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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I never finished, so I'll happily start up a new game later this summer. I stalled right before California, I think.
  2. Griffin might not even be the best player on his own team.
  3. Davis is a better defender. Griffin has to show he can put it together all season long before he gets a serious nod. He has the tools, and has improved tremendously this year.
  4. I haven't tried the demo, but I've definitely lost a lot of confidence in the project. I pledged $75. I will not be putting more towards it. I get that it is difficult to budget this stuff. I was expecting something low tech and indie looking with some fun dialogue, and I think they want more, which has put them in a bad spot. I don't regret the bid, I think it is a fair price for a bit of reminiscence of my childhood favorites. The Space Quest team seems to be stuck in a similar state.
  5. Unions are very powerful at local levels, for better or worse.
  6. You guys have some weird ideas about Hilary Clinton. I am not going to vote for her because of her pro-corporate stance and because I'm tired of these entrenched politicians running the country, plus she has not shown an ability to work across the aisle. She is, however, an incredibly hard working politician. She went to like every country as secretary of state. Seriously. Also, who cares if she is a ****? All presidents are ****. That is a qualification. Jimmy Carter wasn't a **** and look what type of president he was.
  7. Hah, the Gaddafi interview actually makes me like her a bit.
  8. The Republican Primary looks like it will be messy, again. I don't think that is good for them. I think Rand or Rubio would stand a good chance against Clinton. The rest I either don't know enough about or know that they are crazy.
  9. Dangit, that does look pretty cool.
  10. This statement always bugs me. If you don't like how people live there are a lot more options than that. You can peacefully protest, you can organize awareness campaigns, etc. You can work within the confines of the law to make progress. That is a wonderful thing about the US.
  11. It's pretty dang clever, really. The idea that you can bring your toys to life in the game is really awesome to see. My kids are basically living in the future.
  12. I did assume that also meant my tablet, which I've bought a couple games for.
  13. Who is this and what have you done with WoD? Seriously, I couldn't agree with you more.
  14. I'm pretty sure that if it was possible, Lucasarts would have milked Star Wars to death already. Alas, it only grows stronger with each generation.
  15. We still have earthquake drills. We actually do a full scale disaster drill once a year. My job is to turn off the gas.
  16. I'm surprised you have drills at schools for SWAT showing up armed to the teeth. The only drills we had at our school were the once a year fire drills, if the teachers remembered to do it. Welcome to the post-Columbine world. We practice Code Red drills, which involve barricading ourselves in our classroom. I believe most states do this now.
  17. Bah, I've worked so hard to steer my kids towards Skylanders instead of Disney Infinity. It keeps getting harder.
  18. You broke my precious links. ;C My point is that a) militarized SWAT teams are deployed at the drop of a hat and b) they don't **** around and people often die, not necessarily the bad guys (assuming there are bad guys present at all). If you aren't worried about those two factors combined in a school environment... I don't know what to say to you. If there is a shooter situation at your school, the lockdown protocols themselves are more likely to prevent fatalities than a bunch of trigger-happy Delta wannabes dropping by 10-12 minutes later. I have major concerns over swatting and how police are trained to handle these types of situations. I really don't disagree with you, and the way many SWAT teams approach homes is frightening. It is a murky situation where information is limited. I'm less worried about it in a school environment because both the police and the schools train in order to best protect the students. The protocols that went into place after Columbine are pretty much as good as they are going to get.
  19. My neighbor is a sheriff, and his kit for going out into the forests to bust drug farms is pretty cool looking. He still gets poison oak rashes like the rest of us though.
  20. If there is an active shooter situation at my school, I have absolutely no problem with a well-trained SWAT team showing up loaded to bear. We have practice drills to prepare for precisely that. Not quite sure what your links have to do with a school lockdown situation.
  21. Hey, everything is bigger in Texas! I agree with you for the most part, but again, Texas is a bit different. If the incident turns into a manhunt across the desert, then all that gear might be needed. It also explains the desert camo.
  22. Just as an aside, the officer in the picture is clearly in his SWAT or other special task force gear. His equipment is likely because much of Texas is a sprawling desert. It is likely standard response to an officer involved shooting to send in this type of unit. I know that if there is a shooting at my school, the response team will look much the same. But yeah, I don't get the Chris Kyle patch. Maybe the guy served with him?
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