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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Dude, take the high road. Yeesh.
  2. Cheers for gay people, being married is awesome. I am grinning over the 'marraige is to procreate' troll.
  3. I don't really care if there were 12 or 24 or 48 articles attacking gamers. I've been a gamer long enough to see it go from being sold in zip lock baggies to it being a massive industry. It is a great time to be a gamer, our hobby has blossomed incredibly. I really see no issue with lobbying for better journalism around the gaming industry, but do try to sound less like an insecure little b when doing it.
  4. I am enjoying a cold beer at a brewery that I ran to, thanks to my excellent health and a growing craft beer scene. Life is good, it is friday, and I have the next 3 days off.
  5. It just dawned on me that Volourn is doing all this ironically. Well played sir.
  6. Do you even magic bro? Sorry. I am not even bro.... We are all bro here.
  7. Sorry Raithe.
  8. I'm not going to act like I don't have worries about the Giants, but they are looking pretty good right now. Bumgarner just homered off the Dodgers Cy Young pitcher.
  9. So Luzarius is the second poster I've seen this week that seems to think DA:I was some sort of sales disaster. Who cares about actual numbers, I returned my copy so clearly the game was a complete failure!
  10. As someone who is not all that familiar with Twitter, it looks more like they are trying to interact with an announcement account that simply doesn't allow any interaction. Is there any more evidence about this than a few tweets by the dev?
  11. I am definitely getting Invisible Inc. on payday thanks to Keyrocks descriptions.
  12. How does one join a hashtag? You pound on it.
  13. Ah the internet, where obsessing over the looks of digital women is perfectly acceptable.
  14. Gas prices have really gone up since then!
  15. Well, Pitch Perfect does have the better puns. Honestly I think Mad Max will have staying power. I rarely want to go see a movie twice, and this one I'm definitely planning on it.
  16. Honestly I think Bruce is a stand up guy in most of the other threads around here. He's got a positive attitude and he is always looking to cheer people on. It's like he's been cast as a villain here because there aren't any better candidates, and he's just rolled with it.
  17. Bruce can be called a lot of things, but if you are calling Bruce an SJW, you aren't paying much attention.
  18. Well we have zero SJW's here, and a fairly robust group of GGers, so yeah.
  19. Every type of 3D makes me sick pretty quickly.
  20. Obama is rumored to be a decent basketball player, actually. He still isn't going to drain 50 playing against former NBA players.
  21. Santiago Casilla closed out a 1 run game last night on 9 strikes. 3 strikeouts on 9 pitches in the 9th inning, wow.
  22. Kind of creepy how much this sounds like the Kim Jong stories.
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