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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. This is less funny because I worry you believe that.
  2. Trump's point breaks down a bit when you realize the State only owns about 2% of the forested areas, while the Federal Government owns 30+ percent. Plus grasslands are a big part of the problem, which is a different issue altogether.The idea that is just mismanagement is a gross simplification, but hey, Trump gets a lot of political points by blaming California for stuff. Did Bush Jr. blame Louisiana when they flooded during Katrina? I mean, I remember Kanye getting upset about something.
  3. I'm glad to hear you are still enjoying it, but is non-linearity really a requisite for an RPG? I mean, in know choice and consequence is the new thing, but I don't remember most early RPG's giving you much freedom with the main storyline. Most of the role-playing tends to take place as I explore the huge living world. I found a house recently where a drunken father was berating his son. Now I could have just walked away, in fact that was my intention, but they noticed me and the dad turned his anger my way. At first I went to leave, but he pulled a gun, and I ended up putting him down. The son ran to his bed to cower in his room. I figured I'd might as well loot the place, and I found a letter from the kid's mom that the dad had been keeping from him. After I stole all their money and stuff, I let the kid know about the mom. See, I'm role-playing a good guy! Also replayability for me will be the fact I will want to keep playing and exploring after the main story is over.
  4. Phoenix Point is looking good, can't wait for release.
  5. The last few days I've been pretty cooped up at home, due to the air quality. I mean, I got a lot done around the house, and I put together a short bike-run yesterday, but I had a race cancelled Sunday and most of the group rides I take part in were also on hold. That's a small price to pay compared to those living in the fire zones, of course. So I've had plenty of time to gallop around the plains of Red Dead Redemption, but I've been itching to get outside. Today the air seemed a bit clearer, so I headed up into the hills and got a beautiful ride in. It was a bit funny passing a bunch of real horse and cattle farms after spending so much time in the game. Rockstar has some good graphics, but still can't beat reality. I saw a ton of wildlife as well. A hawk passed just overhead with something furry in its claws, some wild turkeys went scurrying when I came over a rise, and there was a beautiful buck resting under a tree just off the road. Definitely a gorgeous day in the golden hills of California.
  6. If a troll posts on a forum and everyone has him on ignore, does it make a sound?
  7. Bruce, I mean SonicMage, is really working overtime on this thread and any other mentions of the buyout. I hope he gets a nice bonus this Svyatski for all his hard work.
  8. Hah, Sharpie has been accused of racism plenty of times. He might hold the record for being placed on moderated status here. If it is only 10% percent about skin color, does that really make it less racist that he didn't want to live in the OC?
  9. If you are really interested in it, I am sure you can look up his comments from years ago and judge for yourself. I mean, I would gladly admit it was a misunderstanding of his tone and intent, but I don't believe he is the type to go into explanations. More of a 'drop in with large font rant and then disappear' type poster. Again, happy to be wrong.
  10. No, we get a large container of hand sanitizer and a blood borne pathogen video on our first day.
  11. Yeah, but your financial support of Leisure Suit Larry is basically like a middle finger to SJW's, so at least you've got that.
  12. We even get a fancy liberal decoder ring. Numbers is correct, ktchong has a spotty track record when it comes to racial comments.
  13. What is going to happen to us?
  14. Well technically stuff ordered online is typically paid for before receiving. Always makes returns a bit of a pain. edit: Oh, and what about memberships? You pay for the gym before seeing any results, and looking at most people in the gyms, I'm not sure they are getting what they need. Oh and wine memberships are pretty tricky, since you pay, then have to wait for them to release, and even then the bottles might not be aged well enough.
  15. Jagged Alliance 2 had the best combat in RPG history. FACT!
  16. Funny, but I'm not really sure how a few months would really help you plan for a massive step up in living expenses. I mean, other than applying for a loan.
  17. Undying is just a title that you get for making it to 20 without dying. Titles are important, because they look cool. I think my Captain is Gauradan-Slayer still, because I really enjoyed killing those guys.
  18. I'm too attached to my low level horse in RDR2 to move on to a bigger faster one. Also this game is just so easy to watch.
  19. Might have been good for his campaign, actually. Since they appoint another Republican to take his place, voters who might have an objection to him personally were probably more comfortable sticking with the Republican ticket.
  20. Ah, I do not have the pro, so that sounds *ba-dum tsk* like the solution.
  21. Blue Wave!
  22. SNL has been hitting the political stuff pretty hard lately.
  23. RDR2 does not make my PS4 make any noises.
  24. I'm also sporting a red jacket. *brofist*
  25. Speaking of immigration:
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