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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. There you go Volo, one more for the right wing list.
  2. The next paragraph says: Then it gives caveats. But I suppose this is just a case of how perspective affects the way we look at data.
  3. Maybe Google "immigration cost US"? Nah...here the link: Do immigrants cost U.S. taxpayers $300 billion annually? That article does not support your claim. It calls it a half-truth.
  4. I've never seen economic data that agrees with you. This was a fun find. Amazing how progressive Bush looks compared to Trump: https://www.bushcenter.org/publications/resources-reports/reports/immigration.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwguDeBRDCARIsAGxuU8ZKF8rI0ehE7iZz7V9Z490M0CByqseFABhYImVhKvRSF1KjvbFAXigaAk1TEALw_wcB
  5. Why? Honestly I scratch my head over why it should be difficult to get citizenship. Are we overpopulated? Is it bad for the economy?
  6. I was curious as well, but it will have to wait until I have the house to myself.
  7. In Red Dead Redemption 2, I let an injured war vet hug me and lifted a horse off a lady. I also cheated at an accuracy contest and fought some people. Oh, I hunted some animals and browsed the latest catalogues. I also brushed my horse, got a haircut, took a bath (without the extra, since the kids were home) and ate a good stew. Then I read some books. Oh and I polished my gun. This game has a tremendous amount of stuff to do. Also my horse has been pooping a lot and I might need to adjust his diet.
  8. Red Bruce is the new name for SonicMage. I assume the red is for Republican, not Communism.
  9. Rational people don't shoot up synagogues.
  10. Well monsters are fantasy, but okey dokey.
  11. I don't know, I read an article in Game Informer and it makes it sounds a lot more like a regular RPG than all the buzz that is floating around. I will probably wait for some real reviews. edit: It sounds like quest will mostly be through atmospheric storytelling, aka tapes and computers. Considering I think that is what Bethesda is best at, I'm willing to give it a chance. Honestly I tend to hate all their NPC's anyways. Diamond City was filled with annoying people.
  12. I'm not sure about the whole playoff choker thing, but there is an expectation that the greatest players in the world can elevate their game when the stakes are highest. Kershaw is a HoF pitcher and will be remembered for being great, but he is also going to be remembered for not getting it done in the postseason. It's going to tarnish is legacy. Price, on the other hand, has improved his legacy with this run. I never saw Ovechkin and a playoff underperformer. He has 117 points in 121 games.
  13. I'd imagine a lot of people are excited for Fallout 76. I will probably buy it even with my reservations. At the end of the day I still put 80 hours into Fallout 4.
  14. People like this should be horsewhipped. Sure, that's a ridiculous reaction to a ridiculous costume choice.
  15. I like the historical figure justification. Smooth.
  16. So your response to a crazy person is to exterminate them. That doesn't sound crazy at all.
  17. Well I guess some people see it as an insurance policy against the apocalypse. I shouldn't talk though, I am eyeing a $5k road bike.
  18. This question is about a decade too late. Don't worry, though, it's going to happen on consoles, too. It happens on consoles all the time. The Wii U games are pretty worthless if you upgrade to the Switch, unless you want to a bunch of different consoles around just to play a couple older titles. Nintendo is the master of repackaging their core titles for a new system and making the audience pay full price for it, and they almost never go down in price. On the PC, if I need to re-buy an older title, I can usually get it pretty cheap at least. But really, I'm not all that worried about losing access to a game I bought in the past. I barely have time to play the new games. If a game is important enough for me to want to replay it a decade later, then I usually don't mind dropping a few bucks to play a remastered version. They are just games. I have plenty of products that don't age well, and games are on that list.
  19. I believe the story was RDR1 had some major coding issues.
  20. Huh, I had GTA V on ps4 and pc, and preferred the pc version. More to do with my cheap tv and just being more comfortable, but it ran great on the pc for me.
  21. Geez, maybe it's time for another tone it down a notch movement. I mean, I get that these are crazy people, but they are crazy people being bombarded with hyperbolic politics every day.
  22. There is a lot of button uses for each task due to the amount of tasks your character can do it seems. It definitely is one of the best representation of playing a cowboy from that era it seems. I can see why some people would dislike this game after coming from any other open world game, like AC Odyssey where you don’t have to go through two steps to do most things. Not to a detriment, but to a degree of realism. RDR 2 so far for me has been a good chill experience to relax to and enjoy the ride/experience instead of just go from one question mark to the next. At least so far. Oh I didn't mean to imply I dislike the game. So far it is great. I just haven't mastered the controls. Probably get less stressful after I get past the tutorial type parts.
  23. Shingles are fading away and I had a great bike ride today. I ended up climbing up a portion of a road that was gravel, and it was a bit slippery with my road bike, but as long as I stayed in my saddle and kept turning pedals, I was safe. Ended up with about a 40 mile ride with some good climbing. We were at a really good market with an actual butcher, so I called my wife for a ride and bought some Chicken Apricot sausages for dinner.
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