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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Riddick - As a fan of the universe, I enjoyed it, but it was definitely a bit on the cheesy side. It was really a fan service movie. Apparently they are working on a 4th film, which is good, since they need to tie up all the Karl Urban storyline. The film really shines when Riddick is alone on the planet dealing with a harsh environment.
  2. Why are you trying to infringe on the freedom of Obsidian to run their own forum the way they want? Do you hate freedom?
  3. Got an itch for an MMO, so I'm trying Archeage. Very much has the Eastern vibe, but it's beautiful and has some pretty awesome crafting.
  4. I enjoyed Community for years, but there is something really off about it on Yahoo Screen.
  5. Objectivity would seem to be a bit of a contradiction when it comes to being an entertaining critic. The successful people seem to all rely on having some sort of opinionated shtick. That is what brought Siskel & Ebert fame.
  6. It's kind of surprising that they can't get Juliette Lewis and the guy from Big Bang Theory to come back, since they are both still acting but not terribly busy. Although Christina Applegate and the guy from the Office are decent casting. Still, Chevy Chase looks as miserable as he apparently acts towards everyone.
  7. But if you stop looting dead bodies, that will probably change the economy of the game quite a bit. It's not an economic simulator, for sure. Can't say that troubles me much.
  8. You guys interact with Bruce in the weirdest way. You get that he is just hamming up the SJW stuff because you guys make such a big deal about it, right? I already have it on the PS4. It looks and plays great. I'm worried it will melt my laptop so I will stick to that version.
  9. DA2 is filled with bad decisions that are forced on you. In DA:I you can avoid the bad decisions by sticking to the main storyline. Seems like a pretty big difference.
  10. Kick Ass 2 - Well, they really lived up to the cliche of sequels sucking. It just lacked all the charm of the original.
  11. 7. Because I need my sleep if I'm going to deal with 180 freaking middle schoolers.
  12. Speaking for me personnally, I think I would prefer a limited inventory that would force me to filter what I loot at all times. No more hoarding of every single weapon or armor I find. You could just do that yourself. I don't bother picking up every xartrip spear and leather armor I find. I don't feel the need to force others to play my way.
  13. Yeah, I had a few friends in college get media badges to E3. It wasn't exactly hard to get one. Still cost too much for my money.
  14. I skim the books, but I still read through a ton of the lore, particularly letters. I eat it up. I absolutely love the world Obsidian created, it is way better than Tamriel and the Dragon Age one. I'd probably say it in of par with Forgotten Realms for me.
  15. My friend I'm sure everyone appreciates your insight but haven't you realized this thread isn't really about journalism ( well maybe it once use to be )...its the eternal battleground on these forums where we debate issues of SJ ...and we love it despite the heated exchanges I stick with the topic, feel free to do otherwise. Heh, welcome to the WOT section. We don't limit ourselves to bourgeoisie concepts like thread titles. Down with conventions!
  16. My wife and daughter are in Disneyland for a cheer competition, so my son and I loaded up the RV and we are now surrounded by redwood trees. Thankfully we still have wi-fi.
  17. The US census is actually pretty odd, there is a a box for Hispanic/Latino and there is a box for White Hispanic.
  18. He's hispanic not white. Hispanic is not a race. Hispanic refers to a racial grouping that covers many different counties. Seems a little nitpicky to get on about it. Saying hispanics are not white is like saying that slavics are not white. If you're going to be that specific about it then you shouldn't use white but anglo saxon or germanic or aryan or whatever denomination they consider to be "white". I'm not going to profess to know how it works in Europe with all the different ethnic groups, but that isn't how it works in the US. Being Hispanic or Latino makes you part of a minority group, and you are not identified as part of the white majority. It is a general term that covers a bunch of Latin American countries. If you want be specific (and really, you are the one who got up in arms about it) then you would say Mexican American (or wherever his family is from.)
  19. He's hispanic not white. Hispanic is not a race. Hispanic refers to a racial grouping that covers many different counties. Seems a little nitpicky to get on about it.
  20. I would move out of California. I only stay here because they pay me better than anywhere else in the country. Also Sacramento is still reeling from the recession, and it isn't going to get better with the drought. You'll have a better time finding a job in a growing community. Do you still get $900 a month anywhere in the country? That will go farther outside CA.
  21. I really enjoyed the first half of Blackguards. I wonder if Blackguards 2 is much better? I hate to get the sequel when I didn't finish the original.
  22. I'm at work and I can't think of the name of it, but there is a spell that is basically magic missile. You get a new version as you reach the next level of the spellbook, and it is pretty dang powerful by the end.
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