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Everything posted by Raeya

  1. I would have to pick the menagerie of pets. It's all about the pets. New story, setting, companions, upgraded graphics, expanded class options and more are just the icing on the cake.
  2. Not realistic suggestions, but I'd like to see underwater exploration/combat and have companions and some key NPCs be fully-voiced.
  3. Hat on cat is only a joke? That makes me sad.
  4. Well because it's a good enough game that deserves some hype and many people have been waiting for an RPG like this for years. As a customer, do your research and learn what the game is about. Watch some trailers or if you want to take the risk of spoilers watch some lets play on youtube or twitch streamers. There are so many ways to see what a game is like before purchasing it. It's the customer's own fault if they buy a game purely based on hype and then are disappointed with it.
  5. I'd like to see Obsidian at least continue with a few RPGs that revolve in the world of PoE, and if they need kickstarter to do it, then I'm all for it. I think it would be nice too if they can keep the freedom and creativity to continue with their own game IP.
  6. Kind of an odd question. Just speaking from personal experience, but I find things are more productive and easier to manage when you work with your team in person.
  7. Same here, badge is not showing up. Sorry, I should have followed up on this sooner. If a mod could fix it, I would appreciate it!
  8. The only thing I will say about the memorial issue is I find it very rude to take the twitter shaming approach to try to get your way. Social media drives me crazy at times. I trust that Obsidian will make the right decision about this.
  9. Sometimes it's the best experience when you just happen to stumble upon something and it ends up wowing you.
  10. Well that was cool of Bioware to do that. I'll bet some of the staff at Bioware are secretly envious of Obsidian returning to the roots of making good RPGs and not having a publisher hanging over them. I just want this to be Obsidian's time to shine and hope PoE brings enough success that they can continue making games in this genre.
  11. It's been a great game so far. I just want to say that the writing is outstanding. Those of you choosing to not play because you don't like reading, well in my opinion you are missing out. I would like to see AI scripts eventually added for the companions, but that's about it.
  12. Thank you! This answered all the concerns I was having. Hoping for a great launch and I can't wait to play.
  13. Glad to see it's selling well! I hope it has a continued success after launch like Divinity Original Sin did.
  14. I will say that it's a nice change to not have romance be an overshadowing emphasis in PoE. I am looking forward to the rich story, compelling companions and amount of choices that we will get in PoE, that is why I backed it. I want RPGs to focus primarily on great storytelilng and adventures, and not on how many romance options can be catered to everyone. Too many romance options is not a good thing in my opinion. I am using Dragon Age Inquisition as an example of that. I understand that many people want romance and I see the value of having it in an RPG, but if a game developer is going to do it then do it right. Provide a meaningful, mature experience for the relationship development between the PC and NPC instead of something that is awkward and lacking.
  15. So has anyone found that your backer pledge tier does not match the pillars of eternity edition that you can redeem? What i mean by this is I pledged the "Retail Pack" tier during the kickstarter phase which includes all items in the Royal Edition. However my account states I can only redeem a key for the "Kickstarter Champion Edition" which does not include every that is listed in my pledge. I'm very hesistant to redeem a key through steam because of this. I did send a support ticket to Obsidian, but I am curious to know if anyone else encountered this or knows any more information that I am not aware of. Did I even make sense explaining this? Thanks!
  16. I use both, but I have more games through steam that I play. I've used steam for several years and have never had any major issues with it so it will probably be my choice for this game.
  17. Looking forward to release! Very cool to see this game make it to completion without any major problems along the way. This will be a good year for RPGs.
  18. Wow beta begins on my birthday and sadly I didn't choose to purchase enough as a backer to opt into it. Oh well, but grats to all the backers who will be participating. Please do a great job on behalf of the rest of us to find those nasty bugs!
  19. Those hats in dragon age which I assume you are referring to were horrendous. I hardly ever have my character wear hats in RPGs because most of the time they just look plain stupid. Simplicity is the key in my opinion, developers shouldn't try weird, odd-shaped hats. Simple hats like a pointy hat is good enough.
  20. Portraits look amazing. The inn is lovely and not to mention the lighting is superb. Classes are fleshing out nicely with some added diversity. So happy to see the game continue to progress in the direction it's headed. Keep up the great work Obsidian!
  21. Just finished the walking dead season 2 newest episode. Now trying to decide what to play next.
  22. Keep up the great work Obsidian! Environments are continuing to look great and simply amaze me at the talent on your team. I think having no more stretch goals as more content that can be saved potentially for a future expansion. At this point considering they have less than a year to finish the game for a projected late 2014 release only makes sense to not add in more content. Focus on what you have and make it the best it can be. Oh and I am truly loving the druid cat form, druids are one of my favourite classes and to add shapeshifting makes it that much better.
  23. Surprisingly to myself, I welcome this news of not having romance. While I do think it can be a good thing to add into the enjoyment of an RPG, it's been rare to see a romance done well for the most part in my personal opinion. As long as the companions we get have great backgrounds, stories and dialogue and allow the ability to create meaniful bonds with our PC then I'm all for that instead.
  24. I was hesitant to vote yes for more stretch goals because I don't want more content to interfere with the production for what's already planned. However, if you choose to do this, I would like to see more quality content for things like character progression, class quests and companion quests. This is wishful thinking, but even going as far as creating guilds similar to what the elder scrolls games do for the classes would be neat. My character, my class and my companions have always been the core interest for me in RPG games like this.
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