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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I totally remember the Rob Roy Trailer. That was fantastic. I also remember Liam Neeson cutting a guy in half.
  2. That's really not how it works. I mean, apart from the grammar mistake, that reads like something a dumb parent wrote because they didn't understand why their child was being held accountable for actions. Your child may have been completely justified in hitting back, but the school still has to hold him or her accountable. I hit an 8th grader who had bullied me all year long when I was a 7th grader. He was pushing me in the back, and I turned around and swung. Amazingly I connected and gave him a great big shiner. This was a formative moment in my life and I don't regret it, but I also completely understand getting suspended. There are consequences to actions, even when justifiable. You can rarely be held too accountable. My daughter got suspended for spraining the wrist of another girl a couple weeks ago. In the end, it seemed to be a bit of an overreaction by the administration. She was wrestling with a friend and the friend got hurt. The friend wasn't upset at my daughter, but apparently other kids made it sound like my daughter hurt her on purpose. At the end of the day though, it was more important that we teach our daughter about accountability than make excuses for her. So the lesson here is that the Hurlshots get in trouble a lot.
  3. You don't get filthy rich by overpaying on investments though. They aren't going to get a Bioware type offer.
  4. To clarify, the Xbox store sells games for the PC and Xbox. You buy it once and can play it on either platform. I'm not sure if that wokrs for all titles, but I think it applies to all Microsoft exclusive ones. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/xbox-play-anywhere
  5. Kind of par for the course for this type of property. I mean, why did all my advanced tech disappear when I went under the sea in Terror from the Deep? Why am I shooting a harpoon when I had plasma guns and spaceships in the original?
  6. Microsoft seems to have figure that out with their Play Anywhere program, although I'm not sure if it has proven to be profitable for them.
  7. For me, new Xcom 1 did a good job of filling the void of the original Xcom games, while new Xcom 2 did a good job filling the void of a decent Jagged Alliance game. Not quite an exact comparison, but I've been extremely happy with what Firaxis has done. Even better is the fact that it was popular enough to get a bunch of new entries into the genre.
  8. My guess is Hamill was fairly affordable, given his previous relationship with Roberts. Gary Oldman is the only one that would seem to really break the bank in that cast, although the sheer amount of recognizable names is a bit surprising. Come on, it's not that bad. Always the optimist, Malc.
  9. Well it looks like it will be at least as good as the Wing Commander movie.
  10. Not sure, it is just a classic waffle iron.
  11. Dead State was a fantastic find for me as well. I am not sure what Double Bear is doing at this point, but I hope they release another game soon.
  12. Xenonauts fits the old style pretty well if you are looking for it though, so give that a spin.
  13. Huh, I liked the battles of Fallout Tactics well enough. Didn't quite have the depth of JA2 or Xcom, but it had some good moments.
  14. Not to be crass, but are you referring to her looks? I don't really get that. I mean, she's a nice looking girl, but I'd hardly say that her looks stand out. Kelly Clarkson makes similar music, would you dismiss her as well? Beiber is a very different case. Sonic already explained well enough, but he is still putting out good music despite it being more about his producers. It just isn't music you like. Again, that is not a problem. Not everything has to be created for your tastes. But it is arrogant to assume that means it is bad. Despacito is super catchy though, so you are missing out on that one. Kind of makes me think of how I love Guns n' Roses, but I know Axle is a total tool. I'm not even sure if I would say he was talented, but he made great music with that band.
  15. Actually agree with Sonic here. The idea that an artist who has dominated multiple genres of music both as a writer and a performer is not good is ridiculous. I may not be the target audience of her work, but it would be arrogant of me to dismiss Taylor Swift as an artist.
  16. I've spent my life using Bisquick for waffles and pancakes. Today we didn't have enough mix, so I decided to make waffles from scratch. I had no vanilla extract, so I subbed in some brown sugar and cinnamon to add sweetness. It came out amazing. I can't believe I went so long without making it from scratch, it was super easy.
  17. Star Traders is great and a lot more stable than Pathfinder, but they don't compare much in terms of gameplay.
  18. It could also just be a game about the city. But don't stop with the canon guys, I am learning a lot.
  19. Huh, had no idea Amazon was developing games. Well I'd love to see a decent MMO after so many years, but the survival/pvp aspect seems less interesting to me.
  20. My favorite AssCreed was the one set in Constantinople. I felt like I had stepped into history.
  21. Today I did a big climb. 3500 feet over about an 8 mile stretch. It was ridiculous. I kept turning the corner thinking this must be it, I must be at the top, but then it would keep climbing. I got to the top and the guy who was leading said, alright, let's get back down before our legs get cold. What the hell. Overall I did a good 50 mile ride, but that one stretch of climbing was just a killer. I did hit 44 miles per hour on the way down, so that was cool. There were also a lot of tarantulas and deer on the road. Again, it was ridiculous.
  22. Why do you feel the need to tear stuff down? It comes across as very negative. I'm excited about a new Hellboy as well, but I didn't like your post because of the negativity.
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