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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Drinking a great Mexican Hot Chocolate beer stout from Fieldwork while my son plays ice hockey. My back is a bit tight from heavy swim sessions the last two weeks, but this beer is helping. Thank goodness for a sports bar overlooking the ice. My wife is stuck at a Nutcracker performance for my daughter, so I clearly pulled the right duty for the night.
  2. Of course if you have artists designing those vanity items for you individually, and they are existing in the game uniquely, it would make sense that type of personalized experience will cost an arm and a leg.
  3. I'm sure there is a sweet spot, but that is never going to be the focus of a company. They want to find the sweet spot that gets people to pay them, and rightly so, they aren't in it for charity. That's why I've always preferred subscription models. I pay a flat rate and the company still has to cater to my interests as a customer moving forward. Sadly that model is in decline.
  4. Of course, both GTA and RDR offer fantastic single player campaigns that don't cost extra and have a tremendous amount of content.
  5. Melkathi guilted me into buying Mutant: Year Zero. So far it is excellent. I like the mix of exploration and combat. Took me a bit to get used to the movement, seems more geared toward a controller, but it was a short adjustment time.
  6. Someone's bitter. That had to have been made by someone who has never had a relationship. Either that or a ruined Sugar Daddy.
  7. Not that I think many even take on private investors, but investing in video game companies seems to be a pretty risky proposition. Unless you get in on the ground floor before some indie studio blows up, it would seem to be a good way to lose money, or at least not gain much. Also I have a hard time believing the OP is in a position to invest meaningfully in a billion dollar industry if he is posting for details on an obscure video game forum. But maybe I've grown cynical.
  8. Hey, I am trying to be good and wait until X-Mas. ;-)
  9. He has been around since 2014 and just dumps dumb stuff and leaves, so he might actually predate a couple of those.
  10. Hey, it's based on a pretty scant amount of historical evidence. Gotta fill the pages somehow.
  11. Yeah, I've got to blame growing up on my lack of co-op sessions in gaming nowadays. Although my son and I can get some good co-op time in on both his Switch and my PS4. Honestly I remember a lot of wasted nights trying to get our LAN configurations to work as well.
  12. Does he get that sentence if he isn't a racist?
  13. Racists just can't get a break in this country. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-virginia-protests/life-in-prison-looms-for-neo-nazi-in-virginia-protest-killing-idUSKBN1OA1I0
  14. So At the Gates looks like it will actually see the light of day. I wrote this one off, but it doesn't look too shabby. That means the only Kickstarter project that hasn't delivered is the Space Quest guys.
  15. Will your face atone for looking like a butt? Um, I mean welcome back Monte.
  16. You have to pay Microsoft for a bigger message box. Just kidding, it has always been tiny.
  17. Bethesda also kicks puppies, so these reactions are totally reasonable.
  18. Went for an early morning run/bike in the cold, and now I'm upstairs relaxing and hiding out while my wife and daughter have a Girl Scouts meeting. I was too tired to do much other than watch TV, and I stumbled upon this Gamer's Choice Awards show. You know, I love video games. I've played them my entire life. I am fascinated by the history of the early gaming companies and how they turned it into such a big industry. I love reading about the development process and all that goes into making games today. But I just don't get the gaming culture. I'm watching this show and I just find awkward and obnoxious. Like they have these hosts who describe the games, and it is just not believable that they have any idea what they are talking about. Some young kid comes out in a tie, but he's got the shirt untucked and is wearing skinny jeans, and I'm like, what? Why is there a DJ? Why is Snoop Dogg getting an award? I mean, the trailers are nice, but holy moly. Maybe I'm just an old fart who doesn't understand kids these days.
  19. man how cool is this guy telling people how little he cares and thinks, don't strain yourself typing a sentence there tony twist man some might say i care to much about punchuation and stuff but those people are wack
  20. I'm a bit surprised at the list of what they are excluding, or maybe I'm not understanding the context. Nutritional therapy? Good nutrition would seem to be just about as important as it gets for maintaining health. I'm also pretty sure vitamins and human movement have plenty of research to back them up as important for maintaining health.
  21. I'm not sure I buy the whole idea that RPG's need to have choices when it comes to story. I can think of a number of traditional RPG's that give you little choice when it comes to fighting bosses and advancing the main quests. I guess maybe you can call it more of an action-RPG, but really RDR2 fills a bunch of different genre checkboxes and at the end of the day you are left with a fantastic game.
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