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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Why dont we have a stronger repeal the patriot act movement in this country? All I hear is a bunch of crazy "Obama is a muslim communist who is against white people" instead of actual solutions.
  2. I thought we were sticking to one oby thread at a time?
  3. It isn't where you near the shards and the skull thingee?
  4. I think I can push hard to finish DA:I this weekend. I just got past the Orlesian Ball and I'm on the hunt for the Templars. I did way better at the Ball this time through, but I still couldn't find many of those stupid statues. Ah well, not my primary goal. It is definitely going smoother the second time around. I am comfortable skipping enough of the content that I don't get hung up time wasters. I'm also enjoying using the weirder cast, Cole and Sera are actually pretty entertaining.
  5. That seems more like common sense than any protest. If you have an original version, and you change that version to something different, you are going to have to differentiate the two. FemThor or LadyThor seem like a pretty easy way to distinguish which one is being discussed. Was it this big a deal when they had a black Captain America?
  6. Some of you know that my wife has chronic pancreatitis. We never figured out how it developed (birth control was the best theory.) Now I just read that a bunch of the cheaper wines in California have dangerous amounts of arsenic. My wife enjoys a glass of inexpensive moscato most nights, and so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with it.
  7. You could just play BG2, sure, but don't be surprised when developers stop trying to make games like BG2. If you want more games like BG2, then you should support the new products that come out. $45 is not too much to pay for a future where games like BG2 continue to get made.
  8. That's why I really see this being most feasible on freeways. I'd be more than happy to drive myself around town. We already have meter lights at all the freeway entrances in my part of the world, I doubt it is a huge step forward for those meter lights to act as a transition to automatic. Choose your exit and away you go. An automated system should be more efficient at handling the flow of traffic. We will see how they progress on this. I'm hoping I get to take advantage of it someday.
  9. I have a pretty complex view on abortion, but at the end of the day I think it is an issue that should be decided solely by women, and as men it is our job to support them. The one thing I tire of is the people pushing an abstinence only curriculum instead of educating young people on birth control. Young people gonna hump, don't be dumb.
  10. I imagine failures would be handled much like they are now, your car dies and you have to pull to the shoulder. Edit: Yeah, apparently Elon Musk freaked people out with that story. I don't see that being anywhere near our lifetime or even our children's lifetime. People like their classic cars.
  11. Wouldn't, logically, this argument be applied to all of video gaming? Its frivolous so why debate it? And sports? And TV? And Movies? Maybe I'm not explaining it well, but I see a game like Bayonetta as satire. Attacking Bayonetta for sexualization is like attacking Saint's Row for glorifying gang violence. It's a flawed premise.
  12. Why do you guys keep letting Bruce troll you? Bayonetta is not supposed to be rational or reasonable, she has gun heels for goodness sake. The series is supposed to be ridiculous. It's ridiculous as this conversation. If you take any time to seriously criticize or defend Bayonetta, you have already lost.
  13. I'd be happy if they can just turn freeways into automated roadways. The majority of my commute is spent stopping and going in a straight line, surrounded by others, as we inch by fender benders and pulled over carpool cheaters. It is slowly killing me.
  14. This is pretty fancy! http://www.slashgear.com/i-hitched-a-ride-in-mercedes-f-015-self-driving-car-19374303/ I have about 20 years left of work, and the idea of slogging through traffic for all of those is daunting. I'm hoping to see some decent implementation of these cars within the next decade.
  15. That sounds like pretty standard advertising. I doubt you will find many trade journalist, particularly independent ones without a large publication, paying out of pocket to review products.
  16. Sorry officer, I'll try to stay on my appointed side of the wall.
  17. Con-Man added a Blu-Ray tier, so I dropped some money on their indiegogo campaign for that.
  18. Playing through the Orlesian Ball in DA:I and hoping I can wrap it up within the next week. I'm going to try and stay away from the big areas and just go for the main quests.
  19. Watched Community on Yahoo Screen, it was decent. It seemed a bit off from the previous seasons, but I think it might just be an adjustment period. It still had some fantastic moments. Also watched The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix. I am only two episodes in, but it seems like a decent comedy in the 30 Rock vibe.
  20. The Butter Battle Book should be required reading for anyone engaged in this type of low stakes crusading.
  21. I am old enough to recognize the same pattern as i've seen before. I do not believe the artist is genuine for one second in this. He drew originally what he wanted, got flak from "the right crowd" and decided to remove it with a half-assed reason. When the "wrong crowd" tries to argue about it, they are simply shut out as the screenshots above shows. Self-censorship is fear, and fear is the mind killer. I take it you aren't familiar with Dr. Suess. Yooks are not Zooks!
  22. That's really disingenuous. It's hard to take GGers seriously when they try to make mountains out of molehills like this.
  23. You should probably include all the tweets where the artist makes it clear he was not censored and simply decided inappropriate and did not fit with the comic itself.
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