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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Perfect. He should really be able to nail the complete lack of emotion that Geralt puts off in the games.
  2. Nobody puts their name in giant gold letters on tall buildings without having a pretty hefty dose of narcissism.
  3. Everyone I've ever met that works with animals is way better at animal empathy than human. Not that I'm judging, they found the right career for that.
  4. I jumped back into my game of Subnautica and realized I had done everything I wanted already. I had a beautiful habitat with great decorations. I had a neat submarine parked outside. I mean, yeah, I could try and cure the virus and all that, but I think I'm happy just living out in the ocean in my own sustainable environment.
  5. The post doesn't really go into statistics, rather it is clearly just an informal observation. Although if bullying is a leading factor in mass shooting, which is a narrative used often, it is fairly logical to think that there would be more kids that fit the classical bullied stereotype committing these shootings. Where are the overweight mass shooters?
  6. The quote about being off the record is fun. I'm not sure there is such a thing as 'off the record' once you become President.
  7. Then I wouldn't have been able to comment it before. Ah, you're correct. Well then, injurai is guilty.
  8. Except for the Virginia Tech shooter. And the Triad. And the Yakuza. But yes, I agree with Volo on the stereotype.
  9. To be fair, Sharpie may be on moderated status, which means his post pops up on a delay. So injurai is probably innocent.
  10. Yep, although much like the backup cameras, you'd have to figure a good solution would also help with other issues involved with driving.
  11. Man, I can't even function unless I'm getting a solid 7-8 hours every night. I've been feeling pretty good leading up to my Half Ironman next week, but then I sneezed and everything hurts. Welcome to 40.
  12. Plus everyone should read the book, If Chins Could KIll.
  13. Thanks, Mr. Grammar. Seems like a common seat sensor would solve the environmental impact issue. We already get dinged at when we don't put on our seat belts.
  14. Well you need to remember Sharpie is both an expert on solar panels, electrical engineering, and empathy. So he must be right.
  15. Sounds like a clue to me. What stuff will help with the eels?
  16. You clearly need to follow up on that Malc. Might just be a fetch quest, but it also might connect to the main plot.
  17. Sleep deprivation and exhaustion, usually. I'm not sure anyone who has not raised children can really comprehend the constant focus it takes when they are infants. It's a 24/7 job to keep them alive in the early years, and even as they age, there is a constant fear factor when doing things we take for granted as adults. Throw in all the distractions and other responsibilities of the modern world, and it's pretty daunting. I have to remind my 8-year old to poop regularly. Having a special needs child is even more of a stress. Imagine, that parent has spent the last 11 years being completely focused on keeping the child alive. It's tragic that such a small mistake has such devastating consequences.
  18. To be fair, he probably wouldn't have been a pilot in the first place, so we are dealing with some big what-ifs.
  19. Anyone who can fly a plane is magical to me. The smear campaign for McCain is ridiculous though. Over 5 years as a POW? People complain on the internet when a game gets delayed for a couple months. Have some perspective.
  20. Not really surprising. McCain was often humble and respected by many sides, Trump is the exact opposite.
  21. I don't think it is a huge leap to assume mental health was part of that, given his actions. I could always be wrong, maybe he was well adjusted.
  22. Yesterday I went out and did my second ocean swim with this group in Monterey. They are called the Kelp Krawlers, here is a good video of what they do: So I did that swim to the buoy last time in pretty choppy water, and it was tough. I struggled and stuck to breast stroke most of the time. It was about a mile total. Yesterday they went along the coast instead, and it was a very different experience. First off, I felt strong swimming front crawl the whole time and was able to stay with swimmers better. I got a bit of a headache at first from the cold, but it went away after a couple minutes and I as comfortable. It was crazy navigating through the kelp maze, and I had to crawl over a few patches to stay with the group. I kept thinking about how Subnautica makes this seems much easier. I went a bit too wide and ended up swimming way more than I expected to get to a little rocky outcropping out in the middle of the coast that they stop at. At this point I'd swam about 1600 yards. I felt good, but I could tell I was getting colder, so we turned around and I tried to make sure my line was straighter. I was watching a guy about twenty yards ahead of me and realized that a seal was swimming right between us. Off to the side a bunch of birds were staring at us from the rocks, and underneath me were giant kelp trees. It was a fairly ridiculous situation, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity. I got way cold about 45 minutes in and made a beeline for a beach. I ended up with about 2500 yards total, but my watch quit on me on the way back, so I'm guessing. It was crazy, but I should be ready for my half ironman swim in 2 weeks.
  23. Sadly another mental health situation that will be dominated by bickering over guns.
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