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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Geez, I better stop naming my horses after my children.
  2. Again, either companies look to pull in money via more than just straight sales, or they end up increasing the price of the games. No one wants $250 games, so we end up with all sorts of other expenses. Subs are better than loads of microtransactions and dlc's, in my eyes.
  3. I didn't even know the horse could die permanently. I used that revive shot on mine one time. Also, go get a treasure map. Life is much easier with a couple grand in the bank. I never worry much about paying bounties anymore.
  4. You always want to pay the same price for that game as you did in the 80's, despite the fact development costs and expectations of quality have increased tremendously.
  5. There are a few ways Sony (and all these other companies) can recoup the cost of running dedicated servers, since your ISP isn't kicking them any money. They can raise prices on hardware, software, subscription model, or microtransactions. Sub model is usually the best deal for a consumer.
  6. As long as you got a good jury, GD, you'd be fine. People hate those door to door missionaries.
  7. Five bucks a month seems pretty reasonable for access to a bunch of games and online services. I don't have an interest in it myself, but they are offering a service. I am not sure what price point you folks think would be fair.
  8. If WoD came out anything like the Shadowrun games, I would be jazzed.
  9. What is in a Chuckwagon Sandwich? Might just be a regional name. I just bought a 22 pound turkey at Costco for $8, so we are making that tomorrow after brining it overnight.
  10. This is the thread that convinced me I would be making a dumb mistake if I really left the forums. Drinking a Luponic Distortion from Firestone. It's not their best. I am also awaiting the release of Fireside Chat by 21st Amendment.
  11. Highly expansionistic is really a matter of opinion though. I doubt the refugee caravans fleeing Central and South America, or the refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq, see it as some new colonial era. They just want to get away from the bombs, the violence, and the starvation. Not haha funny, maybe better for the political thread.
  12. Observation: Volourn and Jim Carey might be the same person. Has anyone seen them together at the same time?
  13. Well I would be thankful for that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  14. I've been thinking about leaving the forum. That SonicMage guy pretty much spams every thread with his negative garbage. I think he's accounting for about 30 percent of all activity lately. I reported him over the gay bashing stuff and it didn't seem to matter, so maybe it's time I take a break. I find myself typing posts and then deleting them because I don't want to engage with the troll, which just seems like a big waste of time. I'm sure I'll lurk around every now and then, take care folks.
  15. Ballad of Buster Scruggs was fantastic.
  16. I would love a graphical rebott of Krondor. Even at release it looked a bit silly.
  17. I still liked Cruise as Reacher, so I worry about who they think can fill that role. I mean, I loved the new Jack Ryan, but it helps that Krasinski fits the role very well.
  18. Fallout 76 is pretty dang bleak so far. Also these audio tapes are waaaaaaaaay too long. I mean all of them.
  19. Alright, so I got about n hour in Fallout 76 before I had to head to work. It feels a lot like an MMO. It ran really well during my brief time (on my PC) so that was good to see after hearing about technical issues. Plays pretty much exactly like Fallout 4. I think I like the trait setup better than Fallout 4, with a card system that seems a bit more dynamic. Still very early to give much more than that though.
  20. Going off topic is a natural part of having conversations, in real life or on a forum.
  21. This morning I got an email at 4:30 AM letting me know that the air quality was good enough to lap swim at the pool I go to. So I dragged my butt out to swim in sub-40 degree weather (for you celsius people, that is chilly.) It's basically a mental fight to get out of the house, get out of the car, and get out of the locker room. Then I get in the water pretty quickly because it is warmer than standing on the deck, and once I get a few laps in I start to appreciate the experience. Sometimes it is wonderful and I settle into a rhythm while the sun rises up from the hills nearby. Somedays I splash around like I'm drowning.
  22. I'd say it depends on what you are looking for. If you want a stable, long-term tenant, you are better off having a relationship with them. Leasing agents are typically going to expect to raise rent with every new lease, regardless of market conditions. It's not really in their best interests to keep tenants in long-term. I've rented out and been a renter, and it's been a lot smoother dealing directly with the tenants as a landlord, and dealing with the landlord as a renter. But I also only had one unit and I lived close enough to get over their easily to do work.
  23. I'm always amazed how people wear their dislike as some sort of badge of honor. Life is short, enjoy it as much as you can.
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