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Everything posted by YaK

  1. Hi! I found that this portrait https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99990-portraits-iii/?do=findComment&comment=2027794 was already turned into watercolorish deadfire convo style before, but the link by DexGames on Portrait III thread, but links are long gone. Does anyone perchanche happen to have the files saved?
  2. Is it planned some sort of "merging" on GoG? I practically posses all the stuff contained in the Definitive Edition, but for GoG i have *just* "Pillars of Eternity".
  3. Well, also adding the proper entries in musicbrainz or freedb for the Deluxe edition will do, or just having a proper tracklist, i was not asking for more work from your side, it's a minor thing.
  4. In the End, i bought again the ADDON for Pillars II to have the "PoE Deluxe Orginal Soundtrack" (53 tracks), no matter i already had the "Original Soundtrack" (26 track). Now it comes to my hears there was the ULTIMATE soundtrack with more music? OH, COME ON! Why all this mess and confusion? That's a bit... depressing. Also, is it possible to have a proper track list of the Deluxe OST? It's unproperly tagged (many tag are just cut or not completed).
  5. I am really happy to join the others in saying you've done a majestic job in fetching both the OSTs, wonderful indeed. Since i missed the opportunity to have White March OST with the current Fig campaign for PoE II, i hope it will soon be available to buy in a manner or the other, it's a bit odd that as a backer of the first game + exp, i could not have access to it :/ Of course, it's not your fault, so i really thank you for your efforts.
  6. Love you guys. Thanks for the support.
  7. Yes, it can run on 32-bit system.
  8. If you're on Steam or GogGalaxy you could verifiy the gamefiles and download only the missing ones!
  9. Thanks. I'm a bit uncomfortable in knowing she bear a grudge just against me, despite i'm quite a cat person. Maybe i've just used the wrong words, luckily enough, i can autosave me out of this embarassing situation. (Well, i'm stopping this foolinesh right now )
  10. Hi, I'm on 3.02.1008, GoG Galaxy Version, fresh installed/verified. As i enter in Galawain's Maw, Sul attack the other lions of her pride. She's got a really bad temper, always eager to start a catfight , i start wondering Oernos would have been a better, calmer choice. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ym3o3eyjplg1fks/sul.jpg?dl=0 Contrary to the 3.01 bug, other NPC are fine, not entering combat. HOW TO REPRODUCE: Load the attached savegame and Enter Galawain's Maw. WORKAROUND: Reloading the autosave seem to fix the problem. Savegame file, DxDiag.txt and Output_log.txt here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mievnk9p3gzq70g/Sul.zip?dl=0
  11. It's Claude Garmont's EB Garamond (more info: http://www.georgduffner.at/ebgaramond/index.html) You can download that family font here: https://bitbucket.org/georgd/eb-garamond/downloads . It's open source as long as you follow the SIL open source licence terms.
  12. Just what the O.P. said. Thanks.
  13. For me it was about 4.5 Gb (GoG Galaxy). It's the same problem with Unity patching, everytime makes me cry :/
  14. Oh, i assume it's a problem with the address size of the counters, it seems the need another bit
  15. Could you explain whati is bugged? I didn't get it
  16. I'd like to point out three things: I usually go to tavern just to look for architecture, npc, rest bonus and read dialogue. There is another quest there, At the mercy of tribes. Also the Raedric's one, could start in another way: there is chance that a dead Army attack your keep, then the Steward will inform you and start the Champion of Berath Quest. Anyway, i agree on some other fair point you make.
  17. I have two hypothesis: «Brrrr, it's so damn cold outside! Thanks Magran we have this fireplace, it's so warm an coz- OUCH!» Did you kwno that strange things happen in the cellar? There are traps, there are people playing dice and there is also a secret relationship between the dice player and one of the guy playing upstairs at orlan's face. Since he's really into knives i bet thirty silver fenning he's also into bdsm.
  18. One day son, one day, but not today.
  19. Same here. Stopped before 2.0x branch. Resuming with 3.00 and 3.01. Wish i had waited a couple more weeks, 3.02 it's really promising.
  20. Hello there! In my aimless efforts digging throught the savegame files i start to understand what are the entries in *.lvl files (they are pretty readable indeed), mobileobjects' entries are still quite. The "Why" it's another story That said, i look at the .csv generated throught "AuditSaveGame" in the console and have some questions. Currently i am in my Stronghold Great Hall, and in it's lvl data i find: Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 1982f062-a53a-425d-bd26-a5e003bfd16c Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall f7981e14-f276-4356-8db8-e14b040d2a7e Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 275c6d7e-f655-454d-959a-89f37fe07b8d Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 8f7010fa-fc05-49e6-88d9-b454a4adb7a5 Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall fd9973a1-60c9-4713-ad86-9b97b44b2bf6 Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall d018950f-fb71-4b2e-b501-bc3b97b89319 Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall f95302e8-fd8a-462b-9d36-4ccb4c498ddd Spear_Xaurip_Champion(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 502a4496-70ae-4bc1-84e8-e06db193d189 NPC_BV_Wealthy_Lord AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall ab44cf04-f0ac-4876-9ac9-bd54a57f3c93 CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 5dad38f5-9c75-46a5-9adf-985619af2d32 CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 74e9a4bd-1758-4e59-ba20-6acbcd2fa3ed CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 4048cf9c-eb3f-4e85-9cda-102ced88c513 CRE_Wurm(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall f8cab59a-23a7-4ace-a270-edf307d240c1 CRE_Wurm(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 657f8619-018d-4afd-9e86-01c945b804bc CRE_Wurm(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 1da476ae-7f85-47b2-8427-14b412be1036 CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 18daccdd-e58e-4e35-829c-e6d41d1c8b60 CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall dd0984bd-535e-4639-ad69-276be17c5f73 CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 92db519c-255d-478c-82b9-d3225acb966e CRE_Wurm(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall b98b1b54-f51c-4c55-adea-98142d26fb80 CRE_Wurm(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall b66b9992-fd53-4b44-8019-55cda829b450 CRE_Wurm(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 1f1a74af-727b-489f-be9e-040e56add788 CRE_Xaurip_Skirmisher(Clone) AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 74c7ad85-b73f-452b-8adb-56df747d8815 As you can see, there are entries for all the spawned creature from stronhold attack (this is just a part of the data) and my General Merc Vendor it's quite obsessed with Xaurip Champion Spear. He still keep track of them, also if he has none in his store. Is it normal? Is my savegame bugged? Who knows. In the mobileobjects data i found of course all the player/companion equipement, talents, abilities, spells BUT i found, for examaple also this: PX1_Galvinos_Resonance_Amplifier(Clone) Companion_Caroc(Clone)_3 AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall 4b8b573a-da5b-4af9-9a0d-93eeeb7ccf0e Not one, not two, not three but eight times, each with a different key. So, that means a new object it's created every time i use Galvino's Resonance Amplifier? It's a way to keep track of the uses? I also have 28 entries for Heoadan (it's store and all the thing i sold to him, and that's really disappointing, not because he has The Disappointer in his stash, but cause it could at least use me the courtesy of drop the stuff, i would have been useful in that part of the game. How could a man be greed also in death and keep him attached to gamefiles also after, is unbelievable. Also, as said before, i have all the drops of encounter (Likely PART_Xaurip_Tonge, PART_Awakened_Root and so on). Other things that i don't understand are theese: Druid_Spiritshift_Armor(Clone) Companion_Hiravias(Clone)_4 AR_0011_Dyrford_Tavern_02 8adac5ce-4c3f-41a5-8350-da058f8e9ab6 Druid_Cat_Claws(Clone) Companion_Hiravias(Clone)_4 AR_0011_Dyrford_Tavern_02 12e36935-0ae5-4010-8b25-8858a9c9a210 Druid_Cat_Claws(Clone) Companion_Hiravias(Clone)_4 AR_0011_Dyrford_Tavern_02 6d5cb8aa-b8c9-46b1-b4fb-bf5f09d186be Druid_Spiritshift_Armor(Clone) Companion_Hiravias(Clone)_4 AR_0011_Dyrford_Tavern_02 ece1d9c9-f21f-4d54-8b9c-28d9a49b1f28 Druid_Cat_Claws(Clone) Companion_Hiravias(Clone)_4 AR_0011_Dyrford_Tavern_02 7da42513-93a8-4664-9678-64c734498645 Druid_Cat_Claws(Clone) Companion_Hiravias(Clone)_4 AR_0011_Dyrford_Tavern_02 6af37327-3a3a-4de6-9757-4a04d239317e Why keep track of how many times Hiravias use Druid_Cat_Claws in the Dyrford_Tavern upper floor (i probably kill someone there, can't remember)? It's not the only case, there are several. Again, is this working as intended or not? Shouldnìt most them be temporary effects and discarded at some point?
  21. Hi all. Since when i start playing (way before of 2.01), i've always experienced very sloooooow loadings when zoning or loading a save game, as many others, it seems. For example, using the save in this archive (the one in the Barracks), after starting the game: Loading a save in AR_0602_Brighthollow_Lower: 1 m 50 s Exiting to AR_0601_Stronghold_Exterior: 1 m 30 s Going to AR_0604_Stronghold_Great_Hall: 1 m 08 s Entering in AR_0606_Stronghold_Barracks: 29 s My system specs are quite low (it's an old desktop) but since the game runs quite smooth after loaded, i've always liked to mess up with gamefiles to try to understand why, so, several months ago i discovered this topic and the infamous Rime and Frost bug. Fortunately, i've used Rime and Frost very little, so there was just a few leftover entries and then come the fix. But i was not satisfied, cause i don't understand exactly how the savegame system work, so i've done a little bit of an investigation and some experiments: A) I've bought back possibily ALL the gear i previously sold to merchants (all of them except the ones in Twin Helm market and some minor ones). sold it to my Craft Shop guy in Caed Nua (since i never go there, so i prefer to bloat up him list instead the one of the Merchand in the Great Hall) and them, hoping to remove them definitively, i deleted AR_0610_Craft_Shop.lvl for my save, so that it gets reset to default (i would likely have used the console command "RemoveItem" to delete them, but it was TOO timeconsuming, since there was hundreds, maybe thousands, of items). I was quite disappointed, since the savegame shrinks a bit, but it was in the order of 100-200kb and not of 1-2mb as i hoped. B) After having fired all the hirelings, i extract that savegame and, following the hints of this thread, looked at the entries. I choose to use Xaurip items, since no vendor sell them by default, are equipped only by Xaurips (that are already quite extinct in my game) and are easily tracked. I found this: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public?preview=Xaurip-Barracks-Fresh.jpg 250 Xaurip shield and spear in the MobileObjects.save, with most of the entries that point to Copperlane Exterior, Stronghold GreatHall, Crucible Keep and Blacksmith in Gilded Vale. The location with the merchants where i sold most of the stuff. 89 Xaurip Champion's Spear, not in the MobileObjects.save, just in the .lvl of the map in which are the vendors (Stronghold GreatHall in particular). This is strange, cause at that point i did not have ANY Xaurip shields and spear in my stash nor in any merchant list. I double checked. But the entries where there, so probably, they are leftovers. Why? If drops and item collection list are stored in the specific .lvl files, why some of them are also in the MobileObjects? C) i went further with the experimentation. While in Caed Nua i use the console to force some attacks 3X StrongholdForceAttack 5 (3 Xaurip Skirmisher and some Wurms in the Great Hall) 3X StrongholdForceAttack 17 (2 Drakes, some Wurms, 2 X Skirmisher and one Priest) Since i was there and after all the zone in/zone out (and the slaying, of course i also use EncounterSpawn Enc_SA_Bandits, Enc_Cut_Throat, Enc_GoldpactKnight_Sellswords to spawn a couple more enemies and check another thing. After that go to Yenwood, do a little zoning, rest and come back to the Hall and finally go in to the library (And that is the second file in the zip). The exit the game and go checking the files: This is the result: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public?preview=Post+Encounter.jpg As you can see, this means that the loot after the Encounters build up in the savegamefiles, also if they are not lootable. This happens in the Exterior and in the Great Hall and i don't know if this is the case also for a couple of other Encounter in the games. This is of course not related just to Xaurip items, in fact i search also for HAT_Hoods.prefab before and after the various encounters in the exterior keep, and the build up: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public?preview=Hat_Hood.jpg Probably it's the same for all the equipment of enemies, body parts (Drake Talons, Xaurip Tongues and so on...) and also for the equipment of henchlings that may die during the battles (Manually resolved). Of course this behaviour it's surely not a BIG hit on performance as the Chanter Rime and Forst and the Summons, cause in that case there were several thousands of entries meanwhile in this we are takling just of hundreds, but i think that it should be investigated further, since as an example, just after some encounter in the keep, AR_0601_Stronghold_Exterior.lvl went from 840Kb to 1530Kb, and probably in that 840Kb there are also several hundred of Kb of the previous attacks on my keep. A Similar thing happen in the Great Hall. My next step will be to search for specific entries that should not be there and try to clean some files using a modified version of the script used in this thread. Of course it will be not possibile to clean them all, since for normal equipment, for me it's difficult to discern betweenn proper NCP equipment and leftofver entries. Hope this helps in some manner. HAve a nice day!
  22. Hi all, As the title says, the auto-pause at Combat start, also if properly checked in the game settings, doesn't work during Caed Nua Encounters, it's a minor thing but considering that 1-2 seconds of delay during the transitioning from loading screen to current game and the odd disposition of party memembers after a zoning, it could piss off a bit at a low level. Have a nice day!
  23. Holycow, i have an headache now.
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