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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I agree with you about ignoring the crazy people that want to boycott the game and the developers.
  2. Then why remove it ? Why keep it?
  3. I thought this thread was a bit weird, but then I rad through a bit of the limerick thread, and realized you guys are the normal people here.
  4. The limerick wasn't their own content. It wasn't even very creative, and it literally makes zero impact on the game. These are reasons that that calls for censorship were ridiculous, but they are also reasons why being upset about the removal are ridiculous. You are pretty much sinking to the level of the people that bother you.
  5. Just want to update and say the Carey Elwes book lost me. It started out great, but got really boring when it just became page after apge of how great everyone was on the movie. It may be true, but it was tough to sustain a narrative with. Now I am reading the Scientology book "Going Clear". It is pretty good so far. Although I'm seeing a bunch of parallels to L. Ron Hubbard and the bad guy in Pillars of Eternity.
  6. I think this is the first thread I have ever seen Volourn create.
  7. Why? It's a cheap tshirt. I got my swag earlier than expected, go go Canada Post. Actually it's a pretty good shirt. The logos are screen printed, which means they should not fade or peel over time, and it is high quality ringspun cotton, which means it should stay soft much longer than most shirts you get from this type of promotion. Yes, you did just get shirt served.
  8. Started a 3rd baseman in MLB The Show '15. As if the game were not already one of the best RPG systems out there, it now comes with the ability to get gear that boosts your stats. I'm making waves in AA right now for the Mobile BayBears. What an odd team name.
  9. I am curious how much better DA:I sold over DA2, and if it was worth the more lengthy development cycle from a business perspective.
  10. Yeah, I've got no bugs so far and I'm about 20 hours in. *knock on wood*
  11. What exactly is a gay wedding cake anyway? How is it different than a normal wedding cake?
  12. Hey, he was visiting some cop buddy that had a heart attack too, so the poor guy was upset. *snort* I wish I could be abusive to the people I'm supposed to be serving when I'm "upset". Of course I don't know what it's like so I should give him a pat on the back for abuse of power. Who is Volo even quoting there?
  13. I did like how the pizza guy who was somehow elected by the media as the first business owner to discriminate, has never actually catered a wedding before. They basically asked him a loaded question and then pinned him as the poster boy for the issue.
  14. Hey, let's give the detective the benefit of the doubt. He went through a lot on Breaking Bad.
  15. I'm all for reforming both training and oversight among police departments. They are really all over the map when it comes to quality. But it is a tough job, and it is hard to simulate high stress environments that many officers will end up faced with.
  16. There is a consistent theme on all these cop threads here that they get away with murder, but most of the cases we are talking about end up with repercussions for the officer involved. The Bart cop spent two years in prison. The Ferguson cop, despite being cleared by the evidence, is off the force and is basically going to need to spend a few years in hiding. This angry cop from NY is going to spend the next year under intense scrutiny and will likely face some sort of probation. In reality, there is more accountability today then there was 20 years ago. Everything may be recorded, the media is running 24/7, stories go viral, etc.
  17. Obsidian is a pretty decent sized developer though, so keeping the lights on and the paychecks going out is no drop in the bucket. They are still going to need to keep a few projects going at once.
  18. How could it be prevented from growing when government tend to be self regulatory? We vote these people into office over and over again. A decent start would be to clean house.
  19. The Sharks aren't exactly a shining example of good hockey right now. Vancouver is actually in the same boat. You were about 5 years late to that hockey game, really.
  20. I'm not going to count the A's out, their pitching staff still looks really good. Other than that, I don't pay much attention to the American League.
  21. Hah, I was playing MLB The Show last night, and I got drafted by the Dodgers in the 1st round. I decided to go back to college instead of sign.
  22. Comcast requires you to be belligerent to customers, if I remember correctly. Actually I think they just shift all the people that get complaints to the exit center, where they handle cancellations. Those people are usually jerks. The reason I'm all about those cameras that officers wear on their chests is because it should reduce both these types of scenarios as well as the bogus complaints. Which, considering how often police are dealing with junkies and wackos, is probably a considerable number.
  23. You clearly don't spend enough time at the DMV, Sharp1
  24. Giants are as questionable as they were last season, so everything is going according to plan.
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