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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Thier own forum didn't lie, they don't even interact with the forumers anymore.... The game sold millions. A forum represents a very small percentage of the customer base.
  2. DA:I was the most successful launch in Bioware history. You are kind of just making stuff up.
  3. I usually put asparagus in foil and let it sit on the grill for about 15 minutes. That way they are nice and soft, but still a bit crispy from cooking in the oil. I use olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  4. I'm honestly surprised that it doesn't seem to be making the same sales splash as Divinity: Original Sin. I figured that was the safe bet. But maybe it is doing better than it seems, it is hard to tell without any confirmation from Obsidian.
  5. Heh, Saint's Row 2 actually crapped out on my PS3 back in the day. I was on the final mission, and it locked up, and then continued to lock up at the same place every time. I was a bit frustrated, but I had gotten so much entertainment out of it I couldn't be too mad. Thank goodness for youtube.
  6. someone should be spanked poured with tar and tossed on with feathers, then shown to the public for laughs and after that pitchforks and fire could come from an angry mob if they so desired. Sounds like they are getting enough support to launch again, and hopefully this time they will meet their goal with some wiggle room.
  7. The writing is definitely QFG writing. Lots of puns, slightly corny, but very charming. That's really all I'm interested in. edit: They got hit by a troll for $10k too. Geez, people need better hobbies.
  8. Master and Margarita is my favorite novel ever.
  9. Whether Sarkeesian is a con artist or not. Try to keep up KP.
  10. If a bunch of people give me money to do something, and they are happy with my progress on that thing, how is that a con?
  11. Your definition of a con artist in regards to Kickstarter would seem to label most people as such. People change size and scope, miss release dates, and even close up shop regularly. I only see it as a con if they take the funds and run. There is no evidence of that with Sarkeesian, quite the opposite really, she has clearly used the investment to devote herself fully to the concepts of the kickstarter. The product does not look the way you want it too, but that doesn't really matter, since you didn't invest in it. If her investors were unhappy, then you'd have an actual case. As is, you have no ground to stand on and are just throwing out an unreasonable and unwarranted accusation. I was watching Going Clear last night, and there is a similar argument made about L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He was a delusional madman, sure, but if he was running a con, why would he devote his entire life to it? Why would he sit in a room with an e-meter for thousands of hours trying to expel thetans? It doesn't add up.
  12. What about the one where he convinces the Scottish to rise up against the English? Was that Mad Max 1?
  13. You are nitpicking. She has produced a ton of content and her backers are not complaining. I've seen a number of kickstarters raise more money and produce less. I'm still waiting on my games from the Space Quest and Quest for Glory people. Why aren't you railing about Lori and Corey Cole being con artists? They just started a second kickstarter without even finishing the first game, you'd have a much better argument there. And holy moly, that 75 minutes of video was only covering one topic? Yikes. I am glad I don't watch this rubbish.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6p5AZp7r_Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toa_vH6xGqs You can go on her website for a ton of more content. Honestly I haven't watched them and don't really care about her viewpoint, but I think it's weird that you call her a con artist. If you are an actual backer who is unhappy with what she delivered, then you might have some ground to stand on. As is, you look like you are grasping for straws instead of criticizing her work, as Calax is doing.
  15. I know a few of us here complain about the Patriot Act regularly, so it won't hurt to sign this if you are able. http://act.credoaction.com/sign/usa_freedom_2015?sp_ref=121003431.4.13550.o.1.2&referring_akid=.5380033.gXUp4K&source=clickcopy_sp
  16. My car is killing me. I took it in a few weeks ago for some suspension issue. It was covered under warranty, but I still have a $100 deductible. Then today a sensor went out. Again, the warranty covers it, but again, it's another $100. I've had to take this thing in every other month it seems, always for some little issue. It's a ford fusion hybrid, and it has 116,000 miles.
  17. Oddly enough, this is exactly what is already happening. Some schools have even gone so far as to offer food programs during the summers and other breaks. Nutrition isn't a new part of school curriculum, either. It is a standard part of the educational process from an early age to High School. It doesn't mean kids listen. edit: I should rephrase that. Young kids listen, but it is not reinforced at home, and eventually they tune it out.
  18. That is false, there are a bunch of her videos up on youtube. She is also clearly committed to the premise of her campaign, rather than sitting on a beach sipping margaritas (which is what I would do if I was a con man.) Just like the game Hatred, she has a freedom of expression and if she can get people to pay her for that, then bully for her.
  19. I think it is a stupid game, I'm not really sure what kind of development team would want to commit years of their life to such a project, but they have every right to create it.
  20. Yeah, I dont understand how they managed to suck out all the magic just by switching to yahoo. It is weird.
  21. Since I am susceptible to reverse psychology, I am now reading to my children more regularly before bedtime. Thanks a lot, Obsidianites.
  22. Pretty crazy punishment. This is the same as a pitcher throwing spitballs. It deserves maybe a one game suspension.
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