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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Luckily I don't really get many of them out here in California. Not ideal that we really only have one party in California, but it does keep the ads simple. I mean half of our election are between two democrats instead of one from each party.
  2. It's pretty funny to think that someone with more grand slam titles than any player in history is entitled. You don't need the 'en' there. She is fully titled.
  3. I finished my first 70.3 Ironman today in Santa Cruz. It was a huge event, almost 2000 competitors and some of best pros in the country. I felt great on the swim. It is 1.2 miles around the pier and it was beautiful. I finished about 3 minutes faster than I expected. Then you run up the beach and it is about a half mile to the transition. I was pretty slow in the transition area, wanted to take my time to make sure I was warm and comfortable before hitting the bike. The first ten miles were chilly in fog, but then as we got further along, it warmed up. The climbs helped. I felt very good about my bike time, getting the 56 miles done in just under 3 hours. Again, beautiful ride along the coast. I got onto the run with a goal of keeping the half marathon under two hours. I started strong, but it got hard from about mile 3 until 9. Then it kicked in that I was going to make it, and I got faster enough to finish in 1:58. Total time was 5:49. I spent about an hour afterwards shaking and struggling with nausea, but a couple trips to the bathroom and some time made that go away. Now I'm sore and sunburned, but feeling pretty good about my race.
  4. It isn't? I've never paid more than the initial cost of the game, and still play a round or two. My son plays it too.
  5. This is remarkably optimistic of you. It's sports, don't expect people to be reasonable.
  6. Not too surprising. I support the protest, but Kap himself isn't really some role model. He could find a job in football if he accepted backup pay, but he wants starter money. I am sure the protest is limiting his options, but his salary expectation is also a factor.
  7. I'm guessing not too many Obama voters voted for Trump. Based on the numbers, it seems more like they simply didn't vote at all.
  8. I think I got about a dozen hours into Amalur. It was kind of weird that when they went bankrupt, I was like, 'well no reason to get invested in this universe'.
  9. Source? Google turns up nothing. Yeah, I tried to find it too. Doesn't sound like anything I remember being said.
  10. Huh, thought that was one of the better things it had going. As an aside, apparently Salavatore didn't get paid for his work on the game. He was owed 2 million and they went belly up before that was paid. He decided not to sue. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/editorials/interviews/12450-Curt-Schilling-Did-Nothing-Wrong-at-38-Studios-Salvatore-Says Edit: I haven't read Salvatore in 20 years, but I remember his books being fun and easy adventures to read. Seems perfect for a video game writer.
  11. Huh, well it was a neat universe, so I'd play another Amular game. As for the new Tolkien MMO, I won't hold my breath. LoTRO was released at the height of the MMO genre by a studio that was at the top of its game. I doubt a f2p attempt by an unknown studio in Hong Kong is going to get anywhere near the original. edit: Also must be cured, the TOR video did nothing for me.
  12. EVE was doing ok under CCP in my opinion, maybe even because their monetasitation scheme, don't see need to change it The game was 15 years old, and they've failed to launch anything else of note during that time. My guess is their money is slowly running out and they needed to do something.
  13. You guys are making me nervous. I'm biking up highway 1 this weekend, so let's hope this conversation isn't prophetic.
  14. I've heard good things about Black Desert Online though. I didn't dig the style, but maybe they'll do right by EVE.
  15. Clearly I need to pay closer attention when I watch Law and Order, schooled by Grommie and GD. But as to this question, if I get killed accidentally by a motorist, or if I get murdered, it is still the same philosophical quandary. Why is one not as bad as the other? It doesn't matter to my family.
  16. I'm curious how many insiders and former insiders it will take before Trump supporters actually believe that things are not going well in the administration. I mean, my guess is it doesn't matter how many, but I do wonder if there is a tipping point.
  17. Motive is looked at in every case though. There is a big jump from manslaughter to murder. Also you don't have to delve to deep into the head of a racially or gender motivated killer. They tend to be more than happy to share their motives on social media and often have nice tattoos to make it really clear. edit: I do agree somewhat with you. Hate crime laws are an attempt to change a culture where lynch mobs and racial injustice was common place. At some point we should be far enough along as a society to not need them. I'm not sure if we are there, but I'd like to believe it.
  18. Not sure about Carr being 13 or 14. He had a down year last season, but he's still relatively young and has a pretty solid resume already. Most of the guys I'd rank ahead of him are in their mid-30's, so who knows what he will become in the next couple seasons?
  19. I've got a bit of a hectic week leading into my first half ironman on Sunday. My daughter has dance tryouts all week and my son start hockey Friday, so it's going to be busy. I'm also getting the RV back tomorrow after its first time out as a rental, so I'm pretty nervous to see what shape it is in. But I've done the training, so I'm not too nervous about the race. More like antsy to get out there and get it done.
  20. Almost done with Jack Ryan on Amazon. It's a pretty solid use of the IP. John Krasinsky (not Ted Kaczynski) is a pretty good version of Ryan, with a believable mix of nerdiness and manliness. I look forward to more.
  21. So I guess Nike has launched an ad campaign with Colin Kaepernick, which is an interesting choice. People are now burning their Nike's in protest, and this was the best response to that I saw.
  22. Apparently the flag is shown in a bunch of shots, so this might just be a bunch of hullabaloo. The first steps and the speech Armstrong gave would seem to be the big moments from a historical perspective. Also I love Gosling as an actor, but like all Hollywood types, why do we care about their opinions? Celebrity is not a sign of intelligence.
  23. I'm pretty sure he planted an MTV flag, not a US one.
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