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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That really just seems like stooping to the same level. Also isn't the Gamergate movement trying to clean up gaming journalism? Doesn't that mean you will be ruining people's livelihood?
  2. Who the heck is even reading these memorials? I stopped after the first few. Now I just look for people I recognize. So far Deraldin is the only one I caught.
  3. That's pretty much my argument. The guy kills himself, he's hardly the hero. It's a bit of dark comedy that really is more of a commentary on the misguided notion that your conquests in the bedroom define you.
  4. Quite a few of the gravestones are just bad, so I don't really think it is a big deal if Obsidian decides to change them, however the little story is hardly an example of trans misogyny (that word is ridiculous, and it hurt me to type it.) It's more of a sad tale of a philanderer whose lack of self confidence led him on misguided conquests, and ended in a tragic suicide. But really, it's best not to read too much into the silly gravemarkers.
  5. My wife went wine tasting today, so now my goal is to keep her in the cups long enough for a bit of hanky panky, but not to the point she just passes out. Also I need to get the kids to bed without tipping my hand. It's a tough task, but I will prevail.
  6. I don't think you have much of a green party base here anymore, especially since the always vocal Krezack is gone. I know I put up some Ralph Nader stuff in a thread recently, but I would hardly call myself a Green Party guy.
  7. We could try and stage a true grassroots movement where we all push for a 3rd party candidate, but that would require: 1. Everyone agreeing one one person to back 2. Convincing enough people to abandon the party lines. edit: In essence, we need someone who has widespread popularity and is able to bridge differences.
  8. Bwahahahaha! Found him. Bravo Josh. *Wolfish grin* I haven't yet. Don't spoil it!
  9. It could just be I'm getting more curmudgeonly in my old age.
  10. It does seem weird that they keep letting him create threads with terribly insulting premises. Honestly the amount of anti-american, anti-police, anti-women stuff is way more prevalant than in the past, even if it is disguised by passive aggressiveness. I just try and tune out certain posters, but I consider this forum less comfortable than in the past. I guess things change. I still enjoy talking games here.
  11. I am not sure which one Wals is referring to, to be honest. We seem to have an abundance at this time.
  12. I really hope they continue to develop games in this world. I'm not very far in, but I'd say the lore gives Forgotten Realms a run for their money. It is fantastic, and I'm reading everything closely.
  13. PoE is sublime. I started over 4 different times already. I think I've settled on a human priest, who is a former clergyman. He is on the road after his parish was wiped out in an attack.
  14. Finished up DA:I just in time for PoE to take over. I clocked in at 42 hours, which is pretty healthy. Solas is definitely my favorite character, followed by Cole and Blackwall. Iron Bull and Sera were pretty good for the occasional comic relief.
  15. Tempted to but then I'd need to drive 5 hours down I-5 We can carpool. I need to be at work by 7:45 am though, so we need to leave around 2 am.
  16. I adore Larian's tongue in cheek humor, they dont take themselves too seriously and that is a pleasant change in the genre.
  17. I'm playing through right now and pretty much avoiding all the exploration stuff, just doing main quests and companion missions. The game moves much smoother. I'm actually about to start the final battle, and I've only played about 40 hours.
  18. You started a thread about a game just because you couldn't get into it?
  19. It is really not Haiku has five syllables Then seven, then five.
  20. These may be the worst haiku's I have ever seen Please stay in school kids
  21. I believe it is made OUT OF cats.
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