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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I have some people on ignore because there posts are so great, I like to reveal them like some sort of surprise. It builds up the moment.
  2. We all know you wouldn't. Another false claim. Super sleuth on the case. You are correct, I will not be sending a bunch of insurance paperwork to you, despite our wonderful internet friendship here on this video game forum. That would be really weird.
  3. Watched Tag with my wife. Pretty funny, but also a bit more heartwarming than expected. It was good. Reading about the true story behind it was even better.
  4. Speaking of COBRA, we had to pay for it when my wife transitioned from personal training to student teaching. It was outrageously expensive, particularly since we were bringing in barely anything in substitute teacher pay and still actually paying for college. But if we didn't do it, we not only ran the risk of not being covered, but also could be turned down for coverage when we started employment. What a racket. I'm hoping that has changed a bit over the last 15 years. Now we just pay like $800 a month to cover the family while our employer chips in twice that. Plus deductibles, co-pays, and a bunch of other fees. Yay freedom. Sharpie, I'll send you the statements so you can verify the story. I know you worry.
  5. It's a good thing we have our resident US Health care expert Sharpie here to sniff out these fake stories. Well we cannot count on our resident teacher to know an obvious fake, can we? Nah, the resident teacher would tell you that a random facebook post is not really evidence of anything and is not worth picking apart.
  6. It's a good thing we have our resident US Health care expert Sharpie here to sniff out these fake stories.
  7. I'm just so puzzled by this sentence. I mean, it comes across as forced, rather than a game recommendation. Anyways, added to my wishlist, so thanks for the heads up.
  8. Geez, kick 'em while their down, Mr. Ocelot. It is a bummer that a developer committed to a struggling genre like adventure has gone belly up.
  9. Yeah, it's a comic book movie guys. Relax.
  10. Personally I loved the linearity in the second half, because at that point I was ready to finish the game and wanted a straight shot. But yeah, it was a buggy mess and played better after the enhanced version came out.
  11. I gave up on that series because, despite the commercials and hype to the contrary, I actually found stickhandling and making highlight reel dekes even more difficult than in older versions. I still kind of prefer the old buttons for shots, and the stick for stickhandling because often times with the new setup, I find myself taking a weak shot on net when what I'm trying to do is deke the goalie out. I'm not a skill stick fan either. This version has 3 different modes. You can play with classic NHL '94 buttons, a hybrid, or full skill stick.
  12. NHL '19 is pretty slick. I haven't bought one in years, and it seems like they've made some pretty big improvement in all the modes across the board.
  13. Not sure if any of these grid style party RPG's do that well in terms of sales, so it's not a big shocker that it won't sell millions. Still it is a bummer to hear it is not good.
  14. I played through the first zone a couple times, but always lost interest after that. Which was plenty of play for my money, to be honest.
  15. Smart man, most people thought Pillars was going to be the next BG2 and look what happened lol Not sure who was saying that, but Pillars 2 was well received and seems to be a positive step forward for the franchise.
  16. Thanks for the heads up. This makes me wanna continue this Canadian desolation bonanza some day. I just recall that I almost died to a wolf straight away, I had to bolt back into that car. It's really quite good. I'm playing on the easy difficulty, so wolves are pretty easy to scare away. But the narrative is very compelling. I'm in the town of Milton dealing with the first NPC I've met, and it seems like they've really created a good campaign to go with the survival sim aspect.
  17. At first I was like, "How can they remake Mary Poppins?" and I went into the trailer super skeptical. By they end I was teary-eyed and giggly, so I think I'm on board.
  18. Somehow I missed out on the fact that The Long Dark has a nice story campaign now. I'm playing through it and it is a really nice experience. I enjoyed it as a little survival sim back when I bought it, but having a reason to live is nice.
  19. Not sure about Carr being 13 or 14. He had a down year last season, but he's still relatively young and has a pretty solid resume already. Most of the guys I'd rank ahead of him are in their mid-30's, so who knows what he will become in the next couple seasons? Yeah, I don't think Carr is the problem with the Raiders.
  20. Got a pretty nice swim in this early AM after a fairly rough week of feeling worn out. Clearly I need to make sure I'm getting some recovery time in, since I've basically spent 9 months ramping up the exercise regimen. But it's nice to be able to lean on the swim when the biking and the running get tough. Also I've been working on the RV to get it read for another rental. I had to replace a leaky waste valve. I'm super excited I was able to do it myself, but it was also really gross and I was worried I got pink eye. It's working great now, so yay. I don't believe I will let anyone take it to Burning Man next year, but it was good money.
  21. I think it's funny that you guys act like colleges haven't always been breeding grounds for strange social experiments. Terminology changes doesn't mean college campuses are much different than they were in the 60's. It's also good to keep some perspective. Even the most liberal college in the world, UC Berkeley, is still going to have a ton of students, departments, and professors working on more practical academics than these stories would have you believe.
  22. Ok, I do think it is a bit silly to clap for myself, but airline pilots are in charge of a massive piece of metal filled with hundreds of people flying through the air at a high rate of speed. Every time they gently glide it down to the ground and we don't all die, they deserve some applause.
  23. Which would be a reasonable assumption. I don't think anyone would have predicted how well The Witcher series has done. The first game had a troubled development and as using an already outdated Aurora engine. CD Projekt seems to be using real witchcraft.
  24. I suppose I misspoke. Yes, it is more the Bay Area than California as a whole.
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