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Everything posted by YaK

  1. Hi, Dana. This bug is already reported and hopefully fixed in 3.02. As a workaround, you could reloadi the autosave just as you entere in the Maw.
  2. Blueberries. A ton of them, NO! Wait! Two tons!

  3. Open the console with \ or ~ (it depends on your keyb layout, i'm using an IT), type iroll20s press enter and you should see "cheat disabled" in the log.
  4. Hello there Aarik, we could assume the issue is resolved also for the other visitors?
  5. HA! Know that i know, it's very useful for debug purposes :D
  6. I can confirm that this happens also on 3.01 stable. Oddly enough, it never happens before, just by mistake, so you're the first to notice it, sir !
  7. This happens also with other visitors. Geyda, Azzuro and Solmar the Slaver just have two different "interactions", after the first dilemma is resolved, they should come only to sell items, buy slave or test subjects, but they are also treated as "presitigious" visitor with zero prestige and security, probably the script that stop them to be recurrent visitors failed. The others just come as recurrent visitors (the old ones), also in circumstances in which they should not. It's fine Lord Simroc come back from time to time since you helped him, not so fine if he return after you killed him
  8. Hi all, i'm sorry to revive the post but currently (3.01), you will have the option to have the fampyr as a hireling ONLY if servant of death is completed. If it's just active, the gampyr will not start conversation, she will just have a bubble speech recognizing you are a Champion. Myabe it's working as intended, i don't know, but i think it was right to point this out.
  9. Ice Trolls in Durgan's battery map don't drop Ice troll's heart for "A Lovevly Drop" quest. I think it's just misworking. I know that you're *supposed* to go first on Russetwood, but there is no reason at all that with the quest in the right state an Ice Troll in another map hasn't got an hear to drop .
  10. Uh, and exactly how does it work? Currently it seems to me that only arount 5 hirelings (with a full rooster of eight) will show. Im my case Brutish Warrior shows up, but not Fellower of Saint Waidwen nor other "common" ones (Korgak, Mercenery Captain and a couple of ohters show up). Is there a way to know which ones will work?
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