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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm sure there would be some pretty serious health code violations if you went around dumping loads of bacon.
  2. Just finished Corellia, and now I think I'm almost done with the Jedi Knight storyline in TOR. It's been a pretty good ride, the story has a bit more going for it than the trooper plotline.
  3. Society already says the art exhibit was tasteless and antagonistic. This is a fringe group. How do you plan on dealing with fringe groups? The idea that everyone is just going to accept something to benefit society as a whole is fairly naive. I expect that stuff out of my 7th graders when we are discussing the 1st and 2nd amendments.
  4. What is your punishment for those that step over that line? Fines? Imprisonment? We police this stuff with public condemnation and mockery already, they don't need to bring in actual laws. Balancing consequences with free speech seems like a good way to slow down societal change tremendously.
  5. You don't seem to really understand how free speech works. Obsidian is free to run their message board however they like. The government is not going to stop in and tell them what they can and cannot say. If swearing is really important to you, you are free to make your own forum. I recommend something from the Swedish Chef.
  6. I'm pretty sure you guys are getting trolled by Bruce. The American Freedom Defense Initiative is super gross. But this is a free country, people are allowed to be stupid. I am thankful that the attack was apparently carried out by extras from the movie The Four Lions.
  7. Decided to try H1Z1 on a whim, seems like a pretty neat little game.
  8. I don't really consider the SWAT games part of the Police Quest adventure series. They are a separate spin-off.
  9. Captain America has strong patriotic undertones?!? *le gasp*
  10. Other than naming all his kids George, I think George Foreman is clean.
  11. I took the whole family to see Avengers 2. I was worried about my 5 year old getting through it, but he absolutely loves the Avengers and I figured it was worth it. He did ask if we could go home about halfway through, but then the action started up and he was happy again. My 8-year old did great. It was fun and was more action-y than violent, which I expected after seeing the first one. I'd call it a pretty safe family movie. James Spader made the film for me. I've been watching a lot of The Blacklist, so it was hard not to picture Reddington a bit, but Ultron is one of the better villains I've seen. Big upgrade from Loki. Although now I really need to see Captain America 2 and Thor 2. I'm way behind.
  12. Nazi's and SJW's also like to label people, and then repeat the same tired mantra's over and over again.
  13. Why u lie volo? Honestly if anyone thinks I am a fan of Hilary or Bruce, they arent paying much attention. But Volo does love his you are with us or a nazi speeches.
  14. They had one, but it did not get funded. It was at the tail end of the Sierra revival push.
  15. Bruce can really kill the momentum of a conversation. Thanks Nonek and KP, it sounds like we are coming from a similar place.
  16. Laying it on a bit thick, don't you think? Any douchebag can be responsible for this. Considering people get swatted for winning online games nowadays, I'd hardly compare this to the civil rights movement. The tactics are the same, you sabotage when you don't want then to speak. And it occurred after the Civil Rights movement(or at least at the tail end). So when Anita Sarkeesian received threats, did you leap to her defense and say she deserves to speak? I'm not being facetious, you may have and I simply don't remember, as it has been a long time. I believe both sides have the right to speak. But I also think both sides are crazy.
  17. I condemn the bomb hoax. Kind of seems like a statement of the obvious, but there you go.
  18. Laying it on a bit thick, don't you think? Any douchebag can be responsible for this. Considering people get swatted for winning online games nowadays, I'd hardly compare this to the civil rights movement.
  19. The speech is from a rather long one at a domestic violence conference in 1998. The use of the word primary is sloppy, and I doubt you will catch her saying something like that in her current campaign.
  20. And they aren't, as the Supreme Court decided in Tennessee vs. Garner back in 1985. However it gets a bit more complex than that when someone is in a wrestling match with a cop.
  21. Typically, being banned from a forum should have no connection to your ability to play the game.
  22. Hey, what kind of porn you watch is your business.
  23. They deserve some ridicule, for sure. But they dropped the ad campaign when it was pointed out how ridiculous it sounds. Now you have people raging about them dropping it. People gonna rage, I guess.
  24. It was less about the #upforwhatever and more about the changing no to something else. Given that 'no means no' has been the tagline of date rape prevention since forever, it isn't hard to see that as a bad choice of words.
  25. That pretty much comes with the territory in teaching though. You are a public figure, albeit on a very local level. You are expected to maintain a certain image.
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