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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. You could try the new adult games on Steam. Nothing but happy endings there. Gross and hilarious. For Tale, I've played through the first Banner Saga twice, so I'd recommend it. Fenix explained it perfectly. There are some interesting choices to make that have consequences throughout the trilogy, so I like that aspect. I actually think the turn based combat is a bit flawed (how the turns are handled) but I still tend to enjoy it. My favorite storyline is the Rook/Allette one, so make sure you play long enough to get to know them a bit.
  2. Yeah, that's what sticks with me. This job interview has gone terrible but they seem pretty dead set on giving him the job. Come on hurlie, didn't you repeatedly say you loved beer and start crying when you got interviewed to be a teacher? You jest, but my beer podcast would probably get ripped to shreds if I was up for a high profile job.
  3. That music is perfect. Not sure if it is enough to get me to do a 3rd playthrough yet.
  4. Yeah, that's what sticks with me. This job interview has gone terrible but they seem pretty dead set on giving him the job.
  5. I need more happy games. I've been playing The Long Dark and it is pretty dreary, and then I did a run through the Banner Saga everything is hopeless. Star Control makes me smile, so I'll probably stick with that for a bit.
  6. It's because he is a better actor. Although it seems like it would be a lot healthier to just act fat.
  7. I would definitely recommend a controller for any Assassin's Creed games. They are all pretty good at the exploring a historical period aspect of gaming so hopefully you enjoy that.
  8. I'd imagine there would still be plenty of options for hobbyists and enthusiasts. I mean, you don't get to take horse on the freeways and it is rare for them to be used in busy city centers, but there are still plenty of places to ride them.
  9. It seems weird to me that everyone wants to pit POE and Pathfinder against each other. There is plenty of room for both to succeed, and it makes for a richer genre. Just enjoy both.
  10. You wouldn't be driving, and the truck would likely communicate with the cars around it as it switched lanes.
  11. People will never pay attention in traffic though. If all cars are self driving, then the odds of something unexpected happening go down significantly. Auto-driving systems can be improved while human attention spans just seem to be getting worse.
  12. Class act by the Twins letting Joe Mauer, another class act, catch in possibly his final game. Look forward to seeing him in the HoF.
  13. Yeah, self driving cars can't come soon enough. Don't worry Keyrock, your job is still safe. Someone still needs to sit in front of the computer and tell it where to go. ;-)
  14. There is a lot more to it than that. I'll have to see if I can find my handy video on how the High School graduation path has changed over the last century.
  15. Yeah, it isn't really the teachers pushing that agenda. Nobody listens to me when I talk about trade schools.
  16. Although the tone he struck seems terribly bizarre for a judge, someone who is supposed to be impartial and rational, it is what has worked for Trump in his Presidency. I guess it is the new normal.
  17. Yeah, I'm not a fan of comparing sexual assault to cheating on a test. Let's keep in mind that Gorsuch got in. It was still a bipartisan mess of a confirmation, but he was clean. As should anyone that is given a lifetime seat on our highest court. Again, you believe her or you don't. You can try and make it a more complicated issue of politics and grandstanding, but at the end of the day sexual assault is extremely serious and should be taken as so. I agree it sucks that every nomination gets destroyed by the process, but understand that Ford is also going to get destroyed by the process. Which is why I find her completely believable. She knows what this will lead to and is still willing to testify. This isn't some celebrity obsessed with the spotlight, this is a women with a family, a community and a career, and she is risking all of that to confront the man who assaulted her. She has my full sympathy and support.
  18. Alright, I'm convinced. Kavanaugh does not deserve to be a Supreme Court Justice. You either believe Ford or you don't. If you believe her, then I do not believe there is any way you can justify giving him a seat on the highest court in the land, regardless of politics.
  19. "Dumb politics"? Nice way to be condescending but aloof. You and sharpie have more in common than you think. Well I didn't really go into details, but I would think you would agree that Brad Wardell's commentary is dumb. But really, there is an entire team of developers and artists that worked on a game that I am interested in, and I buy games to support those people who poured years of their lives into these projects, rather than the business folks who are focused on maximizing profits. That holds true for every game I purchase. If that means me and Sharpie are peas in a pod, then so be it.
  20. Man, I'm really torn between buying Pathfinder or Star Control. Both look great, and I don't care about dumb politics and play on easy so balance isn't a big deal. Which do I get?
  21. That does sound unfair, so I'm not sure what you were expecting. I mean, do you understand what unfair means?
  22. It's weird to hear you two talk about Weekend at Bernie's like it isn't a super well known comedy. It's a pretty popular pop culture reference.
  23. I read everything Lloyd Alexander growing up. Always preferred him to CS Lewis. Black Cauldron was also the first game I fell in love with. I played the game first, then read the books.
  24. Robin Hobb is my favorite fantasy author. Fitz isn't really the most likeable character, but he does some crazy cool stuff over the 9 or so books that cover his entire life. Still, her Soldier's Son trilogy is even better at making an unlikeable character that I want to know the full story behind. I loved David Gemmel books back in the day too.
  25. Or did they? They got a lot of attention. Curious to see if it helped their bottom line
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