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Everything posted by Mansen

  1. No arguments there - With my "inverse T shaped" formation (Tank in front, healer behind - Everyone else in the back in a row) I constantly have to force stop my party because the formation calculations go completely out of whack. More often than not the Tank is in the back - And this is with constant Right click positioning.
  2. Make that all companions (NPC ones included) and I'm all aboard. As long as I'll have to get a hold of a ___keeper tool to make cosmetic changes to my NPC companions, I'd see no point in doing it half-assed with just PC companions.
  3. The atmosphere of that entire area is great. The visuals - the music.
  4. Hah! I wrote off that series after the 2nd game. There was nothing left of the cRPG style that Bioware was* known for.
  5. I just want them out of my game personally - I don't want to risk triggering a flashback sequence every time I talk to an NPC if I'm not constantly holding down TAB to see who is a "real" NPC and who isn't. But I'm sure we'll see a mod that removes them completely (or at the least replaces them with villagers with default names) eventually.
  6. I'd argue these can't be considered citizens in the first place.
  7. Hear me out - Like many others I absolutely love that the minimap isn't so dark and impossible to navigate anymore. But the actual viewport still is as far as my monitor is concerned - I can't even consistently spot doors in the towns, because everything is a big, dark mush. I think the complete FoW removal from maps is overkill - It should be there but much fainter than it used to be. And the "ingame" viewport FoW needs a tweak down as well.
  8. Pray to your dieties! http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2384998/original.jpg
  9. Helmets without any enchantments are purely cosmetic - Just like capes. It's weird that you can't enchant ordinary ones like you can with other item types though...
  10. Come one, come all. Please report your game versions (Especially Steam users) so I can get to the bottom of this.
  11. I found it to be absolutely horrid. 3D portraits have no place in a game like Pillars of Eternity (Or Dragon Age: Origins at that) As pointed out there is a metric ton of custom portraits available on the internet - Not for the three "original" races of course, but you can get lucky at times and find one that fits - or adjust it yourself to match. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7411861/Andet/PoE_portraits_05_04.rar Here's my personal collection of (processed) portraits for the game. Just the ones I've given some personal attention in photoshop to match the dimensions and theme of the game.
  12. Is .0508 the latest version available or is Steam up to its usual hijinx? Been trying to get IEMod to work with my copy of the game and have failed every since the double patch the other day. GUI strings are missing in the options menu and the game CTDs on Game start or load. Edit: The BuildID on my end is 577767 (Would love to hear some feedback from > STEAM < users in particular. Edit 2: Very, very weird. All of a sudden my version is back to .0526.
  13. No? 3D has no place in a cRPG of this style. NWN was a different kind of game (and it had its benefits - like the modular terrain and easy server generation)
  14. I could have agreed with this sentiment if the secrets in the game at least tried to stick with a certain formula of logic. As it stands now most of the secrets are arbitrarily placed in hallways or in randomly placed cupboards. You'd expect to find a secret in a vault room, a puzzle or as a secret compartment in a suspiciously looking wall.
  15. They tried to fix one or more of these issues with a 2nd patch a few hours later though.
  16. I really hate the scouting mode concept - It boils down to having to touch every vertical surface in the game as if this was an old FPS game ala. Doom or Wolfenstein. What was wrong with half stat spot and listen checks from D&D? If something was hidden well enough you'd have to spend some real effort finding it. If it wasn't particularly well hidden, you'd notice it quickly on your own. But instead we're basically instructed to sneak in fast mode everywhere, because the secrets are few and usually very good. It also looks incredibly silly.
  17. Unity is not modding unfriendly - Where does this flawed myth comes from? The engine is very moddable - As moddable as the developers will let you make it. Just look at Cities: Skylines - They've allowed for .dll and very unrestrictive mono modding. People have already revamped the interface, changed pretty basic mechanics and added content.
  18. Then we would need a kickstarter for the Unity engine. The reason behind the large "hotfixes" and patches (also seen at Wasteland 2) is the Unity engine, which makes it impossible to do small stuff without having to update everything else. so go, tell Unity they need a kickstarter for better patching experience. I doubt they'll listen. ^^ Hate to be "that guy" - But making patches that only change file DIFFERENCES have been around since the days before the floppy disc. If Obsidian can't be bothered to do that, you're getting those filesizes when changing a few simple text files within a much larger archive. Replacing files is simpler since you don't have to have an exact version of a file - But since Unity uses really dumb archive formats, (lazy) developers who just want a patch out NOW - NOW just replace files outright.
  19. I suggest bringing your loaded D20's - I have a feeling you're going to need every natural crit you can get.
  20. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7411861/Andet/cat.jpg
  21. I would respond with the same response as I did in a different thread - But we can't have you going around accusing me from writing the same thing in different threads.
  22. Or in case your text-to-speech is broken. Here it is in stereo!
  23. And yours makes an equally vague assumption.
  24. Indirectly it did - Had they not chosen to give people the option to buy it on other platforms, they could have invested in Multiplayer at a much, much lower cost than what they would need to do now that Steamworks isn't an option. The main reasoning for not including Co-Op multiplayer was investment costs - I.E. dedicating a programmer to get it sorted. Steamworks is pretty much "tack on - turn on". Making a multiplayer API from scratch is not.
  25. Just because you haven't seen (daresay noticed) your racials vanish or your NPC companion's stats suddenly skyrocketing for no apparant reason, doesn't mean they aren't happening. Fact remains that you need to make and keep a lot of separate savegames around if you want to complete the game in one go, without running into anything that can set you back noticeably or downright ruin your progression and balance of difficulty. As for my personal writing habits, I don't see how they're relevant or any of your business, laddo. Don't like it? Don't respond. Pretty simply logic really.
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