I might just save that one for a future occasion
Unfortunately you're right. Even the name TSR (Tactical Studies Rules) suggest that it's old games like DnD was about tactical combat and the fine art of creating a framework for all that combat.
Also, one of the reasons that games like Fallout and PS:T has a cult status instead of being a commercial legend. In those games, you could avoid most of the tedious combat and find other things to pass time and gain benefits from.
But like a previous poster mentioned, people who like a more complex approach to problem solving are a minority, compared to the munchkin masses with the loose money. Whether it's lack of imagination, inferiority complexes, plain boredom, whatever, the majority of buyers seems to prefer games where they can whack something on a regular basis (perhaps the wife is bigger and stronger than themself ?)
So, gamers like "us" (us being those who don't care much for overabundance of combat in crpgs) will still be a small niche market, with the occasional exotic title thrown in our direction every decade or so.