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Everything posted by TheisEjsing

  1. I found the movement to be the strangest part in an otherwise beautiful video. I'd rather have droid army than an ice skating troupe.
  2. It has to be unforgiving. They should rather take away a random point at every 5 levels. Just like in real life.
  3. you misunderstood me, if you think I'm going to argue with you at all. You're entitled to your opinion. I merely informed you, that some of your complaints aren't relevant, since they were never in question for the game. Hence I wrote to watch the pitch before asking Obsidian to pull its game, just because it doesn't match your standards. And don't fed me that arrogant bull**** about content.
  4. It honestly sounds like you lack any standards for quality. Yup.. I'm not gonna argue with you about standards. Sorry that this game ain't for you, but hey, there's always Titan Quest right.
  5. Yes, really. Ever since Titan Quest, they've made games a much more enjoyable experience. Because it's not about ragdoll physics per se, although that is the desired standard, but about combat having a kinetic feel to it, some sort of impact and weight behind actions. For example, Torchlight 2, not having an advanced engine that supported such standard, still managed to impart that impact through critical hits which turn enemies into blood pinatas, which although is a cartoony and arcadey way of doing it, is still far better than the nothingness we have here where enemies just vanish like ghosts. It honestly doesn't sound like you have grasped the premise for this game. You might want to watch the kickstarter pitch video, before coming on that strong about what this game lacks.
  6. @Indiralightfoot didn't Mr. Sawyer state at some point, that it would be possible to meet all companions early on?
  7. Well, I'm feeling much safer now. Since power is now defined by quantity, those 16000 working nukes out there won't do a dent. (=
  8. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
  9. You heard the man. Give that sword a name! ^_^
  10. Well, Archangel979, if you read the article, you should see that their overall impression is positive and that they're happy. But you can always be that guy, who only takes negative bits out of an overall positive review.
  11. The non-initiated makes me happy. Most talk about PoE and the beta from outside this forum is full of wonder, happiness and excitement. Whereas on the forum.. Not so much.
  12. http://www.pcgamer.com/previews/pillars-of-eternity-hands-on-a-beautiful-detailed-ode-to-the-infinity-engine-era/ Just wanted to share pcgamers freshly released article on the PoE beta. They're happy.
  13. You are right Zahnfee. The lack of full VO will be a no-go for some players. But many things in PoE will be a no-go for them, so it's not gonna be a big deal. And like MasterPrudent said, many other players are cool with limited VO.
  14. I enjoyed the BG portraits alot. They're so well made. To me the BG 2 portraits are so tied to their npc, that I can't really judge them out of that context. Except for Keldorn. I didn't care much for him, but the portrait is so cool. That said, Kaz has done an amazing job on the two portraits we've seen. New game, new faces, new people to care for. Looking forward to it. ^_^
  15. sorry i'm calling bull**** on that. look up viconia or any of the other npcs from bg2 on youtbue. they sound fantastic. As a huge Viconia and Grey Delisle fan I can't disagree with you on that one. And I never would. But most of the "click reponses", not all of them, are pretty boring in raw format. I haven't heard Pallegina's conversations with other npcs and so on, but I imagine that it is another story than what we heard so far.
  16. Oh, I thought you meant Faramir for a second there. ^_^
  17. Listening to raw sound sets from IE games isn't a joy ride either in most cases. But in game it's awesome. So I have to disagree on that one.
  18. It's not that bad. I think it's the lack on background sounds, music and battle sounds that makes it feel awkward. I can see it work fine in game.
  19. I find that what makes me come back to replay IE games, mostly BG games, is the companions. Combat isn't hard when you have played the games enough, but all the companion setups and their comments on missions and each other. I enjoy hearing fun lines I had forgotten or brand new ones with party setups I haven't played before.
  20. It's not about PoE, but there are some rather funny bits about BG and other stuff.
  21. Once all the bugs are worked out, I fail to see the problem. I liked the IE inventory design alot, but it's just inventory design. If Obsidian wants to try something new, it isn't really an issue to me. When I think of the IE games, inventory is kinda low on the list. That said, it's awesome that you take the time Sensuki, to deliver so much constructive criticism. Big thumbs up.
  22. I have a question about might and the function of might. In the description it says, that might is used for intimidation. But isn't CON the stats which determine your physical size. How broad your shoulders are and so forth. An example. Let's take Merlin the famous mage. I imagine that he got high MIGHT and INT, but very low CON due to the fact that he is an old fragile man, who can lay waste to armies with his vast arsenal of powerful spells. But he wouldn't look very intimidating strolling down the street with his walking staff. I know might says physical strength, but it means that in the system every person in the world with powerful damage abilities, will be looking like Bautista. Ripped old dudes aren't very fantasy or EI like characters. So here's the question, how to solve that? ^_^
  23. I really enjoy the beta. I find the birds singing in character creation the only thing, which is weird to me. The rest of it, atmosphere, looks, combat and dialog is fantastic. And so very EI'sh. =)
  24. Am I the only one who got an orlan detectiveeeeeee sheet on screen once when I clicked "c". Didn't screenshot it and not it doesn't come again damnit! Please link a screenshot, if anyone gets it.
  25. I think the combat is awesome. Once you've had your first two fights where you're confused, it becomes so clear and BG like, that it is an absolute joy. Detect traps = take the BB thief and press the thiefing icon, then she will detect traps in the area of the white circle. I found the beta very easy to navigate, fun and beautiful overall.
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