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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. In about 5 years, he will look like this, making his game a bit more difficult:
  2. I think the fitbit is a better use of the wrist. I don't need my phone to be on my wrist because I want a decent sized screen.
  3. I think I'm being trolled. It seems as if you guys are congratulating the severe alcoholic who is wasting his life away.
  4. What? The guy is in a desperate struggle with addiction. He has a gift of charm, and he's wasting it away. Apparently Dr. Phil has sent him to rehab a couple times. That's a super sad story, how long do you think he can actually maintain such an existence?
  5. I don't have a problem with Bethesda getting a reasonable cut of mod profits. They've created the framework after all. I don't have a problem with Steam getting a cut either. But it should be 10%, not some crazy high number.
  6. I just watched the most insane Warriors comeback to send the game into OT. Wow.
  7. There are some things I really like about Arrow, but man, they love to turn it into Dawson's Creek about twice an episode.
  8. I'm just assuming the first season is supposed to show him as somewhat of a novice. That way he can get more impressive as they move forward.
  9. It seems like they've been fairly active in patching and trying to fix bugs, so I don't really hold it against them.
  10. Its a watered-down, bastardized isometric RPG not worth playing for more than a week (for nostalgia purposes only). And yeah its buggy as hell. Or it's a deep and engaging isometric RPG set in a fantastically realized world with a wonderful story, that will give you about 50+ hours of enjoyment. Your mileage may vary.
  11. Not according to all the health statistics.
  12. Hahahahahahahha. Indeed. For example, pigs are very happy when they roll in shiet. Pigs roll around in mud for a variety of reasons (and only in their own waste if their living conditions allow no alternative.) Temperature control and removing parasites are two of the most common. But yeah, if I was a pig, I'd wallow in mud. It looks like a good time. I used to enjoy playing mud football as a young chap.
  13. Well my response was geared to this: It is a bit tongue in cheek. I have things that draw my interest, and if something fails to entertain me, I tend to drop it pretty quickly. But the idea that person's standards are low because they enjoy AAA titles is ridiculous.
  14. Daredevil is fairly well cast all around. The journalist guy is pretty great too.
  15. I think it was a management position. I still think he should try substitute teaching, there is a huge demand for it.
  16. There is some truth in your statement, but strifing for better is also a good thing. I am not sure I understand what you mean. We are talking about games. Sure, I can strive to be better in my career, or as a parent, but why would I need to strive to be entertained by something better? I'm looking for enjoyment, not enlightenment.
  17. I'm grateful for my low standards, I'm able to enjoy a tremendous amount of stuff because of it.
  18. Well it could very well be that neckbeards are just recognizing their own
  19. I just want to see some evidence that these articles affect games in any meaningful way. People make digs at the dudebro culture of Call of Duty all the time, but that doesn't stop developers from releasing them and a ton of clones to try and cash in. Sales drive the industry, not journalists.
  20. I have no problem heaping scorn on gaming journalists, as I've said a few times before. But I'm also pretty secure in my identity as a gamer, and don't find any offense at these rather silly articles.
  21. You like long walks on the beach, have blue eyes, and smell like the ocean. You were once trapped in a terrible storm, and all hands on deck were lost but you. They haunt your dreams.
  22. What's weird is he doesn't even seem to like anything Obsidian has done. Not sure why he hangs around if that is the case, most of us regulars have at least one Obsidian favorite.
  23. That's because they generally do not create games. They ban or at best criticize them. Just look at what they tried with HuniePop, Hatred and they are trying with GTA5. Have these games actually been banned or changed to meet the complaints of the SJW critics? This is what I was originally asking for clarification on.
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