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Everything posted by Heijoushin

  1. Checks out. Say, wonder why there hasn't been a Japanese localization goal. Maybe that should get tacked onto 5mil. I was browsing steam the other day and I saw screenshots from a Japanese version of PoE1, so that clearly got translated at some point. I'm sure PoE2 will be too.
  2. Good morning gentlemen. It's so nice waking up to a new backer update almost everyday. I just want to say that after seeing the concept art, I feel that Ydwin has the potential to be my PoE waifu. Let's hope we get to the 8th companion goal!!
  3. Japanese authors often use words from other languages... very very badly. But they're not the only guilty ones. Things just sounds cooler in a foreign language (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GratuitousForeignLanguage). But that's kind of the opposite issue to what we were discussing
  4. Just think of the role-playing possibilities in the Salty Mast...
  5. Okay, you guys have a point. The Rule of Cool is very important. While I don't think fighters lack as a class, I don't often roll a fighter as my main character since they do have less cool abilities. Reading your suggestions, I think unique attack animations might be the best solution. If I know my monk will do some wicked kung-fu moves, or my fighter will do an awesome sword combo, I think that's already some more motivation to play them over the spellcasters. Auras, stances etc. already existed in PoE1. And I wouldn't want to have too many spell-like attacks, because then the line between fighter and wizard starts to blur.
  6. As someone who is working as a translator, I'd just like to say a few words in defense of them: The sad fact of the matter is: It's never going to sound quite as good as the original language. What's a literary masterpiece in one language will probably always sounded pretty mediocre translated into a second. There's lots of reasons for this. For one, some things just don't translate well. (Jokes, idioms, expressions, names etc.) For another, professional translators sometimes need to walk a fine line between literal and creative translation. Maybe you want to tweak something a little so it sounds more natural, but then your customer/boss might be pissed off because you're not translating accurately. I don't know. Basically, if it really sounds like it was done by google translate (grammatical errors/incomprehensible etc.), then shame on them. But if it's a matter of taste, like you think "Trutzbucht" doesn't sound quite right for the setting (I have no idea), or its not quite Shakespeare, then I think cut them some slack. And good for you playing in the original language, even though its not your first language.
  7. Hehe, someone's a big fan of HEMA For people like you, I think the Black Jacket fighter looks a little more involved.
  8. C'mon Sedy. We're on this forum because we love discussing PoE. If you were a game dev, wouldn't you want people passionately discussing your game? Nothing selfish about it (until we start calling people names and throwing tantrums)
  9. Why though? He could still be a running gag in Pillars of Eternity 3.
  10. I think he meant "Anyone can be good if it's in their best interests. But True Virtue is being good when you don't benefit." *insert image of Zen Monk bowing*
  11. Social media sucks. This forum should get much more attention than some random guys on twitter... Now, now, while I agree social media is a scourge on the world, it was my fault for posting the questions late.
  12. Thanks for the response. It's nice to know the design philosophy behind it.
  13. Well... the players aren't stupid. Even if you've named your mage/fighter a spellsword, when you come across a battlemage, you'll probably get the general idea, right? I see this as being one of those features that if you hate it, you're free to ignore it.
  14. I'm impressed! The numbers are rising fast today!
  15. If I understood correctly from the update, this will happen in the form of scripted interactions. Like... Enemy ship approaching... they have a black flag! a) Prepare the cannons. b) Go alongside the enemy ship and prepare to board. c) Run away!
  16. *snorts* Throne Bae. Shall we have some romance options for the chair?
  17. Hey Blotter! Thanks for the thread referemce! To be honest though, I don't have a terribly strong opinion on this matter. More options are always good, but its not a dealbreaker. It doesn't seem like it would be such a difficult feature to implement though. Just need one more little "rename" button on the IU somewhere.
  18. 1. Will there be a place to buy cosmetic items early in game? (cloaks of different colours, pirate hats etc.) PoE1 had all those assets in game, but it was hard to get them early without killing a civilian. 2. Any idea how many more portraits we can look forward to?
  19. Armour is all good and well, but I would like more clothing shops that sell purely cosmetic items (cloaks of various colors, outfits from each culture, pirate hats etc.) Purely for character creation/roleplaying purposes. In PoE1, all those assets existed in the game, but it was hard to get them without murdering some civilian or backer character. Or here's a different idea: instead of your outfit being determined by where you're from, how about its determined by your background. So a nobleman gets a nice outfit, the former slave gets rags etc. etc.
  20. Only 3 is REALLY difficult. My favorite Western RPGs: Icewind Dale 1&2 Neverwinter Nights 2 Vampire: Bloodlines Arcanum (Honorable Mention) Ultima 8 -> for all its flaws, this game really made a big impact on me as a kid. Favorite J-RPGs Final Fantasy 7,8,10 Devil Survivor 1&2 Persona 3,4,5 Bravely Default Fire Emblem: Awakening And Pokemon, though Pokemon has become a little stale over the years with constant repetition of the same formula.
  21. Interesting point! But Ydwin's backstory (as stated in the update) seems to indicate she's some kind of eccentric doctor who likes examining corpses. That doesn't strike me as the type of person who would be a saint, or have a sword named after them. A co-incidence?
  22. To be honest, when I read the mail, all the extra stretch goals seemed... optimistic. I know there's a big jump at the end, but 5 mil? Anyways... sidekicks are in. The ship looks awesome. The open world looks awesome. Eothas is in his Heaven, all is right with the World.
  23. I hope this happens. It seems like an obvious thing. The stronghold was huge, so you could argue they were hanging out somewhere out of sight, but they shouldn't be able to hide on a little boat like that,
  24. She bothered me because: a) She functions like an in-game PoE cell-phone app. Notification: Building complete! Notification: Attack incoming! b) As teenparty said, she seemed a cheap excuse. I wanted to interact with a castle full of people, not a chair. c) Not a huge amount of personality. I mean, her functionality stood out way more than her personality. I would appreciate it if the giant statue stepped on her on his way out but I guess that won't happen...
  25. Sidekicks are full on party members. They just don't have as much story/lore in them as the companions, and don't work within the companion reputation system. Think of them like Yeslick, Branwen, or Xan from Baldur's Gate 1. Interesting! I wonder if they show up before the main companions. PoE (understandably) gave you 2 right off the bat to flesh out your group. And an experienced player could go grab whoever they wanted immediately. To a certain degree I hope they give us sidekicks for the start and make mains a bit harder to win over. Probably the opposite. In PoE, the majority of the main companions just hang around, waiting for you to chat them up. On the other hand, didn't they state sidekicks will be people who join who after you help them in quests?
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