is. I've had them glitch into trees. Glitch into dirt mounds and the like. They are very very easy to stick with how their AI works. I personally get a lot of satisfaction in killing one in actual combat then it getting stuck staring at me while I lob away at it's head XD As for drops, since they can be a hard kill ( if you don't do dirty tricks like most of us ) maybe some more venom? Since they are a bitch to fight ( especially when their venom attack vaporizes your health bar even after you win ) they should be a little more rewarding with special drops, not by a lot of course. Worker Ants: So, the Weevils attract the ants- then they pile up and glitch....so yeah. That's a problem. Other than that, I think they are adorable and I get really sad when I have to kill them for parts XD Be cool if they attacked other bugs that get near their anthills though. Soldier Ants: Perfectly balanced- I found it cool they came to murk my ass after slaughtering a bunch of workers near by. I don't see any issues with them. They do get glitched in the Old Anthill sometimes though. Stinkbugs: I haven't really fought these, so I don't know much about them. Far as I know, they spawn too close together so it's really difficult to kill one without 2-3 more coming to beat your ass XD Besides that I think they are pretty cool looking, intimidating enough. Bombardiers: I have a physical vendetta against these things now because of Grounded. I promised to kill any of them that I find out of spite. I feel like I may just be unlucky, but every time I fight one, I either end up fighting 1-2 more in a group of up to 3, or the larva help these bastards. Either way, I wish they didn't spawn so close together. They are a decent and engaging fight- even if I hate the acid spitting. Well balanced offensively other than that. Bees: No issues, I like the way they are balanced, difficult to get and all. Wish you could make a lure for them so you have a better chance at smacking them. Or well you'd have to Spawn Kill them in the U/C area. Mosquitoes: Hate them, great enemy, well balance and you have room to breath. However the follow distance should be reduced. I honestly tested how far these bastards will follow and it tagged me all the way from the Flooded Grounds to the Western Anthill. =| Not okay. Diving Bell Spiders: No issues, I dunno if they are supposed to give you air back on kill, but they do? Their attack box on the player is also a bit wonky- may just be a glitch? Fireflies: Need to spawn more XD Honestly. I know they have little in the way's of crafting, but it'd be cool to be able to place attractors or something near the base so you can see them. Other then that I feel bad for killing them since they are neutral babies. Ladybugs: Oh man, I find these guys pretty rarely, which I'm guessing is a good thing since they are pretty strong. Uhhhh I think they are excessively well balanced and just the right amount of challenging. Wish you could attract them with aphid bodies or something. It'd be both challenging ( if you get more than one ) as well as something nice to look at. Tazy. T: No issues, just wish they gave more RS or respawned after a really long amount of time. I think the game is perfectly balanced when it comes to challenging the mobs, there are so few things honestly wrong with them that it makes the game really fun to play and remain exciting throughout. I also enjoy the satisfaction you get when you do defeat some of them- I do have some arachnophobia, more so cause of venomous spiders though. So murking them feels excessively good xD I really like the spread so far and I'm excited to see more. Odds/Ends Just a few little things- since Smoothies can be kinda costly, I was hoping maybe they would be more cost efficient if they lasted longer. Maybe for half the day or at least 6 hours in game time would be a better balance for that. I'm unsure, but they just really don't feel like they are worth making currently. Acorn Bits: I wish we could roast these or something. It's painful to have a lot of these and get so little when eating them. I don't think I really use them at all were I to be honest. Maybe at some point you could make stronger healing salves with them? I dunno. I find them pretty useless. Berry Chunks: Wish they were edible. Besides that, wish they were used in crafting a little more. Mushroom: Would be more beneficial if you could roast them or use them in recipes since they are very abundant. I dunno about the balancing around them, but honestly they just take up inventory space for the most part. Spinning Wheel: I think it's well done for time vs efficiency. I do hope at some point you could put it near chests filled with grass/webbing so that it just does it on it's own so you don't have to stop and pick things up all the time. It's more of ease of use type thing though rather than quality of life, just a thought. Tool Tips: This is major quality of life, since I have to search so hard just to find the effects of things and what they do. It'd be nice to have a short description just pop up when you hover over things. Like for the canteen it just tells you how many drops it holds. Be cool to also have the tooltips pop up on armor set effects and all so people don't have to hunt through the OS, but this is also made for game systems so it's probably too difficult. Storage: It'd be great if we could name our storage chests as well as see an indicator for the workbench on what area it draws items from. A condense button wouldn't be bad either...personally would love some larger storages cause I'm a hoarder XD Decorating: This is just because I know you can make really cool houses all over. Making halfwalls and windows would be pretty neat, double doors or um 'glass' walls/roof would be an interesting concept too. Love to see some more decor using bug parts since a lot of bugs are colorful or unique. Be awesome to see a gnat bean bag chair, a mite fuzz carpet or a ladybug table. Just little things. Also, this is just because the fact its an exploring thing. Maybe it'd be cool to make paths with standing lamps and such? For navigating and the like. Crafting bridges and stuff too would be interesting.....just little cool things like that. Or um using the Bioluminescent Goop as markers for underground, or on armor to make yourself glow in the dark...could use it for some cool stuff is all.
  2. So we have been playing grounded for about a week or so now with some of our buddies. We do have a couple suggestions that we would like to put forward: Visual Aspects: Adding those little ****tail umbrella's that are found in drinks that can be used similarly to the dandelion tuff. Changing the hotdog visual so it does not look like clay Would love more decor options in the game for base design In-Game Features: In the gas zone, it would be neat that if you took out a torch you would explode due to the gases in the air. Alternatively if you used a slime torch you would be fine though. Our friends and myself almost had a moment of panic when our buddy pulled out his torch. Smoothie effects from smoothie station should last longer, especially the smoothie that increases carrying capacity. Should be at least 10 minutes minimum. Things that we have found annoying: 1) The bird at the birdbath: We've tried to build a base here, but the bird blocks some areas off on the second floor of our base whenever he pays us a visit. It's seriously annoying. 2) Backpacks that cannot be reached: We have had some backpacks that have fallen into the abyss and keep falling forever 3) Running into sprigs/grass blades: I know it is probably an aspect of the game but damn these things are annoying. Would be nice if we didn't glitch out on them sometimes. 4) Pebble foundations are really annoying to place, we ended up switching to clay. 5) Sometimes extremely difficult to revive someone, and it keeps cancelling the revival 6) Grubs spawning in rocks 6) Collecting all the arrows after they are shot: sometimes you walk up to them and kick it across the map.
  3. There's a possibility that I am missing something entirely, but I also searched the forum before posting but I feel like there's gotta be a better way for discarding things from your inventory. I had an excess of gnat fuzz (like 50something) and I had to drop each individually and I guess because of the quantity the in game physics went really wonky. So now I've got gnat fuzz item sacks scattered all over and some even launched into my base. This isn't the first time this happened with trying to get rid of items like spoiled meat. If there's not already I think it would be cool to see a trash can and/or a composter in game that takes whole stacks of items.
  4. Thinking maybe add toy cars, motorcycle or maybe even a bicycle crafted with acorn top wheels. Maybe use the bird feathers, some crude rope and some wood to make a more durable faster glider or some kind of flying contraption.
  5. Whole family is really enjoying the game so far. Though those spiders are a bit daunting! . A few suggestions for the game below: Would be great if you could change or customise the difficulty in game. That way if you are finding it too hard/too easy you don’t have to start over from the beginning. Having the grass and clover move or sway as you walk/run around. Keep getting stuck on them and being killed by insects as the grass and clover act like a wall. When playing with another person; being able to bring your inventory into their game would be great. That way you or the host are not having to craft doubles of gear and weapons when you want to play together. A ground leveling tool for building would be great to smooth out the dirt where it forms mounds. And being able to chop up fallen leaves (possible resource?). Having the option to upgrade the backpack so it has more inventory space (maybe a purchase with burg.l?). Equipped items not taking up backpack space and items such as dandelion tufts, weapons etc stacking in the backpack (maybe up to 5 per stack as they are bigger/heavier items). That’s it for now. Really enjoying the game though
  6. Ok, so before anything else, loving the game so far. I've spent a majority of my in-game time building and testing the mechanics/physics of the game. Although I have enjoyed the story and game as a whole too, I think its far more important at the early stages of development to do this in any game where the developers have asked for our input (Thanks). I know a lot of people may have already made these suggestions (I've seen some mentioned) but its worth saying again anyway even if its just to give another thumbs up to the idea. This post may be a little long as its my first real one (culmination of a few weeks of ideas). Anyway, it would be nice to hear what the community itself thinks of the following: First, I have a few suggestions for building components or actions which are currently unavailable: 1) Building component orientations - Building components that currently only have 4 orientations should be changed to 8 (triangle walls, floors, doors, stairs, scaffolds, roof sections). For example, its annoying to not be able to put a door on a diagonally placed wall/opening (or even place two inverted triangle walls as a door alternative). It is this same mechanic which hinders any attempt to build entire structures that are orientated diagonally. On this note - I would also like to see an angled scaffold , shaped like the roof section or stairs ( / ), so you can support platforms, like balconies, to buildings without having to build straight down. Or support a platform to the tree/ rock. Its more about the aesthetics and making something look genuinely supported, rather than having floating floors or messy scaffolding (You could also use them to neaten up any existing scaffolding). 2) Half walls - When snapping a wall onto a floor, it can be snapped along the edge of a square or, can be snapped halfway across to span half of two squares. The issue is that if you incorporate both methods into a build, you can never get the walls to connect/ build how you envisioned. The introduction of half walls would solve this and allow you to build more elaborately. You would also need a half roof section though (this could get problematic to implement if you consider 8 possible orientations or having half corner roof sections etc, unless they just altered their size like the wall sections do when snapped diagonally). 3) Bounce Web Trajectories - I personally hate having long or bulky staircases so tend to create bounce web elevator systems to get up to any platform that I make. I successfully made an automated version (27 webs) where you only had to jump on the first one and the physics would take you to the top of the tower. However, apart from 3 occasions, my path was interrupted by a floor/wall, getting caught on the next bounce web too early (way up), or just the slightest deviation in how you have placed or jumped on the previous webs. Therefore, elevators can actually be really difficult to use. I would love to see the bounce webs have the option to set a trajectory. That way, no matter how or where you jump on a bounce web (or what direction you are facing), you will always travel on the same path and will always land in the same place. I have fallen to my death so many times from unintentional bounces that lead to, well...anywhere but a safe landing zone . I still think this should only be optional. it just makes bouncing on them more efficient. I also believe that the bounce web should be resized so it can fit within 1 square. 4) A pulley elevator - Bounce web elevator systems (and stairs) can take up a lot of space and resources depending on how you build them. As an alternative, I think you should be able to build a very simple pulley elevator. The basket itself could be made out of acorn tops/shells, with weed stems and woven fibre for the basket support. (maybe have bee fuzz or something inside for comfort). The idea is that you set up a pulley at ceiling height (made from animal parts - I don't know) with no floor below, and attach a rope made out of spider silk to the basket (1/2 spider silk for each level to the ground). You get in and can lower/raise the basket by pulling on the silk by directionally holding up or down. As it would only need to take up 1 square section, 1 or even 4 lifts wouldn't be problematic. Its a space-saving and resource-saving way of getting back down to the floor from a pre-existing platform. You could even add a skip action to this so you are just getting out of the basket at the end. 2 minute stair climbs are rarely fun. 5) Palisade and Palisade gate height customisation - As someone with experience building on uneven ground (such as across/over a rock), palisades are a particular annoyance to me. I love the artwork of the palisade itself but you can't always stack them. (even when you can they look ghastly .) When placing on uneven ground they look messy and can actually just be impractical (i jumped over my single height palisade from the panel beside it because of the height difference). If you could independently alter the size of the left or right palisade post (extending the artwork) then you could match the height of the palisade either side of it, regardless of their ground positioning. Would look more like an effective defensive wall in my opinion. 6) Potted plants and wall planter decorations - As a scientist, I can say that some of the most impressive and beautiful structures in the microscopic world are those of fungi. Obviously with the concept of you being small, it doesn't leave a lot of scope for plants and potted versions due to a scarcity of tiny flora in the natural world (unless we could somehow take a cutting of the different flowers that currently exist in game for novel mini versions). You can get around this problem with fungi. The variety, colour and shape of fungi could become great ways to implement new decorations and could also be used as ingredients for smoothies (basically just a content update to the simple mushroom). Even adding 4 extra mushroom types or something and allowing us to grow them in the mushroom gardens would be cool. 7) A Raft/ Boat/ Canoe and paddle - This one is a little self-explanatory. Some sort of weed stem raft or something that you can control/move and haul objects across the top of water. Could also be an interesting way of attracting fish or pond creatures (dropping bits of food into the water from the boat). Secondly, I am experiencing issues with the following: - Triangle floors blocking ascent on staircases (if they are orientated a certain way). This is the same issue as when walls behind staircases would block you from walking up. I still try to avoid placing walls behind stairs though (even though it looks better) because you essentially jump over it and the action isn't smooth. - When you recycle zip line anchors, the zip line itself is not deleted and floats in the air. You are unable to click on it or perform any actions/are forced to reload a previous save. - I have broken the game again since the 26th August update in terms of building capacity and loading big builds (sorry!), I had nearly finished my creative build but it was taking 10 -15 seconds to place any panel and now I'm back to 1 - 2 hour unsuccessful load times (oops ). Finally, just two last points on what I think could be good considerations for future content or updates that have already been hinted at. Tames (Bees in particular)- There seems to be a big debate about tames, particularly bees and riding them. Even as someone who likes to take the long route for experience (run through the grass) and not have a fast track flight from the shed to the berry bush, I can see the appeal. I would be interested to be able to ride a bee the way only a grounded player could, however, I'm really struggling to see a need for other tames in the game at all (even ladybug haulers etc). Bees are something that could easily be implemented (such as having a flight bar that you recharge with nectar which has been mentioned). There is a problem with this. If the stuffed bee is anything to go by, they are way too small (proportionally the size of the stuffed ants), to ride, or just to BEE a BEElievable-sized BEE (sorry, couldn't help myself). I think they should be scaled up to around bombardier size. Basically, I only think there is use in the bee but the way to get a bee tame should be difficult. For example, Have to gather level 3 resources to make a harness. That way, you at least have to spend a lot of time running through the grass and experiencing the game as it should be played before you upgrade to a bee to avoid the monotony of running the same routes everyday later in the game. (the bee is therefore more of a reward for putting a lot of time and effort into the game). Weather - This is an absolute must for me and it opens up so many possibilities for new landscapes/environments, crafting materials/ weapons, and additions to the storyline. I think the weather should be randomised so, for example, there is a 1% chance of snow (which would remain on the ground for a few days and slowly melt away) 4% chance of lightning and a 20% chance of rain on any given day. Wind could be constant but alter in its strength. This give a huge element of surprise (unless we have a weather detector) and makes each player's experience unique. For lightning in particular, I thought that maybe there could be a toy or something in the sandbox which has been modified (by a previous explorer or scientist) so that every time that there is a lightning storm lightning strikes the sand and creates glass shards. Glass shards could be used to create panes for windows (or new types of window and doors), could create glass floors so that you could watch the bugs running around under your base. Glass could be also be used for decoration such as mirrors, advanced cutting tools, or burn traps (like we see with the magnifying glass). I'm excited to see what they do with weather but I hope they make a spectacle and a storyline of certain aspects. (First time you get to the sandbox, you get a cutscene with a brewing lightning storm and a side quest to visit the sandbox lab). That's all I have for suggestions right now, but thanks for reading
  7. I was thinking for the next Grounded update there would be bees because in the game I got nectar from flowers. It says it attracts bees but there are none so if there where bees you would have 2 options kill them to get bee wings (for armor) bee parts (for tools) Honeycomb (for food) or you can use the nectar to ride the bees. with the option of bees being a flying transport why not add birds. birds would be a flying boss which can only be defeated by flying with a bee and shooting it with arrows (it could have weak points on it's wings so it will fall down and make it easier to defeat) It would drop bird beak (for armor) bird feathers (for decoration or an advanced glider instead of dandelion tuft ) bird talons (for a sword or pick) if this got into an update I would call it THE SKY UPDATE thanks
  8. Please let us relocate built items and structures. I continue to alter and grow my base and that forces me to constantly "recycle" chests, grass plank pallets, etc. I feel like being able to move items would solve issues like accidentally recycling portions of structure you didn't want to get rid of and avoiding potential crashes. I've had several game crashes that seem to be triggered by the recycle mechanic. Large structures should still be force recycled because moving an entire section of wall is unrealistic, but moving a chest of items or a table or cooking spit would be a wonderful quality of life improvement.
  9. Again, this is just a reposting of a previous one I had up during the early version of this forum. That seemed to have been lost. I'll omit adding anything that has already been mentioned by the team. And already be in the pipeline. This list is for additional creatures and the materials that may be harvested from them. I also had an idea I mentioned in the older post regarding the idea of high level hunts. And now that BurgL has finally been added in. These hunts could be quests. And there's hunts that could be exclusive to the multiplayer. Pillbugs- small isopod that rolls up if attacked. Commonly found at night. Drops insect plating. Snails- have yet to be mentioned. Despite seeing empty shells. They will withdraw into their shells at night or when attacked. The hammer will be needed to break the shell. But keeping the shell intact will allow it to be usable for crafting. Drops would be snail meat, snail mucous and the shell. Moths- appear around the lanterns at night. Their wings are suitable for crafting a glider while the dust has other uses. Butterflies- flutter around the flowers during the day. Their wings are a bit better for glider crafting. But the bright colors might attract airborne predators when in use. Caterpillars- are like grubs but are only found in the branches of the tree and hedges. Eating leaves. They can spin cocoons which can be harvested for the silk. Their drops are hide, meat and silk glands. Slugs- appear at night. Drops are slug mucous and meat. Fuzzy Worms- are like caterpillars. Except covered by poisonous spines. They are a little bit aggressive and should only be attacked with a spear or ranged weapons. Their drops are hide, silk glands and spines. Earwigs- aggressive and nocturnal. They will give chase to both aphids, mites and you. Their drops are the pincers. Ant Lions- found only in the sandbox. They create funnels that traps ants and other small creatures. Leafcutter Ants- bring bag the white "larvae" place holder soldier ants as leaf cutters that exclusively roam the hedge. But keep their aggressive nature to attack players on sight. Drops mandibles and acid glands. Hornets- unlike wasps they are far more aggressive. And nest underground. Their drops are wings and stingers. Tiger Beetles. Are very fast and highly aggressive predators roaming the flooded area. They will even attack spiders! Their mandibles could be used to craft knives. The bugs mentioned below are meant to be high level hunts BurgL can task the player with. They are very dangerous and challenging to solo. But offer rare drops. Mantis- lurks in the branches of the hedge. Waiting to grab any unwary prey that gets too close. It's claws can be crafted into either dual scythes or a giant reaper scythe. Assassin Bug- a deadly hunter that feeds on bees and caterpillars high in the tree tops. It's beak can be used to craft a spear. Black Widow- the 2nd most poisonous creature in the yard. It lurks inside the shed. Mudeye- dragonfly larvae that hides at the bottom of the pond. It's body parts can be used to craft swim gear. Spider Hawk- the most poisonous bug. Normally it ignores you and has no fixed location. As it flies all over the yard hunting spiders. WaterBug- a voracious underwater predator.
  10. I was thinking about other types of equipment that could be crafted in the game. Hooded Armor(need workbench, berry leather, mite fuzz, clovers, woven fiber, acorn piece,flower petals)- a hooded mantle with cloak and an acorn breastplate. The concept also applied using any type of flower petals in the crafting to set certain effects or buffs. Depending on the petal used. Rose- increase atk and def. Blue- increased movement speed and stamina. Yellow- wards off gnats, higher jumps and lessens fall damage. Great hammer(need workbench, quartzite, sprigs, woven fiber, armor glue) large heavy 2-handed weapon. Can shatter even rocks. Grieves(woven fiber, pebbletes, sap)- fist based weaponry to increase punch damage. Spiked grieves (requires workbench, grieves, thistles, sap, armor glue)- increased punching damage and speed. Acorn Shield (acorn cap, woven fiber, sap, sprig)- decent shield that can withstand a few hits before falling apart. Crossbow (requires workbench, how, woven fiber, mite fuzz, sprig, armor glue)- doesn't have as much range as the bow. But fires faster and each shot packs more of a punch. Mallot(pebblets, woven fiber, mite fuzz, sprigs,, insect parts, acorn pieces)- very large 2-handed weapon. Not good for breaking anything. Kiln(clay, pebbles,dry grass, quartzite)- a stove/furnace crafting station that can be used to either bake certain types of food. Or harden clay based items Pot(must be crafted with the kiln, clay, quartzite,water)- a clay pot that can allow the player to cook or brew consumables. Could even be used to purifiy dirty water from a canteen. Vase(crafted with the kiln, clay, water)- decorative item for a base. Flask (kiln needed, clay, clovers, armor glue)- holds more than the grub canteen. Dirty water can be boiled in it over a spot. Ceramic grieves(woven grieves, clay, armor glue, mite fuzz) Ceramic armor (crafted with the kiln, water, woven fiber, clay, quartzite, acorn pieces,armor glue)- high def. But very heavy Ceramic knife(need the kiln, water, clay, woven fiber) sturdy tool/weapon that can Ceramic Sword(requires the kiln, water, woven fiber, ceramic knife, clay, sprigs)- sturdy 1 handed sword Ceramic Buster(requires the kiln, water, woven fiber, ceramic sword, clay, sprigs)- large sturdy 2-handed sword that can even cut down grass. Broad Axe(kiln needed, clay, sap, armor glue, sprigs, woven fiber)- large 2-handed axe weapon. Great Shield(kiln needed, armor glue, clay, acorn pieces, woven fiber, grub hide)- large heavy shield. War Hammer(need kiln, clay, sprigs, mallot or great/mint hammer, woven fiber, mite fuzz, armor glue)- very heavy 2-handed weapon. Depending on if the mint or great hammer being used. The look and effects will vary. Weighted Boots(clay, water, pebblets, mite fuzz, diving bell spider silk)- weighted leggings that allow you to walk and move normally on the bottom of the pond. But on land you cannot jump or run. Oxygen tank(provided that snails get into the game. You need a snail shell, Lilly pad slime, weevil mask, diving bell silk)- can be used to provide more oxygen underwater or in the base. Savage Club(clay, plant fiber, mite fuzz, sprigs)- large crude 1-handed club Insect Shield(requires workbench, insect parts, armor glue, mite fuzz, berry leather)- sturdy shield that is good for bashing. Grappling hook(larva blade, woven fiber, sap)- a tool for climbing to higher places. Can even grab and pull objects to you. Slingshot(sprigs, woven+plant fiber, sap)- ranged weapon that uses pebbles as ammo. It lacks the longer range of the bow. Toy sword- powerful action figure sword hidden in the yard. Due to its small size. It's from a toy for ages 5 and up! Edit: I lost my original post that was up when these forums 1st opened. So I'll add a few things I can recall here! Moth Glider(if moths come to the game* moth wings, sap, sprigs, woven fiber)- faster than using a dandelion seed. Adds a little more distance. Wasp Glider(workbench needed, wasp wings, berry leather, gnat fuzz, woven fiber)- flies faster and farther than the moth glider. Master Glider(workbench needed, dragonfly wings, mite fuzz, grub hide, insect parts, woven fiber)- best glider in game. Strider shoes(strider legs, cat tail fluff, lilly membrane)- allows you to run for 3.5 seconds across water surfaces. Berry Shield (workbench required, armor glue, mite fuzz, berry leather, acorn pieces)- very durable buckler styled shield. Boxing gloves(requires workbench, grieves, berry leather armor glue, mite fuzz)- increased punch damage with higher stun. Sleeping Bag(requires workbench, berry leather, woven fiber, dandelion seeds)- upgrade to the lean-to. Wake up with increased health and stamina for half a day.
  11. Hello Friends! Just wanted to share a few things that I think would really improve the game! - PLEASE PLEASE make it so that you can choose a number to craft when crafting anything (Ex: crafting woven fibers out of 50+ plant fibers takes an unnecessary amount of time) - Grass plank/ weed stem pallets should be able to hold more grass planks - Increase the spawn rate of clay, weeds, quartzite. - Allow the option to turn on/ off which markers just show up just on the map and which ones are always showing - Allow the option to cook different parts of bigger bugs ( Ex: Spider chunks, ant body parts, Stinkbug feelers, etc) - Make it so that items that were already built can be moved around - Boss fights??????????????? - Aphid/ weevil farms - Tame Certain bugs and mount them? (shamelessly stolen from ark but how dope would it be to ride a spider or something) Ideas: - Ant pheromones: A throwable item that makes surrounding ants attack anything that it hits - Cool insects that can be added: Praying mantis, Centi/ millipede, ****roaches (can be riden), jumping spiders, butterflies (can be riden), Hercules beetle (level 3 armor), Termites... etc. I know not everything is plausible but I figured these things would be really dope if done correctly! at the very least I just want to be able to craft multiple items at once! thanks for checking it out friends!
  12. I had a brain storm last night, surprised me it still works Why not a bike? we have what we need in game now to make one. Twigs and stems for the frame, wheels, etc. Rubber for the tires. Berry leather and gnat fluff for the seat. woven fibers to lash it together. Then my sled idea (and Tier 2cart upgrade) could be attached to the bike. Since we're not getting mounts anytime soon, this could be an alternative. a faster way to travel, and a way to have a pack mule type deal. Thoughts?
  13. As the title said, this is a repost of an idea I had for a new glider/helicopter of sorts. It's a mid to end game piece of equipment, with the maple keys being rare. I was thinking of finding them in or around the hollowed out stump in the haze zone, possibly being hoarded/guarded by a nasty refuse to be gased out spider or something equally as nasty (lol ****roach?) You would face the piece of equipment like the dandelion tuft, one hand on the side bar (left side) the other grabbing the loop (right). The insect antennae would be under your armpits keeping you in place. It works like a double or triple jump, with every "jump" being another squeeze of the bellows both launching you up a decent distance and keeping you in the air longer. After your initial jump you jump again and you do the first squeeze. V.1 would only have one "poof" of air with the V.2 upgrade having the bellows refill to be used again and again (depending on stamina like the tuft) The rate of horizontal movement speed and range is far greater then the tuft, decent around the same. Materials I think should be intensive but not grindy. But construction would be in 2 pieces, the maple key copter being one using -maple keys, sap, woven fiber, 2 sprigs, 2 antennae The bellows being the obvious second using -berry leather, spider webs, sap, 2 weevil noses, woven fiber. With the upgraded one using possibly cricket legs or strider legs for the springs for refilling. Sorry for the repost, it just took me a bit to get my pics resized off my phone and on to here. Again please let me know what you guys think!
  14. -The "Maple key whirley-gig" works kind of like a helicopter but not massively over powered, basically it works like a double jump with a longer glide then the dandelion tuft. The second "jump" comes from a set of bellows your character squeezes to launch you higher before you casually glide to where ever, unlike the tuft tho, its more of a horizontal glide. The upgraded version would add a secondary maple key and bigger bellows adding a 3rd "jump" so as you start to descend you can tap again to gain more altitude and a longer flight time.. Maybe have it so the bellows can refill for continuos flight?material wise, berry leather for the bellows, maple keys, sprigs etc. More of a mid to late game for the upgraded one.. Maybe hide it behind a Burg.l chip? -"Acorn top pulleys" or elevator, the building schematic would look like a double or triple high scaffolding when placed, pulleys at the top with a vine like cord coming down to the main floor. By clicking on the cord the platform would rise to either the next floor up or just the top floor depending on where floor tiles are connected. By stacking them you get a higher lift. Obviously material heavy.. 12 or more weed stems, sap, spider webs etc.. - Spider armor tweak. Seeing as the wolf spider has 2 fangs, While wearing a full set of the spider armor allow us to possibly dual wield ONLY the spider fang daggers. -"Spinneret hook and reel" After my kids falling off the branches in the hedges for the 40th time I thought this up lol. A set of ant mandibles attached to spider silk and a reel. As your running around you can clamp it down onto the environment and toss down the line. Now the second piece (seperate?) to the equipment would be the reel aka the Spinneret, just run up to the line and reel yourself up and down. You can leave the line there for later use or spool it back up to use later :). - the Pill bug. Now I know people have been requesting mounts like crazy but I would like to throw this insect into the mix. NOT as a mount but more of a pack mule. This insect would be bigger then the the lady bug but just as docile and friendly unless provoked. After befriending these armored armadillo like critters you can strap a chest and a bigger pallet variant to its back. Allowing it to carry a small amount of loot PLUS upwards of 16 weed stems or grass tiles. BUT if its attacked and dealt a lethal blow instead of dieng it would dump the weed stems/grass and curl up into the ball, keeping it alive until you can save it or its health builds back up enough. Back at home it would stay at a buildable trough and eat/sleep. Let me know what you guys think please!!
  15. Cheaper alternatives to the Tier 1 bow. The idea behind is that it could be used as a weak weapon, or a utility tool (to not have to throw pebblets at water drops or berries, ...) Compared to the bow, Slingshots are: Pro's: Are cheaper. Require pebblets as ammo, so you don't have to craft ammo for it. Take down berries in one hit instead of two arrows. Stun rate on hit? Quicker drawback (even close to instant?). Con's: Less durability. Slightly less accurate. Less damage. Less range. Only one tier available Building requirements could be: 2x Sprig, 1x Gnat Fuzz, 1x Woven Fiber Just an idea I had, not sure how useful it would be.
  16. How about a freezer so we could keep our raw meat longer before it spoils? We have a fire pit and a dehydration hanging thingy but those two things turn the meat into something else but what if I needed a specific raw meat for another recipe to make something else like raw aphid meat for a smoothie?
  17. Few ideas i've had while playing these last few weeks. Rope -made from combining woven fibers for longer and stronger items Rope ladder Tier 1 - rope and twigs Tier 2 - rope and grass planks Tier 3 - rope and weed stems Each tier degrades with use, tier 3 lasting longest. grappling hook - can be used to climb, or pull down weeks or grass for spring trap below Tier 1 - rope and pebblet Tier 2 - rope, pebblet, and bug parts net - Hangable to store food stuff off the ground away from ants Throwable to catch aphids and such net spring trap for aphids and such Hammock - another option to use for sleeping and setting spawn points made with twigs, rope, and woven fibers backpack - some of these have been mentioned in other threads, so hopefully create larger backpacks, they should have bonus (more storage space etc.) and penalty effects (slower movement) remove equipped items from backpack inventory, if they're worn or held they shouldn't be in the backpack using slots backpack could have tool loops, like a tech pack, to keep up to 4 tools out of the backpack inventory sled - not for sliding down slopes Tier 1 - weed stems and grass planks lashed together to make a pack mule sled with 20 inventory slots Tier 2 - add side boards and dry grass wheels to make a small cart with 40 inventory slots wheels degrade with use Smoker - another option to preserve meat along with the jerky rack Tier 2 spear (unless there is one i haven't found yet) Shield Tier 1 - clover leaf Tier 2 - acorn shell Tier 3 - stink bug (since the ones in game are also called shield bugs ) And finally, since those dang wolf spiders slaughter me repeatedly - Antivenin as a smoothie recipe - 1 mistimed block and i'm dead, even though the physical damage I take is basically none, their venom always kills me.
  18. Some suggestions for the gameplay... * For the Backpack: It would be much better if the armor and the weapons didn't get included into the backpack. It gets crowed very fast since there aren't a lot of slots free. Maybe we can craft different sizes of backpacks. * Googles/Armor It would be great if there is a function or armor that makes it possible to see the animals/the shape at least when they are close by. Maybe some special googles that can be updated to increase the distance where you can see the form. * A portable log pallet That we can pull or shove along the garden. With a lot of stacks for different stuff for crafting. It would make crafting bigger stuff easier. * a pallet lift To built higher up in the trees. I know in creators mode it's possible to built in trees.
  19. ∆ Ladder -Version 1. Permanent building -Version 2. Portable to get around everywhere with max length ∆ Fireman pole? -Its cool, just saying ∆ World weather -Rain? HIGH GROUND!!! -Windy? READY YOUR REPAIR KIT -Sunny? (Affects stamina and thirst) -Didn't get that far of the game, it might have it already ∆ More insects - More flying insects - Mosquitoes? -Flies? -Insects that ambush or that sets traps - Lol! Nightmare mode! ∆ Mounts (Few insects or rate insects) -Injured ant (We help, now it's a pet) -Having a pet is a great responsibility(Food, Health and stuff) or they will leave ∆ Acorn/Grass board -Boarding downhill is fun! -Getting pulled your pet or friend is cool ∆ Telescope -Is this even necessary? -Clover leave + water dew = good stuff ∆ Rope -Going down -Swinging -Going up -Pet pulling the characters? ∆ Flattener -Good looking base!!! ∆ Freshness level -Yes ∆ Difficulty -Nightmare (Some or few insects can climb!!! ∆ Suit for climbing -Only available in nightmare mode Cages -Harvestable Insect parts?
  20. Gameplay Suggestions 1. the ability to choose my respawn/lean-to on death from map..... few different times I've had to walk all the way across map to retrieve my bag. 2. also I think a time limit on common items on ground is needed .. main one for me being "plant fiber" ... after like 1 in-game day let it disappear... found myself many times going around and trashing 100's of them to declutter the ground.. Construction / Crafting Suggestions 1. roof clipping .... on more complex structures it would be nice to be able to join two perpendicular roofs...... say one roof is already built and the perpendicular one is being put up... as soon as the blueprint reaches the already built one it turns red... it would be nice if on the blueprint that turns red - it would snap to it and and anything on the inside of the already built roof would be red and on the outside of the roof would be blue and placeable........ and on the flip-side of that on the inside of the roof you could place wall against the roof and only the inside portion would be built... hopefully someone understands what I'm trying to say here... 2. custom wall and floor placement..... plus where is the stem floor? we have stem wall but no floor....... when choosing walls or floors it would be nice to have the ability to toggle custom and automatic placment .... we can be as creative as we want with the first piece but after that we are limited with what direction we can go... unless I'm just overlooking the how to.. 3. toggle how many blades of grass/stems are in walls and floors.... the ability to place down a single piece or up to 20 or so at a time... instead of the only option being 4... 4. I think " ladders/ropes" would be very useful.
  21. Suggestions as far as building... I think it would be a good idea for you guys to continue adding to the base building. Great start with what is offered, but I think there’s great opportunities to add more. Such as making “metal” or “aluminum” walls and doors from salvaging soda cans. Defenses against bugs like traps and large spiked barricades. Railings, fences and walls. Carts to haul large loads of items like weed stems that we usually have to search large areas for small amounts of. P.S. Bug taming with cages to lock them up in would be such a cool idea. I think you guys have created a special game here, a great twist in the survival world aspect. What a unique experience, I cannot wait for future updates keep up the good work. Thanks, ItsMrJoker
  22. The game is great! I'm having a blast, awesome work, nicely done!! Here some suggestions: 1) Block attack button should draw back the arrow from the bow 2) Resources tab under crafting should be listed alphabetically 3) Filter option to show Trail Markers on the map 4) Larva Blade is tier I, so it should show first in the Workbench Tools tab Here some other things that would be great! 1) If we could create a dedicated server and have more than 4 people playing together 2) More character options, skins, clothes, etc. 3) Pets! Besides that, I would like to suggest some changes to combat, so far you don't have much chance against spiders in melee combat, and is kind of forced to "cheese" the combat by jumping some place or bug the spider someplace where it can't pass.
  23. So far, Im glued and loving this game. However, I think there are some QOL features that would make things better. 1. The ability to sort your inventory/chest/container by type/quantity/name? 2. The ability to move items/furniture you placed in your base next to recycling. 3. a mini-map so I dont have to press M often when Im turned around?
  24. So far, really enjoyed the game. Really wish there was more to the story right now, as I like where it's going, but I guess we'll have to wait. Here's the bugs and suggestions I've found so far (Playing on Xbox One X, hosting a multiplayer game) Bugs: Grass planks (and other items) occasionally falling through the ground and gone forever If armor is created when you have a full inventory, it uses your materials but doesn't give you the armor. As with most base builders, the walls sometimes really struggle to snap correctly as they should, or they will be blocked for now visible reason. This damn wolf spider that for some reason spawned outside our base and constantly circles us, killing us as soon as we leave and attacking our base. Only get him to disappear by quitting out. Talked to a friend and he said it happened to him multiple times, destroying his whole base every time. When you go to continue your multiplayer game, it doesn't allow you to change the difficulty. I started a game in Mild, but when I go to continue the game, in the lobby it says it's set to Medium, but it doesn't let me change it. I don't know whether it's actually changing to medium or if just shows it there. Playing with a friend (I was hosting) and my friend got disconnected twice. The second time, he came back and his player had reset (lost all his stuff) so we had to reload an older save file. Repair tool doesn't seem to be working. Tried to fix some grass plank walls and it won't do anything. The Clover Poncho has the description of the Clover Shin Guards The decoration Slime Mold Sconce stops lighting up after coming back to the game another day. (If this is how it's designed, I think it should definitely be changed, as it's a base decoration, replacing it every day would be silly) Is quartzite supposed to respawn? Only found it once, but noticed that it didn't respawn after going to check another day. I'm concerned that if it doesn't respawn, and so far, I've only found it once, means that it is fairly limited in the world. It's required for repairing a lot of the important tools, which makes it concerning that it will run out quick. When playing in multiplayer, we have found two SCA:B's laying around, however, only the person who picks it up gets the item and the SCA:B theme. Not a big deal, but it seems to mean that we can't both get it, since it disappears. Josh Brener's name is spelled wrong on this page (they spelled it Brenner, rather than Brener) https://grounded.obsidian.net/news/grounded/get-ready-to-meet-the-cast-of-grounded When the sun is rising, it doesn't do so gradually, it just suddenly appears and you're blasted with light. Seems to happen every morning. items being put into storage sometimes don't load properly, or sometimes even seem to disappear if the box is full and you put push the button to move a whole stack. Suggestions: Change armor so that it doesn't take up inventory space when you are wearing it. The Spider Chunks icon image definitely looks like spider testicles, which is kind of funny, not sure if that was intentional. I noticed the Acid Sack (I think it's called?) has the same icon, making it hard to distinguish at a glance. Make a way to move a whole stack between inventory and storage with one button, rather than having to drag and drop. Recycling walls and such seems to be too easy sometime. I've accidentally deleted things (then lost some of the needed materials) we needed just by accidentally tapping B one too many times while working on stuff. Maybe make recycling require a longer B press. Let us play more of the storyline
  25. So I've Played about 24 hours Or more. besides exploration gearing up and besting the enemies already available in the game. Opting to Building a base with a nice View in Lieu of a courtyard made around a can and a research centre. I was allowed to place my storage in said can, but ants would still poke their head through and steal my precious aphid honeydew. And spiders still finding ways to bite me through the can and my poorly constructed fence. So I had to move. Now I live under the oak tree. Blinded by the light of a solar powered lamp. Upon occasion the wolf spiders that lives there likes to get inside my foundation and break it from the inside out. But only sometimes! So it's not that bad But enough with setting the story. This game isnt without its kinks what without. Sometimes Spiders can be lurking inside logs (Solid ones) so one has to watch out for that. Spiders though extremely large have found there way into the smallest of places. Often yielding rewards. A bit to easy... Acorns explode incessantly to the point they break time itself. Only to find the remains respawn there from the follow day this isn't guaranteed daily. But eventually missing items reappear in follow days. Most issues have been deftly spotted by the community thus far I've have seen Larva do incredible things.. But it's a Glitch love. There is nothing more terrifying than the alien like cave of 40 horrible creatures of indescribable origin. They have there own mind often attacking the abandoned ant hive.. just what do they do when they roam around in packs of 40 . It's like the larvae have A hive mind Ai. more so than the ants do Ants Don't Act as much as a group unit as I would have expected. They do respond to your aggression and send a soilder unit to your base eventually. But I've yet to see anything of an actual raid. Of sorts. So I hope that's coming. Lack of raw research as collectable. I saw that in the demo access this was in the fame but has since been taken out or reworked. I hope they return as the current research grind is lacking. I do understand at full release there will be many more items to learn from. Bees. Please make bees work when you can I'm sure everyone would love that I also see there is wasps in the cover art. So having a more aggressive flying insect would he awesome not to mention two possible hives to visit. Perhaps a few passive. Imagine a handful of butterflies. The pond. The pond is a great biome that needs lot of love and live. I can imagine Dragonflies at the pond. Water skates, beetles. A few Koi to make swimming challenging. More water based resources to force player to go to depths.. Perhaps a craftable diving suit might be in order. Maybe a big old boss bulltoad sat on the edge. Birds would also be a good addition being a random event where if your too high they may swoop in and attack. even better take you up to their nest. Feathers could be another form of glider. Or be used to make a more refined sort of paraglider People want to go in the house and if you can do that I'd be impressed. But I won't hold you to it. Maybe one room? Or the shed. The story build up so far has a little hint to some sort of story already there. What with the various little skeletons around the map. And the mysterious Doctor that surely can't be father to all four children right? Wonder if we will see this doctor or did he too succumb to the backyard. Also I may or may not have seen that behind a locked door, there may or may not have been some weird experiments with berries too. Anyway just a couple of bugs and suggestions I have. Don't normally even write bug reports or just general feedback and suggestions. What the heck is it even a larvae of anyway. No really
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